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romans holiday

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Everything posted by romans holiday

  1. Nice pretty pattern there... but can not see it happening myself. Edit: Given the banking crisis, I think there is steady demand for gold. I think it may be separating from commodities here and coming into its own. When the currency crisis hits it will go through 1000.
  2. Nadler gives a fair summation of where the market is at today. But he neglects the imbalances and pressures building up in the dollar which are only getting worse with each bailout. It is like someone who can only sees the superstructure and not the base on which it stands... a base which is rotten to the core with debt. When it goes... it will come right out of left field and hit the mainstream unawares. edited.
  3. I think gold will hold relatively well due to the banking crisis. I do not think we will see it soar until we get a currency crisis due to the imbalances building up in the dollar. Maybe we will see this once the election is out of the way.
  4. Will the Fed cut tomorrow? I do not think they will. They will not want to look like they are panicking.
  5. I am so glad I am ignorant of all those UFO things.
  6. World is gonna be a different place... for you and for me and the entire human race [cue music]
  7. I got UBS stamped on my gold bars. Does that mean they may have extra numismatic value soon? Edit: How to freak your colleagues out and make them run out and buy gold; Lehmans was the biggest bankruptcy in history AIG is the biggest insurer in the world... may go bankrupt tomorrow UBS is bigger than Switzerland... next in the firing line. Edit, Edit, Perhaps I shouldn't be enjoying this so much.
  8. People are starting to get it big time now. Another co-worker scurried off to buy gold after my preaching it today. [all it takes is a crash or two] Edit: have to admit I was a bit envious as got no dry powder.
  9. oil down, gold up! could be a very significant trend developing here.
  10. It is all about deflation at the moment. We have a credit crisis and now a banking crisis. The market is running to cash. Commodity prices are in decline as hedge funds deleverage. Gold is holding its own, starting to stir and looks to be decoupling from commodities [watch oil]. Inflation [imbalances in the dollar] is still waiting in the wings. When the currency crisis hits, it will have its day and so will gold. But am still a little confused. Edit.
  11. I think you are the one with the big cahoonas! I would not sleep too well with just cash at the bank.
  12. Yeah, and all those UFOs [unidentified Financial Objects] flying about! [had somebody else come up with that? ]
  13. "You're goin to pay your own money back, out of your taxes, to yourself, out of your pocket, so the loss you suffered is real!" http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=oHqUipinDyw
  14. I thought gold was performing well. Gold up while oil is down. We have not seen that often. Maybe a sign of things to come.
  15. Oh yes, I realise they both think gold is good.... would not bother listening to anyone who didn't. My point is that, if I remember correctly, I have not heard them speak of dollar debasement and a possible hyper-inflation. I am wondering if because they think money [along with gold] will be good, that is the reason why they see silver doing less well. I think we do not have sound currencies this time round. In the last deflation money was backed by gold. But in these circumstances, where paper money is likely to be devalued, surely silver will do well, along with gold, for the simple reason that there will be less real money around. Edit: I suspect they only focus on price deflation [and neglect questioning the soundness of the dollar] because inflationists and deflationists are split into two camps with two different "world views".
  16. Mish and Bob Hoye are deflationists. But you never really hear them speaking often of dollar deflation/ price inflation. I assume that as traditional deflationalists they think money will be OK. I am not so sure about this. If money itself deflates then surely both SILVER and gold will do well as alternative currencies. Edit: Hoye's strength as a historian may also be his weakness in that he may be looking for the repetition of the past. Yet maybe it really is different this time.
  17. Maybe someone's idea of a joke over there. Mind you, I was expecting another bout of deflation to hit the metals [credit crisis only half-way] ... maybe the continual bad news in the banks is starting to develop a crisis [banking crisis] psychology in the market already.
  18. Oil down, gold up! Is gold coming into its own? Is this the beginning of the decoupling we were looking for?
  19. Bob Hoye is expecting the mother of all deflations. I am guessing here that he thinks silver along with commodities will remain down whereas gold, being more purely money, will kick up in a currency crisis. Still makes sense to me to own a bit of silver besides gold. Who really knows for sure what will eventuate.
  20. Guess that means I am not true gold bug then. I just want to swap mine for a shack on the beach one day.... so I can go fishing for my evening meal. That is real wealth to me.
  21. Tim Wood was talking of a K Wave Winter on Howe Street. To be frank, I used to think he was a bit of a wally but now have some newfound respect for him. http://howestreet.com/audiovideo/index.php...mediaplayer/956
  22. Hmmm... let me guess... fishing and the growing of vegetables? Edit to add: Will be one of my strategies.
  23. Yes, I have heard this word bantied about a bit lately. Strikes me as a disingenuous way of avoiding the word deflation. It is certainly better than the use of stagflation. Edit to add: I like to use "hyper" deflation... though I recognise it can be misleading. It refers to first assets deflating.... then the dollar itself deflating [hyper-inflation of the currency]. http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=4169
  24. Poor choice of analogy. A gold parachute? Would go down quicker than a lead balloon. edit to add: This guy's time line is too short [or non-existent]. We will continue to see a period of deflation followed by an inflationary scare in the near future. All going to plan... no alarms and no surprises here. Here's a better analogy. In the coming whirlwind all paper assets will be swept about. Only the monetary metals will be left standing. http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=qqsyXdj_p_I
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