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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Just 6% of the public Trust the media... and most of those are on the Left An alarmingly low number of Americans say they trust the media Apr. 18, 2016, 5:35 PM WASHINGTON (AP) — Trust in the news media is being eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by Americans' skepticism about what they read on social media. White House press secretary Josh Earnest takes questions during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington. Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public's view of other institutions. In this presidential campaign year, Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than Republicans or independents. . . . A majority of people get news from social media, most frequently by far from Facebook. "Facebook is the place where everyone is, and so you're not necessarily looking for news, but you're getting it," Rosenstiel. Yet only 12 percent of those who use Facebook say they have a lot of trust in the news and information they see on the site. Twitter attracts smaller numbers for news than Facebook, and about 18 percent have a good deal of trust in what they read there. There was also viewer skepticism of other social media sites. > http://www.businessinsider.com/ap-poll-just-6-percent-of-people-say-they-trust-the-media-2016-4 Hmm. Those little-trusted sources, like the Lie Stream media and Facebook, and almost entirely Leftwing dominated / 2 / I cannot seem to find an update - maybe Gallop stopped publishing the polls when Trust collapsed. (But we can see from these 2016, that it was only Democrats, who ever had much trust in The Media, but then it is "their" media, dominated by a leftwing bias): https://infographic.statista.com/
  2. Wednesday was a good day for GCM's stock But it is still WAY below adj. Book Value per share at c$12.40 (will come down towards C$5-6 as debs are converted) GCM.t / Gran Columbian Gold ... 10d : 5yrs : 12mos : $2.55 +0.12 : +4.94%, vol.: 486,383 Recent Comments - from the Stockhouse Bullboard RE:...:Solid production for March Thank you Chupaca.. Not long ago I was shareholder of Lake Shore which was sold for $ 950 MM and was producing 170 000 oz /year .Of course there are many other things to consider but Gran Columbia at this price is well undervalued. 21 000 000 shares at $ 2,40=$ 50 M + debt or $ 150 MM. I d'ont know what I'm missing but Grand Columbia looks to me a ''screaming buy.'' / 2 / If you add the warrants and the shares that will likely be issued as part of the 2018 debentures, you end up with about 54m shares outstanding which is still only about 2x EBITDA on current prices. Basically every multiple point increase in the stock is worth about C$2.40/ share and peers trade closer to 6x. / 3 / Keep in mind when reading the twelve trailing months production figure of 187,485 ozs . that there were 42 days of the strike in that time that effected production figures . Also before the strike workers were intimidated by the rebels to miss work . As well , equiment was damaged and capital work at Segovia was disrupted , so the next 12 months are going to see a lot of improvement . If no other problems come up we should be well past 200K ounces of gold . / 4 / You make good points wayned - GCM became a 200,000+ oz producer by doubling production in 2 years - despite some extraordinary headwinds. Having cleared these hurdles there's every reason to expect GCM to continue to outperform. Method has calculated the fully diluted price to EBITDA to be just 2x. Production should continue to rise, and AISC decline. It would seem that forward fully diluted price to EBITDA might be more like 1x. I don't think there is a rational justification for GCM being this cheap. / 5 / "Why do the Big Houses avoid it?" Waiting to see how the debentures get sorted out is my guess . Hopefully in a few weeks that will all change . / 6 / Ownership: Who owns the largest blocks of GCM? Co-chairman Serafino Iacono owns approx. 