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romans holiday

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Everything posted by romans holiday

  1. When has he not been bullish on silver?
  2. imo gold has been effectively monetized. Silver continues to move with the vagaries of the risk/risk averse trades. This is what I love about silver. It is good for speculation, due to the massive volatility, whereas gold is now only good as an "investment".... or should a say a safe haven for capital.
  3. Interesting to note that the Yen has not yet managed to break out of the strengthening downward trend. Until the Yen breaks out of this channel, the risk trade looks fragile and silver might not be heading much to the upside.
  4. http://goldprice.org/live-gold-price.html Click on Live gold price, then choose your options on "instruments".
  5. Well, given the inflation scare it makes sense for money to stay out of the dollar so it has to choose between equities, oil and.... I see silver is going up!!! 14.28. It is spiking up against the Yen also so reflects a move of real money into silver. As for oil, it looks likely to go through 80, but you have to wonder how long it can stay there with a weak economy, demand destruction and all that. Then if the US price stays high only because of a weak dollar etc the price is not really going to reflect a real gain.
  6. Or as Buffett suggested when he made a well-timed song and dance about how greenbacks were about to pollute the world economy as surely as greenhouse warming.
  7. Certainly will be interesting to see where the dollar goes. You would expect the dollar to strengthen when the markets look weak. Looks like everything including the dollar is weak.... hyper-deflation anyone? The Yen has been strengthening which indicates a deflationary mode for me. I wonder if it would be more useful to price things in Yen.
  8. Yes, I would like to buy a little also... if there was another crash in the markets...
  9. Looking out a bit further, Yen/dollar cross could fall to 92.00 on risk aversion pulling silver down to perhaps below 1100 Yen. I doubt the silver price would come down quite as much in the dollar. The dollar is not strengthening as much as the Yen.
  10. Jobless claims update rocking the market. Up 15,000 to 570,000 Worse than expected.
  11. I think it is also interesting to note that the Yen/Dollar cross signalled the decline in silver in advance.
  12. The trend is for the Yen to continue strengthening against the dollar. I think silver will continue down here.
  13. It is actually quite a bullish article. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=ayr30bHgFXQE
  14. Buffet's crying out loud over the Fed's balance sheet. All for public consumption of course and great timing. Get out there and buy buy buy before the world is polluted with dollars!
  15. There will be many investors lining up to buy gold on these dips which will serve to support the price. I wonder if the same will happen with the Dow etc.
  16. I will only trade VERY infrequently on the big moves, otherwise, as you suggest, what is the point.
  17. I certainly do not mean anything negative by the phrase "taking money of the table". What I mean by that is the booking of profits which is fine. I view gold as non-speculative now and the place to park capital once it is made. Silver is still speculative and offers a good opportunity to trade. I doubt very much gold would move up when silver moves down. Many here are looking to trade out of silver into gold as the ratio moves up, which is a good strategy, but I doubt the price would move up with the ratio. I view this positively, in that the volatility of gold has settled down as it has effectively become monetized. Notice when absolutely everything is going down, gold has only gone down a few dollars. If gold has become a currency, its rise will be linear not parabolic. Of course, if everything fell over again and the market panicked.... I regard Yen as the natural trading partner for silver. Silver moves up on the risk trade and down on the risk averse trade. Yen does the opposite. Both of these currencies do this better than any of the others, so you could consider they stand at opposite ends of the currency spectrum. I also think both currencies are solid, so next to no risk is involved. Plus you don't have to hold your nose and buy dollars.
  18. The decline is fast and furious. It looks likely that silver will go below the previous dip of 12.60 odd. I hope to be start buying with dollars at around 12.00 and with Yen at around 1100. Relative to the decline against Sterling, silver has dropped a further 25% against Yen. This is due to the fact Yen strengthens [even more than the dollar] when silver weakens while Sterling also weakens [against the dollar and Yen] but at a slower rate. edited.
  19. I have become enamoured with Yen of late. If you want to increase your silver holding by speculating why not swap for Yen at some point. Swapping for gold is fine, but would be like taking money of the table.
  20. I think silver will be eventually monetized. But not yet and should remain very volatile. It is pretty much tied to the commodities complex at the moment and seems to me the perfect risk averse trade.... while the market is trading risk. Trade it for Yen and if you get the timing wrong, or miss a wave up, what does it matter as you are still essentially in two strong currencies where you can be sure capital will continue to flow between them.
  21. Repeat to yourself 100 times that these houses are just over-valued piles of bricks. This should remove the desire to buy.
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