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Posts posted by azazel

  1. I have noticed a reduction in the quantity of Gold coins that are available on ebay recently, and also the seem to be making a higher price at end of auction. Is this because sellers are on summer holiday and demand is outstripping supply on ebay? Or is this a change of sentiment? Are those with gold not so keen to sell and buyers paying over the odds? You can often buy gold coins cheaper from a dealer than on ebay, depending on quantities and postage etc. I got a sovereign for £105 last week but I think that was a fluke.


    Regarding Silver, there is a reduction in the availability of bullion silver coins and bars on ebay. Not many eagles, maples, philharmonics, britannia's, ounce and kilo bars.


    Is this the summer doldrums?

  2. Two for the silver lovers !!






    Breakout such a lovely song. Them were the days (and the days before it) when there was culture.


    Here is another




    and this goes without fail!!




    BTW, been away on holiday. Nice to get back and catch up with you guys. Golds fallen from its $975 but looks ready to move back towards $1000 mark again. (I hope)

  3. I don't remember the exact numbers (I don't live in the UK so it doesn't apply too me). But I have read that if you buy more than a certain amount in a year the dealer is required to report it - probably to the Inland Revenue. It might be something like 8k a year. The way to get round that is to buy less than the limit from any one dealer, i.e. use multiple dealers.


    Sorry I don't remember all the details.


    I was told by ATS that if I bought more than £5000 in a year (I think the number was) then they need to have a copy of my passport and proof of address on file in case inland revenue want to look at it. That doesn't mean they will though.

  4. Hi marceau,

    Unfortunately I've come to the game late and am still building my physical core holdings.

    Currently happy with ammount of silver but sadly short on gold.

    I missed a few opportunities last week to get in at $920ish due to being a wage slave and no access to web for much of the day. Being reluctant to buy into strength I may have been too patient/hopeful of bagging a bargain.

    With the current strength do you reckon $950s or less are possible or should I just bite the bullet, buy and sit tight.

    FWIW I intend to put about £10k-£15k in coins so I really want it as cheap as I can get it.


    your thoughts, as are everyone elses appreciated.

    Keep a look out on ebay. Prices often lag the real world. For example, 10 sovereigns currently at £1083, 2 hours to go.




    Compared to C.I.D £1214


    Im still buying the occasional coin on ebay for the right price.

  5. Three consecutive days of significant up movement in London afternoon and New York morning trading are clear on the kitco.com chart with no serious smackdowns:



    Bandits at one o'clock?


    Can they manage a Friday smackdown?


    956.70. No sign yet.


    Are you a bit of a rocker? Aces high....??


    Its just that if you are I'd have thought you would be called "Raven of hades" or "eagle of death" or something.


    Instead you are "Wren" :P


    The great thing about gold is that its an antidote for all the bad in the world. When every thing goes tits up and could get you down, gold is good news in such dire times. When I see the price of food and fuel I think, yer bring it on!


    Nice beer pic BTW Gatesy, cheers ;)


    EDIT Dow at 10997 hahahha

  6. Quoted from telegraph article that the HPCers are excited about.

    "House prices have never fallen by more than 10pc over a year in recorded history, except in 1931, when Britain left the gold standard.


    David Owen of Dresdner Kleinwort said: "Back then, sterling had been ejected from the gold standard and the currency collapsed, and, although this helped exports, house prices collapsed. What we are seeing now has some parallels with then."


    Seems that gold is more relevant to the cost of housing than just a commodity like copper, lead etc. Perhaps they should have kept the debate on the main forum.

  7. I'm confident that this time you are right to get the rockets out. Gold has done its consolidating and is seasonally ready to make some gains. Inflation is getting worse, banks more unstable, stocks crashing, war more likely with Iran, oil likely to rocket, housing market crashing etc.. A perfect storm in golds favor (and silver)

  8. I was in a petrol station chocked full of petrol this morning and a supermarket full of food later this afternoon. Fill ya boots with silver as well as gold.


    I agree with you and have loaded up, filled the boots and boats. But that is what Paul Tustain thinks of silver so I cant see them doing silver. Maybe Platinum? But they busy enough with gold.


    Paul Tustain seems a very nice guy if you ever get to talk with him. He answers the phones on the help number sometimes.


    Im suprised gold hasn't shot up more on the sentiment of todays news.

  9. I know we've kinda moved on from this and this is the gold thread... BUT... I recently enquired with BV as to whether they have any plans to provide services for silver. Response below:


    I spoke with Paul Tustain some time ago about silver and he said that he has been in huge warehouses packed full of silver and he doesn't see any shortage of the stuff.

  10. I have just received this from coininvestdirect




    Dear Client,

    We would like to inform you with regards to an important change to our services offered through http://www.coininvestdirect.com//.


    As of July 1st 2008 we will no longer sell silver coins with 7% German VAT. As of then we will apply the UK customary 17.5% VAT.


    Glad I loaded up when I did. what an interesting day. Darling reasures depositors with suggestions of a guarantee to £50,000. Does he know something the vast majority dont? Gold shoots up, Dow down to 11210, Jim Sinclair is excited about the next steps and the BBC/government is whining like a jilted lover over Zimbabwe still.

