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  1. HOW WRONG They were ! (so far) Uranium Prices Set To Rise In 2017 | OilPrice.com May 2, 2017 - Uranium prices have rebounded a little in recent months. With spot rates rising to a current $22.75/lb — after falling as low as $18 in late 2016. But a new plan from the world’s top producer could help get prices moving upward again. As this major plans to increase its presence in buying and selling uranium around the world. The firm is Kazakhstan state miner KazAtomProm. Which said this past week that it is setting up its first-ever trading subsidiary, to become more active in setting uranium prices. KazAtomProm’s commercial director Riaz Rizvi told an industry conference late last week that a trading arm based in Switzerland has now been established. With full staffing for the office expected to be completed by the third quarter of this year. Director Rizvi noted that after that point, KazAtomProm’s uranium traders will become active in the spot market. A fact that could be very significant for uranium prices. Here’s why: uranium spot prices generally fall well below long-term prices. As the chart below shows, there’s been an approximately $10 to $20 gap between the two marker prices over the past decade. (Click to enlarge) Spot uranium prices tend to lag long-term prices by $10 to $20 (source: Cameco) KazAtomProm sees a big reason for that spread: a lack of trading in the spot market. As Rizvi put it, “The problem is the fact that we are not buying and selling material.” Related: ‘’OPEC Has Failed’’ Rizvi pointed out that in other commodities, long-term prices generally don’t rise much above the cost of storage. If that happens, traders and other market participants simply buy up spot product and keep it, to sell in the future. KazAtomProm may now be planning to bring such a strategy to uranium. Which could help to narrow the gap between spot and long-term prices — especially given the financial power this big firm has behind it. That in turn could lead to a significant rise in spot prices. Storage fees for some industry groups runs as little as $0.22/lb yearly — meaning spot rates could rise a lot from the current $10 to $20 discount to long-term, and still offer a profitable arbitrage. Watch for potential changes coming in uranium trade and pricing starting in Q3. Uranium price outlook for 2017 & 2018 looking good - FocusEconomics Jul 19, 2017 - A uranium supply glut and falling demand along with negative sentiment based on a series of events in early 2017 has kept the price low, but ... the price is currently down around 25% from the same time last year having plummetted over 40% in 2016 according to a report by Frik Els of Mining.com. A uranium supply glut and falling demand along with negative sentiment based on a series of events in early 2017 has kept the price low, but analysts are becoming bullish on the medium and longer-term outlooks for uranium despite the metal still technically in a bear market. Click on the image to see a larger version In January, Kazakhstan, the world’s largest producer, announced that it would cut production by 5.2 million pounds in 2017, which amounts to 3% of global production. The decision was welcomed by markets as a necessary measure to ease the ongoing supply glut. However, a series of events, including Japanese utility Tepco’s cancelling of a key uranium supply contract with Cameco Corp. and the U.S. Department of Energy’s decision to cut uranium dispersion into the market, dampened the enthusiasm following Kazakhstan’s announcement. Nonetheless, Uranium prices have recovered moderately at the outset of Q3 after declining in the preceding quarter. On 7 July, uranium traded at USD 20.1 per pound, which was up 4.4% from the same day in June. The price was 0.7% lower on a year-to-date basis and was down 24.2% from the same day last year. . . . Uranium Price Outlook 2017 & 2018Demand is expected to firm up on the back of favorable supply and demand dynamics. New nuclear facilities are expected to become operational in the coming years and substantial output curbs will contribute to reducing the supply glut in the market and push prices higher. FocusEconomics projects that Uranium prices will average USD 25.9 per pound in Q4 2017 and USD 28.4 per pound in Q4 2018. Uranium Spot Might Hit $51-$54 In 2018 | Seeking Alpha https://seekingalpha.com › Mar 14, 2017 - Uranium price graph adjusted to inflation points to spot price of $35-$41 in near future. ... Models point to shortage in uranium in 2017-2018.=============== > out-of-date : U stocks : PRICE UPDATE https://www.cameco.com/invest/markets/uranium-price UX Consulting CO. $20.30 US$/lb October 09, 2017 TradeTech $20.70 US$/lb October 06, 2017 Prices are published by independent market consultants Ux Consulting and ... Uranium Participation Corp. - Uranium Market - Sat Oct 14, 2017www.uraniumparticipation.com/s/Uranium_Market.asp In fiscal 2017, the uranium industry continued to face challenges as uranium prices endured their sixth consecutive year of bear market conditions, which ... Uranium Industry Overview In fiscal 2017, the uranium industry continued to face challenges as uranium prices endured their sixth consecutive year of bear market conditions, which emerged following the Fukushima incident in March 2011. The uranium spot price dropped 44% during the fiscal year, starting out at US$32.15 per pound U3O8 at the beginning of the fiscal year, hitting a 12-year low of US$18.00 per pound U3O8 in November 2016 and recovering slightly to US$22.25 per pound U3O8 at fiscal 2017 year end in February 2017. The depth and breadth of this uranium market downturn has finally begun to take a meaningful toll on the production side of the supply and demand equation, with production cutbacks becoming the norm as higher priced legacy long term contracts begin to fall off. Uranium prices in the low US$20.00 per pound U3O8 range are unlikely to be sustainable, given that the all-in production costs of the lowest cost producing mines, as reported by UxC, are higher than the current depressed price level. Further, the current price environment fails to incentivize the majority of undeveloped uranium projects towards construction. U3O8.biz - The Business of Uranium - Sun Oct 15, 2017www.u3o8.biz/ The top-producing uranium mine in 2015 was McArthur River, which is ... This ''OPEC'' strategy could boost uranium prices next year - Oilprice.com, 12-Oct-17
  2. Beyond belief how deluded she is! These interviews just breed hatred of her - Read the comments, they are about 100% Negative & very nasty Hillary's Message to Americans: "You Are Being Snookered"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxST8Oe77JI Hillary may already be the most hated person on the planet... right up there with Soros "the real threat to the people is a government that does not care about you" (THAT is exactly what HRC wanted to deliver and head uo.)
