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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Vegas shooting - Just a distraction? David Wilcock Something Very Big is Coming, Part II Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke
  2. "Eban's are now working with humans" Linda Moulton Howe Interview of Naval Officer - Antarctica Published on Nov 11, 2017 Linda Moulton Howe interviews Brian “S” Linda received an email from a now 61-year-old Navy officer who was in Antarctica – his C130 crew encountered high strangeness from 1984/85 to 1987. Several times he and the crew all watched silver discs darting around the sky. He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base. Brian was told by his superiors that, “you did not see…”. NOTES: ====== + Crews are working very hard. Impossible to know whether it is day or night. Body rhythm is gone. + We trust each other with our lives - We have to! (since we work so hard) + South Pole sits on Ice, 10-12,000 feet above sealevel + there's a no-fly-zone that they were not allowed to flyover, even though it took extra-time, and the crew decided to IGNORE that, and fly over it + Looking out the window, they saw "A big dark spot - an Opening in the Ice" (not an air-sampling station) + It seemed to be large enough to fly inside with an aircraft, "the size of a football field" + they were questioned for going thru the NF Zone + Picked up a crew from McMurdo base for journey to a camp at Marie Byrd Land + The crew was expected to check in, but contact was lost - what happened to them? No sign at camp + A few days later, they reappeared, and asked to be picked up - now had all the equipment packed up + They got quickly on aircraft, but would not speak to anyone, they were staring at floor with a frightened look + Once at McMurdo, they were very slow to leave - Like they had post traumatic shock . He had over 300 Trips to Antarctica: + Over the east side of the Trans-anarctica mountain range, he & another saw discs (flying saucers?) + They seemed to be following a lead disk, and then they split into two groups (10 minute duration) + This happened more than once - they seemed to be respecting boundaries
  3. "Eban's are now working with humans" Linda Moulton Howe Interview of Naval Officer - Antarctica Published on Nov 11, 2017 Linda Moulton Howe interviews Brian “S” Linda received an email from a now 61-year-old Navy officer who was in Antarctica – his C130 crew encountered high strangeness from 1984/85 to 1987. Several times he and the crew all watched silver discs darting around the sky. He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base. Brian was told by his superiors that, “you did not see…”. NOTES: ====== + Crews are working very hard. Impossible to know whether it is day or night. Body rhythm is gone. + We trust each other with our lives - We have to! (since we work so hard) + South Pole sits on Ice, 10-12,000 feet above sealevel + there's a no-fly-zone that they were not allowed to flyover, even though it took extra-time, and the crew decided to IGNORE that, and fly over it + Looking out the window, they saw "A big dark spot - an Opening in the Ice" (not an air-sampling station) + It seemed to be large enough to fly inside with an aircraft, "the size of a football field" + they were questioned for going thru the NF Zone + Picked up a crew from McMurdo base for journey to a camp at Marie Byrd Land + The crew was expected to check in, but contact was lost - what happened to them? No sign at camp + A few days later, they reappeared, and asked to be picked up - now had all the equipment packed up + They got quickly on aircraft, but would not speak to anyone, they were staring at floor with a frightened look + Once at McMurdo, they were very slow to leave - Like they had post traumatic shock . He had over 300 Trips to Antarctica: + Over the east side of the Trans-anarctica mountain range, he & another saw discs (flying saucers?) + They seemed to be following a lead disk, and then they split into two groups (10 minute duration) + This happened more than once - they seemed to be respecting boundaries
  4. Clinton-nailing has begun... Laura opens with: "Sessons has asked the DOJ to take a closer look at Uranium One... and other matters" The Ingraham Angle 11/13/17 | Fox News Today November 13, 2017https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PAiahjRfbw With Reps. Jordan and Gaetz + Clinton Foundation + Uranium One + the way Comey handled investigations The People are tired of seeing one set of rules for the Clintons, and a different one for everyone else.
  5. Banks see interest rates rising - Business World, pg 1, 11/14/17 INFLATION could hover close to four percent next year on the back of accelerating oil prices and tax-related adjustments. ... putting pressure on the BSP to raise rates One economist mentioned in the article (Cuyenkeng of ING Bank) is forecasting inflation of 3.7% next year.
