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Posts posted by azazel

  1. Thanks. You're wrong of course - my wife is the biggest risk of all if I lose any more of the STR fiat on PMs (down currently by a few K on a 10% investment)


    She is not reasonable and has no financial understanding.


    My wife's easy going about our 100% investment of STR fund. Perhaps we need a new thread for wives of STR husband that have spunked the fund on PMs! Depending on the price of gold, they could discuss torture methods or tasty cooking. :lol: :lol:

  2. I use Kitco Kcast and I just had to look twice at the movement. Silver lost a dollar in a few minutes, it seems.


    You're a brave man indeed if you're putting your STR fund in PMs (I know, cue people telling me that fiat is the biggest risk of all).


    fiat is the biggest risk of all


    Have you ever switched from USD to GBP on bullion vault chart and the graph thinks that the price in USD is GBP making the chart look eyepoppingly tasty?


    I just looked at gold in GBP and it was on £840 an ounce! Now that would be volatile!!

  3. Evening all, long time lurker here and finally sign up just as everything starts kicking off....


    Can't quite believe the rise today in gold, and then travel home to find it busting straight through $850, where next??


    p.s. many thanks to all the posters here - I've learnt a lot from the discussions here, and hope I can contribute something too.



  4. Slightly off topic but I tried to buy some silver from coin invest tonight and every coin is giving me this text.



    Lunar 'Mouse' 1 Oz silver 2008


    Country: Australia

    Weight: 31.10 Gramm

    Purity: 999 / 1000

    Buy Price: £6.88



    This item is not available for shipment to the selected Ship To country Great Britain until next calendar year. For 2008 we have reached the limit of VAT liable goods as per Article 34 of EC directive 2006/112/EC, VAT directive. Please chose a different Ship To country.



    :blink::huh: :huh:


    Anyone else tried?


    I will try and get some more info on it tomorrow. Perhaps the vat rate will go back to 7% next year?


  5. Any more news on this? I can't find anything on the site.


    Try and buy some and it says that delivery is not possible to GB. Looks like the end of reasonable priced silver until next year. I will be buying only gold from now on.


    I hear BullionVault are considering doing VAT free vaulted silver, so maybe I will get some there.

  6. Quit whinging buy financials then :lol:


    Been having a nosey on ebay folks and 1 kilo silver sold for 530 quid 2nd sept

    1 kilo silver buy it now for 485 quid today

    I oz krugger 475 quid today

    better hurry up and get yourselfs some phyical while its still cheap. :P


    Seems that money laundering crooks are prepared to pay more on ebay than a dealer that might pass on the details to the law. Thats my theory anyway. What about the 1kg gold bars for sale for £16,500? Can get them for £14,000 from dealer.

  7. I have to say I bought to hold with a long term view but the last few weeks have been devastating, but hey fcuk it them gold and silver coins are still nice to touch and look at. B)


    Every cloud has a 'silver' lining and you have to keep your glass half full. :rolleyes:


    Yes they have been devastating but the physical prices aren't down as much as the spot prices. If I had kept the money in the bank and then bought now I wouldnt have made much difference. I notice eagles are cheaper but phils have gone up.

  8. pardon my ignorance, but wtf!!


    I was 1 day late with payment on a brits order and I got a shirty (automated in fairness) e-mail asking where the funds were, so I think they have taken a shine to you azazel, cos I cannae get away with canceling an existing order.


    Maybe I'm mistaken then. I have made some large purchases so perhaps they were easy on me. She sounds a babe so maybe you are right about the shine :)


    If they did let you cancel an order I wouldn't abuse it

  9. Just bought some gold & silver.


    Expect massive drops. :lol:


    I ordered 100 ounce silver coins over the weekend. I will wait until the end of the week before I pay for them in case the price drops, in which case I will reorder and cancel existing order ;) That way I wont be too disappointed if it does fall further!

  10. Tomorrow is decision day for me as funds land in BV a/c tomorrow. I realise I am lucky that I was too lazy a few months ago to pursue the idea of buying gold, given that pog has fallen. But now that I can its difficult to buy into a sliding market - trying to decide should I buy in one go tomorrow or just take a dollar cost averaging approach?


    What would you do?


    Wait. When there is evidence that the price is defiantly moving upwards again, buy in gradually.

  11. Er, speaking of anti-goldbug, here I am...


    Doesn't that graph make gold look like a pretty awful investment or inflation hedge over the period. From 1985 to the present day, any investment or savings account paying 3% interest would have beaten it. Not terribly impressive. Admittedly it would have beaten a pile of cash in a shoebox under the bed, but that's about it.


    Timing is every thing when investing. I should know because I specialize in bad timing.

  12. Some earlier comments and charts have got me seriously thinking - since mid July we've seen a fall in PoG from ~$980 to 800 (19%), but thanks to the weakening £, only £490 to £450 (8%).


    What are your thoughts for the following: short term (pre-Nov election) price of Au and oil (in $) and $/£ ratio?


    My feeling is the fall in £/$ has been too quick, and over the next 2 months will stabilise or go to $1.65 and head back up. This is going to be a global recession, but at the moment it seems to be reported as the EU going into recession and the US already recovering. After the election I think sentiments going to change and the $ is going to return to it's downtrend, just at a similar rate to the £ (and euro), so after an adjustment we'll all head down together. Concurrently, I think gold (and oil) is going to be held down til after the election before it heads up again.


    The question is getting the balance right - if the sterling recovery begins before the gold recovery, then there's the potential to lose 10-20% due to £/$. If the gold recovery begins before sterling then it's evens.


    Personally, I've only lost a few % on my gold investment thanks to the falling £, and I'm very tempted to cash out for a few weeks to watch the market...


    This is exactly what I've been thinking. If gold plummets further and sterling recovers, it will be double trouble.

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