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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtm.../27/cmbuy27.xml I voice of reason in the property $h1tstorm.
  2. I have this thread here with some thoughts on the 'fair' price or when it's time to get out. Haven't updated it for a while. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=195370
  3. I must be a real gold bug. I never sold a single gramme.* I gave some away as a gift, though. *Actually, not entirely true. On two occasions I sold gold, but only to buy instantaneously back in another country/on another account. It was merely a technical transaction that had to be carried out.
  4. Silver. Less liquid and much smaller market. More volatile. It will catch up. Maybe more massively than we can imagine at the moment.
  5. The Biggest German news magazine reports on hidden US-inflation by smaller package sizes. http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,562320,00.html
  6. Now, maybe I'm getting this wrong, but do you think there is someone big (maybe with a headscarf) sitting on crude at $138?
  7. EDIT: EVERYONE should listen to this! Very good stuff. Regarding houses, if you think the US is bad, look at who's next (and much worse):
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtm.../bcnking126.xml Maybe the market is finally starting to smell the inflation coffee? EDIT: But don't count on IR hikes in the UK really, because King goes on: So, inflation it is.
  9. Here is what BullionVault writes: http://goldnews.bullionvault.com/node/2501 Have I recently said that I think UK property is toast? Just look at my signature chart, and you know where this is heading for.
  10. King is good. He usually knows what'g going on, but as (basically) a politician, he can not tell the whole truth. So, here is my translation: Gold Finger: Expect a twenty-five year pause in living standards
  11. Is inflationary thinking taking hold of you? The rest of the population might be with you. We have now IMO a somewhat bullish pattern of climbing lows since the big one around May 4/5. The big hurdle will be $950 IMO. But a buyer like today can smash through it in no time, and Goldman sucks.
  12. So the big boys are now playing more often in the sandbox. I feel sorry for these guys: to me it looks as if the same morons who sold Monday have just bought back at a higher price. I guess they thought it was necessary after Bernanke has shown his true face (by letting real interest rates fall off the cliff).
  13. Is this a scheme for getting rid off Bernanke? The IMF is apparently going to do a Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) in the US. Must be embarassing.
  14. I hold physical PMs in Switzerland, the UK and Germany. I would like to hold some in Asia, preferably UAE, Hong Kong, or Russia. The latter two are not part of the American Empire and would therefore greatly diversify geopolitical risk.
  15. Hi Largely Ignorant Yeah, started a thread here earlier this year, and it took off right from the start. Dr Bubb is now nicely dissecting them into monthly parts. Yes, all the chickens come home to roost. Houses targeting below 100 oz gold, the DOW will drop to below 1oz. It's happening right in front of our eyes. But it's volatile and in slow-motion, so many people just can't see it and buy financials on the 'dips' all the way down. EDITed for clarity.
  16. A headline from the HPC blog says: Keep in mind, 7% IR is still BELOW long-term average!
  17. Of course the price will now go sky-high within Vietnam. Could this happen at some stage in the US and UK as well? The price would then explode in a buying panic, which is when you maybe would like to sell and switch into houses or general stocks. But I think we're still far from this.
  18. That's also a good one (from the article above): Property is complete toast. EDIT: IMO, this almost guarantees nominal falls of +50%.
  19. Three bedroom house (edit: with garden) in Liverpool for £55,000. We're getting closer to reasonable prices in this country. http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/ind...t&p=1180203
  20. EDIted to add link: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/busi...icle4204998.ece No reason to panic like this, eh?
  21. I think I'd rather go with what T. Boone Pickens, Matt Simmons, and Jim Puplava tell me about oil. EDIT: Besides that, yes, since everything but commodities is now toast, this bull has a few years left. Say, a decade at least.
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