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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. The OTHER Slowdown - this one is in the economy HK business shows further decline - SCMP, pg. A3 Purchasing managers' index declines to 48.2 as companies say they are unwilling to spend money and fewer tourists arrive in the city + Contracted for 5th month in a row + July Index down from 49.2 in June + Markit says the downward trend may continue A stabilization of China's economy may eventually help === === RETAIL problems too... High-end pain puts pressure on rents - The Standard, pg. 11 "Retail rents in prime areas are under renewed pressure as high-end brands feeling the pain of lacklustre consumer sentiment and falling numbers of mainland shoppers seek rent cuts.' Gifts, jewelry, watches, and luxury goods have been the hardest hit + Louis Vuitton / LMVH says sales are down 10 percent + A Tag Heuer shop may be shut + Burberry is considering trimming its sales network + Gucci is contemplating closing its stores in HK and Macau, if rents stay high + Italian fashion brand, Baldinini has left after just four month on a 3 year contract And with all this blood in the streets, Mainland visits are down just 1.8% yr-on-yr. Meanwhile retail rents are said to be down 20% by Midland
  2. THIS podcast may fit here - I will comment after I listen Coast To Coast AM - July 27, 2015 Detonations on Mars, Past Lives & UFOs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rniZ7mF_soM Coast To Coast AM - July 27, 2015 Detonations on Mars, Past Lives & UFOs John Brandenburg, PhD is a plasma physicist, who did his graduate work at Lawrence Livermore National Lab in controlled plasmas for fusion power, and has worked in defense, energy, and space research. In the first half, he discussed data he presented at the prestigious Lunar and Planetary Science Conference on evidence for nuclear detonations on Mars. "There is evidence of two massive nuclear explosions on Mars that occurred above the Martian surface-- they were airbursts" turning large areas of the planet's surface into glass, and leaving radioactive by-products that are still visible, he reported. The explosions, which he estimated took place around 500 million years ago, were so powerful they sent shockwaves all around the planet, though the detonations were centered in two areas in which there is evidence of ancient archaeology-- one of them being Cydonia, where the Face on Mars is located. Brandenburg believes it was a deliberate attack, using bombs as large as the Empire State Building, so it was optimal to drop them from space rather than launching on the ground. It is imperative that the United States send teams to investigate the sites, "because our own survival may depend on what we find on Mars," he declared.
  3. "why... should central banks prove any more successful than OPEC in keeping asset and commodity prices high?" why indeed: SAUDI Needs Money They will tap the debt markets for $27 billion ($5.3mn per month, first since 2007), and meantime; + They are "prioritizing" spending with the idea to make some cuts, as + Their oil production has pushed over 10 million bpd, previously a ceiling Of course, this borrowing need is triggered by oil dropping from $115 last June, to under $50 now. It will be interesting to see if oil producing keeps rising, as Iranian oil comes back into markets
  4. TOP 20 Sites for Office AirBNB type searches See sites below: / More: http://www.quora.com/What-are-all-of-the-sites-that-do-Airbnb-for-office-space OFIXU - 'The World Is Your Office' Is the exciting new startup that provides a lower cost alternative to traditional and often expensive leased offices - ALL types of workspaces - Rental from 1 day or more - OFIXU is backed by an international bank and one of the original founders of AirBnB's closest rivals. Hubble - Find office space for your startup with 1000's of the most creative coworking, shared and private office spaces available to rent. PivotDesk - Helping startups find affordable, short-term office space. Copass - Be There. Anywhere - A global federation of coworking spaces. One membership to access any space of the network. http://www.zipcube.com Evenues.com LooseCubes.com - closed Regus.ca HubCulture.com/Pavilions (London specific) Kodesk.com - closed eworky.com Liquidspace.com - Real estate for startups (and companies who want to grow like startups); largest global network of meeting rooms, offices and team spaces. wiki.coworking.info http://ShareYourOffice.com ShareDesk - Coworking and Shared Office Space made easy (nice look and feel) DesksNear.me OpenDesks.com (closed) SpaceFindr.com (closed) Desktimeapp.com SpaceList.ca
  5. HK Property Launches have speeded up, as Supply glut looms, based on SCMP, pg P1 + Looming supply of 83,000 new flats (a record, over 3-4 years) + Sales rush now expected - will it impact on prices? + This month alone: 2,000 flats are queued up + This is showing govt efforts to increase land supply, are having impact + Current backlog is 5,000 and is "still healthy" - when it hits 10-15,000 "alarm bells ring" + Housing society flat offerings may also rise, since demand is now very strong Data elsewhere in the Property section shows that Rents are still rising in HK
  6. Is this (actual photo) a martian Insect? > source: http://www.ancient-code.com/did-curiosity-snap-an-image-of-a-mysterious-creature-on-mars/ The “peculiar” image seems to show “something” hanging onto the cliffs on the red planet, at least that’s how it looks doesn’t it? Can’t see the object in question? Look carefully to the center-right part of the image, there, you will notice a strange object that clearly stands out from the rest of the surrounding landscape. There are rocks on Mars, there are rocks that might look a bit strange, and then you have objects like the one in this image. Something that is completely out of place and doesn’t seem to be a rock. The object in question seems to have ten weirdly shaped “lines” or “tentacles” coming from the center of the oval-shaped “structure?”
