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Posts posted by azazel

  1. Mouth pieces of brass instruments as well.


    The amazing thing with silver is, even the tiniest silver coins, basically just small pieces of silver 'tin', have a very fine bright sound. My father has a few medieval silver coins of such tiny size. The silver content of these 'coins' would be worth less than 10p-20p I guess. I wonder what they bought back then.


    I thought this was quite interesting. Call that a wealthy mans stash? LOL. I bet you could buy that much silver for about £3000, or about two weeks wages for a plumber these days!



  2. I do that all the time. :) It also works with Silver Eagles/Maples or gold Sovereigns. Take a little stack of them, and let them gently drop one after the other back on the table (just from 1/4 inch height or so).


    It's a very good exercise for one's hearing. Fakes that have a large content of other metals should sound differently. Less bright, I would assume.


    haha. Try spinning a silver coin on a granite top. They spin for ages and the sound is great. Philhamonikers seem to work best as the edges are smooth. Silver is known for its acoustic qualities. Bells and flutes are made from it. At least the top quality ones are.

  3. I need help. I loaded up on LSIL (leveraged silver) at around $32 a few months ago - curently at 17ish.

    I am tempted to not monitor movements for 3 months and look again in December - this is too much to cope with. Anyone else had enough of this?


    I'm seriously tempted to sell my BV position while about even, as I'm worried about the talk of $650 where I'd be at a loss. Maybe some physical too. I thought this time of year was positive for gold so I might wait a while and see.

  4. A friend of mine was telling me how his 4 bed Victorian end of terrace house in Dorking , Surrey sold for £400 around 1900. That would be 400 sovereigns, or about 100 ounces of gold, which reminded me of Goldfingers historical average house price in gold thought. His house is reasonably average with some nice historical features. Much nicer than some of the houses built today. He recons its worth about £300,000 today or 2600 sovereigns, about 650 ounces of the real money.

  5. The price of gold sovereigns is defiantly going up on ebay regardless of the spot price. I'm having trouble winning any auctions and coins are regularly going for more than when the spot price was above $975. Also there is not much gold or bullion silver for sale at the moment on ebay.


    Anyone else got an opinion on this? I mean, why would anyone pay more on ebay than you can buy from ATS?


    I see golds done sod all today in the spot price.

  6. Welcome back, Marceau!


    And, for anyone who's able to receive the UK TV channel ITV1, the classic James Bond flick Goldfinger is this afternoon starting at 4pm (that's UK time, of course)! :)


    I'll definitely be watching it (or at least recording it and watching it this evening[1])... and while I do, I'll be thinking of you lot! :rolleyes:


    [1] Boy, do I know how to have fun on a Saturday evening! :huh:


    I don't think that gold is real. Getting excited about all that gold is like being aroused by a dummy in a lingerie shop window

  7. Let's say one were buying a gold bar. Volatility these days is quite concerning.

    Does anyone know how far in advance one could lock a price with (say) ATS?

    Of course, it takes a day or two to sell on BV, get cash transferred, collect from bank, and get to ATS.

    I don't want to gamble on a 5% price upswing whilst i'm out of the market.


    Anyone else done this? - or are you all numismatists :lol: ?


    I dont think ATS will lock a price. Basically, when you pay for it is when the price is locked. Coininvestdirect however, you can place an order and then pay for it within a week, maybe more. Ive even placed multiple orders and then canceled the more expensive ones, to get the lowest price!


  8. No way.


    I'm not leveraged - so a bit like a house, you only lose IF & WHEN you sell.


    Has the recent drop been unnerving, you bet, more than I could have possibly imagined - stomach renchingly sick in fact. I tend to agree with Jim Sinclair that if you read & watch too much on this ride you'll send yourself mad! This is a long game, not a short game. I really admire those folk who have the time and skill to making money out of trading the PM's, but the latter is not for me - I surely would be washed out in a short time.


    The recent drop actually prompted me to buy more @ $810 just before the last drop.


