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Posts posted by azazel

  1. Thanks for the reply Wren.


    Do CoinsInvestDirect still have the best price for Silver? I wish they accepted direct debit <_<

    They do a bank transfer which you can do through internet banking. You can make your purchase and then pay. They give you at least a week. kilo bars look reasonable to me at £300 each. ( they about £320 now but below £300 recently)


    You need to be selling on ebay or privately or you will have to loose the VAT + dealer margin before you get a profit. Gold Money is a good alternative, apparently..

  2. It’s not VAT free. CID can’t ship silver to Spain anymore.


    This item is not available for shipment to the selected Ship To country Spain. We have reached the limit of VAT liable goods as per Article 34 of EC directive 2006/112/EC, VAT directive. Please chose a different Ship To country.


    EDIT: That's not my typo. That’s direct copy & paste from CID


    Ah I see. Well spotted! And I was scheming a cheap holiday to Spain with the added bonus of cheap silver. Good thing it was just an idle thought..

  3. Do you think so, I thought he looked shifty and was obviously uncomfortable.


    He was lying we know it and Ron Paul knew he would have to before he even spoke.

    Ron Paul is not daft. We now have it on video record which will prove to be useful in the future when the lies become apparent.

  4. All the ones I ever had were ugly and beaten up - but boy they are solid heavy little buggers! :lol:


    (I'm talking about strawberry blondes BTW, not Krugs! :lol: )

    haha lol funny. I like that....


    My Krugerrands are all 1978 and are mint. Got them from ATS some time ago. All coins Ive had from ATS have been in very good condition. I think the Britannia's are the nicest coins. What do you think?

  5. Morning all :D :D


    Was just £541.90/oz, now £537.20/oz. Now that is nice to wake up to :D


    Good morning to you Steve. Its sure is good to come home from work and see gold doing better. Hopefully it will close above $800 for the weekend.


    Ker, what do the charts make of todays action and have you been wrong about the fall in gold price or do you still think its to come?

  6. Thanks for the tip. I just bought 100,000 kilos of silver for £0.00, awesome. Thought I ought to get some Gold too. I ordered 200 x 100kg maples, and 10000 kg bars of gold. cgnao is gonna be pissed that he missed this! Ker was right about it going to zero!! Get your free gold and silver here. I bet they will default like comex will!

  7. To trade or not to trade?


    If you bought gold when it was $350 then you would be in profit now even if not as healthy as when it went to $1030. I can understand cgnao and goldfingers buy and hold strategy as they bought early.


    If you bought at $850 and went from being at a moderate loss to a moderate profit, then the temptation to trade is greater. I bought at around £14500 and have been smack in the middle of the trading range over the past year. Very frustrating!


    Did you buy and hold guys not feel different in the earlier days?

  8. That could be something in line with Barry Ritholtz's opinion on markets' irrational overreactions (down to $500 and then up to $2,000 shortly afterwards in an unprecedented record time). I think it' unlikely since it would possibly lead to a COMEX default. I also think it's too dangerous not to be in gold and taking a huge short term gamble risk. It's steady accumulation for me.


    Thanks for the reassurance. I cant see me bailing out at a massive loss and will ride out the lows if they get worse. I will buy more for sure on the lows but I could have bought allot more had I not spent it higher up! Even though the spot price is lower than when I bought, the real price is higher, apart from BV.

  9. Are you sure you want to post that in public ?

    You're going to get slaughtered :blink::lol:




    I hope hes wrong. Made feel a little sick when I read that!


    Why cant you post some nice positive charts Ker? I guess they are positive if you haven't got gold yet or trade it.


  10. More of the laughing brainless idiots, disagreeing with Peter Schiff:


    Peter Schiff Was Right 2006-2007



    House prices UP 10%.


    Wooops, the idiot got that one wrong :lol: :lol:



    "It's a buying opportunity" :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Ooops, another bad call.

    thanks for the heading for disaster and Schiff links, enjoyed watching them. Amazing how accurately Peter saw what what was to come. I just hope he right about gold too!

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