  7. Here's another person who claims he has been to Mars... with the SSP PROJECT CAMELOT : CAPT JAYE : MARS, ANT BEINGS & MKULTRA He went before "Capt Kaye" (Randy Kramer) - and his initial is "J" . . "Records on Mars can be verified in the near future." "There were 5 of us who went to Mars in the Seventies, as part of Project Alpha." "We did not go to Mars until 1963... we had a mission with two young pilots.." "ET's assisted us." "There's a wormhole between Earth and Mars. Mars is heavily populated." "The program was heavily compartmentalized... that created many problems." "We landed on the edge of a crater, and went towards a tunnel. We walked up steps carved into the rock. There were carved heads, and dragons. It was gorgeous and ancient. After coming through the tunnel, we came out the other side. Exposure to the Mars population has to happen slowly... giant apes, giant insects. Humanoids, giant centipdes... people were hyperventilating (in shock). We went down to the base of the crater in an elevator. There were giant ants. == == This may "add to" the material from Capt Kaye (Randy Kramer) and Andrew Basiago
  8. MAKATI FLOODING - a 2014 Report (it could be improved. if govt measures worked) Originally Posted by Mr. Huxley Yes it really floods, especially chino roces ave. It also floods at estacion st. I've been here since june 2013. So far it only floods when rain is non-stop. I think the only major rain in manila last year was last August, i think the name was Maring and it rained for four consecutive days. That's when it flooded talaga. Chino Roces was i think waist or knee deep not actually sure. But the elevation of cityland, avida and waltermart was enough for the water not to enter the premises. At the back which is estacion street, was just ankle deep. I think government is doing something to prevent flood. There's this roadworks happening at don bosco st. which closed the estacion st. from motorists. I think that is flood prevention because the drainage excavation connects to the canal at estacion st. There's also construction in arnaiz st. They made it elevated. Probably also so it won't get flooded. All the roadworks i'm actually not sure if they will work. Only if we get hit again by non-stop rain which will test if it works or not. I hope the engineers are right on that one or else bobo sila. You might also be discouraged living near the railway because the sound of the train will always be heard unless your unit is really soundproof. The flood was so far siguro 1-4 times in 365 days. :-) but we can never tell the climate change. : http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=702832&page=34
  9. maybe that very weak CRB index will help to explain this... GOLD's BEAR market is not over, warns Glen Neely Do you remember when Gold topped $1,920/ounce in 2011? If so, it was during that period Mr. Neely began warning that Gold's bull market was ending. Those warnings were correct. Unfortunately, Mr. Neely could not confirm his suspicions, using Wave theory, until eighteen months later (on February 5, 2013) with Gold at $1672/ounce. That is when he “officially” declared a multi-year bear market had begun in the precious metal (see historic forecast on attached chart). Recently, the Gold market broke $1,100/ounce (more than $800 off its all-time high)! According to Mr. Neely, Gold will easily break $1,000/ounce later this year – and eventually break $800 in the next few years or less. Currently, Timer Digest identifies Mr. Neely as a contender for "Gold Timer of the Year" in its mid-year report. Click to view complete results.
