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Posts posted by azazel

  1. hello all - just found out where all the HPC gold crew have gone.


    more of a silverbug myself - look forward to some useful ag discussion here.


    first discussion point - pullback over? new support 1930-1950?

    Hello and welcome. I too am optimistic for silver and have loaded up on it recently. I'm glad to see that silver did not drop much and is looking stronger now. I think its got a lot of work to do in the coming months.


    Glad to see you here from HPC. Please help others who are looking for us.

  2. Erm, Has anyone known the financial system like this before? What about the 70s and 80s? Is this worse? How bad is this thing and are you bothered?


    What about the geopolitical situation? What do you think will happen over the next five years?


    Where do you think we are in the scheme of things? At the beginning of something big or at the end of it?


    I will post my opinions on it all later.

  3. Can anyone tell me about the rules for ownership of physical gold and silver (i.e. coins)...


    If I bought some through GoldMoney or CoinInvestDirect, for example, is there a paper trail that has to be provided to the Government, so they know I'd be owning some gold?


    Or is there a minimum limit on how much you can buy per year without these records being required (think I read something like 5k per year, but can't remember if that was buying or selling).


    Wouldn't fancy the idea of being forced to surrender any coins if there was a Government confiscation or something.


    And if there are rules, does it apply to both gold and silver, or is it just for gold?


    Coininvestdirect didn't seem to be to worried about my purchase which was above £5k so as to require passports etc.

  4. 27 solicitors letters?

    That does sound like a bit of a problem to me


    How many letters threatening litigation regarding this website have you had so far this year DrBubb?


    On topic, I'm surprised that gold is so inactive at the moment. Goldfinger, I'm curious to know what this "powder" is :unsure:

  5. Ah azazel - i see you have posted almost excactly what I have said on the gold thread itself! - lets see how long it stays there before it gets deleted.


    yes it will restore my faith in hpc if it doesn't get removed. I could have edited it to include a link here but I decided not to as that would be understandable grounds on which to remove it.

  6. I just added this reply to Brendons comment. I doubt it will get posted though.




    I came to HPC as I suspected that house prices would crash. I became interested in gold only recently.


    The issue of moving the thread was discussed before and it was known to be provocative. Everyone knew that. It was a deliberate act of vandalism as the consequences of this action were known. Its too late to make excuses as the damage has been done. The gold thread was the heart of the forum where many issues were discussed and it formed a hub to new posts in the main forum. Arguably, Gold backed currency is at the heart of the debate that the website if founded on, which the moderator in question has almost destroyed on HPC.co.uk


    Sometimes its best to do the right thing even if its a bitter pill to swallow. Restore the gold thread and offer a sincere apology to those that were offended by the moderator in question.


    Restricting freedom of speech just because you don't like its message will hardly inspire debate in a forum. This is much more of an issue than the gold thread location.


    Prove me wrong and post my comment.


    edit: Seems I can post again now. I wonder if it will get deleted. If it doesn't it will restore my faith in hpc website somewhat.

  7. Latest post from Brendon on HPC in the dead gold thread. The realization has set in that no one is using the old thread.


    Hello all.


    I certainly hope it hasn't died as I read it regularly to help gauge sentiment on my gold investments. I was quite surprised to see the general reaction of the posters to our actions to be honest. I know that a lot of complaints have been leveled against the moderation and some of the decisions we make on the forum but as someone not involved in the day to day moderation with an outside perspective I honestly believe that the moderators make good decisions in what is quite a tough environment for moderation.


    There are a number of people who make quite frankly a huge effort to spam and promote their own interests on the forum without adding any kind of contribution to HPC of any worth and when we have to deal with that kind of thing every day in a fair way it is more difficult to assign resource to more important decisions like this.


    I hope that those people I'm talking about, many of whom have multiple aliases and obviously far too much time on their hands will stop trying to ruin things for everyone else.


    People come to HPC to read informed commentary on a huge range of issues and whilst I would prefer we had absolutely no moderation the forum is a highly contentious place as evidenced by the 27 solicitors letters I have received this year so far. Such is our commitment to open debate and free speech it is not uncommon for us to put our own companies funds at risk to defend posts which have been challenged without a proper legal basis often by very large corporations.