  6. Rep. Wasserman Schultz Dodges Questions About Explosive Allegations From Former DNC Chair From the God father, says Hyman Roth: "I'm a retired investor living on a pension" Godfather pt 2 Retired investor
  7. Look who made it to A Million ! (beating Molyneux) #260 ONE MILLION SUBSCRIBERS EXTRAVAGANZA! | Louder With Crowder . Willy Nilly 1 day ago (edited) I started watching about 6 months ago. I was very SJW and liberal thinking. I used to watch TYT but then I stumbled across one of Ben Shapiro's thug life compilations. Ever since then I started watching Ben Shapiro and it led me to one of your older 2015 videos. I didn't agree with a lot of the things you said at first but it was more of an emotional detachment. Every argument and point you and Ben made were formulaic and logical. Once I heard facts don't care about your feelings thats when I switched gears. You and Ben are credited with changing my mind on many different aspects, gun control, abortion, socialism (The biggest one for me), and so on. It was very hard to listen at first because everything I believed was so emotionally driven that I was upset when I heard opposing views but that changed the more I watched and actually listened. I'm positive that others have also changed their thoughts and views on things in the same way and it's a wonderful thing in the end. If I wasn't willing to listen to your side and your arguments I would still be as closed minded and ignorant as I was in the past. Thank you Crowder and of course Ben for everything that you do and the daily coverage and commentary that we all love. I never post comments in general on YT let alone a paragraph. This is just very important to me as someone who believes you changed their life. Never stop what your doing. . . Nuance Bro Funny how The Young Turks attacked Steven when he had 50,000 subscribers but never mentions his name now that he’s more established. They’ve already started making snarky inside jokes about me in their videos. I thought they always talked about punching up not down lol. Total hypocrites. Congrats on the 1 million subs Steven. I remember watching you back in 09 during the PJTV days.
  8. DEAD MEAT? Rumor has it, she smells very bad Final Nail In The Coffin: SNL Turns Against The Clinton Crime Machine
  9. DEAD MEAT? Rumor has it, she smells very bad Final Nail In The Coffin: SNL Turns Against The Clinton Crime Machine
  10. More Dirty Money for the Bellowing brown buffalo The satanic one (Hillary) channeled $20 million to Cenk's vile organization Exposed: Clinton Train Paid The Young Turks $20 Million (Full Video) at 17 minutes BOMBSHELL!! MUELLER IS DOOMED! SIBEL EDMONDS Newsbud 11/9/17 ALEX JONES INFOWARS
  11. (This seems to contradict some other articles): Renting homes is overtaking the housing market. Here’s whySingle-family rentals — either detached homes or townhomes — are developing faster than any other portion of the housing market. These rentals outpace both single-family home purchases and apartment-style living, according to the Urban Institute. “Almost all the housing demand in recent years has been filled by rental units,” says Sara Strochak, a research assistant with the Urban Institute. She also states that single-family rentals have gone up 30% within the last three years. This change is unique to newer generations. But when did rentals become so popular? And why are people more inclined to rent than to buy? Below, we’ll further discuss the rise in rentals and how it affects the housing market. When did the rise in single-family rentals start? The housing bubble collapse and the recession that followed shattered the decades-old tenet of American wisdom that you can’t go wrong buying a home. Most of the housing market fallout from the Great Recession has finally receded — foreclosures and underwater mortgages are back to traditional levels and housing values have recovered in most places. But one thing hasn’t recovered: Americans’ unquestioned desire to own a home. Today, single-family rental homes and townhomes make up 35% of the country’s 44 million rental units, compared to 31% in 2006. Who is leading this trend? Millennials are leading the way to single-family rentals, and myriad factors contribute to this trend. Many young adults aren’t in a hurry to lay down roots, whether they’re prone to traveling or simply aren’t ready to commit to one area or one home. Student loans and stagnant incomes can also make it harder to save up for a down payment. And it’s inevitable that young people who came of age during the housing bubble would be reluctant to take a leap of faith and commit to a 30-year mortgage. “While the age distribution of the U.S. population suggests most millennials are reaching the age of household formation and demand for single-family homes, much of this demand is likely to be channeled into the rental market,” says Strochak. == > https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/real-estate/2017/11/11/renting-homes-overtaking-housing-market-heres-why/845474001/
