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Posts posted by azazel

  1. You think he made a typo?


    "Gold will vault to slightly under $900 then get pushed back, but not much at all".


    Gold will vault to slightly under $1000 then get pushed back, but not much at all.


    Seems he did make a typo but the first post proved more accurate with a vault to $900

  2. I taught myself a lesson. Maybe others can benefit from my lesson too.


    I sold 2.018kgs of gold in BV for £17,084 a kg, total £34,476. I woke up at about 4am all worried and came to see that Asia shares were plummeting and there was panic on sky news etc. Gold had been up too £550 ounce. I read on Jim Sinclair site


    "Gold is about to VAULT UP.


    I am reliably informed that the paper versus bullion gold war is lost by paper gold at a $930 close.


    Gold will vault to slightly under $1000 then get pushed back, but not much at all. Directly after that we are off to $1200.


    A Bank Holiday is moving from possible to PROBABLE."


    I was convinced that this was it, total collapse of the system, and bought back in at a loss. I bought 1.942kg, 76 grams less than I sold.


    When I get home golds absolutely plummeted. had I of waited I would have been £2000 up. Or would I? No one is selling 2kg on BV at the moment and what small amount is there is almost the same price I bought back on.


    So, I didn't have much chance of making a profit! Still I'm trying to be philosophical about it, its only two bloody weeks work I lost!


    Looking at the price now, they are just taking the piss aren't they!!


  3. Why oh why are you guys trying and trade this beast? :o


    Yes, in after every dip I think I should have bought more. But then I look at my RBS-account, see it at pretty much zero, and I know I have done what I could. :)


    aw, now you making me feel awful. I will never get to sleep now.

  4. Indeed, i did make a profit*. Most was my bot winning for me. Arbitrage. Other moves were selling on horns, or the odd bit of advice from cg. I have had periods of loss though - especially over christmas last year when Benazir was killed.

    This time after the AIG ETF debacle it was obviously different. I have thus stopped meddling.


    *i.e. ending with more gold than before, with any cash won ploughed back in.

    If it drops over night as it often does I will buy again in the morning. If it goes up I will be too worried to go to work in the morning.

  5. I hope you get your gold back, aza.

    I stopped any trading 4 weeks ago. I am scared now. I am usually a contra-indicator though.


    Now I'm worrying that the money which is in Lloyds might not be safe. Something big is going on. Bush is going to crap on about it tomorrow at 2pm our time.


    I will buy back soon for sure, even at a loss.


    How did you get on with trading? Did you increase you gold holdings?

  6. Is Gold still playing that "Anti-Dow" trick? ... It shot up just as the Dow shot down.


    Part of me wants to "do an Azazel" :) ... I smell a smackdown (either market or PPT-induced) around the corner.


    But then again, it could be an "it's different this time" moment.


    Where's Ker when you need him?! :)


    Don't do it Layman! Trust me, sods law says that it will rocket now. I should have had a whip round. You guys send me an ounce each and I will sell my gold. Every ones a winner! Look at it now-rocketing after the US has closed.

  7. It's incredible to see the destruction of our currency.


    This time last year I was buying brand spanking Krugerrands at £380 ish. It was also very easy get hold of gold back then.


    There is defiantly a change in sentiment. Gold sold out in a rush over the last few days and weeks.

  8. Could be a legal copy for jewellery purposes. There was a discussion on GIM on this some time ago.


    Thats what I suspected. Looks like something from Argos! My scales go to 0.01 and it weighs 3.99g. You think its 9k gold? Do you want to buy it? :)


    Dow Jones fell below 9000 earlier. 8990 LOL. Confidence clearly returning to the markets. Gold rocket having a burn.

  9. In fact, an alloy of 8.5% Pt (density 21.45), with 91.5% DU, then gilded with Au, would have exactly the same density as gold, but cost only about 10% of the real thing.


    I have a half sovereign, Elizabeth 1982 that look suspect to me. It lacks the detail of the others although the edge is detailed. I thought maybe it has be worn in a ring or pendant so the edge is protected. It weighs right and is the right thickness. What do you think?

  10. There are two well formed rising support lines from 750 and 825 and the news is bullish.

    It's hard to argue a case against this at the moment.


    Its seasonally a good time of year. Golds consolidated over the summer, tested the lows and firmly established itself at 750-950. The bailouts are clearly money printing and inflationary.


    The only worry I have, is that investors will think that the "rescue" plan will put all the bad stuff behind us and gold will cool off.


    When the rescue fails or the side affects prove worse than the cure, then gold will continue its climb.



  11. I think there has been a change in sentiment and I think finally, bad news is finally bad news once more. The $700B bill was met with relief and then dismay, people know we have now been fucked by the fickle finger of fate.

    you think we are on the next leg up to a higher level?

  12. Gold is looking pretty good against a few currencies now.




    The only competition seems to be JPY and presumably Swiss Francs (which I don't really follow)


    $903.95 already. That's quite some up move.


    Dare I........


    only the steam rocket Steve. Save the biggies for another day.

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