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Posts posted by azazel

  1. The loonies have taken over the HPC-asylum. Glad that I am not wasting my time over there anymore. Just look at this response to Errol's remark. :lol:


    Absolute rubbish. 1 currencies loss is anothers gain.


    Gold is a bad investment. If you want to protect yourself buy a basket of currencies and you wont lose.


    Yes and there was an excellent response that went some thing like this:


    if 100 years ago you had a basket of currencies, a pound,a franc a dollar etc it would have been allot of money back then. But look how much they would be worth now.


    With the same money you could have bought a few ounces of gold and look at the value of that now.


    An excellent illustration of how all currencies have and will be inflated away.

  2. That would be useful... maybe also for perhaps half that quantity? :o


    Individually, they tend to be around £15 - £16 each, so definitely not worth it unless they're the same price as Maples or Eagles


    Yes I agree. I guess its a British coin and carries a rip of Britain premium. I only have about four of them for that reason. Pandas seem to sell at the best premium above cost price on ebay IMO.

  3. That's a shame, and surprising... it would be nice to be able to have a "stack" of some of these!


    As it is, they're too expensive other than to get individual years as one-offs, just as part of a collection.


    I will ask her to give me a price for 50.

  4. I received an answer from coininvestdirect.com regarding the question asked as to why they do not sell silver britannias.




    >>>......Nice to hear from you again. Regarding the silver Britannias we usually have no demand for them so that we do not list them. Should you be looking for them we can try to organise some of course......<<<


    end quote


    Nice to know that you can make specific requests for items not listed. They must have higher demand for 100kg maples than 1 ounce silver britannias!


    Looks like golds on its way back up now $887

  5. If I knew when the price was going to fall and then go back up I could make allot of money. Perhaps this is why the manipulators do their manipulating. Gold going up nicely now. Wonder what will happen when the Yanks have finished their coffees......

  6. Sinclair made a song and dance about the 1st week of May but that's been and gone and gold's in the hole albeit temporarily. No one's expecting the guy to be spot on every time but situations like this call for an open and flexible mind.


    He said the low of the current correction would be in by the first week of May. So long as this doesn't go below $850 he will be right. Gold did some serious messing around between 1970 and 1980, worse than we have seen this time. I know that history may not repeat itself but its the best we have to go on.


    I've only been following gold since it got to about $800. How accurate have Jims views been before that? Goldfinger? You been into gold since $35? :)

  7. The silver Brittannia doesn't seem to be available on coininvest at the minute. Any reasons why?


    I will ask Sonia at Coininvestdirect.com and find out why not. ATS seem to sell them for about £20 each. I bought mine on ebay for less than £15.

  8. REAL money. :)






    The Britannia's are by far the best design, especially as there are various ones of different years. The maples appeal to me as they are 9999 and the Krugerrands are, well, third.


    The silver version of that Britannia is nice with a satin silver surround.

  9. I don't know much about gold.

    Would you say now would be a good moment to buy and hold till july/august at least,

    or is it better to wait till june/july/august? :)


    This could be the last opportunity to buy at a low before a large move up in late summer. You could wait until there is a definite up leg. Best to be in for the long term, years not months. But who really knows?

  10. Does it mean that if it goes below $850, you'll be panicking? :blink:


    No. But Jim Sinclair said that the low would be in by the first week in May and he seemed to be correct which encourages me that his other views are correct which I will be happy with.



  11. Seems I was on the right platform yesterday. :unsure:


    Oh, well, kiss good bye, and then $1,000 and $1,200. :lol:


    You think we will make a quick comeback from here? Looks like quite a positive rise in the last hour 1pm-2pm UK time. So long as it doesn't go below $850 I will not be too worried. King of gold called the fall yesterday morning accurately. How often does he get it right? Had I of taken some profit at that time I would have made a few grand now.


    I'm confident that gold will make good progress from July, August time.



  12. Seems I jumped on the wrong train here. "Next station $900..." :lol: Oh, anyway, maybe that's the famous Dr Bubb good-bye kiss?



    Hehehe, yes you on the wrong platform. This train is going the other way! Perhaps its just changing at the points or something.

  13. I don't think I remember New York trading to result in so little movement before... What happened to the regular huge swings? ;)


    Hows today for you then? :)


    There seems to be far more bad days than good days. Gets on my tits TBH. (not that I have tits)

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