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Everything posted by jerpy

  1. Few more mentioned here with a market overview by Merrill McHenry This got my focus though as well as his plays. To what extent is any pending gap between supply and demand reliant on increased demand from new facilities being constructed versus on-going operations of existing nuclear facilities? MM: Here are the stats: World electricity growth is forecast to grow 85% by 2030. Approximately 4%/yr. 435 current reactors supply 370 Gwe and require 78,500 tonnes of uranium oxide 31 reactors under construction-approximately 27 Gwe 222 planned & proposed-187 Gwe Each additional Gwe requires 195 t/year of uranium and 3X for initial load. Uranium production has to ~ double (on current consumption) to offset TENEX end in 2013 (if Russia does not replace any TENEX uranium supplies). Source: World Nuclear Association; Merrill W. McHenry http://www.proactiveinvestors.com.au/compa...arket-2259.html
  2. This in part is being masked at the minute as many people are coming off fixed rate deals and reverting to S.V.R's because they are obviously cheaper. Hang out in the locals, hear the sheeple talk and you will hear many saying they are "better off" to the tune of several hundred pounds depending on their mortgage. All adds to a false sense of security and even encourages some to move. Reality will only hit home with higher unemployment and inflation etc for some.
  3. Reckon China has just endorsed that sentiment somewhat! Good day for CanALaska too. This sector looks likely to get very warm. Anyone following others with drill news due this year and funds to match?
  4. Yes thats very true. I've had a little in the past(edit:gold that is ) without realising why! Still unsure and would never be so presumptous to say I fully understand now, for I don't, but thanks to people here, I acquired a further appetite from a feeling of self preservation and I do feel a little safer.
  5. Found this interesting. Know they don't exactly contribute a great deal but..."El Salvador has become the first country in the world to ban gold mining, thanks in part to opposition from Salvadorean civil society". http://www.ciir.org/progressio/internal/98...d_mining_in_el/
  6. Yes thats why i might consider looking again, but it was an hard lesson before. Didn't lose as such, just all my profits Once bitten.....
  7. Probably because it caused so much pain to some with the online gambling co's Remember riding up on PRTY long time back, but wince as the profits disappeared. Tried to trade leaky stories the U.S was about to relent some time back, in the end i just stayed out in the belief it was a bit dicey. Seem to remember one exec got nailed in the states travelling back to the U.k via America on holiday, that said to me they were serious. Never really looked at the sector since, but just noticing it's back in vogue in the mags. From memory, it wasn't just the U.S that had issues wasn't there some threat to BWIN in Austria, Turkey was a bit dodgy too? Maybe worth a look again, or maybe not.
  8. Does anyone follow Hathor? Became aware of them early last year, but they had so many projects i couldn't get my head round any sort of sense of valuation, so i opted to follow ESO who they joint partner at Carswell with. Thats recently started to come good as a play. Found this review on Hathor aand i'm still struggling to form a view, so i'll flag it up to see if anyone has comments. http://www.midasletter.com/free/Hathor_090508.pdf
  9. You of all should like this as highlights Gord's (EDIT stoopidity) in the table for one....then again it might also make you angry. Three reasons to buy gold from someone who describes himself as NOT a hardcore goldbug http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/why-gold-lo...ve-higher-33588
  10. Like this so thought i'd share it. Ten reasons to buy silver, but the closing bit appeals most "Silver is dirt cheap relative to gold. While there is less above ground silver than gold, silver’s price has rarely been this low compared to gold. The manipulation that explains why silver is so cheap cannot exist in a bona fide physical shortage. If the price stays low, growing numbers of investors buy real silver. That makes it harder for the manipulators to keep the price contained with paper derivatives. Some fret the scam can be continued indefinitely. If it were just a question of printing more money or more paper derivatives, perhaps that might be true. But it’s not about an unlimited supply of paper silver, it’s about a limited supply that guarantees the manipulation will end soon. The termination of controls on the price of silver will be something we look back upon and marvel over how long it existed. Just make sure you are looking back while holding as much real silver as you can". http://www.financialsense.com/fsu/editorials/2009/0416c.html
  11. Nice ashtray and set of coasters
  12. Some buyers are clearly unconcerned by short term though. Spoke to somebody earlier today who gave me this insight into his thinking. Money in the bank makes nothing, money invested in traditional equities makes nothing(more likely losses), money invested in anything else, well i just don't understand he says. So i asked if he thought it would go up in value, he simply didn't care, it's mine, i own it and i don't plan moving he quips. Suppose it's difficult to decide on whether to buy now i teased, it might go down in value, you might be better to wait but then it may be sold. Yes came the reply and my savings could be worth less or gone up in smoke. Oh did mention a few nice precious coins or such ilk, but he'd seen all that noise in the press, looked like someone doing an hard sell, how come if it's so good the price of gold's falling
  13. Yes and i'm waiting for costs to fall, before installing my system.
  14. Then again, Chinese whispers and all that http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/chi...idies-5964.html
  15. That seems to the message, hence my bounce theory, but due to lack of forward visibility, hard to forsee past next month.
