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romans holiday

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Everything posted by romans holiday

  1. Interesting you mention the stress levels. You really are earning your money when you take that into account.
  2. Yep, I am looking to buy a little silver... a 20% discount would be nice.
  3. I guess the job summit worked. Gold down 2%. Silver dropped near 50c.
  4. Payroll numbers out. Down only 11,000! Where did they find these figures? Gold straight down below 1200
  5. Yes, the market [widely considered.. equities etc] could just keep grinding higher over the summer before finally exhausting itself. Even though I am mostly the buy and hold type, of both bullion and currencies [and then waiting for the big macro move before exchanging], I will consider putting a trade with silver on here; buy on the next drawback [$18 or so] then sell at a possible top early next year [gold/silver could continue to go parabolic here before correcting]. If silver declines further, nothing much lost as will just consider the trade an addition to the long term bullion position [though bought at less than an ideal price or "averaged in"].
  6. Sweet. I'm in a similiar position myself.
  7. Most of us have already got that. Could go on a real bender.
  8. What would you sell it for [genuine question]? Sterling, dollars, Yen or property? And would I be right in guessing you are now near 100% invested in bullion?
  9. I bet that is one hard heavy lumpy uncomfortable mattress.
  10. Things could go ballastic once the hot money jumps in.... I'll keep my eyes on the gold/silver ratio as a guide as opposed to prices. When the ratio nears 50 will jump to gold with say a half my silver while both keeping some and also selling some to raise more dollars. Will not sell any serious amount of gold. The faster it goes up, the greater the likelihood of a sudden reversal at a later date.
  11. Investors have largely bought into the idea of recovery, and then equities, with a little help from Uncle Ben. Yet, they are still wary of debt deflation. If we get another round of deleveraging then all markets will sell-off including gold. That gold was quick to dip on the Dubai news shows the price is vulnerable. Basically, investors are caught between a rock and a hard place. The rock is primarily ideological and is causing investors to spend [invest] under duress. Bernanke is increasing the monetary base.... if this in turn makes it into the money supply we have inflation.... the bogeyman of all investors. But then we also have the hard place of a macro-deflation where the level of debt is just too high and can no longer be sustained by slowly eroding asset values. In this kind of market the risk level has been cranked up to the nth degree and the investor can easily be squeezed.... it might not take much to spark a full on panic, and hence forced liquidation in near everything. Of course, gold would quickly recover as a prime liquid asset/currency.
  12. Start raising some "hold your nose" dollars?
  13. The other thing is if the hedgies did all pile in, thinking it was a sure bet.... because of the perceived certitude of a hyper-inflationary outcome... and then there did happen to be a deflationary downdraft.. they would all pile out again. Hyper-volatility anyone?
  14. From the above article Maybe you don't have to pick a side. The main thing is to be liquid [which would make Einhorn's strategy superior to Paulson's]
  15. It will be interesting to see how gold equities play out in comparison to bullion. I think everyone would agree there is more risk in equities.... especially in this macro-environment. If we get another crash, I'd like to buy some equities... as a speculative interest.
  16. Let me guess... you hedge your bets... then hedge your hedges also.
  17. Yes, it could happen.... I think we will continue to be surprised to both sides. If silver went to $25 on a spike, the ratio would likely get down towards 50 and I'd swap most of my silver for gold... keep some... and also buy some more dollars.
  18. Well, I'm thinking maybe at around $13 I'd pile in with my reserves. I think it could involve another macro event/ credit crunch the likes of which we saw last year. That said, I'm certainly not selling any silver here, as there's no certainty in these things.
  19. Is silver starting to run out of steam? Looks like good odds here for some lower prices.... not selling any of course... just waiting to buy.
  20. Stocks will get slaughtered, much more than bullion, on a market reversal. Those easy come "profits" could be gobbled up quite quickly. If we get another large sell-off, I'd only then think about buying mining stocks. Are these currency crosses signalling a turn? http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....st&p=144452
  21. You mean you still own some of that toilet paper stuff to buy with??
  22. How about looking at it subjectively? Consider what percentage of your worth is already in gold. How comfortable/ anxious are you about that percentage. Too much... not enough.... just right... If you have a large percentage in bullion, then perhaps you can afford to wait. If you do not have much of a percentage in bullion then perhaps you could buy.
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