  12. BUILD BUILD BUILD team initializes construction of BGC-Ortigas bridge July 19, 2017 The Duterte administration’s BUILD BUILD BUILD Team today conducted the ground breaking ceremony for BGC-Ortigas Center Link project. ” Soon, travel time from BGC to Ortigas will be reduced to 12 minutes,” the Department of Transportation (DOTr) said. . . . This project will construct Sta. Monica To Lawton Bridge and Lawton Avenue to Global City Viaduct, crossing Pasig River. Public Works Secretary Mark Villar told ANC yesterday, July 18 that construction time for a bridge will take approximately 2 years. He also said that the government is planning to construct 12 bridges that will cross Pasig River as part of efforts to decongest existing road networks in Metro Manila until 2022. “We have approximately 28 now, when we finish we will have 40,” Villar said. “We will be building a minimum of 12 bridges across the Pasig River.” “We also want to focus on people who walk, who use bikes, for the environment and also to service people, we want to just make a more conducive environment,” Villar noted. Two of the bridges will be funded and built by China. These are the state-of-the-art Binondo-Intramuros Bridge in Manila and Estrella-Pantelon Bridge in Makati/Mandaluyong. > https://www.update.ph/2017/07/build-build-build-team-initializes-construction-of-bgc-ortigas-bridge/19190
  13. Boni-Shaw area discussion ======== This came up at the MeetUp yesterday. In fact, some discussions are still proceeding outside the Viber Chat In case people who were not there yesterday are interested, maybe I can summarize the key points here: 1. PRICES, BGC: many new properties in BGC now cost P160k-180k, and they are still selling and price rises are sticking. This may be because many business are moving into new offices there, and people want and need to be close to their place of work, they cannot afford a one hour plus commute in each direction 2. PRICES, Boni/Shaw: an enormous number of new properties have been built in the B/S area. Competition has held down prices. You can buy brand new units at P110k-P125k psm, and maybe less if you pay cash. (Having said that, some properties like Twin Oaks are priced above this) 3. TRANSPORT, MRT: one of the advantages of this area are the two MRT stations that define it. for those willing to take the MRT this is a central and convenient location. The transport should get better, if as expected, a new operator takes over next year and improves the quality of the MRT, bringing more trains and less crowding 4. TRANSPORT - future bridge: ground has been broken, and construction has begun on a bridge that will cross the Pasig River at Lawton Street. This will greatly improve the access, ease and speed of traveling from B/S to BGC. A bus ride might take 20 minutes (my guess) or less to BGC. Presently, someone living in B/S might need to take the MRT to Guadelupe, and then switch to a jeepney (or two) - and those Jeepnies will go to Market-Market and require a ride on the BGC bus to get inside BGC. I imagine a journey time of perhaps 45 minutes, and longer if there are queues at the BGC bus. A collapse of transit time to 20 minutes, with a BGC bus operating from B/S should help to narrow the price gap 5. TRANSPORT - mega-manila subway: ground might be broken in early 2019, if all goes well. Stations are planned at Shaw and on Kalayuun near the Lawton street bridge. This will greatly speed up transport between B/S and the airport, and other strategic locations along Mega-manila line === The route now is longer, and more circuitous
  14. Only black money from people seeking influence in the US kept this ugly game alive It is dying now, and I think it is time to issue indictments of the funders, and their pawns LOL Arrested Saudi Prince Had Given $25 Million To Clinton Cabal Vile donation to a Vile person, used for a Vile purpose. Both fat cats and pencil-necked snowflakes need to be taught lessons about power of the law,
  15. AFTER the Moral outrage of shouting at the Sky (by brainwashed snowflakes) MORNING HAS BROKEN ! : song "Praise for the new way. Praise for the new day!" / 1 / JUST IN: Podesta Hit With Devastating Blow, It Won’t End Well / 2 / Democrats Turn Against The Clintons, Podesta Group Closes Saul Alinsky's idea was taken as a blueprint for the Clintons: "Blame your enemies for the crimes you have committed:" Facebook needs to be taken down at some point, & the vile Zuckerberg arrested It chills me to see that he wants to run from President, and he has the money to get nominated