  11. Everyone should be buying silver as well. I believe that in the years to come silver will make astonishing gains. Buy it whenever you get the chance.


    Obviously, this is the gold thread so that's why silver doesn't get much of a mention.


    When Gold is discussed often the case for silver is included if not mentioned. Peter Schiff was asked about silver and said gold and silver are the monetary metals and he makes a case for both, even if he only seems to talk about gold. They go hand in hand.


    The Hunt brothers cornering the silver market is what led to its $50 spike in the 80s. How high would it have gone otherwise? $20? Photographic use has fallen, one of the main industrial uses.


    On the upside, silver has some unique properties, thermal and electrical conductivity, reflectivity and anti bacterial. Theres potential for silver zinc batteries & rfi tags etc.


    Silver looks better value than gold as you get much more of it for your money, which seems to be the reason why some people I know have bought some.


    Although I'm in silver as well as gold I don't see why silver has any greater potential than gold.

  12. Marc Faber yesterday said:


    "don't listen to Ben Bernanke"


    "people should buy gold"


    "real interest rates are negative"


    "the biggest speculator is the FED, as they they force people to speculate"


    He reckons commodities during the second half of this year will be bearish, although the commodities bull will continue for many years. He reckons it's better now to buy gold rather than commodities as gold hasn't increased so much and is still quite cheap.


    In this CNBC video yesterday (13 minutes):



    Link was very slow for me but fine on utube. link http://youtube.com/watch?v=3g7Ln2wc4Ww



  13. Just wondering what peoples opinions of last weeks rally are.

    I've recently had some funds free'd up and am expecting some more in early August.

    I curently have a very small holding in coins but want to invvest a further £15-£25k, probably in coins again.


    Things have been pretty choppy over the last few months and although I'm convinced of the general upwrd trend I'm reluctant to buy in an upward swing.


    Do people feel we'll touch the $800's again? I'm prepared to wait a while but do feel the end of the summer could well see firm consolodation above $1000.


    All opinions greatly appreciated.



    (Us beginners need the support) :mellow:


    I think that since the last upleg to $1030, we have been in a trading range of $850 to $950. The fundamentals for gold have improved as inflation is clearly an issue and things haven't got any better for the banks. The world has not got any closer to peace but rather war looks more likely with Iran which could spread and oil will go ballistic.


    Last weeks rally are either the high end of the current trading range (most likely IMO) or the start of the new upleg but I was expecting that to start in late summer.


    I'm just a novice but that is how I view where we are. I just added another £3000 in coins.

  14. Just think -- there'll come a time when selling gold (maybe just about all of it you have) is the right thing to do!


    However will you cope? :D


    He will then have to be "bricks and mortar finger" or "cash finger". Not quite as cool eh?


    Thanks for the Dollardaze link Steve Netwriter, bookmarked it.

  15. I must be a real gold bug. I never sold a single gramme.* I gave some away as a gift, though. :)


    *Actually, not entirely true. On two occasions I sold gold, but only to buy instantaneously back in another country/on another account. It was merely a technical transaction that had to be carried out.


    What price was gold when you first got seriously interested in it? Let me know please when you are thinking of selling! I'm sure the right time to get out will be debated here when the time comes.

  16. My friends are a little sceptical... but not as sceptical as they've been (up until recently) about my views on what the UK housing market might do! :lol:


    If I'm seen to get PMs right, they'll just be copying what I do from now on and all scepticism will be gone! ;)


    My friends and family have at times almost shown resentment and jealousy as they disagreed with my views on house prices falling, high inflation which will go cgnao-inflation (new buzz word for hyperinflation) war in the middle east escalating into ww3, 911 inside job, gold prices to the moon, and the final showdown which will be the most amazing event ever witnessed by any humans, ever. Some of these things are proving correct already and some are yet to come.


    Some nice action in G&S today again.

  17. please tell me if so!!!!!)]


    PS: Just heard on radio one that people should buy gold in these inflationary times: here we go!!!!!!!


    On Radio 2 Steve Wright in the afternoon, in factoids I think, they were saying dont buy shares and stocks, BUY GOLD! I might listen again as I kind of missed the first bit. What qualifications does the BBC have to advise people or is this propaganda from the Lords. Are they planning another finger burning lesson for the sheep?

  18. One more kiss it goodbye to the $800s and then off to the races imo. I would love to see gold bounce of the 200dma in a month or two so I can load up one final time.


    After gold hits $1000 I can relax then. My family thinks I'm too obsessed with gold right now. Thats only because I haven't got enough! :D


    My family too. But then I am heavily committed to it. Getting some nice Victorian sovs later today and a couple of krugs. I cant say I will be able to relax even after $1000, maybe once I buy back in to the house market.

  19. I don't see this rally as the big one to $1200 like Jim Sinclair sees. We're still in a consolidation period here imo. The real upside movement in gold will come as and when we break out past $1033 probably in September or October but who knows... ?


    Jim predicted that gold would face one more battle to get through $1000 and fail on the first attempt and succeed on the second.

  20. Days like today feel good in gold. $30 in one day. How often has gold done that? Upwards I mean! Do we think that this is the start of the next move up or just another high in the current trading range? Seems a bit to early in the summer for Gold to be shooting up if sell in May and ago away is correct this year.

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