  3. LOL - a classic opening here Nobody Likes Feminism: that's what happened, Hillary. Red Pill Black Published on Sep 19, 2017 (here's Candace at TED back in 2016): "The Truth about Your Activism" | Candace Owens | TEDxMSJC Her presentation has become much more punchy since then She has taken the Red Pill, to get past the "hamster mentality" "Liberals Are Insane. I'll Never Go Back" - Red Black Pill On Watter's World MagiCal HD Published on Sep 23, 2017
  4. Looking more and more finished Stiles is looking up too THE STILES ENTERPRISE PLAZA WINS INTERNATIONAL AWARD Alveo Land wins Best Office Development (Philippines) in the 2017 Asia-Pacific International Property Awards for The Stiles Enterprise Plaza, its flagship office development in Circuit Makati. Its model unit designs for The Gentry Residences and Portico also received awards in the Best Interior Design - Show Homes (Philippines) category, with the former winning an additional 5-star award in the same category.
  5. Uranium is cruising for a retest of the lows... URA / Global X Uranium ETF ... All-data : 5-years : 2-yrs : 6-mos / 10-d Uranium participation / U.t ... all-data : A buy window is open. Ideal low: Probably during tax-related selling over the next two months. A sensible target for that low would be mid-Nov., based on history. TOP Producing uranium co's 1. Cameco (TSX:CCO,NYSE:CCJ) 2016 uranium production: 27 million pounds (13,500 MT) Cameco accounts for approximately 17 percent of global uranium production, and has mines in three countries. In the US it owns the Smith Ranch-Highland operation in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin, as well as the Crow Butte operation in Nebraska. The company’s notable Canadian operations include Cigar Lake and McArthur River/Key Lake, where it holds partial ownership. Additionally, Cameco has a 60-percent stake in a mine in Kazakhstan. In 2016, Cameco produced slightly less uranium than it did the previous year. Commenting on the company’s performance, President and CEO Tim Gitzel said, “[t]he past year proved to be another difficult period for the uranium market. However, despite the uranium spot price hitting a 12-year low, the performance of our core business — uranium — was solid, and in line with our outlook.” So far in 2017, the company has hit at least one snag. In February, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings terminated its uranium supply contract with the company, citing force majeure circumstances. Cameco has rejected the termination, and has said it will enforce its rights to recover losses. Terminating the contract could cost the company $1.3 billion in revenue for uranium deliveries through 2028. 2. AREVA (EPA:AREVA) 2016 uranium production: 24.7 million pounds (11,186 MT) AREVA produces about 15 percent of the world’s uranium at mines in Canada, Kazakhstan and Niger. Unlike Cameco, the company saw a slight increase in uranium production from 2015 to 2016. Notably, AREVA has a 51-percent stake in the KATCO joint venture. Kazatomprom holds the other 49-percent stake, and the companies are operating the Kazakhstan-based Muyunkum and Tortkuduk mines; together they reportedly cover the world’s largest in-situ recovery uranium mining site in the world. In April 2017, AREVA and Kazatomprom signed an agreement to further strengthen and develop the KATCO partnership. 3. Rio Tinto (NYSE:RIO,ASX:RIO,LSE:RIO) 2016 uranium production: 6.3 million pounds (3,171 MT) Rio Tinto produced more uranium in 2016 than it did in 2015, and plans to continue increasing production. In its 2016 report, the company says it plans to produce between 6.5 and 7.5 million pounds of uranium in 2017. The company’s uranium output comes partially through the 68.4-percent stake it holds in Energy Resources of Australia (ASX:ERA), which holds the Ranger mine, Australia’s longest continually operating producer of uranium. Rio Tinto also has a stake in Rossing Uranium, which runs the Rossing mine in Namibia; Rossing is one of the world’s largest and longest-running open-pit uranium mines. 