  16. lol Trump has already had a chance to shake hands with Hillary's Pal - the one who helped to steer $145 Million into her direction From America with love: Trump and Putin shake hands for the second day in a row after continuing tradition started by Bill Clinton by wearing blue Vietnamese silk shirts to APEC conference It's a tradition for host countries to choose matching garments for world leaders to wear at the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit This year the Vietnamese picked a blue silk shirt, and Donald Trump ditched his signature suit and tie in favor of the traditional garment Past years have seen presidents and prime ministers endure Chilean ponchos, Indonesian batik shirts and Chinese jackets that looked like Star Trek uniforms Trump and Vladimir Putin shook hands Friday as photographers shot pictures of more than 20 heads of state On Saturday the two presidents shook hands a second time after Trump arrived at the APEC leaders' meeting Trump made a beeline for Putin when he entered the room, and Putin stood to greet him; Trump did most of the talking but paused to listen to Vlad at one point Trump and Putin also spoke briefly as they arrived for the formal 'family photo' of all the leaders Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5070243/Trump-Putin-shake-hands-matching-blue-APEC-shirts.html#ixzz4yBoz9k7L Trump did most of the talking as he and Putin had their moment together on Saturday, but the U.S. president paused to listen at one point I wonder if Trump made a forecast about when the satanic one would be in prison
  17. Now Rolling? It took some more good drilling results Yesterday, as the drill results were announced. the Stock was up 66.7% to $0.125 on 7.1 million shares WALLBRIDGE INTERSECTS 237.81 G/T GOLD OVER 7.02 METRES WITH STEP-OUT DRILLING ON THE FENELON GOLD PROPERTY IN QUEBEC Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. has released initial assay results from its third round of exploration drilling on the 100-per-cent-owned Fenelon gold property in Quebec. Results are reported for an initial three drill holes (FA-17-25, FA-17-26, and FA-17-27). Results for another six holes are pending. Mineralization remains open along strike and to depth and follow-up drilling is planned as part of the pending bulk sample for which permits are expected this year. Highlights Drill-hole FA-17-26 intersected two significant mineralized intervals including 237.81 grams per tonne gold over 7.02 metres from 139.83 metres downhole within the Viper zone, stepping-out below the previous FA-17-07 and FA-17-17 intersections. Drill-hole FA-17-27 intersected 122.25 g/t gold over 4.73 metres from 130.12 metres downhole within the Habanero zone with a higher-grade sub-interval of 362.83 g/t gold over 1.54 metres. FA-17-25 intersected two significant mineralized intervals including 4.20 g/t gold over 9.29 metres from 118.04 metres downhole with a higher-grade sub-interval of 7.83 g/t gold over 4.58 metres. To date, 33 exploration drill holes totaling 6,348 metres have been completed at Fenelon in 2017. The current drilling followed up previous 2017 Wallbridge drilling on the west extension target where drill hole FA-17-07 intersected three mineralized zones including 141.16 g/t gold over 7.06 metres in the Viper zone (see Wallbridge press release dated April 18, 2017) and FA-17-17 intersecting four mineralized zones including 311.08 g/t gold over 3.06 metres, also in the Viper zone (see Wallbridge press release dated Sept. 5, 2017). "We continue to be pleasantly surprised by the drill results from Fenelon," stated Marz Kord, president and chief executive officer of Wallbridge. "We knew when we purchased the property that there was room to expand the resource, but to get holes grading in excess of 100 grams over mineable widths in each of our first three programs is truly remarkable. To date our drilling has been limited to targets at shallow depth near the existing ramp and we are really just scratching the near surface potential.
  18. Mysterious heat source beneath Antarctica could be melting ice, NASA believes Rob Waugh Yahoo News UK 10 November 2017 NASA Discovers Mantle Plume Almost as Hot as Yellowstone Supervolcano That’s Melting Antarctica From Below A large geothermal heat source beneath Antarctica could be melting the ice – and creating rivers and lakes beneath the ice. It could have important knock-on effects during periods where there is already significant ice loss, the scientists warn. The study hints that a geothermal heat source called a ‘mantle plume’ lies deep below Antarctica‘s Marie Byrd Land. It might help explain why the ice sheet is so unstable today – and why it collapsed so rapidly in an earlier era of rapid climate change. NASA Discovers Mantle Plume Almost as Hot as Yellowstone Supervolcano That’s Melting Antarctica From Below The idea was first suggested 30 years ago by a scientist at the University of Colorado Denver – and new seismic imaging has supported the idea. . . . Hélène Seroussi of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said, ‘I thought it was crazy. I didn’t see how we could have that amount of heat and still have ice on top of it.” With few direct measurements existing from under the ice, Seroussi and Erik Ivins of JPL concluded the best way to study the mantle plume idea was by numerical modeling. Simiulations suggest that there could be a mantle plume under Antarctica, the researchers say – and it matches observations of the ice from satellites. The Marie Byrd Land mantle plume formed 50 to 110 million years ago, long before the West Antarctic ice sheet came into existence, the researchers believe. At the end of the last ice age around 11,000 years ago, the ice sheet went through a period of rapid, sustained ice loss when changes in global weather patterns and rising sea levels pushed warm water closer to the ice sheet, just as is happening today. Seroussi and Ivins suggest the mantle plume could facilitate this kind of rapid loss == > https://uk.news.yahoo.com/mysterious-heat-source-beneath-antarctica-melting-ice-nasa-believes-161041266.html
