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romans holiday

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Everything posted by romans holiday

  1. Yeah, we are due a bounce. But I wouldn't be surprised to see the ratio well into the 50s in the next few months. I think I'll jump around 55... though I know a lot here are looking for lower ratios.
  2. The ratio is finally back below 60. Interesting that the ratio is improving when bullion prices are in decline. No doubt this is due to gold's recent "parabolic" rise from which it is now consolidating. As a long term trader of silver, and an accumulater of gold, I put more importance on the ratio than the momentary prices. The only certainty with prices is they will be volatile... that and prices will rise in the aggregate of course.
  3. Good luck with your new land purchase F. As my brother-in-law, who has a small farm, says; "My land is my gold!"
  4. It was obviously meant humorously for a little light relief. Lighten up.
  5. fwiw I'd sell silver [more speculative] before gold.
  6. Is the shine wearing off on GoldMoney? I did the survey, and also asked for further information/ reasons for the recent announcement that cash reserves should not be held for more than 90 days. I am not sure if this is their formal policy yet, as there was no formal correspondence about it. I wonder if they would actually return funds after 90 days, or if it is only a tactic to get people buying metal. I have found GM very convenient for holding US dollars, and it would be a pain to have to open another US dollar account, and then have to transfer funds when the price was more advantageous. It's enough to drive anyone into paper gold! Or complete physical!
  7. It's an interesting one. My concern is obviously another round of deleveraging. Maybe I'll hang on to some for the nieces and nephews. Even if silver did slump, I think it would recover again relatively quickly, and I'd look to swap say half my gold back to silver once/ if the market sold off on deleveraging. This might involve a Chinese bubble popping.
  8. Long time coming but the ratio could see the 50s again [now on the 61 handle]. One more move up in the markets, with the ratio to 55 odd, and I'm jumping to gold.
  9. I edited it straight after I saw your subsequent post .. where you comically thought I had lost a whole one dollar on the trade. As for why it is locked, I don't know... maybe another moderator thought it would be best for posts on gold to be posted on the new thread. Dude, you are starting to sound delusional.
  10. The $1 or $2 dollar loss referred to the price of silver... the difference between exit and re-entry. Wasn't that obvious? I will not post the record of the transaction as that would effectively give away my net worth [calculable percentage wise from information posted here]. It astounds me that you ask. I do not consider myself a short term professional trader [i work for a living]... more a long term trader/ hedger/ investor. As for a moment of truth... more like a moment of paranoia.
  11. To ask me to post a record of my own personal and private bank account is highly unusual, and frankly quite an astonishingly ignorant request. You have a record of all my posts, in real time, discussing percentages, positions and strategies here. Anyone would think you were only here to bait and troll.... after earlier deciding you didn't want to post here anymore.
  12. No delayed announcement at all. Here it is dated on Dec 16th. Here's another even earlier post: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....st&p=145531 Can we please observe a civil discourse people? If you disagree with another's outlook on gold/silver that is fine, but it is poor form to accuse or insinuate others of being deceptive or dishonest. I have always openly posted my thoughts and transactions on this site. Discuss the ideas not the person. I recently swapped my remaining Yen to US dollars [the post is there, Bubb's diary, if you don't believe me ] where I will keep most of my cash reserve. Reserved to buy silver at better prices. My silver is also reserved, reserved to buy gold at a better ratio. The first could well follow the second.
  13. What are "we" insinuating? As if impertinence wasn't enough.
  14. Yeah, probably because I am more of a hedger than a trader.
  15. This is a good 'un. Just select the currency cross you want on "instruments". http://goldprice.org/live-gold-price.html
  16. Nah, you could say I made one bad trade. I sold some silver [10% of position] at around $14 when I thought the price was going down in the immediate term [since then changed tactics to only trade the BIG move/ dip... ignoring immediate/ short term price movements]. I did not mind that trade too much as was also wanting to raise cash and bought Yen which strengthened nicely afterwards [once I had raised more cash, bought the silver position back with Yen, at maybe a "loss" of a dollar or two....on the silver price... if I hadn't made that trade]. The bulk of my silver was bought at around $12/13. But I do not want to stay in silver long term as I consider the market to vulnerable. Ideally, I'll swap to gold on a a favorable ratio, which was my plan when buying silver in the first place. As for what is pointed out above... yes, quite aware of that information, as for the request, such impertinence. Edit: I have the compulsory physical stashed at home should the apocalypse come. Edited.
  17. I'm not really a short term trader. If I trade currencies, it is mostly very infrequently and on the big moves [still to come]. My record has been pretty good so far with currencies: Bought gold and silver when they were cheaper. Bought Yen when it was cheaper [subsequently swapped for dollars]. Bought US dollars at the bottom. If we get one last wave up here in the markets, we could see the gold/silver ratio nearing 50 [now 61] at which point I'd trade my silver for gold, considering profits taken.