4. Paladin Energy (TSX:PDN) PALAF 2016 uranium production: 4.9 million pounds (2,460.5 MT) of U3O8 Paladin Energy’s flagship operation is the Langer Heinrich mine in Namibia, though it also holds the Kayelekera mine in Malawi. The former is currently producing, but the latter is on care and maintenance. While Paladin was a significant uranium-producing company last year, in 2017 it has struggled. Early in the year it proposed a balance sheet restructuring in order to reduce its debt obligations and and extend the maturity of its remaining debt. Since then, CNNC Overseas Uranium Holdings, which bought a 25-percent stake in Langer Heinrich last year, has attempted to exercise an option to acquire the rest of the mine. Paladin has said it plans to enter arbitration with CNNC. 5. BHP Billiton (NYSE:BHP,ASX:BHP,LSE:BLT) 2016 uranium production: 4.4 million pounds (2,460.5 MT) of payable uranium in concentrate BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam mine in Australia is one of the largest ore bodies in the world. In addition to uranium, it also holds copper, gold and silver. According to the company, Olympic Dam has a fully integrated processing facility. Midway through 2016, the company announced plans for a low-key expansion of the mine over the course of five years. Other uranium-producing companies Wondering which other companies produced uranium last year? Companies that produced smaller amounts include Energy Fuels (TSX:EFR,NYSEMKT: UUUU), which put out 1 million pounds (460.4 MT) of U3O8, Ur-Energy (TSX:URE,NYSEMKT:URG), whose 2016 U3O8 output came in at 538,004 pounds (244 MT). It’s also worth noting that Energy Resources of Australia produced 5.2 million pounds (2,351 MT) of uranium oxide last year. As mentioned, the company holds the Ranger mine in Australia. While mining stopped at Ranger in 2012, the company is currently still producing uranium oxide from stockpiled ore. In 2017 it is forecast to produce about the same amount it put out in 2016. Kazatomprom and Uranium One are also major uranium-producing companies, but are not included on this list because they are privately owned.
  6. "Bill told her in 2016 that she was losing - she would not listen" Bill and Hillary No Longer on Speaking Terms. "they have not live together for a long time. He lives on his own near his Clinton library" === / 2 / Beyond belief how deluded she is! These interviews just breed hatred of her - Read the comments, they are about 100% Negative & very nasty Hillary's Message to Americans: "You Are Being Snookered" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxST8Oe77JI Hillary may already be the most hated person on the planet... right up there with Soros "the real threat to the people is a government that does not care about you" (THAT is exactly what HRC wanted to deliver and head up.) Her virtue-signaling fools no one === Comment - reworked: Some people write books about losing, some people write books about winning. Hillary: What Happened Trump : The Art of the Deal
  7. The Judge (Janine) takes Hillary apart ... along with other hypocrites Judge Jeanine Blasts Weinstein, 1835 Comment J F 1 hour ago The Judge always delivers. Eager to hear how many others are exposed in this scandal. Oliver Stone and Seth Rogan's names are floating around. United States has a widespread problem as we know, a culture of sexual abuse of both genders in every age group from babies to adults. Maximum Overdrive This was the "secret" that was hidden in plain sight. Every one in La-La land knew this guy was a sex predator... but now that he's become kryptonite, they condemn him & exclaim, " I never knew!" Elizabeth Raynor Short 42 minutes ago All the pilng on by Hollyweird on Weinstein is evidence that they are hoping (since they don't pray or repent) that their deadly serious satanic pedophilia (pre-pubescent children), terrorizing, murdering cannibalizing and blood drinking from children will stay under wraps, but they are deadly afraid the cover-up is not going to last. It's, they hope, a diversion big enough to save the rest of them. Here's hoping they all go down with those whom they fund who do their bidding in government.
  8. GIANT HOLE (in Antarctic Ice) confirmed. Size of the Netherlands, or Maine What On Earth Is Happening In Antarctica Right Now? Scientists Are Puzzled… Lisa Haven Published on Oct 11, 2017 Here's the link that goes with the video: Giant hole reopens in Antarctic ice for the first time in 40 years CBS News Oct 13, 2017 Related Coverage A Giant, Mysterious Hole Has Opened Up in Antarctica - Motherboard Most Referenced Motherboard @ Vice Oct 14, 2017 "An underground volcano maybe" ?
