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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Many people have simply can't see how much they're losing when the currency tanks. I myself only woke up to this when I started working outside my native country.
  2. Gold. Let's put some perspective on it. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...;postcount=8636
  3. It's true, intraday volatility is increasing.
  4. The problem is that the silver might actually not be there in an ETF. This means possibly the most important aspect of an PM-investment, i.e. holding something tangible, is lost. Google Ted Butler and ETF on that subject. There was also a lawsuit against I think Morgan Stanly who 'sold' silver to investors (even no ETF) that simply was non-existent. They could not come up with bar numbers in the end (because there were no bars). Still they charged storage costs. One must really love them.
  5. BTW, Norcini thinks the silver commercial signal failure is off for now. Well, we'll see. I will add to my position anyway soon.
  6. I think roughly a week should be sufficient.
  7. Thanks for posting. That sounds painful. I wonder why the commerical gold shorts never fail on a margin call. They seem to have the deepest of all paper pockets.
  8. I can see nothing unusual yet in the London Fixing chart. So far this looks as any other approach of a round number.
  9. This MBIA thing is unbelievable. How naive are they really? But maybe they get through with it and a carpet of silence will be put over the whole thing.
  10. Not sure about M3 being too narrow. What we see at the moment is M3 growing because 'shadow money' that was not included in M3 gets bailed out (in a way, the central banks are taking the shadow banking system back on balance). What happens is that some people who would have lost money, now don't lose it, and they take it and invest it in the next big thing, i.e. commodities. So, the upsurge in M3 corresponds with the inflation in commodities in a way. Maybe I am overly simplistic here. Try to make a case for M3. I agree, CP etc. was seen as 'money', but as money went into such investments, it went nowhere else and inflation was contained. Now the process reverses.
  11. There seems to be a lot of resistance from below at the 12,000 level. Maybe some SWFs dive in bigtime at this level.
  12. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry.
  13. I wired more funds to GoldMoney today, and I will buy silver stored in Zurich once it has arrived. I hope gold and silver don't move higher until I can buy.
  14. Gold-silver ratio from the London Fixing below. I don't think it is really turning. I think we will see some jitters, and then it's going to go further down.
  15. This is breaking news!!! http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home OH DEAR!
  16. This can't be good either. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  17. You might also want to have a look at this here: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=195370
  18. To me the Dow chart of today looks very bearish.
  19. Looks as if it's turning now. Soon we see wonderful leap up by 200 points.
  20. It's noise. I would ignore it. Maybe Japan or someone is buying. Gold's volatility - love it.
  21. MORONS. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  22. General consensus is that silver has more potential but is more risky. One post with a few good links (also to other threads) could help.
  23. Hehe, don't you love the Cartel. In 15 minutes from $988.45 to $975.
  24. Any selloff in gold is totally irrational with the current state of financial affairs. The leap up in treasuries is ridiculous, these people are going to be wiped out by inflation. Gold selling off would only let it bounce even more later. BEST gold analyst EVER. :lol: That is exactly what I do. Spreading it around, as close to holding physical in your hand. BV and GM are WAY better than any of the ETFs or so. Not everyone can afford allocated gold in a private bank locker in Switzerland.
  25. It's all there: 2nd chart from top: http://www.sharelynx.com/chartstemp/USHLSPOG.php
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