8% of the company . If the restructure works as planned he will own close to 10% . He told me some time ago if he bought any more he would have to declare he was trying to take ownership under TSX rules . I don`t know if that`s true or not but there is lots of insider ownership . / 7 / Why so cheap? - Country risk, ie Columbia? There is little country risk in Colombia anymore . I posted only a few days ago about friends who had just returned from vacation there . The World Bank rates Colombia #7 in the world for investment safety , tied with Canada . I would say Colombia is a better bet for resource developement than Canada . Just look at the companies that have left Alberta or look at Kinder Morgan throwing in the towel frustrated with Canada . The Ring of Fire has been symied by First Nations for 15 years . I could go on all day about broken hopes in Canada but Colombia is a very good place to be for resource investment . / 8 / Great volume again today (Monday was: 327,998 shares; Tue.: 285,448; Wed.: 486,385) Not sure how they are keeping it down, but hopefully deal gets done Thursday and the lid comes off. Been adding weekly in anticipation of a nice pop. Would like to get close to real value. Thoughts? / 9 / Method wrote: What insider sales are you referring to? (Miller only owned GCM.DB.V so they should be getting all cash in a few weeks if everything goes according to plan and GCM.DB.V hasn't really traded.) Subin was liquidating shares and 2020 debs on the 20 and 21st of Feb. Actually the insider report shows selling all throughout Feb. Do you understand what happened after Miller died and why Subin controls all the assets and why the selling occurred? No reason to panic. ( Yup, I understand It and think I was the first to mention it here but he only sold some bonds and never converted any to shares. He also only sold bonds above par which makes sense if he planned to sell the entire position anyway on the redemption. i agree there is no reason to panic and wasn’t suggesting anyone do so. ) > more http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?symbol=t.gcm
  3. Great article on THE TURNAROUND at GCM, from last year INVESTIGATION: The Turnaround at Gran Colombia Gold Tommy Humphreys November 14, 2017 EXCERPTS When Gran Colombia bought its producing Segovia gold mine [through the acquisition of Frontino Gold Mines] for about $200 million, the company found an entire town of illegal gold miners living underground in the formerly state-owned operation, located in the Department of Antioquia. Top-of-the-market promise At the time, GCM investors knew that illegal mining was a problem throughout Colombia, but they were willing to cut Gran Colombia some slack given the lofty promises of its two historic mining districts: Segovia and Marmato. The Segovia-Remedios mining district – a series of high-grade veins – has been mined for over 150 years and is estimated to have produced over 5 million ounces throughout its history. The grades are remarkably high – between 9.9 and 19.1 grams per tonne contained in 1.1 million ounces of measured and indicated resources (2017 figures) – which caught the attention of GCM's early investors, including Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors. Holmes told CEO.ca it was the high grades that first prompted him to consider investing in the company. “They’re way above average grade. That was probably the biggest reason for it.” Although Segovia would represent a reliable producing asset given its history, high grades, and the fact the Colombian government had been running it for 40 years, in the early days Gran Colombia was focused on Marmato, which it acquired in 2011 through a merger with Medoro, a former Iacono-run company that had consolidated the “mountain of gold” located in the heart of the Middle Cauca gold district in the Department of Caldas. Marmato's mining history goes even further back than Segovia, to pre-Colonial times, when it was worked by the Quimbaya people. The Spanish colonists assumed control of the Marmato mines in 1527 and they have been in almost continuous production ever since. Local history recounts that Simon Bolivar, the revolutionary leader who liberated much of South America from Spanish rule, used the mines as collateral with British banks to secure funding for a war of independence against Spain. The grades are lower than Segovia – between 2.8 and 4.7 g/t, but the M&I resource is impressive – a whopping 3.897 million gold ounces, as of the latest estimate. In 2011, Gran Colombia charted a course for building out Marmato, particularly unlocking its silver resources, and relocating the town of Marmato, population 10,000, to do it. The idea was to build