  9. "Our old friend" RVD finally looked at this 10-5-17 – ANTARCTICA MYSTERIES & SHOCKING REVELATIONS He thinks there may be something to reports about Antarctica (agreed!) and rejects Flat Earth theories (agreed!) Unfortunately, Ron is never far from subjects that show how gullible he is - like this: 10-2-17 – HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF FILES PAPERS FOR HEARING
  10. The monster has an Utter lack of self-awareness Devil Hillary is Called Out in Interview On Bill’s Sexual Abuse of Women, Responds: ‘That Was in the Past’ (VIDEO) Hillary did her best to sound disgusted and surprised over the news of Harvey Weinstein’s decades of sexual harassment and assault in a BBC interview with Andrew Marr. Hillary Clinton was then confronted about her husband Bill Clinton’s past sexual abuse after she called Trump a “sexual assaulter”. Hillary was referring to the Billy Bush “Access Hollywood” tape of Trump from over 10 years ago in which he made disparaging comments towards women. Trump even apologized for his “locker room talk” but has never admitted to sexual assault. “This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere, whether it’s in entertainment, politics. After all, we have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval Office,” Hillary said. Really?? She’s literally describing her husband. Andrew Marr responded by pointing out Hillary has dismissed allegations made by several women against her OWN HUSBAND, Bill Clinton. When asked if it was the right thing to do to dismiss the women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, she replied, “YES”. “Yes because that has all been litigated,” Hillary arrogantly replied. “That was subject of a huge investigation in the late ’90s and there were conclusions drawn. That was clearly in the past.” SERIOUSLY? Hillary Clinton is saying that sexual assault doesn’t count if it happened a long time ago. This is a woman who claims to be a feminist and a champion of women’s rights. Watch the devil dismiss her husband’s sexual abuse below: Video via Guardian == == Does this Ivy League college want self-destruction? Hillary in talks with Columbia University to take on professor role...
  11. "Just plain Crazy"? Or is there something to this? Ancient Gods of Mythology - Inner Earth Godlike People? Numerous endeavors have been undertaken to access the interior of the earth. Polar expeditions and battles, such as Operation Highjump, still remain largely classified, and have been shrouded in secrecy for decades, but scientific revelations validating the rumors surrounding these covert events, and their implications, are finally being exposed to daylight. Comments on GLP This is fascinating. It would seem that Hitler knew of Nibiru. Look at the Nazi Eagle symbolism, the Winged Globe is seen with a Swastika. [link to i.imgur.com (secure)] Makes you wonder if he had read ancient Sumerian / Babylonian texts, or had contact with the Anunnaki in some way. Then you must wonder if the Anunnaki, when they seeded Earth, used different DNA/etc for the black race than they did for the white race. If not, then perhaps the blacks lack of intelligence when compared to whites could just be from living in jungles for so many years while whites were inventing technology / learning / modernizing. Last Edited by WingedGlobe on 10/13/2017 08:13 PM / 2 / Anything is possible, I mean the Earth has been here for 4.5 billion years, who knows how much is hidden in the depths of Earth. If we can create huge underground bunkers and city sized living quarters, imagine what other more advanced civilizations could have achieved eons ago. They could have their very own nuclear generated eco system and NEVER have to come to the surface. Perhaps they have super long life spans because they are never exposed to the sun and radiation. There are known underground lakes and rivers even vast oceans that are under the crust of the earth. The original people of Atlantis could have survived and live in the Earth, perhaps the UFO's that we see are actually machines they operate and keep inside the Earth. Same with USO's, perhaps they are inner Earth machines that occasionally get spotted when they come out to travel. The possibilities are endless.
