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Posts posted by azazel

  1. of course, if you see I charted something, that's because or I am going to get in, or I am already in, or I am thinking to get out. You even may deduce if I lost or won. ;) ;) I have to do charts every time because i need to watch for my money, and I share them with you because publishing enforces me to do a better charting, (kind of speak on public), you cant just say, ohh, gold is going to go up to XXX, you have to find solid stuff behind the move. Also, it is pleasant to be useful to other people, when they find your idea useful for them.


    It would be handy if you posted buy or sell suggestions and also track £100 invested and the results of following your suggestions. Basically, much like Britishbulls, which seems automated to me and is too slow to respond in changes and overlooks fundamentals. I know there are some here, including myself, that want to trade but lack the experience to do it and scared of making losses due to inexperience. I would be happy to follow your suggestions on £100 invested in a new BV account and display the results as a reference to others. What do you think?



  2. gold did not hit my lower channel line, but the environment for the rally is very good, dollar topped, stocks holded, we should have rally tomorrow, and monday, and tuesday, retest the bottoms. I think silver is more oversold than gold, so it has more solid bottom


    Your analysis has proven to be quite accurate. Thankyou for your efforts.

  3. Looks like Jim is skint, trying to corner the silver market anyway he can, by letting out rooms in his house.



    Room for rent - 60 "one ounce Silver Eagle coins" a month (san jose north)

    Reply to: hous-889292171@craigslist.org [?]

    Date: 2008-10-22, 11:42AM PDT


    Furnished room for rent for 60 one ounce Silver Eagle coins a month.

    Sorry, I do not accept cash nor checks. I only accept 60 of the "one ounce Silver Eagle" coins" or 6 of the "one ounce Canadian gold maple leaf" coins.


    Deposit: Ten of the "one ounce Silver Eagle" coins.


    DSL internet access, microwave, washer and dryer, close to shopping malls, San Jose airport, major freeways.


    Looking for a non-smoker, non-alcoholic drinker, no pets, no drugs, working professional who is clean, neat and tidy.



  4. Looks like we will not be going to sleep tonight...


    Need to stay awake especially at 10,11 and 12 tonight!


    If 740 does not hold - I will need a change of pants (at least until retest at 715)....



    Looks like you need some new pants. Good old British pound is all I can say. Id be stuffed if it wasnt for the weakness of the pound.


    This is all about dollar strength right? And recession fears for commodities.


    So when the dollar falls gold will strengthen. Do we think that commodities will rebound on inflation even in a global recession?

  5. i am 90% bearish. because crude closed lower, and the DOW is set up in a nasty triangle continuation pattern, so , if it goes to 7,500 , and all the world stock exchanges with it, guess what is going to happen to the dollar index.


    Hi Ker


    Whats your view of the price of gold over the next six months? What about silver?

  6. My mate is a little skint at the moment and is looking to sell some of his silver. He has 2 x 1kg bars Argor (sold one on ebay for £300 ebay item no. 180299730938 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...m=180299730938) Nice bars IMO, best finish of all the bars I have seen.


    He also has 10 x 1 kg Australian coins. Koalas I think.


    Various other items including silver maples and eagles.


    Let me know if you want to buy any.


    All in good condition as delivered from coininvest. (except the 2 x Argor 1kg bars)

  7. I agree. IMO if extremely experienced people like Jim Sinclair warn against it, why would I think I could do better than him ?!

    It's not as if the long-term prospects really need improving by trading :D


    My limit is swapping gold for silver at the 'dips', and vice versa at the 'peaks', if I can pick them, but only for a smallish percentage of the total.


    IMO for all but experienced traders, if you want to trade gold/silver, it should be viewed as a bit of a gamble on the side. Money you can lose.


    That's fair enough. My instinct is that you are right. But I think its an important discussion to have, regularly if nessarsary as new people arrive here on a regular basis. Also when and how to buy gold and when to get out etc. All subjects that need discussing regularly.


    BTW thanks for tidying up the threads Steve.