a large open-pit mine to exploit the low-grade ore, and the company completed 325,000 metres of drilling to delineate the resource, which made it to prefeasibility, along with $50 million spent on studying how to move the town to get at the ore body. The company knew it would take a few years to execute its plan, but with gold and silver prices at all-time highs, it decided on a financial instrument that would give investors exposure to high gold and silver prices while they waited. In 2011, it offered 80,000 notes of the company at $1,000 apiece, for a raise of $80 million. The notes, due in 2018, would pay a 5% coupon and upon maturity investors would receive the dollar equivalent of 66.7 ounces of silver per note, or $1,000, whichever was higher. “We feel this is a creative and innovative financial instrument that provides investors an attractive opportunity to benefit from the long-term cycle in silver prices and is a reflection of our view that precious metals prices will continue to increase in the long term,” Iacono said in the 2011 press release announcing the silver-linked notes. Investors mopped them up, seemingly a no-lose investment, considering that silver was around $35 at the time. If that continued, in seven years they'd double their initial $1,000 payment per note, and get interest on it to boot. Encouraged by the success of the silver notes, GCM did the same thing in 2012 with an offering of gold-linked notes, this time hoping to raise $120 million to expand gold production at Segovia, including a new 2,500 tonnes per day mill. In this offering, for every 1,000 units that investors bought, they received a 10% coupon and 250 warrants. According to Holmes, the “double optionality” of the silver notes was a no-brainer. . . . Mike Davies, GCM's chief financial officer, recalls what happened in those black days of April 2013 when gold fell off the shelf - dropping over $200 in just two sessions. Gold note holders that were up by $300 an ounce when gold was trading at $1700 – with a gold price-linked guaranteed payout of $1400 – found themselves holding an instrument that would only pay them the floor price, plus interest. For the company, it was much worse. Gran Colombia had to make up the difference between the $1400 floor price and the gold price, which in 2015 dropped to $1100 an ounce – a $300 gap. Meanwhile the stock price was in free-fall, plummeting from $142.50 a share in December 2013 to around $2 at the end of 2015, as investors fled the equity, scared off by the uncertainty in gold and silver prices, the company's plans to develop an open-pit mine in a region over-run by illegal miners, cash costs nearing $1200 an once in 2013, and a board that seemed to have lost its direction. “We were racing against perception that, with gold going down, we were going out of business,” said Davies. “We found ourselves behind the eight ball with two commodity-linked instruments that, economically, were just way off where the markets were, repayments facing in front of us, and we needed to restructure those.” At the end of 2014, GCM went into default on both commodity-linked notes. The company took a break on paying interest for two months to re-group and by March 2015 resumed monthly interest payments on both debt instruments while it forged ahead to restructure its debt. Led by GMP Securities out of Toronto, the debt restructure essentially resulted in either paying out the silver notes [renamed “2018 debentures”], or converting them into shares. If the share price is below US$1.95 (about CAD$2.40 at current exchange rates), Gran Colombia will pay bondholders 19% in cash – which it is saving for between now and next August – and the rest in shares. The gold notes were renamed “2020 debentures”. In May 2017 Gran Colombia extended the maturity date of $47 million of the 2020 debentures by four years, to 2024. Whatever excess cash Gran Colombia accumulated, would go towards paying out the 2020 bondholders, while the 2024 bondholders, including Iacono, Frank Holmes and other high-net-worth investors, would keep theirs another four years, enticed by an 8% interest rate. Davies said the restructure had to satisfy the three sets of bondholders, which is why there are quirks in the arrangement such as the 19% cash payout in the silver notes. . . . The effect of the restructuring wasn't immediate. Even though