  12. China, Inflation & Gold OPINION Rickards: 'Prepare for China Maxi-Devaluation' MarketSlant.com Oct 13 China is a relatively open economy; therefore it is subject to the impossible trinity. China has also been attempting to do the impossible in recent years with predictable results. Beginning in 2008 China pegged its exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. China also had an open capital account to allow the free exchange of yuan for dollars, and China preferred an independent monetary policy. The problem is that the Impossible Trinity says you can’t have all three. This model has been validated several times since 2008 as China has stumbled through a series of currency and monetary reversals. For example, China’s attempted the impossible beginning in 2008 with a peg to the dollar around 6.80. This ended abruptly in June 2010 when China broke the currency peg and allowed it to rise from 6.82 to 6.05 by January 2014 — a 10% appreciation. This exchange rate revaluation was partly in response to bitter complaints by U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner about China’s “currency manipulation” through an artificially low peg to the dollar in the 2008 – 2010 period. After 2013, China reversed course and pursued a steady devaluation of the yuan from 6.05 in January 2014 to 6.95 by December 2016. At the end of 2016, the Chinese yuan was back where it was when the U.S. was screaming “currency manipulation.” Only now there was a new figure to point the finger at China. The new American critic was no longer the quiet Tim Geithner, but the bombastic Donald Trump. Trump had threatened to label China a currency manipulator throughout his campaign from June 2015 to Election Day on November 8, 2016. Once Trump was elected, China engaged in a policy of currency war appeasement. China actually propped up its currency with a soft peg. The trading range was especially tight in the first half of 2017, right around 6.85. In contrast to the 2008 – 2010 peg, China avoided the impossible trinity this time by partially closing the capital account and by raising rates alongside the Fed, thereby abandoning its independent monetary policy. . . . The impact these two prior devaluations had on the exchange rate is shown in the chart below. Major moves in the dollar/yuan cross exchange rate (USD/CNY) have had powerful impacts on global markets. The August 2015 surprise yuan devaluation sent U.S. stocks reeling. Another slower devaluation did the same in early 2016. A stronger yuan in 2017 coincided with the Trump stock rally. A new devaluation is now underway and U.S. stocks may suffer again. By mid-2017, the Trump administration was once again complaining about Chinese currency manipulation. This was partly in response to China’s failure to assist the United States in dealing with North Korea’s nuclear weapons development and missile testing programs. For its part, China did not want a trade or currency war with the U.S. in advance of the National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which begins on October 18. President Xi Jinping was playing a delicate internal political game and did not want to rock the boat in international relations. China appeased the U.S. again by allowing the exchange rate to climb from 6.90 to 6.45 in the summer of 2017. China escaped the impossible trinity in 2015 by devaluing their currency. China escaped the impossible trinity again in 2017 using a hat trick of partially closing the capital account, raising interest rates, and allowing the yuan to appreciate against the dollar thereby breaking the exchange rate peg. The problem for China is that these solutions are all non-sustainable. China cannot keep the capital account closed without damaging badly needed capital inflows. Who will invest in China if you can’t get your money out? China also cannot maintain high interest rates because the interest costs will bankrupt insolvent state owned enterprises and lead to an increase in unemployment, which is socially destabilizing. China cannot maintain a strong yuan because that damages exports, hurts export-related jobs, and causes deflation to be imported through lower import prices. An artificially inflated currency also drains the foreign exchange reserves needed to maintain the peg. Since the impossible trinity really is impossible in the long-run, and since China’s current solutions are non-sustainable, what can China do to solve its policy trilemma? The most obvious course, and the one likely to be implemented, is a maxi-devaluation of the yuan to around the 7.95 level or lower. This would stop capital outflows because those outflows are driven by devaluation fears. Once the devaluation happens, there is no longer any urgency about getting money out of China. In fact, new money should start to flow in to take advantage of much lower local currency prices. There are early signs that this policy of devaluation is already being put into place. The yuan has dropped sharply in the past month from 6.45 to 6.62. This resembles the stealth devaluation of late 2015, but is somewhat more aggressive. ( A weaker Yuan should help Gold, until it becomes "too cheap", and that cheapness inspires a rally in the Chinese currency) Gold Momentum To Hold as Inflation Goes AWOL - ICBC's Tom Kendall Kitco News Oct 13 “With inflation still subdued it appears that the US is heading back to consistently positive real rates. All else being equal that presents a major headwind to the gold price,” he noted. “However, there are significant offsets that seem likely to counter that downward pressure over the next six to 12 months.” Kendall believes the U.S. dollar pressure could continue as “global reserve managers are overweight USD.” “The trend appears to be to diversify again. We don’t expect direct diversification into gold but a rotation out of USD into EUR and JPY would benefit gold indirectly,” he explained. Likewise, “if medium term inflation expectations do start to rise then gold should perform better than longer-dated Treasuries,” he said. Kendall even looked at retail demand from the two largest gold-consuming nations – India and China. “Gold has been sustained above $1,200 for much of the past two years despite a recession in the Chinese jewellery industry and multiple policy challenges to the Indian market,” he wrote. “There are tentative signs of improving sales in the former, while a period of policy stability would definitely benefit the latter.”