  10. SENSE on Student accommodation... As with any investment, you need to understand the full risks involved when purchasing. You're looking at everything on the assumptions that everything goes well. You need to factor in the following. In terms of your exit strategy, how long would it take to sell the property (3 months?, 6 months? 1 year or more ? ), also factor in your selling costs (conveyancing fees, agent fees). If you're selling at the same price after 5 years, that means there has been no property price appreciation. If the new investor wants a higher yield, than means you have to take a hit and sell at a lower price (also add your selling costs). What happens when the company offering the return goes into liquidation? Have a look at the following articles and you'll realize that no matter "how large or safe" the company may be, if the company goes bankrupt, your guarantee is worthless and there is no longer a guaranteed income. You could consider asking for a LARGE DISCOUNT Here's a nice article from MONEYWEEK and also published in the Financial Times:- http://moneyweek.com/dont-get-suckered-investing-student-accommodation/ OPAL PROPERTY GROUP GOES INTO LIQUIDATION (2013 - Largest UK Student Accommodation) http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/13f7fcc2-faba-11e2-87b9-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3hjQL4Lrl Liverpool property developer go bust http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/nigel-russells-middle-england-developments-6282085 http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/landlord-hell-means-well-never-8350498 http://www.thebusinessdesk.com/northwest/news/636384-leonard-curtis-under-fire-over-nigel-russell-deal.html# Clubeasy student housing subsidiary goes bankrupt http://www.tigerlime.com/2015/01/30/clubeasy-student-housing-subsidiary-goes-bankrupt/ 200 Singaporeans could lose up to $20m as UK developer becomes insolvent http://www.propertyavenue.com.sg/200-singaporeans-could-lose-up-to-20m-as-uk-developer-becomes-insolvent/ Move to liquidate Student Property Fund http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/5114ff24-966d-11e4-922f-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3hjQL4Lrl http://www.investmentweek.co.uk/investment-week/news/2302659/gbp300m-student-accommodation-fund-suspended Lots of student developments coming on-line, hence are the yields sustainable? Student pods attacked over failure to deliver promised returns === > source: (Billing---) : http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/hong-kong-property/threads/dfc11b5f-a47a-4eeb-979e-337b440a0650/buying+an+investment+property+in+the+uk+%28or+elsewhere%29/
  11. PHILIPPINES GROWTH - expected to stay strong This all sounds like good news (for 2015-16): http://www.wsj.com/articles/philippines-will-stand-out-after-u-s-interest-rates-rise-1435270081 Philippines finance secretary says Philippines to have 7% GDP in 2015 and not effected by US interest rate rise as much as external debt down to 15% of GDP http://www.cnbc.com/2015/07/21/philippines-remittances-under-threat.html Remittances to fall for OFW but growth from BPO. http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000392259 Philippines to try be more in manufacturing. === In addition: 200-300 Japanese co's are considering relocating to the Phillippines. There are already 1650 Japanese companies located there: "some of the firms expressed interest in locating their operations in the Calabarzon area: Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon)" They find the tax incentives offered by PEZA (Philippine Economic Zone Area) and BOI (Board of Investments) to be attractive. Another factor spurring the move is rising wages in China, leaving the Philippines with a competitive advantage. http://www.manilalivewire.com/2015/08/more-than-200-of-japanese-manufacturing-companies-in-china-to-be-relocated-in-the-philippines/