Gran Colombia had several good quarters, some shareholders felt burnt after coming out of the restructuring, and hadn't seen any share price gains for their decision to stay with the company. The stock bumped along at between $1.20 and $1.50 for a year. Davies said the company also had to contend with stock dilution due to the convertible note structure, and an arbitrage opportunity some bondholders took advantage of between the 2018 debentures and the common shares. That added another 200 million shares in 2016 to the 113 million GCM had at the end of restructuring. “I think that played havoc with our stock through much of 2016,” said Davies, who noted that the problem has largely been corrected since the company did a 15-to-1 stock consolidation in April 2017 (one post-consolidation share for every 15 pre-consolidation shares). Gran Colombia now has about 20 million shares in the float. (see Table 2) “In 2016 we were flat where everybody was starting to rise. This reflected things such as people still trying to get comfort in the story, regain confidence after coming out of a restructuring, and contending with the dilution overhang,” added Davies. Focus on Segovia The restructuring had the effect of re-positioning Gran Colombia on its key producing asset: Segovia. Large open-pit mines envisioned by the Marmato project were out of favour with investors. The company needed cash, and a way to regain shareholder confidence. The first step was to bring costs down at the Segovia operations. The Colombian government asked management not to slim down the labour force, which had thousands of workers when Gran Colombia took over the mine in 2010. Both parties knew that making drastic cuts to its Segovia payroll would result in social turmoil in the impoverished region, so Gran Colombia came up with the idea of forming cooperatives. Composed of formerly illegal miners, the new mining co-ops would work in Gran Colombia's concessions and deliver ore to its mill for processing. After four years, nearly all the illegal miners are organized into co-ops; the only difference between them and the GCM workers is the colour of their coveralls. At Segovia the co-op miners bring an average 15 grams per tonne material, for which they receive $450 per ounce in payment. “This has been one of the biggest misconceptions of the market. People that work in our mine are like any other contract miner that we hire. But because it's a Colombian contract miner, everybody thinks it's a bunch of camperos (campers). This is an organized operation,” said Iacono. That $450 an ounce figure is key because before the restructuring the major contract mining company was being paid $600 an ounce. How did Gran Colombia sell that to the contract miners? The Colombian peso had fallen significantly in value against the dollar, meaning the co-op miner's costs also dropped. “We negotiated a reduction that took them from $600 down to $450 an ounce. So $150 an ounce of savings on, like, 50, 60,000 ounces a year. It was a major cost savings,” Davies recalled. General and administrative (G&A) expenses were also slashed, from around $20 million in 2011 to the current $6 million. Then there was the production. Increased output at Segovia – 75,000 ounces a year in 2014 to 125,000 oz in 2016 – helped drive down fixed costs on a per ounce basis, from close to $1300 an ounce in 2013 to $652 an ounce during the first half of this year. Total cash costs between Marmato (16% of gold sales) and Segovia (84%) in H1 averaged $709/oz. The turnaround While debt restructuring and cost control were undoubtedly two main factors behind Gran Colombia's turnaround over the past four years, another key component in regaining the confidence of investors was adding some new, technical people to the board, according to Frank Holmes. “Serafino’s always working hard, he’s fixing this problem and that problem, but the board needed some independent technical people to support him. Fino won’t like me saying that but he knows it in his heart,” said Holmes. For instance, the company brought on Mark Ashcroft, a senior mining executive with expertise in debt financing to lead its technical committee of the board and recruited Lombardo Paredes Arenas to become the new CEO. Holmes praised Lombardo as a competent operator, aided by his background in the Venezuelan oil business, including successfully