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Posts posted by azazel

  1. I want one of those! Free money!


    I did get a 15% off voucher from ebay just before Christmas though. I bought 2KG of Silver using it.


    Wonder when ebay will wise up?

    They doing it to force sellers to use paypal because thats what the buyers want (when they got vouchers) Consequences- increased final price of gold n silver

  2. I got one too. They just gave me it, don't know why. I bought some scrap silver coins :)

    They could drive the price up on gold coins, especially ones that are nearly £1000. I would be prepared to offer a bit more as Im going to get %10 off and no doubt, so will others.


  3. I paid just over that for a full one last year off ebay! Now thats inflation. :lol:

    Not according to "mish"



    I got a 10% off voucher from paypal to a max of £100, so im going to get a Krugerrand or something. Loads went last night but I muffed up my bidding strategy and got out bid on £710 when others went for £700. :( Theres not much on today either :( Still I got until the 12th feb. I also applied for one of those £119 sovereigns.


    Anyone know how to get discount vouchers for ebay?

  4. Interesting article, which is against a lot of investment analysis at the moment. I particularly like this graph and the TA comment about the "golden cross".




    Going to be an interesting week.


    I like the "Breakout" bit. cgnao will be along with a linky no doubt!



    The thing I dont get about investment analysis, is that we are experiencing times that are unprecedented. The bailouts, the bank insolvency, the scary graph from the fed with the long blue line, the fact that gold has not gone up since a year ago in dollars even though things are much worse than was predicted. Im suprised its not much higher but then Im only daft. I got gold though. :P

  5. Bullish article on gold.


    From a technical perspective, where is gold headed? At this time, the trend is clearly up. Aside from breaking the abovementioned trendline, gold also broke above resistance in the 920 area. The 50 day moving average is also about to cross over the 200 day moving average- an event known by technicians as a “golden cross” because it usually portends a long-term bullish move.


    As one can see from the GLD chart above, volume has also been tracking higher, which indicates that the move in Gold is not just a sucker's rally. Also notice that volume on down days has been low, while it has been higher on up days.








  6. Anyone know anything about the London Mint Office and their introductory offers where you can buy a (full) sovereign for £119? Are these genuine royal mint coins?





    There is a thread on this subject on HPC.



    It is a genuine coin and others have been quite happy with them. I think they have increased the price now though. Its a teaser offer and they send you a coin a month after that at rediculously overpriced rates. I think you can cancel once you have got the first one though. Be warned,they are a debt collecting company and nothing to do with the royayl mint.

  7. Palladium was more expensive than gold for a while about 10 years ago - IMO it's a speculative punt defo only worth buying when low. I think the high price was due to Ford trying to corner the market and Russia limiting exports - not predictable fundamentals.

    And do you think its low or not low enough?

  8. Cat converters?


    The world is swamped with 2nd hand and unsold cars - demand will be down for cars for several years, factories closed, on 'holidays'...


    Factor all that in with palladium. I wouldn't touch it. I have similar worries about silver, but regard it also as poor man's gold, a currency when times get tough.


    This is true, so can you see palladium falling further from where it is now or just staying at the range its in now for years to come? If I buy some, it will be a very long term investment, a pension plan.

  9. Its really difficult to say at the moment. I took profits and closed an IAMGOLD position yesterday because I thought that gold would dip today, but of course its done the opposite. I am torn between thinking that gold will now take its usual dip before climbing again, and on the other hand thinking that this rise in pog is starting to gain real momentum. Maybe go in 30% of what you intended to buy?


    I think the main lift off will be later this year, autumn & winter, but who knows - it could be now. Tommorow might be interesting as Fridays seem to have more action, or it seems that way to me.

  10. I think gold is going up.


    Over a 2-3 year timeframe. B)

    ha ha ha....... I meant short term......



    Pixel8r, I completely agree with you if you haven't yet got a position in gold, or if its only small. As Romans holiday says, if you have most of your wealth in gold already (which I do) then you can afford to wait for obvious buys. Its just that todays low might have been the last obvious buy, or may be not! Im not in rush to get rid of my latest accumulation of turdlings even though its a floater at the moment. Im 80% into the idea of buying about 30 ounces of palladium unless gold drops back to £18,000 a kilo, I will get some more BV gold. I have noticed that ounce palladium bars go for a significant amount extra on ebay. Ive seen ounces going for £250-£300. The worry is that catalytic converters may not require palladium in the future.

  11. I stopped emailing ats when I got email replies telling me to go down in person to talk...


    Otherwise, they offer great service.


    By the way, anyone seen gold performance today? Up up up again, wish I could have bought more.


    Perhaps http://uk.reuters.com/article/businessNews...E50S3ID20090129 has something to do with ti.


    I'm ready to buy more goldbut cant decide if its going up or down! I mean significantly. You think the escallating bad news will make the pice of platinum and palladium lower? They fell lower but seem to have risen slightly. Did they fall too far and have now leveled at a realisitic level? Im trying to be patient and wait for an obvious buy.

  12. The herd thinks its time to buy gold - contrarian thinkers do the opposite. I have been analysing gold far more precisely because media, experts, "advise" on buying gold now and that this is THE year for gold. Its getting close to "dumb money" time IMO, so I think a lot of people will be hurt.

    I'd like to be wrong though.

    I think when the herd buys gold the price goes to the moon. Only a minority are buying gold and because that minority are getting slightly bigger, the bullion dealers and producers cant keep up. Dumb money is clearly fiat, sterling for example, not gold which is real money. But I take your point though.

  13. Thomas J. Bowley | Invested Central



    An interesting result of the government bailout of the financials and automakers, along with the huge economic stimulus package will be the long-term impact on the U.S. dollar. Can the dollar maintain its relative value as interest rates fall and deficits mount? Let's take a look at a few charts regarding the dollar and how we can profit if the dollar does plunge. First, let's take a look at the long-term picture of the dollar:


    As you can see, the long-term trend in the dollar is down. Unless the dollar can pierce through the 92-93 area, the intermediate-term trend is down as well. Only the near-term chart shows any positive action on the dollar. And that rally is suspect technically as shown below:


    A bearish head and shoulders pattern formed from October through December and broke down below the neckline with force. Should the dollar fail to navigate the near-term resistance (retest of neckline) and the longer-term trend resumes to the downside, gold is likely to be a primary beneficiary. Gold is one commodity whose long-term uptrend remains intact because of the long-term downtrend in the dollar. Take a glimpse at the long-term chart on gold:


    The dollar and gold have an inverse relationship that's quite evident when you compare the two charts. During periods of dollar strength, gold weakens. However, dollar weakness leads to gold strength. So the question remains: What happens to the dollar as a result of the massive government bailout and the economic stimulus package? Answer that question correctly and you profit. It's as simple as that.



  14. Here's a longer one, we are at a decisive point, it will be interesting to see what happens this week. Ker's $600 maybe?




    Theres allot of optimism about gold over the comming months.


    Gold Projected to Rise in Most Bullish Survey Results on Record




    Why would investors sell their gold and miss out on a nice move up? Wouldn't they buy gold to get on the gold rally and by doing so add to the up move?


    Also the fundamentals have never been better what with the QE and bank bailout Mk2, Britain bust etc.


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