  12. SPACE is so much cheaper in CM, it creates opportunities.... HOTELS - in the Huay Keaw area (Maya / Nimman) + Chiangmai Grandview (200 rm: HKD 187 /Thb 850/d. : Sep) August was Fully booked ! + Chiangmai Hill 2000-- (249 rm: HKD 187 / Thb 850/d. : Aug): advertised with sign at thb700/ night + Chiangmai V Resid.s- (70 rm: HKD 148 / Thb 670/d. : Aug) + Dome Residence----- (136 rm: HKD 143 / Thb 650/d. : Aug) + Furama Chiangmai-- (294 rm: HKD 205 / Thb 930/d. : Aug) + Eastin Hotel ---------- (128 rm: HKD 518 / Thb 2,350/d. : Aug) + Mayflower Grande -- (112 rm: HKD 310 /Thb 1,400*/d. : Aug. on Agoda, offered in CM) + Nimman Boutique---- ( xxx rm: HKD 130 / Thb 590/d. : Aug) + Suandoi House------- ( xxx rm: HKD 148 / Thb 670/d. : Aug) + TheBliss, serviced apts (40 rm: HKD 151 / Thb 685/d. : Aug) . Compare, other areas: + Chiangmai Plaza----- (445 rm: HKD 244 / Thb 1,100/d. : Aug) + Rainforest Boutique--- (89 rm: HKD 210 / Thb 950/d. : Aug) ========== Note that many of these hotels are under Thb 1,000, and i estimate that several hotels may have monthly rates in the region of Thb 8,000 - 12,000 . I have met one person paying Thb 7,000 for a room at the Dome (7,000 / 650 = 10.8 days) HKD : 35.02/ 7.752 = 4.52 ===================== Estimates from July 2013 - I have used HKD 10,000 = (US $1,290) per desk per month in my calculations below OFFSHORING a HK start-up Team, basic calculation: This is a simple calculation, to see if 10 people could be flown to CM for one month, for a 1 month "working seminar" in CM instead of HK, and whether the Office Space savings would pay for the costs of their air transport, and hotel accommodation. (Obviously, if you could replace half the team with people already living in CM, not requiring air transport, and accepting local Thb salaries, the savings will get far larger than indicated below.) Assuming 10 people take 50*Sq.Meters, and this space costs HKD 30k per sqm per mo. in HK Over one month, that is ------ : HKD 100,000, or HKD 10,000 per desk /mo.(=US$ 1,290) The same space might cost just : HKD 10,000 / thb 45,000 (US$ 1,000/$100 pp*) in Chiangmai - ie. xx% Monthly savings might be----- : HKD 90,000 / thb 406,000 x 10% = thb 40,600 per person *Per person might be as little as 4 sqM in crowded HK **US$100 pp is thb 3,500 per month person, or about thb 167 per day for a working month of 21 days ===== Compare that per Person : thb 40,600 savings with: Estimated Month Hotel, maybe thb 12,000 Air Asia airfare--------- , maybe thb 10,000 = HKD 2,000 -----------------------Total Costs thb 22,000 ----------------------- Net Savings thb 18,600 per person
  13. Life at CAMP (in the Maya Mall) : "A large and friendly space... 20 steps from the cinema" thb 250 /d. : CAMP assumes 5x thb50 purchases - that's cheap! when you consider value of the food I visited CAMP today on the 5th floor of the Maya mall. This is a cafe/workspace inside a high-end mall, shopping in the Nimman area, which offers the following: + Two hours access to the internet, + You have to rate the food/drink, before you get access to the web In return for spending THB 50 or more on a drink or food. I spent THB 90 on a Smoothie. The internet service seems fast and efficient, but this comment does not extend to the food service, which was slow, and I found myself rating as "needs improvement". I found the place cold, and was shivering while drinking my smoothie. I wound up staying for several hours, buying more food and drink. The place got more busy as the day wore on, and by 6pm there may have been close to 60-70 people in the large space. It did not feel crowded, just busy. I reckon it could comfortable seat perhaps 150-200 Here's a summary from OpenCM: It is not 100% completely open and service given. However, it is such a cool and very new for Chiang Mai people. As the picture you see above, I think it might be familiar to some foreigners in some countries. This place aims to invite students, blue collars, white collars and anybody to enjoy working here. Lastly, as a reminder, noise is prohibited in case of disturbing other people. > http://www.openchiangmai.com/camp-creative-and-meeting-place-maya/