  13. In wHolyRood, the vile slimebags were protected -- By Fear, and by their leftwing allies The Fear That Protects The Wicked Lauren Southern Published on Oct 13, 2017 "The Tomi Larren effect" applies to many in wHolyRude: - she will only use terms that are already in common uses - she will NOT push the Overton window == > new thread on Hollywood ruination: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=21706
  14. Updating charts... (see also post #2) GFM (Griffin) ... all-data / worked a treat since late 2015, from 26P to 76P: +192% but POG was less successful, being up about 20% CEY / Centamin ... all-data / was also a winner as was... AAZ / Anglo-Asian ... all data
  15. I updated the charts in the header. I like the way that Gold-in GBP charts ! > http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20468 Also, I had forgotten that GBS.L has a longer history than GLD GBS.L / Gold Bullion securities - in US$ ... 2008-'17 : 2004-'17 > GLD : All-data :
  16. REACTIONS: People are suspicious - especially when the public are being asked to FUND it! "No tangible evidence" yet. says LMH / 1 / Live with Linda Moulton Howe on Tom DeLonge and To The Stars Academy Presentation Oct.11, 2017 Linda Moulton Howe talks about the breaking news delivered by Tom DeLonge and the panel of experts at the To The Stars Academy. Listen as she takes questions from fans live on the air. All of the information below is from the To The Stars Academy’s website. https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/ he public interest in the outer edges of science and the understanding of phenomena has always been suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint. We believe there are transformative discoveries within our reach that will revolutionize the human experience, but they can only be accomplished through the unrestricted support of breakthrough research, discovery and innovation. To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science has mobilized a team of the most experienced, connected and passionately curious minds from the US intelligence community, including the CIA and Department of Defense that have been operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades. The team members all share a common thread of frustration and determination to disrupt the status quo, wanting to use their expertise and credibility to bring transformative science and engineering out of the shadows and collaborate with global citizens to apply that knowledge in a way that benefits humanity. Without the restrictions of government priorities. The Science Division is designed to be a theoretical and experimental laboratory to challenge conventional thinking with the discovery of new world of physics and consciousness-related possibilities and exploring how to use them to affect the world positively. We have access to a global team of research scientists with advanced knowledge to pursue projects which include Human Ultra-Experience Database, EngineeringSpace-Time Metrics, Brain-Computer Interface, and Telepathy. Human ultra-experience database - Develop a world-wide digital database cataloguing different types of supranormal experiences, with the goal of creating proprietary algorithms to find detailed patterns and correlate them with other academic research. Brain-computer interface technology - Explore new approaches for the use of sophisticated technologies to promote direct brain to computer interfaces. Engineering the space-time metric - Develop next-generation aerospace propulsion technologies, using a concept referred to as metric engineering, which uses advanced math modelling techniques, providing a technology base to the Aerospace Division for future products. Telepathy - Explore the location in the brain where this phenomenon is centered, and develop protocols for its enhancement and use. / 2 / DeSousa, an ex-Spy was also suspicious Ep. 736 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ John DeSouza, Jason Quitt : Clear Hearers : LIVE Jimmy worries that Delonge's effort might be a disinformation circus. DeSouza agrees that there is that possibility
  17. Disclosure? Or just more Deep State misinformation? Many were disappointed by Tom Delonge's announcement this week Tom Delonge Live ToTheStarsAcademy.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdwIVBuzOCs Involved: Hal Putoff, Steve Justice, Lou Elazonyo, Chris Mellon - all Deep State type guys Mission: "to establish a perpetual funding machine" Comment: Christina H 1 day ago satanic pedo podesta was promoting this announcement which means its a hoax. / 2 / revengeofthesane 1 day ago (edited) this project is infiltrated from the get go. it reeks of a controlled opposition operation. tom's efforts may be genuine but some of these guys did not leave highly paid positions to join a fun little start up. they were probably promoted to deep or come straight from it. looks like they are doing two things: 1. taking one step towards the masses, make them aware of the phenomenon so that they can shape and control the perception of it through the entertainment & story aspect and 2. address the disclosure movement people by slow feeding them little stuff like lasery tech news and "high res" evidence to satisfy their hunger for data to boost their credibility. this seems like textbook controlled opposition tactics as observed in us politics for many years now. this is how they try to set the stage for the hoax invasion. / 3 / Paid Shill 9 hours ago So you’re (this channel) asking me to trust a half baked washed up pop rock star (star used very lightly), even give him my money when so he’s clearly backed by the very groups that steal from and raze the property of individuals who create earth changing technology? I could practically see the strings attached to his limbs leading back to the row of pure evil behind him. If you want to really enlighten yourself on this topic check out Dr. Steven Greer’s latest movie “Unacknowledged”. THEY WALK AMONG US! (The CIA that is.)
  18. Disclosure? Or just more Deep State misinformation? Many were disappointed by Tom Delonge's announcement this week Tom Delonge Live ToTheStarsAcademy.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdwIVBuzOCs Involved: Hal Putoff, Steve Justice, Lou Elazonyo, Chris Mellon - all Deep State type guys Mission: "to establish a perpetual funding machine" Comment: Christina H 1 day ago satanic pedo podesta was promoting this announcement which means its a hoax. / 2 / revengeofthesane 1 day ago (edited) this project is infiltrated from the get go. it reeks of a controlled opposition operation. tom's efforts may be genuine but some of these guys did not leave highly paid positions to join a fun little start up. they were probably promoted to deep or come straight from it. looks like they are doing two things: 1. taking one step towards the masses, make them aware of the phenomenon so that they can shape and control the perception of it through the entertainment & story aspect and 2. address the disclosure movement people by slow feeding them little stuff like lasery tech news and "high res" evidence to satisfy their hunger for data to boost their credibility. this seems like textbook controlled opposition tactics as observed in us politics for many years now. this is how they try to set the stage for the hoax invasion. / 3 / Paid Shill 9 hours ago So you’re (this channel) asking me to trust a half baked washed up pop rock star (star used very lightly), even give him my money when so he’s clearly backed by the very groups that steal from and raze the property of individuals who create earth changing technology? I could practically see the strings attached to his limbs leading back to the row of pure evil behind him. If you want to really enlighten yourself on this topic check out Dr. Steven Greer’s latest movie “Unacknowledged”. THEY WALK AMONG US! (The CIA that is.)