  19. CharityGate : more problems for the Clinton Foundation TICK-TOCK! There's a new bombshell here, and there seems to be a short fuse on it ( a few weeks?) The excellent Charles Ortel is interviewed here by Lionel Nation The bombshell starts at about 40 minutes What Will #DonnaBrazile's Bombshell Do to Accelerate the Arrest of Madame Oven Mitt #HRC? Wealthy people are now at risk for their involvement in the Clinton Foundation: That includes: + Accounting firms + Billionaires like Haim Saban who were/are trustees Saban was one of the top donors to Clinton's campaign in 2016 Haim Saban (/səˈbɑːn/; Hebrew: חיים סבן‎‎; born October 15, 1944) is an Israeli-American media proprietor, investor, philanthropist, musician, record, film & television producer.[2] A businessman with interests in financial services, entertainment, and media, and an estimated net worth of $3 billion, he is ranked by Forbes as the 232nd richest person in America.[4] Saban is the founder of Saban Entertainment, producer and distributor of children's television programs in the US such as Power Rangers. He headed up consortiums which purchased the broadcasters ProSiebenSat.1 Media and Univision Communications. He is a major donor to the US Democratic Party and active in pro-Israel political efforts in the US. In March 2017, Saban was honored with the 2,605th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his achievements in television == > wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haim_Saban When the irregularities are revealed, which is inevitable very soon, they will be personally at risk. Advisors are likely to tell Saban, that the chances of getting rid of Trump now are very low, and the bombshell associated with the Clinton Foundation will explode soon - they are running out of time - there is a major deadline in November. Ortel thinks that someone will cave in, and throw themselves on the mercy of the court - and try and make a deal. "Often, it is the smallest, and least powerful who will move first." Ortel thinks if the donors & trustees "throw the Clintons under the bus" now, they may be able to avoid some of the consequences. The Donna Brazile revelations look like a Trigger At 1:00 Hour he talks about how Law firms will be advising their clients: "You have a serious problem," The whole house of cards of the Clintons wealth may come tumbling down, and Chelsea may be left without the money that she says she does not care about
  20. X-Ray angle - you can really see the current status of the Rise in this photo The Rise Makati, with Air Residence (higher) popping up behind it ... ssc
  21. They were EXPECTING a 16% vacancy rate in Makati by the end of 2017. I wonder if the explain what has happened with their forecast I noted earlier this year that the actual vacancy situation was "tight" in my building, and another building on Chino Roces
  22. THE TURN (to Trump) is really happening now - as Hillary commits Sepuka-thru-crimes Scott Adams: The Turn to "Trump is Effective" is Happening EVERYWHERE! He's Star in China! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCyxuZkeO-E / 2 / TRUMP SURGING! 7.1% COMING PROSPERITY 11/7/17 (pt-1) ALEX JONES INFOWARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceAd-2mVa-k (remember when?) ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY | Rachel Maddow Suffers Meltdown After Trump Victory By: Pitchforks This never gets old. One year ago, Rachel Maddow explains to snowflakes-in-waiting that Trump simply can’t win. I have included Maddow's meltdown from election night when Trump did INDEED win. Read more: www.whatreallyhappened.com http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz4xwp3SXoh
  23. Axis Residences - Robinsons communities affordable condo in ortigas, mandaluyong, A joint venture between Robinsons Land Corporation and Federal Land, Inc. - two of the country's most stable and respectable real state companies with an impeccable track record and a reputation... > pool: http://www.robinsonscommunities.com/robinsons-communities-pic.php?type=20&id=135 > source > axis site: http://www.axisresidences.net/ SSC threads 1: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1456722
  24. Hillary Clinton's rise to power - & turning away from the old core constiuency Mirrored the SJW's takeover of the Democratic party How Social Liberalism Took Over The Democratic Party!Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! Maybe, we we are lucky, they will go down in flames together. And the Dems will rediscover a truer mission RARE ACT of Disloyalty Donna B's revelations are rare... Rush says, we NEVER had this before Rush Limbaugh: It's unprecedented! Donna Brazile turns on Clintons, the media turn on Donna Brazile Donna B "is not used to it" - being treated this way - as Rightwingers are
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