    When we bought the web site we did it because we really liked it, it's not a huge money spinner for us and like everyone in the community who supports HPC we want to see it grow in popularity because it is such a unique place where we have learned so much and continue to learn every day because of the vibrancy of the community.


    Over the course of the next few months we hope to make some changes that have been held back by our other work load to the forum which should build on the success of the site so far and take it to the next level.


    I do hope we can count on the support of all the current and future members as we work on this and we will certainly put our ideas out for consultation before we implement them because we do care what you think.

  8. This has to be the "best" article I have read in the mainstream media, showing how serious the situation is.





    Fed takes boldest action since the Depression to rescue US mortgage industry


    "Bernard Connolly, global strategist at Banque AIG, said the Fed action may help calm the markets for now, but it cannot solve the root problem of eroded bank capital."

  9. Welcome, Casimir, nice to have you over. :(

    (Right now a lot of the professional gold commentators sound short-term bearish on gold and even more so silver.)


    I don't miss the petty, trolling, anti-gold posts over there TBH, but those backed with some sort of argument are important.




    What do you think? The 1 year graph on BV GBP looks to me like the price will be up to a peak by the end of this week or the beginning of next week, if the pattern remains the same as it has over the last 10 weeks.



  10. Hello everyone I am now Casimir (pmaupoil from HPC). I am just back from my holidays and I just cannot believe how big is the new thread already! I hope there will be a few non gold bugs balancing the debate, after reading many pages I have not seen any unfortunately.

    I was not contributing much due to my lack of economics knowledge but I really enjoyed reading the experts' comments and I hope this will continue here. I have all of my savings in BV but I am planning very soon to put 10% in silver and subsequently my monthly savings in it.


    Hello and welcome. What silver are you planning to acquire?

  11. So... donning my "naive cap" for a moment. Why does the government want to medicate us all with fluorine / fluoride?

    I remember from GCSE science that the stuff's horrible and will kill you in an instant ... but that it has uses in preventing tooth decay.


    WTF would they put it in the water supply if it's already in toothpaste?

    Because some ppl use fluoride free toothpaste or don't brush their teeth. Cant have the sheeple miss out on their medicine.

  12. That still leaves unfixed the problem of idiosyncratic moderation


    Yer, I still have not got my freedom of speech there. What he says is not true. He is trying to explain and justify their behavior rather than apologize for it and put right the wrongs.

  13. We have a reply from Brendon HPC.co.uk owner on the gold thread which has now been reopened.




    Hi all,


    We decided to move the Gold thread to the metals section because we are keen to develop other areas of the forum and as it is a metal although a pretty special one we have linked it as a pinned topic at the top of the main discussion on house prices.


    I've taken on board peoples comments on not wanting to have it moved but the main forum is really for house price discussion rather than general economic discussion or discussion on investment metals like Gold.


    We are hoping that this is just the start of a few changes to the forum to try and arrange it for the next level of growth. The main forum has been hugely popular and we wanted to wait until it was about this large before trying to spread things out a bit more. This is so that we have a good level of momentum in the new forums we create as well.


    I am sad to see that our actions upset some long time gold thread posters and I hope that this explanation of why we made the move will encourage you to participate in the thread in it's new location and help us build up informed discussion in new areas of the HPC site as we move forward.

  14. I went ahead and bought some coins from coininvestdirect on Friday, so will keep you posted with the progress - thanks to those who replied to my query.


    by the way, I am not CTT!! just some nobody hpc poster who wants to keep his anonymity! I should have just kept my trap shut about hpc from the start!


    I have seen this B.I.N deal on ebay, what do people think?




    Its not far of the price of buying from a dealer. 8x£505=£4040 & 4x£259=£1036 Total £5076 for the same weight of coins


    Might be worth it but only if you can collect it.

  15. Wow, just got back in and looked at the charts. Hell of a bad day for silver to be honest and I can see the commodity bears clawing their way back into the picture.


