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Posts posted by HPCsoYESTERDAY

  1. here's a little experiment if anyone can be 'rsed:


    Login to ebay and find the price of the last 5 x bullion uk seller silver eagles using the completed listings feature.


    Take the avg. cost and compare with cid's uk price with the vat


    Also lest not forget pre 1920 / 1947 bundles for a way to say non to the taxman




  2. ../..


    New Unkle With Ray Winstone it seems.






    a bit 'spaceman threeish' - the Ray Winstone intro is similar to that unkle remix of moby's 'God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters' which had the guy talking who survived a plane-crash and eat the fellow (dead!) passengers to stay alive!





    Fantastic !!





    glad you liked it, here is a variation by someone else - it sounds like it has been done on a Sinclair Spectrum - but still sounds good!



  3. Well, I predicted silver would underperform gold which it has. I also thought it would remain volatile and wouldn't really go anywhere to the upside for a while, and that the price is vulnerable to a the double dip, which is still threatening. This is all still relevant to silver, and looking at the chart $16 is very feasible on a sell-off


    According to some, silver was supposed to explode to the upside at any time over the last few years... but the reason it hasn't is due to market manipulation. It makes just as much sense by that logic to say that silver won't explode to the upside beause of market manipulation. :lol:


    Silver should do well in the end, even if it has to be dragged up by gold, which will do better. It would probably only get down to $16 if gold sold off a bit.


    my 2p worth


    I confess i have 'previous' with RH over his silver strategy;


    point of fact, I actually agree with you that a sell-off to $16 is possible (though how likely that is now I am unsure). However, the difference between us is that I did not sell my core silver holdings, hence if we don't get back to $16 (or below) and go on from here to take out the previous high and then make new highs, is it fair to say you might rue the day you sold up on your silver stockpile?


    time will tell and if you feel that being heavy gold and usd and light silver is your best strategy, then good luck with your decision.


    DA's PM holdings:


    gold 25% silver 55% pd and pt 20%

  4. Some nice tunes there.


    I sometimes wish I knew someone who had a good knowledge of classical or operatic music to be a mentor as there surely must be a whole loft size pile of stuff that deserves attention (especially piano concerto) and yet sadly I have had very little exposure to. Trouble is with an eclectic taste and limited time, you can often miss out on the hidden gems that someone with an in-depth knowledge of a genre can gain.




    Ho hum. I guess I get a varied landscape for the journey.


    chances are you know more classical music than you think, you have probably heard a lot of music but do not know the composer


    most of my limited knowledge of classical music comes from film soundtracks, but as you say a mentor would be handy!

  5. llll.gif



    Link 1 pd price then $200 now $466

    gold price then $750 now $1200


    Put it all in context, and you can see the above "then" prices show how much better gold held up than palladium in the deleveraging of '08.. Palladium crashed to half it's price, and has only just recovered before heading down again now.



    Considering pd is a lot more volatile, and can lose all its gains, I think gold still is the better buy. The risk hanging over pd is with another market crash, its price will also crash. Just to look at the nominal prices as they are now and then... without taking into account the larger macro risks... would be a classic case of money illusion, where all that counts is the momentary nominal numbers. Also, keep in mind that the reason commodities have risen was due to stimulus. Without stimulus support and a deflating economy, those commodity prices will deflate also.


    Same goes for platinum.


    The better investment is gold. Perhaps the better trade were the other metals.... but then to consumate that trade you would have to sell and realise gains in dollars... which I doubt many will do, and they will then see those paper gains evaporate on the next market crash. Though there is also the option to sell palladium here for gold...


    hmm, if the call was made before the 08 bust then yes au was a better hold than pd, however in mid 0ct 08 when the call was made, pd was sub $200 and hence has out-performed au thus far


    therefore, it really is a case of wait and see for a conclusion to be reached since this particular date


    i don't argue that gold is less stable than pd, however, imho, i don't think we will see a return to pd at sub $200 anytime soon


    i also take your point about the better trade being the other metals but like i say, since the lows it is a case of wait and see

  6. Both those posts are bearish on palladium. I've always thought gold would outperform palladium, platinum and even silver.


    The reason being I consider gold in the process of re-monetization [a currency] and not a commodity.


    My record has been good so far.




    link1 - pd price oct 08 sub $200 now $466


    link 2- pt price dec 08 $800 / gold $750 (approx), now $1500/$1200 respectively

  7. The longer term perspective.


    Whereas I might consider putting 50% of my capital in gold, I wouldn't put more than 5% in palladium. Gold looks like a safe haven, palladium a speculative punt, or good to trade.



    maybe but given your track record on calling pd and pt, i will treat your views with caution:





  8. You'd have to be a brave soul hanging on to Palladium here. Nor does Platinum look a lot better. Gold looks solid.... might have to do with it being considered a currency in "unusually uncertain" times..


    it's all about perspective




    pd is far more volatile than gold but as the risk is higher so is the potential reward, lest we forget the Chinese Auto-mobile industry favouring pd over pt as it is the cheaper metal. And the fact that pd is a lot rarer than gold

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