  19. Carbine Resources / ASX CRB / E Australia / Gold : $11M - Last: A$0.07 ... 5yr : 2yr CRB - since 2011 Norton Goldfields and Carbine The Company has continued discussions with Norton Goldfields in regards to the Mining Property Sale Agreement it has with Raging Bull Metals. Carbine will require title transfer to fund and develop the project. Mount Morgan Project Financing Discussions have continued with financiers who have expressed interest in providing finance for the project development. A successful financing outcome is dependent on obtaining all project approvals, moving to 100% project ownership and entering into a long term pyrite offtake agreement == > Q2 activities : http://carbineresources.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/170731-1-Carbine-June-2017-Quarterly-Activities-Report-FINAL.pdf “At the current gold price it works,” James told Mining Journal. “It ticks all the boxes.” Carbine (ASX: CRB) acquired Mount Morgan from Norton Goldfields, a company that believed in the Queensland gold project but got completely preoccupied with the Paddington and surrounding gold assets in Western Australia before it became part of China’s Zijin Mining Group. Central to reviving Mount Morgan is a process flowsheet conceived under Carbine’s previous management that has copper and then pyrite separated out from the ore before it goes into a conventional gold leaching and elution circuit to enable much higher gold recoveries than previously envisaged. The process has been shown to be technically sound after multiple phases of testwork. Carbine’s prefeasibility study pointed to a profitable, low-cost operation, costing about A$60 million (US$45 million), and producing 46,500oz gold-equivalent for eight years at forecast all-in sustaining costs of only US$234/oz (using a gold price of US$1,175/oz; copper at $5,100/t; pyrite at $60/t; and a 0.75 AUD/USD exchange rate). The importance of returns on high-grade pyrite sales (211,000tpa) and copper sulphate output is underlined by the PFS numbers that have pyrite worth about 70,000oz and copper sulphate some 30,000oz of gold of the 330,000oz resource base. == > http://www.miningnews.net/resource-stocks/editorial-features/carbine-to-open-new-mount-morgan-chapter/
  20. GCM share price - vs. GDXJ & MNT.t GCM.t - etc ... update : GCM.t only : 10/12/2017: c$1.86 : c$17.06 : $34.65 : == ADDED - in edit Gran Colombia Gold Announces 40 Meters at 4.00 Grams Gold Per Tonne Intersected in the Latest Drill Hole at Its Marmato Project October 17, 2017 TORONTO, Oct. 17, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX:GCM) announced results today from an ongoing underground exploration drilling program at its Marmato Project. Hole MND_282_03_17, drilled from Level 20, has intercepted an interval of “Deeps style” of mineralization at a vertical depth of about 1,000 meters below surface and about 25 meters vertically below Level 21, which returned an overall grade of 3.09 g/t Au over a core length of 59.18 meters, including a higher-grade sub section of 4.00 g/t Au over 40.40 meters. Serafino Iacono, Executive Co-Chairman of Gran Colombia, commented: “We continue to be encouraged by the exploration results we are seeing at Marmato ahead of a more substantial drilling program that we have planned for next year to continue expanding our understanding of the total mineral resource potential of the deposit. Following on our recent announcement of an underground Mineral Resource estimate for Marmato, this latest intersection corroborates our confidence in the presence of a high-grade core within a wider halo with a lower grade in the “Deeps” zone below the current operating mine. The deep mineralization remains open for continued expansion along strike and at depth and has the potential to expand the mine life at our Marmato operations.” Hole MND_282_03_17 belongs to an underground drilling campaign targeted to explore the down-dip extension of the typical vein mineralization between Level 21, the deepest level of the existing operating mine, and Level 24. The objective of this drilling campaign is also to test the up-dip projection of the body that hosts the “Deeps style” of mineralization. Another hole, MND_282_01_17, was previously drilled from the same drilling station at a steeper angle. The style of mineralization shown by both holes resembles the mineralization that was intersected in earlier holes drilled from Level 20 that characterize the deep body (refer to the Company’s press release dated March 13, 2017). The intersections in these drill holes are interpreted to form the top of the deep zone of veinlet-hosted