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Posts posted by azazel

  1. Dooh! Ive been looking into great panther today.



    I've recently read James Turk and John Rabinos book "The collapse of the dollar and how to profit from it". The the book the suggest buying gold mining shares amongst other things and they suggest three portfolios of varying risk. Having checked the charts for some of these miners I see that they are down allot from the 2007 levels when the book was revised. Does this mean they were wrong or that now is a great time to buy? I think they are a great buy if you accept the veiws explained in the rest of the book.


    The three sample portfolios.


    Conservative gold miningstock portfolio


    Gold Fields




    Royal Gold

    Balanced Portfolio


    Freeport McMoran



    Kinross Gold


    Pan AmericanSilver

    Royal Gold

    Silver Wheaton


    Aggresive Portfolio



    Durban Deep

    Excellon Reasorses

    Gammon Gold

    Golden Star

    Great Panther

    High River Gold



    Silver Standard


    Ive do not have any experience with shares so I would appreciate the veiws of others. Does anyone know if any of these companies are dogs? Im opening up an account with selftrade.co.uk and im thinking of buying some of the cheaper shares in the aggresive portfolio. I wont be investing a huge amount of money as I feel more comfortable with physical PMs.


    Im planning to open a share ISA with selftrade.co.uk (are they alright?) as the amounts im wanting to invest will be less than £7200 although I could double that with the wifes ISA allowance.


    Im not sure which thread to add this to so I duplicated it into three! Thanks for your thoughts.

  2. It felt like it back then, didn't it?

    It feels like it now tbh with bank bailout 2!


    They just learnt to gag the news from getting out. With all the latest stories about the pound being finished and bankrupt Bitain, I would have thought the "major depositors, RBS's creditors in New York and Tokyo" would have withdrawn already.





  3. I agree, I think it's a simple error. So does everyone expect the g:s ratio to return to 16:1? £40/t oz silver sounds nice... :)

    I think 16:1 ratio is reasonable especially as there isn't 16 x more silver than gold, mined or stockpiled. £40+ silver is not too expensive. When the gold rush really gets going, the relatively small quantities of gold will soon get exausted and then the masses will turn to silver, especially as it will seem cheaper if the ratio is greater than 16:1.


  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...s-collapse.html


    Banks were 3 hours from total collapse.


    Treasury was preparing for the banks to shut their doors to all customers, terminate electronic transfers and even block hole-in-the-wall cash withdrawals.


    Lord Myners was accused last night of being 'completely irresponsible' for admitting the scale of the crisis while the recession was still deepening and major institutions such as Barclays remain under intense pressure.


    Im suddenly not so keen to sell my gold back into sterling!

  5. There is no doubt in my mind that gold will go much, much higher. The nominal price of gold will possibly go beyond our wildest imaginations anyway. From that perspective, this is a sad day because I can afford less gold at these prices with my present income. FFS, only two years ago I could save double the amount of gold every month.

    Yer, I'm a bit gutted in this regard. I got £4500 to go in but I was not happy about paying £18,000 a KG, but I wish I had now.

  6. I don't understand what the problem is, it's a small ray of sunshine in a very dark sky. There's nothing wrong with being happy you made the right decision.

    I agree. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Im happy I made the right decision and glad I listened to the members that were on HPC on the gold thread, cgnao, goldfinger, pluto, narco and others. I thank you guys. Combined with the falls in house prices and gains in GBP gold I've about doubled my str fund, and im confident that theres a long way to go yet.


    Talking of Narco, where are you dude? Did you sell your gold m8?

  7. http://video.google.co.uk/videosearch?hl=e...a=N&tab=wv#


    Ooh superman where are you now

    When everythings gone wrong somehow

    The men of steel, the men of power

    Are losing control by the hour.


    This is the time

    This is the place

    So we look for the future

    But theres not much gold to go round

    Tell me why, this is a land of confusion.


    Interesting video on this version. Not the original Genesis version that I was listening to on the hifi, that seems so appropriate to where we are in 2009! Originals been removed from utube for copyright reasons

  8. . I can't believe i got some a year and a half ago for £86!

    Oh stop it. I paid £115 and kick myself every day that I didnt buy sooner. I first thought about buying gold in 2004, having read on conspiricy websites about it, I rang ATS and Chards but then forgot all about it, dooh!



  9. Interesting comments from Will Hutton reader. Gold buying going mainstream. Early stage of a bubble.



    Thanks, interesting read. Im seriously concearned that UK could go the way of Iceland but without the sexy girls. Regarding the guy who has an ISA and wants some gold, why cant he just transfer it into his bank account and then buy some sovereigns or whatever from ats or cid etc?

  10. Gold undervalued today or was gold overvalued back then?

    I read that and thought those stater coins are about the same as a half sovereign. In todays money, 824 half sovereigns are worth £65,000, but back then (2000 years ago)the staters represented the wealth equivelent to £500,000- £1,000,000 fiat.


    Even the half sovereigns would have been more valuable than what £65,000 could buy today. You cant even buy a terraced house, 2 up, 2 down, for £65,000 today, but I bet 824 half sovereigns would have bought you a terraced house 100 years ago.


    In fact a mate of mine is selling a fair sized semi detached house in Dorking for £270,000 and found the deeds dating back to 1908 when the house was sold for £400. Thats 400 sovereigns worth £60,000 today.



    Gold undervalued today I think, and house prices over valued!

  11. But I gave my wife a Panda pendant some time ago.

    Gold or silver?!!


    I like the panda from a design and engineering point of veiw. The the contrasts between the polished and frosted areas works very well and the detail and layout is excellent. The diagonal edge milling is different too. My previous favorite coin was a Brittania.



  12. I would say yes. I know the world can come crumbling down at any moment and why risk missing the boat, but... I think you can afford a week IMHO. I'm taking my time on my next silver purchase, I'm keeping my eye on the market, but I will probably fill my boots next week.


    hmmm, dooh. :)

    Looks like bank troubles has pushed the price up again and possibly broken the down trend.



  13. In my amateur opinion, we are in a period of consolidation but by March I expect gold to have breached the £600/t oz price tag with its upward onslaught.

    So, in your amature opinion, do you think I should wait and see what next week brings? I know its hard to tell but whats your gut feeling?

  14. I'm thinking of selling some krugs on ebay and buying Brits with the proceeds - anyone know what the selling costs / commission are for gold coins on ebay ?


    I asked some one on ebay how much the fees were on the sale of their krugerrand. They said got around £650 if the sell it for £680. I thought that wasn't too bad compared to a dealers fees.


    Whats the general opinion on where gold in UK£ is heading in the short term? My BV account is primed. :)

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