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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home U.K. Inflation Reaches 4.4%, More Than Double Target (Oh, and sell ALL your gold and silver. :lol: )
  2. Depends. I am 100% in gold and silver. But these savings are in theory small compared with my discounted lifetime income. Problem is, the discounted lifetime income is in SterTurdling.
  3. If you cut a turd into two pieces, you get ... TWO TURDS!! http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  4. Stop the whining. Comparison with the 1970s: http://www.jsmineset.com/cwsimages/Miscfil...old_Monthly.pdf
  5. Is this your personal 'back up the truck' number? I think after this plunge, somewhen later this year or next year, we will see the mother of all rebounds. Maybe when one of the big ones, like UBS or RBS, goes belly-up. Maybe this is the time for me to start getting into mining shares? Although, I wanted to wait on the City/Wall Street crash first. Hmm, decisions... Otherwise, I will continue accumulating physical silver, some gold, and maybe Palladium.
  6. So far, cgnao has been pretty spot on. Also, there are some guys in the City who seem to know that the whole thing has to collapse at some stage. As for the City's and Wall Street's 'finest', they bought triple-A until they went bust and had to be bailed out with our money. What exactly do you expect from THEM?
  7. The fundamentals have not changed. What we see is a nice correction in a roaring bull market. The same people who were asleep at the wheel when the whole mortgage mess developed (or who even caused it) are now telling us the (commodities) inflation threat is over? Yeah, sure. I am betting against them with all I have. Edit: typo.
  8. What's going on in the peanut gallery today? Newbies like Smuttie and Pieshop suddenly come out from the woods where they have been hiding and start stiring up our lovely gold thread here.
  9. Are you talking of Aladdin Greenspan, Heli Ben and Hank "Strong Dollar" Paulson? If so, just disregard EVERYTHING they say (to be on the safe side). If you're talking of Jim Puplava, Jim Sinclair, Jim Rogers, Matt Simmons, Puru Saxena, John Williams, James Turk, our very own DrBubb and many more*, they have been saying the same for years and their minds are made up as far as I can tell. EDIT: * like Marc Faber, Antal Fekete, Bill Bonner, John Stepek, and our very own cgnao...
  10. Smut My position is well-researched. I spent a lot of time on reading almost anything I could find on gold. The main phase of the gold bull has not even started yet. Edit: typos.
  11. Why shouldn't it be possible? Of course, it could happen. In the 1970s, gold had a huge run-up, then plunged 50%, then had another huge run-up. 50% from $1,000 would be $500. I would be buying all the way down. In fact, silver looks now so attractive to me that I am very, very tempted to buy some on credit (NOT margin). This is exactly when I want to buy: when everyone is predicting the end of a commodities market and price inflation, but the fundamentals scream the opposite. This volatility (in gold) has been predicted by Jim Sinclair for a long time. People on margin will see their lives passing by (is what he said). It's a rollercoaster! Weehheee! EDIT: Last year I thought gold would only by a small chance cross $850 within a year. I didn't even think of $1,000! Now, look where we are. I am tempted to lever myself because gold is DOWN to $850 and below.
  12. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home How can you reverse this? You can't. Hence massive inflation. More gloom: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home Right. And this is the opposite of deflation, i.e. inflation.
  13. If this is a larger sum for you, it would possibly be wise to not buy all at once, but 'average in' over a longer period of time.
  14. The Guardian says that the -9% in house prices means a £400bn loss in equity. Since I expect losses in the end to be 3-5 times as much, that would mean a drop in equity of £1.2tn-£2tn. That's a lot, and will have dire consequences. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/au...p;feed=business
  15. Deflation scare. Uhh, wait. No, it's actually INflation. Wholesale prices in Germany jump 10% in one year. Biggest move since 1981. Der Spiegel calls it 'a bad omen'. http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,571178,00.html
  16. I agree. Most will not understand. Like this guy. He's going to get wiped out IMO. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  17. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread....494#post1230494
  18. Time to move to Sweden IMHO. Sweden's Reinfeldt Sees National Debt Falling to About 15% of GDP in 2011 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  19. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=15924
  20. Repeat after me: There is no manipulation in the US-Dollar. There is no manipulation in the US-Dollar. There is no manipulation in the US-Dollar. There is no manipulation in the US-Dollar. There is no manipulation in the US-Dollar. There is no manipulation in the US-Dollar. ... Getting closer to a hyperinflationary blow-off here, IMHO.
  21. A chart I posted many, many times on HPC, but also here, with some additions by myself. I hope it is clear what all this means.* * Ever since the Fed came into life, the bubbles (i.e. the highs and lows) have become more and more extreme. There is no reason why DJIA:gold could not fall below 1. Think DJIA at 10,000, and gold at $15,000/oz. Fun stuff. BTW, Steve, I like your 'transportation'. Today, I almost felt like this with my mother lode of silver on board.
  22. The coins I received earlier today contained in value as much silver coins as gold coins. I have to say, the amount of silver I got in comparison to the amount of gold I got seems perversely high. The gold:silver ratio went up to 56:1 today. I think we are now seeing an upward spike in the ratio (as in 1997, when it went from 70:1 to 75:1, before exploding down to below 40:1, see also chart below), that will be followed by an immense downward explosion later this year when gold and silver will leave the station for good. History seems to be repeating itself. Note that this chart is a feew weeks old and the coil pattern is shorter in the chart than it is by now.
  23. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=15891 Looks a little bit as if OPEC or BRIC have an unlimited BUY-order at $850. That's at least what I would do if I was them.
  24. Looks as if $25 in the not too long distance is in the cards.
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