mineralization, which was initially interpreted to start about 100 metres below the current mine workings, and forms a deep body that could be suitable for underground bulk mining. The deep gold mineralization is related to narrow veinlets of quartz-pyrrhotite with minor amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite and a narrow halo of intermediate argillic alteration. These change upwards to pyrite veinlets with pervasive intermediate argillic alteration. They overprint earlier potassic alteration with porphyry-style quartz veinlets, overlain by propylitic alteration. The porphyry style alteration and veining does not carry mineralization. This drill program continues to increase the confidence in the geological model through increased drill density, and also has the potential to significantly increase our Mineral Resources and expected mine life at the Marmato Operations. Drilling focused on providing increased definition and confidence in the near-term mine operation within the Indicated Mineral Resources, and includes the following key intercepts: Hole From (m) To (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) (uncut) Au (g/t) (cut) Ag (g/t) MND_282_01_17* 206.0 261.88 55.88 2.80 2.75 4.72 and 286.0 290.5 4.45 17.60 7.71 8.47 MND_282_03_17* 137.26 196.44 59.18 3.09 3.09 3.62 including 137.26 177.66 40.40 4.00 4.00 3.72 * Denotes underground drill holes. The two underground holes were drilled at -45° and -30° from the horizontal, respectively, and the intersection lengths do not represent true widths. Intersections were calculated using a cut-off grade of 1.0 g/t gold and no more than 6.0 metres of internal dilution. Gold grades are reported uncut and cut to 20.0 g/t (which affects two samples in MND_282_01_17). Silver grades are reported uncut. == > http://www.grancolombiagold.com/news-and-investors/press-releases/press-release-details/2017/Gran-Colombia-Gold-Announces-40-Meters-at-400-Grams-Gold-Per-Tonne-Intersected-in-the-Latest-Drill-Hole-at-Its-Marmato-Project/default.aspx
  21. PRODUCTION: July : 10,187e Aug. : 10,188e Sep. : 16,664* = 16,664 - see below ==== Q3 - : 37,039 /3= 12,346oz Q2 - : 46,075 /3= 15,358oz ==== Estimated Q3 Revs. vs. Actual Q2-2017 Production Est. ==== : 2016-q1 : 2016-q2 : 2016-q3 : 2016-q4 : 2017-q1 : 2017-q2 : 2017-q3? Revs : $34.47M : $48.01M : $51.22M : $49.00M : $45.72M : $55.97M : $45.00Me: Prod. : 31,489oz: 38,229oz: 39,111oz/ 40,850oz: 39,008oz: 46,075oz: 37,039oz : 12mos: 163,001, 9mos: 122,122 /mon. : ---------------------------- / 3 mos/ -13,617- : -13,003- : -15,358- : -12,346- : Ebitda : $11.59M: $18.30M: $19.71M : $16.20M : $13.59M: $17.70e : ==== Gran Colombia Sets New Monthly Gold Production Record in September 2017 and Remains on Track With 2017 Annual Production Guidance October 11, 2017 TORONTO, Oct. 11, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX:GCM) announced today that it produced a total of 16,664 ounces of gold in the month of September, surpassing the previous monthly production record established earlier this year and bringing the total for the third quarter of 2017 to 37,039 ounces, only 5% below the third quarter last year despite the adverse impact of a 42-day civil disruption at its Segovia Operations that ended on September 1, 2017. For the first nine months of 2017, gold production increased by 12% over the first nine months last year to a total of 122,122 ounces. The trailing 12 months’ total gold production as of the end of September 2017 now stands at 163,001 ounces, up 9% over 2016’s annual gold production and above the Company’s production guidance for the 2017 calendar year of a total of 150,000 to 160,000 ounces. == > http://www.grancolombiagold.com/news-and-investors/press-releases/press-release-details/2017/Gran-Colombia-Sets-New-Monthly-Gold-Production-Record-in-September-2017-and-Remains-on-Track-With-2017-Annual-Production-Guidance/default.aspx
  22. CAPITULATION Coming? Scott Adams talks about the anti-Trump capitulation phase we just entered \ 2017.10.12https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5602LoXyhY "small signs of capitulation already"
  23. REBOOT : Not much yet... Currencies up as much as 14% (EUR) against the USD from the year-end 2016 Low FX-All : 2017 : 2016-17 : 2015-17 : 2014-17 : 2013-17 : since 2010 : w/MA's : since 2006 : FX-All : 2013-17 : since 2010 : w/MA's : since 2006 : ==
  24. Currencies up as much as 14% (EUR) against the USD from the year-end 2016 Low FX-All : 2017 : 2016-17 : 2015-17 : 2014-17 : 2013-17 : since 2010 : w/MA's : FX-All : 2013-17 : since 2010 : w/MA's : ==
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