    In fact I'd say my sentiment now is downright negative and I'm fearful of a significant correction. :(



    This tells me one thing - time to buy more gold and silver. :P


    The bears have been suckered in and the bulls have money on the sidelines, a few more days and we'll be at new highs. :lol:


    I hope so as I've just loaded up on some more silver

  16. Too late if you live up north. They already have fluorinated water, and the rest of UK will soon follow. Don't take any chances if they ban bottled water; you only have one option remaining - filter your own with a high quality reverse osmosis filtration system. Don't take any chances - filters are cheap.


    By the way, fluorinated toothpaste is okay as long as you don't digest it. That is the problem.


    I caught my daughter eating fluoride toothpaste, she had consumed nearly a whole tube. I wondered where it was all going. Who can blame her, its called sally strawberry, looks like strawberry and tastes like strawberry. I bet she is not the only child to have done that. All species of animals have survived millions of years without fluoride tooth paste so why do we need it now?

  17. Not tap water.




    That stuff it forced medication.

    Regarding flouride, I have avoided it by using non flouride tooth paste but now they want to poison the water in UK with it. If they do that then im refusing to pay water bills and have to buy bottled water or get it from a bore hole.


    Have you seen Alex Jones' new rant about fluoride? Don't get me wrong, I quite like the guy and what he does, but I think hes lost it. Maybe the fluoride got to him.


    Check it out.


  18. I started a Buying Woodland thread on HPC.co.uk which became a growing vegetables/becoming a hermit thread! :lol:


    Having said that, I feel that I owe HPC.co.uk a great deal[1] for opening my eyes, and for putting me in what I believe to be a stronger financial position. So, I do still like to hang out there and post.


    As far as I'm concerned, life's too short to concern myself with how others wish to run their forums. As long as I still feel as though I have something to learn from HPC.co.uk[2], I intend to continue visiting. And I'm sure as long as I'm not deemed to be making a nuisance of myself, I'll be allowed to continue visiting and posting.


    So, for now, I continue to learn a few things, and they get someone contributing to their website-hit figures. To some extent, it's just tit-for-tat...


    Okay, so I'm a hippie too! :lol:


    [1] Not least of which was finding GEI many months ago!


    [2] Which, when you know as little as I do, could be for quite some time to come! :)


    I find myself getting bored there now. Its changed since the gold thread dispute. I still post occasionally but I feel oppressed by the moderators. Its like animal farm.

  19. Hawkeye from goldismoney.com sees the possibility of a near term 'bull flag' in silver.. This basically means silver may trade in a sideways pattern while it prepares for the next leg up.




    Thx narco, does this mean he expects no significant change in the price of silver for a short while? I think thats what you mean... By the way, the phillharmonicas, how are they packed?

  20. So this is where all the most interesting posters from HPC are now hanging out. Glad there is somewhere I can still read your views.


    Really can't believe what happened on the HPC forum. Big Brother is watching you :ph34r:


    I have some money in Bullion Vault, Goldmoney and physical. So I will be a avid reader. Thanks to everyone here.


    Most of the stuff you talk about is beyond me. But I enjoy lurking.


    Thanks all... you have already made me good returns.

    Your welcome. Its difficult to tell the others where we are as you get "moderated" for it. Its kind of digital tasering. Id like to see cgnao here.

  21. Especially if you're in for the long term, I would split it, say, 20 oz. of silver to every 1 oz. of gold.


    The main reason is that I wouldn't care to predict which will do better whether short or long term. That way I wouldn't have to suffer possible regret at going very long one and seeing the other do a lot better. Of course, that ratio is just a suggestion and if you're very keen on silver you might up it.


    I think one day silver could do something really spectacular, but I wouldn't care to guess when.

    Thankyou for expressing your opinion. My silver gold ratio at the moment is 1 ounce gold to 2.5 ounces of silver. Perhaps I need to "fill my boat" as Goldfinger says, with silver. I cant see silver dropping much below $20 so now, I think, is a good time to buy some. Its already been above $21 so it wont be long before its back IMO.

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