  18. Cheers. Am sticking with it. I reckon we will see 3 digit prices again sometime this year.
  19. lol Why not distinguish between peripheral and central currencies? What happens in minor peripheral currnencies is hardly significant and might indeed have the opposite effect in the central ones, which become relatively stronger. Also, currency devaluation [by decree] is hardly hyper-inflation is it? This is what happened in the great depression, currencies were devalued against each-other. It might make imports more expensive in the short term... but would have the effect of stimulating exports, with the population exporting more and importing less. In a deflation, what is good for the economy is "bad" for the currency, and vice-versa. With the global economy in mind, what is happening in peripheral economies suggests a deflationary depression to me. My hyper-deflationary thesis incorporates the depreciation of peripheral currencies.... which is why I'd be more concerned having my savings in NZ dollars, or Korean Won rather than gold and US dollars. The "hyper" refers to currency depreciation, peripheral ones against central ones, and perhaps central ones against gold, silver. Depreciated currencies will remain valuable for the population, and against local assets, as assets will also depreciate in value as money becomes scarce [continued credit/ debt deflation]. This is not hyper-inflationary, where currency becomes super-abundant and it's value destroyed.
  20. Early days yet. Gold is just as likely to slowly rise as slowly fall in the immediate term... before the big dip. This could be a few months away yet. I like to think of what gold will do in real time, not whether it will go up or down in the abstract/ perma-present. It goes without saying that gold is going to 2000/3000 but this could be a good few years away imo. I recently bought some silver half expecting one last wave up here [even though I expect gold to revisit 900 handle at later date] . Nice little profit on this trade so far.
  21. I would have been happier to see the market fall in the fall [a la Hoye style] and then gone "all in" at bottom prices. It would be much easier to sell on a spike if you were near "all in" [but then, I imagine many that are "all in" will not consider selling any]. As for when to sell, I'll keep on eye on the gold/silver ratio. If it gets well into the 50s on a parabolic rise in the metals, I reckon that will be the sign to sell. Even then, I will only sell half my silver position for dollars, the other half for gold, and no selling of gold. I hope to go back heavily into silver, with dollars and some gold, on the fall following the spike. I reckon the concept, or strategy, has to be crystal clear in order not to be swayed by emotions and present day prices.
  22. I bought the bulk of my silver at around $12/13 [from memory] ... so that has to count as success so far [though I am a bit hesitant to count nominal gains in US dollars as "success" preferring instead to see profits in accumulated ounces of gold]. I did lighten up a little on silver [around 10% of position] around the $14 mark as wanted to raise some US dollars [realised a small profit here] at the time, and then recently rebought silver [6% profit so far] with Yen as I wanted to start getting out of Yen [which was stronger against silver than the dollar].... and also considered it a trade; I expect silver to go higher before falling below $14 this year sometime [i do not consider the bulk of my silver "in profit" simply because it is presently and nominally priced high in US dollars, this can turn around very quickly]. These transactions were pretty small compared to my core position in silver [in hindsight, I shouldn't have bothered mentioning it, henceforth shall only publish the big moves I make in bullion ]. As for selling on a silver spike, I am hoping to do this in the next month or two... if/ when silver goes above $20/21. Ideally, I'd like to swap silver for both gold and dollars [ratio nearing 60 again and would consider jumping at 55]. Gold for savings, and dollars to further speculate in silver if/ when it goes on a big dip. As I am sure you can appreciate, there are so many variables at work in both the market and someone's individual circumstances [and the currencies being used, and the currency considered for profit-taking] that it is not so easy to say selling then and buying then, some peripheral amount, in some particular currency, was not "profitable". This is the thrid time I have explained this to you. Are you stalking me?
  23. Well, maybe for a while. But then, I might lose my affiliation when I decide to lighten up on metal and raise cash reserves again on the next spike. Selling bullion for paper might be considered an even worse transgression that not being "all in" in the first place.
  24. Well, for me it is not as simple as being "all in" or all out. I'm much more interested in complexity than simplicity [think "Art of War", or game of chess] . I have large positions in silver, gold and cash, representing speculations, trades, savings and hedges. These functions can also overlap at times, and positions will change with market circumstances. As for "knowing"... there are no certainties. The prime reason why gold/ silver will eventually outperform everything else is because of uncertainty. http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....st&p=148270 I lightened up on YEN recently to buy silver [recently swapped remaining Yen for US dollars] for various reasons; was starting to loose confidence in Yen [too many political variables], was essentially a currency swap [silver a commodity currency], was comfortable with my cash position, but then was also possibly a short term trade... to take a profit in dollars in order to rebuy silver on the dip. I wouldn't sell all my silver on a spike because I am not 100% certain of a dip, and think silver will go on to higher prices at a later date [but doubt this will happen in a straight line]... which is why I maintain a core position in both gold/ silver of 60%. I guess this disqualifies me as a gold bug as I'm not "all in". But definitely a gold/silver bull. Essentially, I am not hedging so much against gold/silver as against lower prices in gold/silver, and would only go "all in" on a big dip [probably when the bubble in Chinese assets pops]. Lets see how 2010 pans out.
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