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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Yes, of course. The important thing is to be a little ahead of the crowd. No one in the central banks or governments wants you to believe that gold is a safe haven. They have done a terrific job achieving this. But of course, it is.
  2. I bought from them before. Smooth service, prompt delivery. No problems. I bought coins, no bars.
  3. Barratt's will build houses with driveways made of 100oz silver bars. Electrical wiring will be 24K gold. Doors will be diamond encrusted, on the outside. I'd max out the credit card in that case. My guess is, at $4 there wouldn't be any physical available. Just paper.
  4. Useless asset, blahblah, no-interest, blahblah, diversification, blahblah, always goes down in value, blahblah.
  5. They're trying to help the US. Everyone does. That's why the final realization that it won't work will be so painful. Imagine that chart reversing the trend seomtime soon. The impact on price would be amazing. EDIT: So they sold something like 240 tonnes since 2004. It's actually not that much altogether. But this does not account for indvidual banks? Or does it?
  6. Looks as if we're building a massive base for the next move up.
  7. I guess the ratio won't go to 35:1 all that soon. I guess it's a time to buy, not to sell. The SSCI seems to confirm this.
  8. Does everyone agree that this was a proper SSS (Silver Sammy Sighting)? http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=299181 Here is an update on the SSCI. It's amazing. It's not that Sammy is perfect. But if you follow him (in the opposite direction, I mean), you can avoid some of the bigger mistakes.
  9. $680 -- Are you really sure that you wouldn't run around like a headless chicken, quoting Prechter and Mish (and RB) all the time, screaming you're only going to hold Dollars from now on?
  10. Not sure how reliable this information is. Still interesting. https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=24...164371126975602
  11. Just bought some gold & silver. Expect massive drops.
  12. ...and you can't be bothered to rewind?
  13. Anyone who has changed their minds because of this fabricated sell-off should listen to this week's Financial Sense Newshour show.
  14. Long term implications are highly inflationary so I will take any further downturn in gold or silver as a gift from heaven.
  15. Good thing. Here a post of Axstone from GIM with a good snippet:
  16. Everyone feeling a little insecure because of deflationista talk and/or commodities selling off should listen to this here (got posted here before): http://events.startcast.com/events/199/B00.../eventframe.asp (How Ben, Hank and the SEC created this sell-off) Also, listen to James Dines' interview on FSN. $100 silver is his MINIMUM. He was the guy who told Greenspan that he was an idiot when he (Greenspan) claimed in 1964 that the Fed would never let the price of gold go over $35. It went to $850, as we know today.
  17. As long as they have electricity for their computers.
  18. Pssssshhh!!! I NEED people to sell this stuff to me.
  19. Do you need someone to tell you what to do, or do you need to do fundamental research on your own? My research (and I do a lot of it) makes it much easier for me to make decisions. For instance I think that all that retail price deflation talk is utter bu11cr@p, and that oil will soon reverse its trend because of supply problems. The PM market is manipulated unlike any other market in the world. And manipulation never works out for long. Why can't I find any silver coins below $17-$18?? It's a joke.
  20. I can only comment on what I am personally doing and saying. (1) IIRC, I didn't buy $20 silver. I bought some on the way down. And I am still buying. Since I buy gold and silver as if it was a savings scheme, I purchase smaller amounts every month. (2) My personal investment horizon is (i) 2-3 years if things unravel fast, or (ii) 5-10 years if it takes longer. At the moment I am not sure what will happen. It looks very fast indeed, but investors delusion (as in the housing market) is absolutely amazing. It might take many years until J6P and dumber investors figure out what is going on, only, of course, to get screwed all over again at the end of the bull market. I am prepared to hold my metals for a decade. (3) 1974-1976 gold dropped 50%, and keep in mind that silver usually does worse than gold (on the way down). This was in the midst of the greatest precious metals bull market in history. Hence, should anyone panic if gold drops 22% and silver some 40%? I don't think so. Buckle up, it's going to be a rough ride. ("Click-it or ticket" ). EDIT: One brief comment on Cuthbert. As far as I can see he still thinks we're in a bull market for gold. Only recently his expectations for the short term have become more deflationary than before. Note, expectations for the short term, not the longer term. But he might want to write on that himself.
  21. Can't quite see that. But I will be very interested to see how your silver short is doing by then.
  22. Yes. I will buy more. I could not buy this week for technical reasons, so it will be next week. The price of silver was north of $40 in 1980. Silver is a depleting resource. And the Fed is printing $19bn a day. It's a no-brainer.
  23. I am going to buy physical out of your cold hands.
  24. Interesting. What kind of research is that?
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