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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Much nicer than some NHS crowns that I have seen.
  2. So, your argument is that there were less metals known under the gold standard, and that is why gold today has less value? Are you certain that your thinking has a sound basis? Also, could you please explain in what way 'we' value things differently than 38 years ago?
  3. In summer I took three whole weeks to check any item that came to my attention in any store I entered in the U.S. They were ALL made in China. It is outright scary, even as a non-U.S. citizen. Good luck with betting on the U.S short to mid term.
  4. Hyper, hyper! http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...uFnu0&pos=7
  5. The fact that the latest (red) dots are far to the right is telling me that gold is actually outperforming - at least on a EUR basis. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  6. What's going on with your knickers? Do I have to increase your warning level to 30%?
  7. Maybe the production cost does not matter all that much for a monetary asset that has an only very slowly changing above ground stock.
  8. Exactly. Then we would see a major move away from recently visible chart schemes.
  9. Nice chart and nice channels. FWIW, the trend is my friend.
  10. On a long term basis, the Indians do the right thing since gold is expensive in terms of silver (gold:silver is in the top 25% since 1885, i.e. on over 75% of all trading days since 1885 gold has been less expensive than at the moment when measured in silver).
  11. That's what TA does in extremis, when fundamentals get ignored in the most outrageous way. It becomes utterly worthless. EDIT: He'd better use this chart. But even then it's not really relevant IMO (because no money/credit supply is taken into account). http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_USD_LOG.html
  12. From Strawboss over at GIM (my comments in bold) http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...p;postcount=135
  13. I thought we had established that he has not done his homework on gold.
  14. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  15. And we know that this is a very important point! Yes. I liked his point 3: If gold plunges to 900 next week, that will be a truly funny sentence.
  16. It seems as if Pixel8r has nailed it: http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  17. They never find Federal Reserve Notes treasures, or Pound Sterling treasures. I wonder why.
  18. This headline is so good, I don't even have to read the article. The UK is doomed. As Frizzers ones wrote, the UK government is the perfect contra-indicator. http://goldswitzerland.com/index.php/india...-uk-buys-banks/
  19. http://jsmineset.com/2009/11/03/in-the-news-today-359/
  20. Sorry, if the irony wasn't clear. I just tried to come up with some arguments property rampers turned gold rampers would use.
  21. In a couple of years, gold will possibly be just like property and internet stocks yesteryear. - Unlimited potential - Finite supply, ever growing demand - As solid as gold - Golden opportunity - Will never be worthless - The sheiks will buy it all - The Chinese will buy it all - The Indians will buy it all - Only ever goes up - Gold loans underwritten by RBS and Lloyd's - Tax incentives - You name it
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