building and running the $2.6 billion Cardon Refinery Conversion Project. “What’s really good about the story is they had lots of pain, and they went through some positive restructuring and it showed up. And more important than the stock going up is the production went up. And that made the costs drop. So you did two significant things. The more quarters you do that people are going to start trusting the Fino factor,” he said. The Davies factor is even more important when talking about Gran Colombia's improved balance sheet. As part of the restructuring, any excess cash that GCM accumulates every quarter gets swept into a “sinking fund” that will be used to pay out the 2020 debentures ahead of maturation – in other words, retiring the debt, which is currently sitting at about $142 million; in July, the company reduced $3.6 million of the 2020 debentures. Bondholders can convert their debentures into shares at any time before maturity at an exercise price of US$1.95. Perhaps the more important figure is the increased EBITDA. Due mostly to cost cutting, Gran Colombia's earnings before interest, taxes, debt and amortization rose 8% from 2016 to 2017, and now stands, on an annualized basis, at $71 million. Davies said the company's 2017 goal is to generate excess cash flow of $15 million, of which $5.5 million has already been realized in the first half. All that money will go into the sinking funds to retire more debt. > http://www.kitco.com/commentaries/2017-11-14/INVESTIGATION-The-Turnaround-at-Gran-Colombia-Gold.html
  4. Global Stock market Comparison RESISTANCE may be futile - or Not SPY-vs.UKX, PSEI : 10-d : Let's see if SPY can punch above important resistance near $271. SPY ... update If it can, the old highs may be retested Equivalent Resistance for FTSE is 7,300 UKX ... update The Philippines Stock Exchange Index is already breaking down PSEI ... update : 5-yrs :
  5. ECB, I agree with you that staying away from the P 200K+ per sqm NEW Properties makes sense Especially when you can get something NEW or ALMOST NEW from the secondary market. The question is: WHAT IS THE BEST WAY to access the Secondary Market. Looking at OLX or other property websites (which sites?) may be one way, but others have have found better & more creative way
  6. NO APOLOGIES from the Bubble Creator (SMDC) I went to visit Mall of Asia, to have some food yesterday. While there, I could not resist stopping by the SMDC showroom. The showroom looked the same as the last time, but the prices on offer are MUCH higher Examples/ Project: Compl.: Cost-- : Sqm : PerSqm Air Res : 2020 : P6.80M : 26.4 : P258K : Shore3 : 2022 : P7.38M : 26.1 : P280K : RedRes: 2023 : P7.17M : 26.0 : P275K : Lush - : N/A- : Note: Costs include 12% VAT & Miscellaneous ==== I found the prices rather shockingly high, since they were maybe 20-25% lower than the last time I had seen them. The agent was surprised, and did not know how to react when I asked her what the Shore Residences unit could be rented for - that's a 26sqm 1BR. her colleague said: for P30-35K per monthly, and then it was my time to be surprised. I asked it she had some way to demonstrate or prove that, and after 20 minutes, she came back and showed me an OLX ad at P35,000 (semi-Furnished) P35k x 12= P420k / P7.38M = 5.7% Yield BEFORE paying for A/C etc needed for "semi-furnished" status OLX Available Shore1 : 1BR : 27.7sqm : P35,000 : FFurn., Amenity Fl Shore - : 1BR : 27.7sqm : P35,000 ; FFurn., 19th Fl, w/balcony, seaview OLX Seeking Shore - : 1BR : 27.?sqm : P30,000 ; SemiF., Seeking 10 units, "cheapest price", quotes P30k Rentpad Avail. 1BR: 26sqm at 30-32,000 monthly - FFurn 1BR: 27sqm at 32-35,000 monthly - FFurn
  7. Stockbroker, COL, is outperforming the Index in recent weeks PSEI / Philippines Stock Index ... update : 7,862.62 - 37.36 COL / COL Financial Group Inc. (PSE) ... update COL Financial 2017 profit grows 15.3% - today's Manila Times ONLINE broker COL saw its net income jump 15.3% driven by continuous growth in its client base + COL said net income grew from P328Mn to P379Mn in 2017 + 21% increase in client accounts from 205,000 to 249,000 + referrals from clients, and new investors centers outside Metro Manila, namely: Davao, Cebu, Ilocos + Market share grew to 6.3 percent from 5.6 percent, and in terms of value turnover for local investors to 13.1 percent from 11.9 percent.