  14. PNR new route to Calamba, Laguna : serves an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 passengers daily December 3, 2014 The state-run Philippine National Railways (PNR) on Tuesday (Dec. 2) inaugurated the new route — extending its Metro South Commuter train service from Cabuyaoto, Calamba, Laguna. The inauguration coincided with the blessing of the new Calamba station building led by Transportation and Communications Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya and other local government officials. The new route will serve an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 passengers every day, in addition to the current 70,000 daily passengers. The end-to-end fare is pegged at Php45. With the opening of its new route, operations will now be expanded to a 56 kilometer-stretch from 53 kilometers. The Calamba route will begin with two daily trips, with a planned addition of two more trips by early 2015. The expansion of PNR’s commuter rail service provides affordable and convenient access to jobs and schools to more stakeholders south of Metro Manila. In photo is a sample of PNR’s rehabilitated passenger train. (PNA photo by Ben Briones) === === (Historical story): PNR reopening to revive convenience of Bicol travel June 15, 2010 CALAMBA, Laguna - President Gloria Macapagal is leaving Bicolanos another legacy: the reopening of the Manila-Legazpi train link, which for generations has been synonymous with Bicol’s way of life. President Arroyo was delighted to hear from the Philippine National Railways here Tuesday that it will be restoring its Bicol run, particularly the Tutuban to Ligao, Naga on June 25, a few days before she bows out of the presidency. The President and the media she brought along boarded the train ride from Calamba to Bicutan, an extension of the commuter train route launched early this year from Tutuban to Alabang. The President said the long-haul ride will be beneficial mostly to the cargoes, than commuters to Bicol, who still prefer air conditioned buses going to the province passing through very good roads. “It will take almost the same time to reach there by bus, although the train will be a bit faster because there is no traffic,” the President told reporters during a media briefing she asked the PNR to conduct inside the train. The PNR said the double tracking of the rail system will cost P150 million, which the Korean Export Import Bank has already committed to fund and construct, ‘at no cost and sovereign guarantee from the Philippine government,” said PNR consultant- Chief of Staff Nicolas Beda Priela. == > more: http://balita.ph/2010/06/15/pnr-reopening-to-revive-convenience-of-bicol-travel/ Nearby Property: http://www.propertyasia.ph/properties/sale/nearby/2639/calamba-station In addition: 200-300 Japanese co's are considering relocating to the Phillippines. There are already 1650 Japanese companies located there: "some of the firms expressed interest in locating their operations in the Calabarzon area: Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon)" They find the tax incentives offered by PEZA (Philippine Economic Zone Area) and BOI (Board of Investments) to be attractive. Another factor spurring the move is rising wages in China, leaving the Philippines with a competitive advantage. http://www.manilalivewire.com/2015/08/more-than-200-of-japanese-manufacturing-companies-in-china-to-be-relocated-in-the-philippines/
  15. Question : Where and how do "Digital Nomads" network in CM? This is something that I want to investigate more thoroughly... Is anyone willing to offer some Tips, or comments on the following spaces? Shared Workspace in Chiangmai -- Hotdesks: Dedicated: Mtg.Rms : Provider thb ??? / d. : 270 /day : ??? /hour : Starwork--- : thb ??? / d. : ??? /day : 150 -200 : Punspace--- : thb ??? / d. : ??? /day : 199/hour : @Nimman-- : thb 250 / d. : not avail. : 170 /hour : CAMP : assumes 5x thb50 purchases, & thb500/3hrs thb ??? / d. : ??? /day : ???/hour : http://Nomadspirit.net Addresses: CAMP, Maya : Maya mall, 5th fl., on Nimmanhaemin Rd. Punspace--- : 14 Siri Mangkalajarn Lane 11 , CM : Example: Punspace is a lively coworking space in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Located 2 mins (by motorbike) from the hip Nimman area, Punspace offers peaceful and creative work environment yet is close to many popular coffee shops, restaurants, pubs, bars, as well... + More ======= Search for space: > http://www.sharedesk.net > http://www.coworkplanet.com > http://thaistartup.net/directory/coworking-spaces
