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Posts posted by azazel

  1. (Jan. 6th)

    I do not like being the purveyor of bad news, but wave structure tells me 2008 was just the warm-up for what's coming. Please do everything you can to prepare for this major, financial storm.

    What do you suggest is the best way to prepare for the major financial storm? The same as cgnao, buy gold etc????


    The neowave website thinks that gold is in a bear market for 2-4 years and may go as low as $500. Its suggested to hold cash in a safe bank ready to buy up bargains after the crash.



  2. Should be good for gold tomorrow, especially if they cut rates further.

    You would have thought it would be good for gold but gold drops and pound "rallys". Perhaps 1% was expected and only 0.5% cut shows that the BoE are serious about defending the pound. LOL. And the war with Israel looks like it is going to escalate. Still, Id be pleased if the price does fall as I'm hoping to buy one of the four PMs sometime soon. (Im still tryig to get CAP verified with goldmoney, but cannot be bothered to do it via the post. Online wont work for some reason.)

  3. I wouldn't consider buying silver at an 86% premium to be cheap. I was more talking about buying at spot via GoldMoney. I do see the attraction with buying coins, but to hold them for a trading benefit with such a premium doesn't wash with me. I was buying gold coins off ebay over a year ago, and always getting them at below spot or leaving them.


    Buy silver at spot (+small commission) without VAT at GoldMoney is my recommendation.


    The most I paid for silver coins was £12.56 and the least was £9.95. Actually, I got some silver brittanias for £13.35 too. I dont fancy paying more for maples or philys. There is a guy on ebay selling pandas for £15 inc P&P if I get 25.


    I think I will check out your gold money suggestion. I heard BV are considering doing VAT free silver btw.


    Thanks for the suggestions.


    EDIT: I just completed a goldmoney account although im not CAP verified as the online version doesnt work. They are a bit nosey with their questions!! Anyhow, silver at £8 an ounce and easy to sell.

  4. I would try to build a position in both gold & silver. I think silver looks cheaper at the moment, but silver is a lot more volatile than gold, so would try to make sure I had a balanced holding.

    Im pretty well stocked up with gold and silver I have 5 x more silver in weight. I feel its quite balanced and Im happy to add to it. It is said that you should buy on weakness. Is buying now weakness or strength? Im stuck between buying now or waiting a while. If buying now I might buy some paladium from Bairds, but I was planing to pay £150 an ounce or less. Its about £160 now.


    Thanks for you thoughts.

  5. This guy on ebay is selling 1 ounce silver chinese pandas for £14.99 each. He said that he would send free P&P if I got 25 off him. I think he is in Gurnsey and would be posting them out individually so as to get round a VAT regulation. They are cheap compared to CID who want £18.84 incl vat (£16.38 ex vat)






  6. Can anyone recall, but didn't Jim S predict that the gold price would be $1,200 by the end of this year?


    Yes he did but he said that it will be delayed for three months. So based on that he thinks that $1200 by end of March 2009, although he has not said this recently. I guess its very difficult to put a time on these things.

  7. I'm thinking of buying some palladium from Bairds, about a kilo but in ounces. Looks cheap to me on the charts considering its price over the last 10 years. I think £135 was the cheapest I saw it on their website. I think that i might have to wait for a recovery in the "new" world to realize a decent gain (compared to the banks). Palladium has a great hydrogen related properties that appeal to me, with the new green devices that are being developed. Platinum also looks good, but not as good.


    What do you think?




    palladium chart.



  8. I think you have it all wrong Ker. Gold has recently moved up when your charts predicted it would be going down. Gold is clearly in a major bull market starting from 1999 and does well in difficult economic times. We are in difficult times, like no other, with geopolitical tensions escalating in a nuclear age. I cant think of a greater perfect storm, and it is set to get much worse.


    I prefer Jim Sinclair's chart which has proved quite accurate in its timing although underestimates the magnitude of the waves. He has recently said that he believes Alf Fields has "hit the nail on the head" with his analysis of the wave magnitudes of $1030 up, $699 down and completed, $3500 next wave up, $2500 correction wave, $10,000 final wave 5.


    Your charts look very negative and may encourage "weak hands" to sell their gold just before a major move up. I hope you plan to stick around and post positive charts too!


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