  8. GOLD & Silver Poised? Maybe Silver shares / SIL: Global X Silver Miners SIL- etc ... update GOLD READY FOR HUGE RUN HIGHER - Keith Neumeyer Silver is cheap: GOLD- to- Silver Ratio is over 80:1 SIL (silver shares) look Cheap relative to GDXJ (Junior Gold shares): Ratio: SIL -to-GDXJ ==
  9. Deflation from housing Zerohedge: Beware mother of all deflations USA opinion piece with UK as case study. Until 1982 mortgages were supplied by building societies. Building societies were -not- granted the same privilege to create credit/money so finance availability was limited. After 1982 the banks, capable of creating loans ex nihilo got into the market, valuations became circular on lending, and the only limit to price increases was(is) how much debt can be sustained leading to 2008, debts can't grow, process goes into reverse ->massive government intervention. / 2 / Sign of Desperation? Desperate banks slash rates on high risk mortgages 1 2 By Mancunian284, Friday at 04:13 AM
  10. Rate rise doubts as property demand falls, says RICS By Kevin Peachey Personal finance reporter 12 April 2018 A lack of activity in the UK housing market could make it more difficult for Bank of England policymakers to raise interest rates, surveyors have said. There has been widespread speculation of a potential increase in the Bank rate in May from its level of 0.5%. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) said property buyer demand had fallen for its 12th consecutive month in March. This could mean slower household spending as fewer people move home. Simon Rubinsohn, chief economist at RICS, said that there was little sign of any potential pick-up in buyer demand. "Apart from the implications this has for the market itself, it also has the potential to impact the wider economy, contributing to a softer trend in household spending," he said. "This could make Bank of England deliberations around a May hike in interest rates, which is pretty much odds-on at the moment, a little more finely balanced than would otherwise be the case." Interest rates: What would a rise mean for you? Moving home is 'becoming a rarity' > http://www.bbc.com/news/business-43724002
  11. Middle-GAME ... in the Chess Game between Trump and the Deep State Trump's counter-attack has begun ! "The criminals are no longer safe" Comey is undermined - Mueller is warned Jerome Corsi Live Stream April 13 Three items that Mr Corsi points to: 1. Pardoning of Scooter Libby 2. Release of Report (from Office of the Inspector General) flagging crimes of McCabe, & undermining Comey 3. Ezra Cohen Watnick was fired, & got reassigned by Trump into DOJ, counter-intelligence "There is NO ACCIDENT that this came just as Comey's book came out... It's part of a Plan." "We also have John Huber working on criminal cases." 1/ 'SCOOTER' LIBBY PARDONED... Message to Mueller? 2/ Former FBI Deputy Director Faulted in Scathing Inspector General Report... DETAILS... Andrew McCabe, onetime acting FBI director, leaked a self-serving story to the press and later lied about it to his boss and federal investigators, prompting a stunning fall from grace that ended in his firing last month, says a bombshell report released Friday by the Justice Department's internal watchdog. Inspector General Michael Horowitz, appointed by President Barack Obama, had been reviewing FBI and DOJ actions leading up to the 2016 presidential election. The report, handed over to Congress on Friday and obtained by Fox News, looked at a leak to The Wall Street Journal about an FBI probe of the Clinton Foundation. The report says that McCabe authorized the leak and then misled investigators about it, leaking in a way that did not fall under a "public interest" exception.
  