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Posts posted by azazel

  1. The Schiff Has Hit the Fan !!!!


    Peter Schiff March 14 2008 Fox Business News - Cavuto



    Watch and enjoy ;)

    Thanks for posting that article and video. Id be worried sick if I had a large amount of ££ in the bank.


    Do you think these people are exaggerating how bad things are and how bad they will get? Or are they telling it how it is?


    If the world financial system is going to fail, is BV a good idea as it depends on the banking system to get your assets back?

  2. I think I joined and introduced myself then just lurked several people were highly motivated to persue him and nothing much came of it.


    They were listed on ebay - ebay offer insurance only if payment is made by PayPal, this chap wanted cheque only which did not seem that unusual as I had already bought a couple of Krugers from buyers with cheques.


    I havent bought gold on ebay since as Coininvestdirect, Chard and Goldline offer a simple and reliable service its not necessary to take the risk.


    It could be an awful lot worse, I might well have never found out about gold investing at all, that was a complete fluke, I was thinking BTL but felt quite sceptical about it and unsure of why. I visited HPC with a genuine enquiring attitude about BTL. I rapidly learnt BTL is a dead loss.


    I think it was about the time GF joined and the gold thread really got going, the subjects of high finance, history of money etc. are something I had never thought about at all but they really interested me especially as it became more and more plain that I really did need to protect myself from a greed driven dishonest financial system thats falling apart.


    Thing is I would never ever have found this thread here.


    Interesting story. I would not pay by cheque on ebay. Only paypal or collection. Ive noticed that paypal sellers get better prices so its worth paying their commission when selling. Coininvestdirect.com seem to be very good. I'm hoping they will advertise here to help out DrBubb and their website is a good reference for prices. Chard were expensive I thought. I used ATS but in hindsight they were expensive too. Perhaps I should have haggles more or used coininvestdirect.com for my main purchase.


    I got some sovereigns on Ebay. I know what sovereigns look like as I already have quite a few form ATS. I got this half sovereign on ebay thats dated 1982 and its very new looking. The thing is its more yellow than the others. Looks more like 24K than the coppery tinted 22K ones. It weighs about right at 4g and feels and sounds right too. Anyone got any thoughts?

  3. I bought quite a few kgs of scrap UK 50% coins on ebay last year as a long term hold, I did not see much USA scrap silver but I havent really looked.


    Most around spot at the time but VAT would have made newer coins dearer.


    I lost interest in ebay after I was ripped off by the sovereign scammer and have bought Ag Phils from coininvest direct they are quite good value as I think they are in Germany and the VAT is lower I think its 7%.


    Tell me about the sovereign scammer? How did you know that the coin was fake?

  4. I was thinking of something along those lines... that's why I wanted to go for a rough 50/50 split.


    Am now thinking I'd probably be better off in the long run not paying higher premiums on some of the gold coins (just to get some variety), since getting the cheaper ones would perhaps mean I could get 1 or 2 extra silver coins for the same total outlay.


    re: Ebay... how can you guarantee that they're genuine coins, and not fakes?


    I would only buy off someone with good feedback unless I could collect. I would only use paypal if item is to be posted. If you get ripped off then hopefully theres paypal to fall back on if its below £500. I have never been ripped off on ebay, so I guess if you use your common sense then you will be ok.


    If you want to be safe then buy the gold coins along with your silver ones. I would go for 1/2 maples

  5. Am just about to make my first ever physical coin purchase (from CoinInvestDirect).


    Going to spend £1000, just to get my "collection" started :angry:


    So am thinking for my first purchase, I'd like a several coins... probably a mixture of gold and silver, and from different countries (yeah, I know that means some coins are going to carry more of a premium than others).


    Therefore, I'm not going to go for 1oz gold coins this time around, but rather some smaller weights.


    Probably going for a 50/50 split between gold/silver, e.g.


    - 1/2oz Gold Krugerrand (x1)

    - 1/2oz Gold Panda (x1)

    - 1/4oz Gold Maples (x2)

    - 1oz Silver Philharmonics (x20)


    Any comments?


    Am thinking it might be easier to sell smaller denominations of coins in the future after the price has skyrocketed (i.e. someone else wouldn't have to fork out an extortionate amount for a 1oz gold coin, and can instead spend half or quarter the amount of cash to buy it from me).... not that I'd be thinking of selling, otherwise I might as well just stick this £1000 in my ETF.


