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carbon junkie

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Posts posted by carbon junkie

  1. Dr B in response to your question. We only use price nothing else. We view price as having the collective information of all parties bulls and bears. The collective knowledge of these participants is far greater than any single database. Prices are made at the margin.

    We like Gold as we feel our forecasts are measuring the Worlds reserve currency against money itself. An ounce of Gold now is the same as an ounce of Gold in 1929.



  2. In any case, Jonathan Davis' is a UK property bear with a spotty track record, Jim Sinclair is a gold bull with an excellent track record. And you're saying the formers opinions on gold price trumps the latters?

    Thats exactly what he seems to be saying!


    Blinded by the hatred of one person can force you into the arms of any old tom dick or certificated commission loving paper pushing Financial Advisor. LOL

  3. You may be interested to hear Jonathan Davis' view on the Gold price. Maybe you can sit out the drop he is forecasting, but it may prove too painful for some long term gold holders.

    Jonathan I sold my UK real estate in 2001 Davies, and now froth at the mouth everytime I discuss it on the telly coz its eatin me up inside.


    Or The Jonathan Dvaies who said the DOW would go to 15,000 in 2008 just before it dived off a cliff.


    Maybe the Jonathan Davies who predicted the DOW crash in November just before it raced away to 13,000.


    This guy has been passing me his money for years as he's always on the other side of the trade from me.


    He has got a certificate (indoctrinated establishment monkey) and he gets on the telly (they only put people on the telly if they don't know what they are talking about - I thought we all knew that by now. No seriously he goes on the telly as a financial/ property expert but missed the whole bull run I kid you not!!)


    Anyway if you want me to take your money then follow the "expert from the telly".


    I mean seriously Bubb, do some research.


    MMmmm Sinclair or Davies NOT EVEN CLOSE.

  4. Great post on the hpc website by 50squiff


    "Calling gold a ponzi scheme - how hubristic and ahistorical can you be?


    If you believe gold is following a conventional bubble cycle, then presumably at the top, euphoric investors will declare a 'new paradigm' and proclaim gold to be the only true money. The obvious flaw in this interpretation is that gold advocates aren't calling for a new paradigm at all. On the contrary, Gold bugs are drawing on a paradigm that is older than the Old Testament. No 'new era', tortured logic or pyramiding of credit required.


    Conversely, it is the born-again Keynsians and vehemently anti-gold crowd that need to justify their new paradigm. They seem to possess an infallible belief in violent Western monopolies and their ability to dictate monetary affairs through digital alchemy. On the contrary, history suggests that monetary regimes have a remarkable tendency to self-destruct. If you believe this time it's different, then good luck to you."

    Well done 50squiff and Warpig at HPC for nailing that slimy little so and so Red (Karma always changes name) the "paper boy" for constantly being wrong on Gold for the last four years.


    His latest tactic is to try and make out that gold is a bubble like BTL in 2005.


    The paper boy won't debate and when he loses the argument he gets the mode to ban and delete your countering posts.



    Don't let the Red the Paper boy get away with it.

    Well done to all for their logic and intelligence it makes the paper boy look like the idiot he is.

  5. What I'd like to know is if there is a product similar to GDXJ that is allowed in my ISA (I know some of the individual companies are but I don't have time for dud diligence on each one).


    I guess I should compare the holdings and management fees of T1PS to GDXJ to see how similar they are?

    I spread bet GDX & GDXJ through IGindex as its tax free (yeah I know I know its risky but I do also have a number of long term buy and hold positions).


    Basically its the only way I know of making tax free money out of those two!


    I have tripled my spread betting account in the last two years and if I can nail GDX and GDXJ over the next two years I should end up with enough to buy a plot of building land at a knock down price tax free. The rest of my STR fund will be used to invest in new business opportunities once we see alight at the ned of the tunnel.

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