  16. How are you, Pixel? Surviving okay, I trust.
  17. Belton Place - LISTED Rentals Type/ Size : Unfurn : Semi-F : FullyF./ FF/unf / FF.perSM St. - 21 SM : 13,000 : 15,000*: 19,000**/ 146 % / php 0,905 1BR 30 SM : 18,000 : 21,000*: 27,500**/ 153 % / php 0,917 2BR 45 SM : 32,000 : 36,000*: 42,500**/ 133 % / php 0,944 ==== 1 Year leases, with 2 mos. security, 2 mos. in adv., PD cheques * +/- about 9%, depending on view, furnishings * +/- about 11%, depending on view, furnishings By comparison, Unfurnished units at Columns Legazpi (CL) were fetching near PHP 1,000 /SM, and Furnished units, were perhaps 10-13% higher. This suggests that Columns is about 20% per SM above Belton Place. It is not surprizing to see these flats being rented at a discount to The Columns, Legazpi, given: ======== + Location, further from Greenbelt and most of the offices on Ayala Avenue, and + Lower cost (per Sq meter) at the time of purchase + Lower standard of finish - and perceived different quality of management But the difference (to Columns) is not huge, so there seems to be solid demand for the Belton units Avida Towers San Lorenzo, on the fringe of Makati, below Arnaiz Avenue (per Avida Leasing - some estimates): Avida SanLo Flats / Dec. 2015 : (per handout) Type/ Size : Unfurn - /SM : Semi-F : Fully Furn. / FF/unf. / FF.perSM Stu- 23 SM : 14,000*/ p608 : 16,000*: 18-20: 19,000/ 136 % / php 0,826 1BR 41 SM : 21,000*/ p512 : 24,000*: 27-30: 28,500/ 136 % / php 0,695 2BR 59 SM : 31,000*/ p525 : 35,000*: 40-45: 42,500/ 133 % / php 0,720 ========= *Listed @12.0K + 2.0k.est assoc.fees = 14.0k; 1br: 17.0 +4.0= 21.0; 2br: 25.0 +6.0= 31.0 Some actual leases offered: 12/15/2015 ======= T1-0301 : P20,000 : 1BR : SF / 36.14M = 553pm : Semi-furnished : 102v T1-0618 : P18,000 : stud : FF / 24.50M = 735pm : Fully Furnished: 061v T1-0904 : P15,000 : stud : UF / 24.50M = 612pm : UF-blu+builtins : 105v T1-1716 : P16,000 : stud : FF / 22.50M = 711pm : FF+sep.,colors : 100v T1-1904 : P19,000 : stud : FF / 22.50M = 844pm : FF >Brown etc-: 064v At 01/20 : T1-2116 : P19,000 : stud : FF / 22.50M = 844pm : standard deliv.-: 006v : T1-0618 : P18,000 : stud : FF / 24.50M = 735pm : FF+pine-furn.- : 092v : T1-1617 : P16,000 : stud : SF / 22.50M = 711pm : standard semif-: 021v : ======= > http://leasing.avidaland.com/
  18. Makati and Chiangmai beat the yields of Bangkok > see: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=19583&page=3
  19. Whoops. There go Kroma's views on the Jaka side Got a text message last night from an ALI broker offering to invest in Jaka Tower, quoting the sms: AYALA LAND TAKING OVER COMPLETION OF JAKA TOWER ALONG AYALA AVE, MAKATI CITY! Don't miss this opportunity to invest in the most prime office location in Makati. ALI is set to transform the unfinished Jaka Tower along Ayala Ave into a headquarter type office project. Tentative launching date: Sept. 2015 ============== When asked the broker how high it's going to be when completed, he said it's 59 storeys and almost fully glass cladded. Furthermore, it's a Grade A office building, LEED Certified and might be PEZA Certified as well and will be finished most likely in 2019. Finally, launching date according to this broker is in Sept 2015. > http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1568161&page=9
  20. Air and The Rise : Comparison from SSC Air : we're looking at 75 units per floor here. hmmm.. + Wow another hi-end "public mass housing" project by SM. Seriously, govt should just make a deal with SM. Govt provides the land and SM builds the building to house all the urban poor. SM can collect monthly dues from "owners". An SM condo can easily house more than 1000 families, freeing up valuable land currently occupied by informal settlers for other purposes + I am surprised that this development is not getting the same interest as The Rise. Realistically I cannot imagine SMDC not going up a notch and make this development a showcase to revamp their image especially when you have The Rise as your immediate neighbour. It would be too embarrassing if they screws up....lol. . Sales at Air : How's the sales so far? How many % sold? + around 60% sold. + Rather interesting news as I was told The Rise also moved the same amount of units too. Seems like the Shang name is not hurting SMDC sales as well. + This shows there's a HUGE market at this segment. . Compare : Which project has better specs? Heard SM has better payment terms. + The Rise still have some units that are non VAT so grab them while they are available. I believe all Air Residences units are subjected to VAT. == > http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1456032&page=16 Ulysses Silva Join Date: Apr 2015 / Posts: 6 / Likes (Received): 2 Hello, I would just like to inform you that we still have very few non-vat units left also units in East Wing that has great view of Makati Skyline. If you have friends or anyone you know who might want to invest please contact me at +63 9279843565. Ill be willing to assist them Will try to post construction update of our project as well for those who invested already. Thank you! >
  21. Perhaps he meant a "1" ($1,000) , not a "2"? BO POLNY & CHRIS GORDON (TRUNEWS RADIO 072115): GOLD PRICES & AMERICAN PLAGUES (go to 20 minutes) Published on Jul 21, 2015 WWW.TRUNEWS.COM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj8PH... Rick compares Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby organs to the atrocities committed against humanity by the Nazis. In Part 2, cycles expert Bo Polny tells Rick not to be concerned about the rout in gold prices. Bo says the cycle charts say gold is gearing up to soar through 2016. In Part 3, Pastor Chris Gordon and Rick talk about the relevancy of the God delivering His people from the plagues of Egypt.
