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Everything posted by LauraB

  1. Shouldn't knowing how the deed was done have increased demand?
  2. How were they indentified? Do they all have to wear badges now like the star of David??
  3. Bank chief warns of wave of home repossessions if rates rise More mind-blowing stuff from those in charge http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/jun/27/house-repossessions-wave-interest-rates-rise
  4. More like he knows darn well it's gone, but he isn't going to say that is he. I'm amazed he is still alive.
  5. Two (initial) 1)'Gathering Storm' three posts up? 2) I'm at an age when I'm almost beyond caring. So should I be the one to volunteer to spray the bullets around in a final futile gesture ........ if this 'news' isn't just a load of ykw?
  6. This could be a load of fun. Is your gold squeaky-clean gold? http://www.gold.org/about_gold/sustainability/conflict_free_standards/ I trust the wgc are not considering backdating this
  7. Too soon to start a:'The best of GF' thread? I have my entry lined up
  8. Now come on GF! - This shows an appalling lack of responsibility to your fans Tongue-(firmly)-in-cheek outrageous statement, designed to shock the great one into changing his mind over his posting rate Best wishes GF
  9. Naughty speculators, but silly Bernanke. He should have specified where that free currency was to be spent & where not
  10. & a little more help to maintain that thought arrives.. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/war-speculators-goes-global-shanghai-gold-exchange-hikes-silver-margins-third-time-month Shanghai Gold Exchange Hikes Silver Margins For Third Time In A Month
  11. Earlier I was going to ask why the sudden dive in Ag & Au, but I didn't want to appear even dumber than usual. Thxs Gf, all is now clear - it makes no sense
  12. 'Gold standard in five years' - Gulp! ... subject to Knox audit - Oops. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/steve-forbes-us-will-likely-have-gold-standard-within-next-five-years
  13. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/so-about-speculative-and-undisputed-silver-bubble & if a protracted worldwide class action ever succeeded the payout would be in ....................
  14. http://silverdoctors.blogspot.com/2011/05/silvers-d-day-invasion-we-buy-silver.html June 6th, 2011 Silver’s D-Day Invasion. The day the Silver Liberation Army launches an all out PHYSICAL SILVER BUYING blitzkrieg on the elitist bankers.
  15. One guy with a sandwich board? It's all going to plan beautifully, so far. Peasantry dumbed down; too distracted by constant everyday activity to be able to think straight, (Britain is really good at that, contemplation is to be avoided); & now more divided amongst themselves than they have been for decades (the real triumph of BTL). Sometimes I feel like a grateful refugee here; I can hear my heartbeat.....& the direct taxation is a pittance
  16. You'd soon know if you had! - Though thxs as ever for being so considerate ......... most of the time ;) Merv of the BIS did say sorry for this months ago, so that's OK then... Media brainwashing doesn't help. BBC Radio 4's Money Box with Paul Lewis is about as deep as Mr & Mrs average conservative Britain possibly go? He will talk in depth with 'experts' on many subjects but never on anything non-Sterling related unless it is to rubbish it. PMs have been on twice in the last few months; completely dismissed in a smarmy manner the first time, & its bubble status the second time; though Merryn Somerset-Webb did her best against fixed opposition then, including Lewis of course. Abandon hope all yea savers is the unspoken message of the programme imho.
  17. Sorry Sir, I'm being obscure again. No problem (or complaint) at all. Quite the reverse ...... distant memories of a great guy who started a forum & who galvanised me into doing something about my financial situation with a sharp & deserved remark
  18. When I realised (in 2008) what these barstewards were up to I ran to the arms of one Dr.Bubb for advice & solace, only to be told I was a 'lazy investor' !! Still am, but the Au & Ag 'portfolio' makes me feel a lot happier. House prices 'to fall for the next five years' in longest property slump for a lifetime http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1383668/House-prices-fall-years-longest-property-slump-lifetime.html I prefer Martin Armstrong's 2031. Add in the UK being always behind, so make that 2033...........& how will it otherwise in real terms?
  19. The two bears are here with part 6 on just this point. Pity about the foul language & bowel movement references though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9LcKcXpCDE&feature=player_embedded
  20. Would that explain why Au is going in the same direction Gf?
  21. If I may PD? I'm starting to think we may look back on this point in the future as being the point where the non-property obsessed masses caught on. Reading the 'Debate house prices' part of the UK's mighty MSE forums is a very different universe. Promoting PMs is almost criminal (threads get voted off!), but putting your money in a bank account isn't. A strong BTL bull element doesn't help skewing every other thread, but nothing is done about such pollution. I get the same **** from most expat Brits here, even when I don't want to talk about it! (At gatherings I increasingly seek the refreshing company of middle-aged Germans ).
  22. & so are the egos. There's BTL landlord on MSE now spouting that investing in gold is as immoral as dealing in arms.
  23. A social conscience has dared to creep in, & the MSE bulls are far from happy: Guardian: & there is this amoral, barely believeable *&^%$!! on mse; (be prepared to fall in love with a woman? of delight...& take a Valium): All this is on http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=3192362 & we are up to page 3 now. Beware, the thread is riddled with BTLers. A happy Liberation Day from Portugal
  24. If only one didn't have resistance to learning new tricks; & a new language! What are we all told? 'If you don't understand it, don't do it', but I have a lot of silver (not enough, but a lot ), hence the dilemma. So may I ask how can I learn fast & safely, just for PMs? & sorry to be not adding anything to the discussion, (no change there as usual)
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