12. INCOME SENSITIVITY to Production (in Ounces) ======= : - 2016- : - 2017 - // Q1'2017- : Q4'2017- : Q1'2018- : Prod.Oz : 149,708 : 173,821 // 39,008oz : 51,699oz : 52,672oz : Revenues $185.1M : $215.4M // $ 45.7 M : $ 70.9 Mn : $ 67.4 Est. Revs/Oz: $1,236oz : $1,239oz // $1172oz : $1371/oz : $1280Est (=$121.3x10.55) EBITDA : $ 66.0 M : $ 75.5 M // $ 13.6 Mn : $ 26.8 Mn : $ 26.3 Est : EB-/Oz. : $ 441/oz : $ 434/oz // $ 349/oz : $ 518/oz : $ 500/Est FinlChg. : $ 32.8 M : $ 32.2 M // $ 7.88 M : $ 8.37 Mn : $8.00 Est Eb-Fin'l. : $ 33.2M : $ 43.3 M // $ 5.72 M : $ 18.4 Mn : $ 18.3 Mn : Adj.NetI : $ 15.6 M : $ 22.9 M // $ 3.10 M : $ 11.0 Mn : $ 10.0 Mn : aNI/Oz. : $ 104/oz : $ 132/oz // $79.4/oz : $ 213 /oz : $ 190/ Est ExcessCF : $ 2.9M : $ 16.4 M // $ 2.3 M : $8.60 Mn : $8.00 Est === ----------------- Yr 2017 : Qtr3'17 : Qtr4'17 : Revenues: $215.37 : $144.43 : $ 70.94 : Fin'l.Chg-- : $32.311 : $23.938 : $8.373 AdjNetInc $22.900 : $11.000 : $11.900 : /40M.shs: $0.57/sh: $0.28/sh: $0.30/sh: ExcessCF : $16.400 : $ 7.800 : $ 8.600 Financial Charges : $32.3 Million in 2017 > High because Discount on debt is being charged Debs- rt : YrEnd2016: YrEnd2017: x Rate-- : SinkFd : Effect: Book2017 : Diff'E17 : 2017 Chgs. 2018-1%: $049,744k : $45,160K : $0,452k : $ 4.3M: 47.9% : $33,913M : $11,247 : $20.0 M Est 2020-6%: $101,160k : $48,696K : $2,922k : $ 7.6M: 22.7% : $34,883M : $13,813 : $10.0 M Est 2024-8%: $000,000k : $46,955K : $3,756k : $ 0.0M: 15.5% : $29,967M : $16,988 : $ 2.3 M Est ============================= >TOTAL : $150,904k :$140,811K : $7,130k: $11.9M: 23.0%: $98,713M : $42,048 : $32.3 M Est Fin'l Chgs - Estimate for 2018 Debs-rt: YrE-2017 : x Rate- : SinkFd : Effect: Diff'E17 : Qtr-1 : Qtr-2 : Qtr-3 : Qtr-4 = 2018 2018-1%: $45,160K : $0,452k : $ 4.3M: 47.9% : $11,247 : $4.0 M : $4.0M : $2.5M : $0.0M = $10.5M Est 2020-6%: $48,696K : $2,922k : $ 7.6M: 22.7% : $13,813 : $2.5 M : $2.5M : $2.5M : $2.5M = $10.0M Est 2024-8%: $46,955K : $3,756k : $ 0.0M: 15.5% : $16,988 : $1.7 M : $1.7M : $1.8M : $1.8M = $07.0M Est ==================================== Total-: $140,811K : $7,130k : $11.9M: 00.0% : $42,048 : $8.2 M : $8.2M : $6.8M : $4.3M = $27.5M Est --------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual'18 > ???????? ------------ EPS "kick" vs.$8.2 assuming 40mn shs OS'18 > $0.00 : $0.00 : 0.035 : 0.098 = $0.133
  13. Makati Condo Chart - to Q4-2017 Developer Stock charts - to 4/12/2018 ... since 1/2013 : 1/2016 : xx
  14. "Bias and Political Censorship" Ted Cruz Grills Mark Zuckerberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwvFD_A5QeQ Zuck Gutted like a Fish here... But much more work needs to be done. "A platform for all views". Right. Sanctimonius BS from Zuckerberg
  15. The Zuck-in' Highlights Zuckerberg's Senate hearing highlights in 10 minutes If Zuck was honest, we would talk about his CIA connections. He's on the wrong page when he talks about Fake News & Hate Speech. His idea of real news is CIA Lies. His idea of Hate Speech is probably ALLOWED by the 1st Amendment. Almost No one cares about hurting the feelings of 20-something SJW's. Merely telling THE TRUTH hurts the feelings many brainwashed young idiots
  16. 20,000 Brainwashed SJW ideologues will determine what is Hate Speech at Fakebook (Btw the 1st Amendment supports Free Speech, & does not ban anything called Hate speech, but these ill-educated Useful Idiots may not care) “Hate speech is one of the hardest, because determining if something is hate speech is very linguistically nuanced. You need to understand what is a slur and whether something is hateful, not just in English, but a majority of people on Facebook use it in languages that are different across the world.” Facebook has developed and deployed AI tools to find terrorist propaganda, Zuckerberg said, and nearly all ISIS and al Qaeda content that is removed from Facebook is flagged before “any human sees it.” “That’s a success in terms of rolling out AI tools that can proactively police and enforce safety across the community,” Zuckerberg said. “Hate speech, I am optimistic that over a five to 10 year period we'll have AI tools that can get into some of the nuances, the linguistic nuances of different types of content to be more accurate in flagging things for our systems, but today is just not there on that.” The Facebook CEO said that by the end of 2018, the company will have 20,000 employees devoted to security and content review. > https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/mark-zuckerberg-optimistic-ai-tools-to-flag-remove-hate-speech-on-facebook-will-be-developed-in-5-10-years The truth seems to be that hate speech is anything that will make these idiots uncomfortable. If you are with me, you may think that it is IMPORTANT to make young progressives uncomfortable, when they are blocking non-PC Truths
  17. GCM - etc .... update : 12mos : 10d : (in edit - another comparison): GCM - vs. GDXJ, RRS.L, UGL ... update