  8. I would agree that gold trading is highly dangerous. Don't do it unless you have lots of money to lose.


    You're better off buying physical. Hold it in your own hands.


    Im about a 1/3 sovs, 1/3 bars, 1/3 BV. Id like to be 2/3 BV. I plan to hold the sovs goldfinger style but Im a bit fidgety with the BV gold.

  9. :rolleyes: Tell me once you know how.


    haha. I don't! Like I said, I'm just a fool. But spikes always seem to be followed by a fall. Except the spike starting 07/07. I was hoping you would be wiser than me and explain how you know better so I could benefit from your experience. Perhaps your experience is that trading is a fools game from your own past experience. If so teach us, explain please. What about cgnao, whats your strategy? Do you buy and hold or do you sell on the peaks and buy back on dips? See I'm just an idiot but there are new people here that need to learn before they make the mistakes I have.


    I think it would be nice if we viewed other members as friends and helped them out by being transparent with our own experiences.


    sorry if I'm rambling.The wife's to blame, she got me a bottle of wine!

  10. No, I don't think so.


    When I started the gold thread(s) back when the Great Banning over at the madhouse HPC took place, I wanted this to become a thread on gold fundamentals and relationships to other assets like houses.


    IMO, trading gold is quite dangerous and I would like to encourage everyone to rather follow an accumulating buy & hold strategy.[/quote


    You know British bulls? It would be good if someone like Ker would teach us to trade and display results of his trading suggestions just as British bulls do, but using bullion vault. I know that accumulate and hold is a safe strategy but my hope would be to increase my gold holdings. Do you think that its a tortoise and hare sort of thing where the losses could be worse than steady accumulations?

  11. From long term charts I expect the average UK house to fall below 80-100oz of gold, and the DJIA and gold could easily reach 1-to-1 over the course of the depression that is beginning now. That's enough for me to know, why risking money in trading that is rigged by the major players?



    Yes I appreciate and agree with those views. But trading could increase the quantity of gold saved. Surely the rigged markets can be exploited to our gain?


  12. I laughed at them, rolled my eyes, told them to better get ready for hyperinflation, and the had to explain why. :rolleyes:


    Hi goldfinger, hope you had a good day at work :)


    Whats your basis for buy and hold then? I respect you for it, but why?


    Its interesting how the media can have such affect. Last week there was fear now its relief that the "rescue" has been done.


    who thinks this is a good buying opportunity? I have "promise" money waiting to be turned into real money.

  13. OJ, I remember you saying that you can guarantee that prices would be lower. This is risky business as gold is more likely to vault from here than six months ago, after the previous vault.


    Regarding silver, when the demand gets so great that you cant buy gold, I think that silver will become second best. IMO.


    "only 1 in 100"...... 95% of all statistics are made up.

  14. You don't have to think like this if you are trading.


    You bought, then sold on a spike. You banked a profit.


    You will next buy when you see a good chance of a subsequent rise (or short a fall). It doesn't matter what price you rejoin at, as long as you re-exit with a further profit. I'm not a trader, but I think it is an entirely different mindset.


    Trouble is, when is a good chance of a subsequent rise? Gold can make a good rise in just a matter of hours, often during U.S. trading when I'm out working. I'd rather be in gold than cash by default and sell out on a spike to get back in on a dip.


  15. Just had my first attempt at gold 'trading' this afternoon for fun. Made £6.85! :D


    You did better than me. I lost 76 grams. I sold on the biggest spike yet and crapped myself back in at a loss. To be fair on me Jim Sinclair was saying the war has been won, gold will now vault to $1000, and got me in a flap! Bless him. Had I waited I'd be about 200 grams up. I think we need to discuss trading more. Most spikes result in a fall and selling on spikes would usually be successful as long as you have patience to wait for the dip. But if gold moves up to a higher level then you would have to buy in at a loss. I know goldfinger is a buy on the dips and hold sort of guy. The thing is if my cash was in the bank I would receive a small amount of interest and making a profit on trading would compensate for that. Although I did badly on my first trading experience, I'm thinking of giving it another go having learned a lesson.

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