    Am I worried - no not really - I have faith. I had faith when I got out of BTL Q1 2004 (only small time - 2 x properties) - but I did ok. At the time people said I was mad to sell at that point in time. I was doing my research - they were watching Location, Location, Location. I was happy with the profit I had made and was happy to sit tight until I found something else. Properties near me did not really move much after the end of 2004, so yes perhaps I lost a bit, but I'm happy with my timing. As I've said on here before my only regret is not getting into gold early enough, 2004 would have been ideal, but with hindsight investment we'd all be kickin back in the caribbean ;)


    I've taken all my financial investment/management into my own hands. Most of the IFA's out there don't have a clue - they just have a standard bag of low/medium and high risk portfolios for you - and they cream off an easy % for doing nothing. If I lose any money now - the buck (or Turdling as GF puts it) stops with me.


    If ultimately I had to take a loss - then so be it - will just have to work harder to make up the deficit - nobody ever got anywhere without a calculated risk. In fact I think gold is helping me become less risk averse - will have to change my name!!! :lol:


    Thanks for your heart felt reply. I know its heart felt as I feel the same. Yes I'm gutted about the fall in gold price. But I'm still confident that it was the right thing to do. With hind sight, I would have bought more on weakness and traded on BV about a 1/3. We found a new website called http://www.britishbulls.com/StockPage.asp?...cials&TYP=S and I plan to trade my BV gold using their directions and hopefully make a profit. I know I should sell on the rhino horns and buy the fishing lines but i don't have the balls! I STR 2007/07 and may buy back in a year but just a humble house that I can do up and add value too and eventually let it. Anyway, its good to know others that are in a simmilar situation to myself. Cheers!!

  9. Gold silver and platinum was ramped today on Radio 2, Steve Wright in a factoids section. They said that precious metals retain their value in economic uncertaintys and encouraged the listeners to invest.


    I don't know that the BBC should be doing this and the timing is interesting too. Not complaining as it will increase public awareness and demand.

  10. THE COIL HAS BEEN RELEASED in exactly the kind of manner one would expect it. First a little spike upwards, then (this is what I think) a massive spike downwards. Let's wait and see. This is really exciting!




    Compare also:




    I dont know that I would call it exciting. I get more excited when it goes up! Perhaps you could explain? Do you think this violent move down will precede a massive move up?

  11. I have to admit, it's got me scratching my head. Obviously somebody is selling, but who ? Banks ? Private investors ?


    I'm off to www.gata.org before I start thinking of ringing my coin dealer.


    To be fair, gold did make a huge gain from August 2007. In the 1970 gold bull the rises and corrections were even more volatile. So I guess we are going to have to get used to the idea if we are going to stay in.

  12. No offence, but I think the problem with this is how can anyone trust the seller ?

    You do have to be careful out there :D


    Can't he just sell them back to coininvestdirect at a reasonable price below spot ?


    He could ebay it or sell it back to CID but I thought my friends here might be able to get a bargain from a fellow member considering the mark up they make and save me the ebaying hassle as he does not have an ebay account. Id buy it but Im fresh out of BS money! I will have some though.


    Anyone want to buy some silver??


    My mate has some maples, eagles, mexican ounce coins, 1kg bars and 1kg Australian coins and a few odds and ends too. All new in tubes/packing. I think hes skint and loosing faith in the shinny stuff. All purchased from coininvestdirect.

  14. :) Maybe it's the latter one.



    What are the best dealers in the UK to get those? Is coindirect (or how they'e called) any good?



    Hi GF.


    I find the market on ebay interesting as it reflects what the public are wanting. Ive seen times when no one was really interested in buying gold and silver and now the opposite is true.


    Regarding the silver coins and bars,


    coininvestdirect.com are probably the cheapest and the coins and bars i have had from them have all been new. I wish I had found them sooner. They used to charge 7% VAT on silver coins but now charge 17.5% like other dealers do. Made them even cheaper than the others. Im not sure if they will go back to the 7% rate after the end of the financial year. Sonia told me that they had used up their "allowance" of 7% which I guess is the rate they charge in Germany. Either that or they made a mistake.

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