    I would get less gold and more silver. I would buy 50 silver philharmonics and put lots of modest bids on gold coins in ebay targeting the ones that end at off peak times. I have done that and got some 1/2 sovereigns for about £55 each, full sovereigns for about £105 each. That was cheaper than the spot price on the gold content.

  6. Banks in UK may be secretly assisted and we wont know until the pressure increases to blow out. Then there will be panic runs on the bank. Those that do manage to get their money out will want to put it into gold and then the gold run will start big time.

  7. Presumably you know the BV charts where you can switch between USD, GBP, EUR, JPY, AUD, CAD and CHF easily.



    I like to compare the price in different currencies, as you can set the time period, eyeball the graph, and then switch currencies to get a swift eyeballed comparison.


    I don't know where their data feed comes from. JPY, AUD, CAD and CHF cannot be from their internal markets as those currencies are not used internally. I suspect the USD, EUR and GBP chart prices are not internal either. I guess the source is mentioned in their documentation somewhere.


    Yes I agree BV charts are very good. It would be nice to have some silver charts like them.

  8. I have a pot of cash sitting next to me waiting for the correction so I can fill my boots. Whilst I expected a pullback to $820 pre $1100, I'm starting to wonder whether it will happen... I'm losing the courage of my conviction. Given it takes very little bearish news to push gold up and that there is plenty of bearish news, what are the odds of not having a significant correction?


    Any thougts?

    Fill your boots with Silver? Why do people want to fill their footwear with metal? Haven't you got a box to put it in?

  9. Does anyone here buy coins smaller than 1oz in size, e.g. 1/10oz krugerrands?


    Or is the 1oz size the best to go for?


    Was just wondering, since if 1oz of gold skyrockets and fiat collapses, would it be of any benefit having smaller denominations of coin values, or would you expect to be given those as loose change when you spend your 1oz coin? :rolleyes:


    Might be quite nice to have a coin collection with "more" coins in it (i.e. more quantity, even if they're the same value).



    Sovereigns are a nice size coin. Exempt from CGT to if that might effect you. I picked up a 1/2 soverign today on ebay for £57, nice.


    Goldfinger, you missed the party! Perhaps we could fight the cartel with you. Every time they dump we can send you off somewhere as a countermeasure :D

  10. The battle really starts now. The media have a $1000 gold plastered everywhere. I would like to think its going to bring out the sellers in there droves and push the price back down to $850 for the summer lull, but im really not sure. Nothing but bad news and inflation.


    I've been sitting on powder since January, waiting for a good pull back so that I can add, but so far its only been going in one direction.


    Has anyone here had experience with coininvestdirect.com, i have always been a bit worried about them as they are not BNTA members and you have to transfer funds direct into there account.

    What quality are there bullion coins, are they all scratched and dinged or in good condition ???? How long till delivery ???


    Well im not selling and I would think that the media coverage will bring out buyers. Regarding coininvestdirect.com I received my coins in about a week from doing the transfer. They are cheaper especially for silver as they only charge 7% VAT on coins. A one ounce philharmonica from them was £13.00 and from ATS £18.80. Wish I had known about them sooner. I got a large order due to be delivered so I will let you know when it arrives.

  11. Also you got to take into account u.s. will chuck everything to save or prop up the economy before the elctions in nonvember.


    financials may have a small rally over the summer q3/q4 as false confidence increases and money switches from commodities to traditional equities.


    seasonly the summer months are not favourable for gold.


    I'm really tempted to sell some over the next few weeks but haven't go the balls, might just hold and buy more on any sign of a pullback.

    Thats if things tick along as they are. What if there is some big geopolitical event or economic catastrophy?

  12. Took delivery of my first and last batch of 1oz silver philharmonicas. Too shiny and no 'ting' when struck. :unsure:


    Not my ting, I'm going back to pre 47.




    Give it 70 years and they will be a similar colour to your old coins. Just my theory.


    I'm with Narco on this, 99999999999 silver and shiny. Bullion in the form of coins is what I want.


    I wouldn't be surprised to see $1000 this week but I think there will be a patch where it will fluctuate above and below the $1k mark before it leaves the 3 digit era behind. I have no TA or charts to back this up just a gut feeling!

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