  22. Popular or not? Philippines president Benigno Aquino aims to secure his legacy with final State of the Nation address PUBLISHED : Sunday, 26 July, 2015 / last year's address / Philippine President Benigno Aquino delivers his 5th annual State of the Nation address before the annual joint session of 16th Congress in Manila on July 28, 2014. On Monday, Aquino will deliver his final State of the Nation address. Photo: AFP When President Benigno Aquino gave his first State of the Nation Address in 2011, he sent foreign diplomats in the audience scrambling for assistance when he spoke in the local language, Tagalog. Previous presidents always used English. On Monday, envoys will have interpreters ready as the president delivers the last speech of his term. It isn’t just in use of the national language that Aquino differs from his predecessors. Past presidents in the last year of their terms were lame ducks, crippled by low ratings and public disenchantment. Aquino by comparison enjoys high ratings and could be the most popular president the country’s had since polls were taken. According to Dr. Mahar Mangahas, president of Philippine-based opinion survey firm Social Weather Stations (SWS): “He has been the most popular one at this stage.” The State of the Nation Address is a piece of political theatre where the president speaks to an assembly of glittering and expensively dressed lawmakers. He lists and lauds his accomplishments to applause while a few kilometres away, policemen restrain and hose down hundreds of shouting radical left protestors. The demonstrators today are expected to belittle the president, denounce him as a failure and burn him in effigy. Activists march near the house of Philippine President Benigno Aquino with an effigy (background) depicting Aquino as a monster, in Manila one day ahead of Aquino's State of the Nation address. Photo: AFP But Aurelio German, a political strategist who helped Joseph Estrada become president in 1998, said: “If I were rating him I would give him a B+. I would say 75% of what he promised in the four [previous addresses] he was able to achieve; the 25% I can see the administration is trying hard to fulfil but there is no more time.” . . . German claimed the president is popular “mainly because the people see the guy is sincere”. “He is dead set on achieving the goals he has set for his administration. I believe history will look very kindly, very favorably on Aquino’s administration.” On social media the president is regularly and venomously reviled, a failure who owes his election to the public’s love for his mother, Corazon Aquino. But the gales of online invective aren’t reflected in opinion surveys. “I think social media is not representative of general popular opinion,” Mangahas said. “The ones who are posting (on Facebook) are not necessarily the ones with average opinions. Like in newspapers, the letter writers are always extremely in favour or against. Posters are always the extreme.” == > http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/1843792/popular-or-not-philippines-president-benigno-aquino-aims
  23. Okay. I have heard that too. On the other hand, I had communication with a woman who had extensive interactions with him, and she said he helped a good deal, and that he was highly intuitive. She was a poster at Project Avalon, where Simon used to post extensively, before he came under attack. I think the jury is still out on Simon, but I find his information highly specific and fascinating. I haven't yet heard him making statements that I think are obvious lies, in the way I did with OPPT, Swissindo, and the Red Dragons. If you find him saying something specific that you think is misinformation, please do point it out. Many of his statements would be hard to prove one way or another
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