  18. The Demise of "Fakebook" (Facebook) is now readily Imaginable Zuck may have 'ucked himself & FB by being too greedy and harvesting too much How it was: Symbol Company : YrE.' 15 : YrE. '16 : +1yr.chg : YrE. '17 : +2yr.chg : $-Last- : +change : P/ER : earn.ps FB / Facebook : $104.66 : $115.05 : + 9.93% : $176.46 : +68.60% : $189.35 : +80.92% : 36.70 : $5.16 : Latest FB / Facebook : $104.66 : $115.05 : + 9.93% : $176.46 : +68.60% : $157.20 : +50.87% : 29.14 : $5.39 : Versus SPX - etc : update > new thread: Death of Facebook
  19. (A very DMCI-Like design, Veranda seems to have sold well for Alveo): Alveo fast-tracks condo development in Taguig Old article - original Posted on September 01, 2016 (+4 yrs = 2020, but sold out by 2018-19?) ALVEO LAND Corp. is accelerating its condominium development within the rising Arca South business and lifestyle district in Taguig City amid a strong uptake that could see the residential complex sold-out ahead of schedule. An artist’s perspective of The Veranda in Arca South, Taguig -- Alveo Land The subsidiary of Ayala Land, Inc. will launch the fourth and final tower of The Veranda next month or less than two years after introducing the project to the market, its Senior Division Manager for Project Development Antonio S. Sanchez III told reporters on Tuesday. North Veranda, a residential condominium, will rise 15 storeys high and offer 195 units, in addition to the 231 residences in West Veranda, 273 in South Veranda and 203 in East Veranda. “We’re ahead of schedule. Originally, the four towers of the Veranda was a four-year pipeline for us, but only after two years, we’re launching our last tower. So, possibly the four-year sellout period will be advanced to three years,” Mr. Sanchez said. Alveo Land has sold around 80% of the residential units in the first three towers. The development is particularly attractive for investors, with end-users only accounting for 43% of the sales thus far. “The first three towers, we were expecting it to be sold-out within three years [but] now we experience a faster take-up at around 25 to 30 units a month. For the fourth tower, I think it’s going to take another 12 months to sell out,” Mr. Sanchez said. Alveo Land expects to generate P1.9 billion in sales from North Verdana alone, reflecting an 8% increase in the property’s value to P140,000 per square meter (sq.m.) from P130,000/sq.m. when West Veranda and South Veranda launched in 2014. The company will offer studio-typed units (29-30 sq.m.) for P4.1 million to P4.6 million, one-bedroom (58-75 sq.m.) for P7.4 million to P10.5 million, two-bedroom (81-96 sq.m.) for P11.1 million to P13.6 million and three-bedroom (120-147 sq.m.) for P15.1 million to P21.9 million. Alveo Land will start turning over The Verdana in the fourth quarter of 2018, with the completion of West Veranda and South Veranda. It will deliver East Veranda next in the first quarter of 2019 and North Veranda in the fourth quarter of 2020. The company is investing P5 billion for the entire development, which is expected to rake in P8.2 billion in sales, Mr. Sanchez said. > MORE: http://www.bworldonline.com/content.php?section=Corporate&title=alveo-fast-tracks-condo-development-in-taguig&id=132728
  20. VERANDA : Living in The Flow with internal Courtyards - A type of Serenity? The Veranda spans 12,988 sq.m., with atrium gardens, open spaces and amenities covering 40% of the area. It will feature a so-called “Aeroflux” design to allow natural light and air throughout the property. Alveo Land is developing The Veranda within the 74-hectare master planned estate of parent Ayala Land in Taguig City. The internal courtyard of Veranda is reminiscent of a DMCI project \ There are still outdoor amenities, and a plan that permits a breeze to flow through > Presentation : https://innovativelives.wordpress.com/veranda/ > Old Prices -- : http://www.manilacondostore.com/veranda
  21. RF, How long has your company been selling properties at Lakeshore ? Someone told me that the Lakeshore development goes back 20 years. Is the Flavourscapes project new? How long do you reckon it will take sell out? Months? Years?
  22. THE CRUNCH will come... if there is going to be one, When they get the keys and try to rent out these expensive units (& generate a reasonable return.) Of even earlier, when they try to get a bank loan to finance those 70% or 80% due after Three years
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