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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Billy, you had this link to the Sinclair audio, right? Could you please post it again. Cheers, GF.
  2. I think the recent news are very concerning. Gold's slump is a real joke given the news today. I might take the opportunity to buy some Sovereigns soon. Not yet decided how long I will wait. If Citi goes under, all bets will be off. There won't be much bullion around shortly afterwards, IMO. But then, too big to fail, right?
  3. Was an interesting day so far. This reduction idea seems dead before it even gets started. I just can't see it working without totally eroding what's left of this market. No, I think it's the Fed who will have to print some money in the end.
  4. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  5. Welcome! Yeah, quite a punch. Maybe the shortsellers smelling more blood now?
  6. Approaching $960 now. Hmm, maybe I'll jump in soon. I have some cash left here, need to dump it somehow. Thought of mining stocks first, but now that this dip in bullion comes along...
  7. Crude oil, silver & the EUR down. The EUR saw at some stage quite a jump upwards today, then the selling set in. I wonder what's behind it.
  8. WOW! The cartel is really having a go at it today. Gold at $970.
  9. At the moment I am heavily in silver. For each ounce gold I own roughly 49oz silver. This is not for everyone because of silver's volatility. But it has more potential. I own silver through GoldMoney, I have no ETFs. They are a little suspicious to me. I do not believe in confiscation, since central banks today can just create money if they wanted to buy gold (i.e. monetize it), and they can always inflate the amount of paper money. Back in the 1930s on the gold standard prevent such things, therefore to inflate they had to confisate (in the US). Even then, people got 'paid' for their gold in paper at the set price, only later they changed that price which caused the actual rip-off.
  10. So, I would be a paid poster? Sounds almost too good to be true. I guess Consa has a point in saying that it is difficult to make money from Web Forums. I would guess the number of visitors and percentage of clicks does not sum up to that much in the end. Being a paid cheerleader also wouldn't be my thing, since I write what I think regardless of what other people want me to think. Well, anyway, I am always interested in business ideas. And, yes, I have been paid before to produce charts (but not such that got posted on the web ). If you wanted to tell me more and not on the board, you could possibly use the PM facility here (I assume it works, haven't used it yet).
  11. Interesting stuff. Magpie however thinks FP is not the owner, and the mods are mostly unpaid. Possibly after all it's just Oldie who got annoyed by something. EDIT: Need some lunch now. Back later.
  12. I would only change silver for gold, not for paper. But to change it for gold does not make sense if this development here continues.
  13. I think you could be right. I sometimes don't want to scare people, but I think this time is worse than in the 70s. So, if houses fell to 80oz back then, it could be a bit less this time. Regarding the 'sheep', I deal with them every day and sometimes feel the urge to 'educate' them.
  14. Over at HPC they have now deleted all my PMs and removed the PM facility. Although I only sent one PM to a member today in order to leave a trace. Never thought I would have to say this, but these guys remind me of a certain subdivision of the police back in Germany some 70 years ago.
  15. These morons will be getting wiped out over the next few years. It's never a good idea to close your eyes/ears to truth just because you don't want to hear it. As I said before, I think the boom in commodities and precious metals will be over at some stage, and yes, even gold might crash. But I just can't see this anytime soon. Long way to go.
  16. Wow. Didn't know there was so much censorship going on. Just read a little on GHPC on it. Had been aware of it before, but thought it was more restricted to misbehaviour rather than different opinion. Although, cgnao had to suffer quite a bit, and he does not really (or not often) misbehave. Strange things.
  17. Hi Magpie. Yes, I remember our discussions. Learned a lot back then. Anyway, don't want to be too curious, but what had they banned you for?
  18. Jim Sinclair: So far he has been spot on. Look at this chart. Battles at the round numbers, but apart from that straight to $1,000 since he called it.
  19. Seems that they have now totally closed down the gold thread and some of the related threads over at HPC. These guys really know how to shoot themselves in their feet. Congrats! EDIT: I think I am truly done with HPC. The only solution to improve the page is to remove ALL moderators in charge (except for some of the sub-forums, like FP or DrBubb) and to replace them with people who want others posting on their forum.
  20. As I think James Turk once said: Gold is the B-747, silver rather an F-14. I would try to trade the gold-silver ratio once silver has become much more expensive in gold terms than now. E.g. if we reached 40:1 or even 35:1 short term, it could be an idea to swap this silver and get gold instead. Silver is difficult, but it might surprise people on the upside. None of the numbers below is even close to the present price ratio of about 50:1. And then there are these rumours that China is quietly accummulating the stuff. And yes, why not. If they wanted a metal-backed currency, the problem for them would be that much of the world's gold is still stored (even if not owned) by the US. A silver standard would be totally unexpected for everyone. They would have the advantage of the surprise. http://www.dani2989.com/gold/10aggb.html
  21. Hi Harold. That's exactly what I am doing. Saving for a deposit in gold. But if it goes on like this (especially silver), I might buy outright anyway.
  22. Cheers. I hope we'll get an interesting discussion on gold going on here. It looks as if we had a nice start so far.
  23. I was eluding on this a few posts earlier. And then posted these charts: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....ost&p=30030 They make me think gold-silver 40:1-35:1 and gold $1,050 and silver $25-$30 has a good chance from here. Maybe 50:50. Norcini sees gold-silver support already at 46:1 from a monthly chart. He might be right. I am more optimistic, but what do I know (when compared with Dan N.). The short squeeze in silver seems to be forming. From the 1985 chart we see that this simply happens every now and then, and the ratio collapses very sudden, only to snap back as suddenly. I think we're in such a breakdown right now. Question is only how deep will it go.
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