  16. Quite a number of builders are seeing so-called green shoots, some contractors are stating April is looking busier than for some time, it was shortly after this time last year everything ground to a halt, so i'm going with the bounce factor rather than sustained recovery. As one fairly sanguine company director put it to me, any property developer thats got anything about them, will be doing something now, this is the run up to easter and the big push to generate interest for the rest of the year. In other words, if they don't do something now, they never will this year, so sites are tentively giving it a go, odd show homes,one or two there, row here, so on. What happens after that is hard to predict, few have forward visibility of more than a month or so. Whatever anyone says, the trade order book never lies and it's not full by a long way yet. Riggers
  17. It's real puzzling to me, i'm tempted to have a play on these as a bit of a no-brainer, but i can't quite fathom out why this is to good to be true. The funds that sold existing stock above $2.50, surely can't be selling and the drift to present levels seems a severe reaction of any disgruntled existing investors. Or am i missing something? Riggers p.s thanks for the reply on silver thread, i'll be giving them a go.
  18. Thanks, helps make my mind up, i'll be giving them a go shortly
  19. Would be very grateful if anybody here could comment on the services of Guernsey Mint? As i'm considering using their storage. http://www.guernseymint.com/bullion-storage/
  20. Ditto ID5's comment and they don't mind personal callers. Friendly and helpful office staff, providing you are not a total ignoramus as to what you require.
  21. Sentiment also changing "The four leading environmentalists who are now lobbying in favour of nuclear power are Stephen Tindale, former director of Greenpeace; Lord Chris Smith of Finsbury, the chairman of the Environment Agency; Mark Lynas, author of the Royal Society’s science book of the year, and Chris Goodall, a Green Party activist and prospective parliamentary candidate." Mark Lynas said that his change of mind was also a gradual affair borne out of the need to do something concrete to counter the growing emissions of carbon dioxide created by producing electricity from the burning of fossil fuels. “I’ve been equivocating over this for many years; it’s not as if it’s a sudden conversion, but it’s taken a long time to come out of the closet. For an environmentalist, it’s a bit like admitting you are gay to your parents because you’re kind of worried about being rejected,” Mr Lynas said. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/g...se-1629327.html This was front page independant yesterday.
  22. Well fingers x'd for you, i'll keep it on my watchlist for now, but it might not be so bad if silver continues upwards.
  23. Wow someone bailed out of this bigtime before the news and it turned into a rout by the look on the day? This means existing shareholders didn't get to participate and got diluted down in simplistic terms to me. Happens a lot. Whether this is a good move looks dependant on price of silver i guess.
  24. Larry writes a few reasons to be positive, taken from Kitco "These are several reasons to be investing in producing, exploration and development companies at this time. Gold stocks are already lofting, the bargains will be found in the gold explorers and under-valued metal companies. They are not that far behind. Again due diligence on these companies is paramount in your investment strategy. Let’s recap the events that are rapidly developing in our industry: 1. Financings are picking up, especially bought deals for companies having cash and low cost operations, and those companies having developing resources in gold/seller. 2. Land acquisitions are picking up steam in some cases bidding wars are beginning to develop. 3. Shares of companies that are shutting down unprofitable mines or reducing large commitments and obligations are actually going up. 4. Cashed up mid-tier and major producers gearing up for acquisitions of companies having production and/or large resources of gold and silver. 5. Chinese companies buying up cash strapped resource companies or parts of large companies (as an example Rio/Chinalco the Chinalco investment of $19.5 billion). 6. Advanced gold company shares are breaking 6 -7 month highs. 7. Majors continue to shut down or reduce production of iron, coal, manganese, zinc, nickel and copper. 8. Smelter rates going up while reducing capacity in some cases. 9. Mines in all categories continue to shut down worldwide. The list I have made is the tip of the iceberg and only entails TSX & TSX.V mining companies. The upshot is investors and funds are once again investing in mining operations, development and exploration. It is conceivable that this investment will soon start bargain hunting in gold exploration and the battered base metals, coal, oil and specialty metal companies. As with gold the window of opportunity is currently wide open for bargain hunters and, also as in gold, it will rapidly close. As you follow events in the media the emphasis is on how the mining industry is reeling from bankruptcy, layoffs, strikes and negative cash flows. This has created one of the best buying opportunities I have seen in my 45 years in the mining industry". http://www.kitco.com/ind/Reaugh/feb162009.html
  25. Not sure how we can see shoots of recovery when these sort of figures are still being churned out? NEW YORK, Jan 9 (Reuters) - Builder KB Home posted a quarterly loss on Friday, citing unprecedented pressures on the industry and the economy, and said conditions in 2009 would remain difficult or worsen. The No. 5 U.S. homebuilder posted a net loss of $307.3 million, or $3.96per share, for the fourth quarter ended on Nov. 30, compared with a year-earlier loss of $772.7 million, or $9.99 per share. Revenue fell 56 percent to $919 million. Riggers
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