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Posts posted by harvipark

  1. Chateau is a nice tune. In case you don't know, a way to test if you can link to a youtube video is to click the embeded button, if this returns code below the button, then you can link to it here.


    Thanks for the tip although in many ways its intentional. I am a bit of a perfectionist with regard to sound quality and would prefer to post something that doesnt embed but of high quality rather than something dubious which will embed...(IYSWIM)


    Agreed about Rob Dougan.....really like the stuff I have heard so far. I probably prefer Furious Angels i think..love the chord progressions through the song! Maybe he is an artist i should investigate further


  2. Hey no probs, most of it (exception of Wish you were here and darkside of the moon) are still new to me. but now I'm apprehensive just in case they're not as good - rofl.


    I Suppose I should just listen them, I'm just waiting for the right occasion :)


    A lot of their best stuff was slightly before my time but i caught up with their work later


    The first album i heard by them was Animals which was released in 77. At the time, the music they were producing was unique and if you consider in those days that the synthesiser was a very new instrument, what Rick Wright did was groundbreaking.


    Hope you get the chance to give them a listen and appreciate how good they are


  3. Indeed, and I've still yet to hear a few of those albums.


    I've even got a copy of Meddle which I've still yet to hear. I'm quite looking forward to it :)


    I think if i was ever asked to name an all time favourite band then it would be Floyd without a doubt.


    Meddle is the first album where they started to come good and to be honest its not one that i am really familiar with. The subsequent albums just got way better!


    I rue the day i missed this gig a few years ago featuring Gilmour at his best.........from the comments.... "I just have an eargasm!" :lol::D


    From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wtiNzci1Wc


    Love this.......


    From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlY-JlE5ZCo



  4. ..........


    No6, you absolute star! Completely forgot about KJ.....what a superb band. And that guys guitar sound is epic!


    Dont you think that 80's sounds very much like nirvanas "smells like teen spirit?"


    <edit>got the wrong song. From Wikipedia...


    "Killing Joke also sued Nirvana during this phase, alleging that the riff for the latter's song "Come as You Are" was copied from the riff for their song "Eighties".[12][13] The lawsuit was dropped after the sudden death of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain.[24]"


    A few back atcha........







  5. Question for those in gold at present. Have any of you borrowed paper from a bank to buy bullion? Serious question.


    I took out a loan for 20k in 2007 with the original intention of buying a new car. I didnt need a car at the time but i took it out as the rate was rock bottom and i knew i would eventually have to replace the car, probably within a couple of years. So i got the loan at a low rate and bought into Blackrock G&G and JPM Nat resources, with the intention of selling up when i needed the money.


    I eventually got a new car but i took out a further loan to fund that. I have around 7k left to pay off on the original loan, so i am looking for a nice spike to pay off the remaining balance.


    Was it worth it?


    Yes. The Blackrock G&G tranche is up about 46%, and the JPM Nat Res is up 20%. My timing of the purchases wanst particularly good so i could have done better, but if we see a spike to 1650 then i will be quids in!


    The bad news is that my credit report is totally shot as it shows that i have over 30k in car loans outstanding, so nobody will touch me with a bargepole if i need further loans....lol (in reality i can pay them both off if i needed to)


    I was also stoozing credit cards, the proceeds of which went into gold/commodities. These have now been unwound apart from one card which will be paid off by the end of the month


    Just my 2 penneth.....

  6. If you hear of them touring then shout up...cheers


    Oh hang on...cancel that


    2010/12/13 - Manchester, UK - Manchester Evening News Arena


    2010/12/14 - Sheffield, UK - Sheffield Arena


    2010/12/16 - Birmingham, UK - NIA


    2010/12/17 - Birmingham, UK - NIA


    2010/12/19 - Sheffield, UK - Sheffield Arena


    2010/12/21 - London, UK - O2 Arena



  7. Ah yes ya mean political


    I was thinking more musical. If you listen to the soloing in the chorus to Sex on fire, and on the start to Knocked up.....if you shut your eyes, you could imagine "the edge" playing those chords


    Great live band, more like these needed.


    One of the bands that is on my future hit list! My sister is mad on them so i promised i would take her next time they tour.


    If you hear of them touring then shout up...cheers


  8. Probably the best of the new wave of guitar bands.......Kings of Leon. The U2 influence stands out a mile in some of their songs


    Apologies if some of these dont embed


    The popular stuff.......


    From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWhairF_DS8&ob=av2n




    From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oayv_JWCpY


    ....the anthem!


    From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94RNp7veIJE


    A few oldies.........


    From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs8NzEsAjQ0




    From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2WGS6O2y0A&ob


    From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZF03Q_SgBw&ob=av2e

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