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Have you heard about Green Hotel?

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Just wondering, how many countries have green hotels already? I heard few countries promoting green hotels as it is more organize and unique. One example of it is Gavarni hotel. A friend of mine went and stayed in that hotel and according to her it is no ordinary because it involves a city ecotourism project of sustainable development and environment protection : 100% carbon balanced, 100% renewable energy, 100% eco-friendly detergents, organic and fair trade breakfast. Wanna try that?

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There are a few here in NZ. Particular areas are the far north and Motueka/Nelson areas. Of course you can always WOOF.


Honestly, just wanna try a green hotel to see and experience by myself how is it like to stay in that kind of hotel, how are the services differ from ordinary one?and what about the food that they serve, though I know that most if are organic just wanna still try how they will put a twist to it to make more appealing and delicious as well.

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Know of two projects locally based on this idea/principle that both had to be abandoned half way through the build stage. One failed quite simply due to the owner himself trying and failing badly to project manage what should have been a viable project .......... I believe his family who were financing the project pulled the plug eventually. The other was never really viable.

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En un intento de limitar su población, ha adoptado una política que limita las familias urbanas a un sólo niño y las rurales a dos cuando el primero es niña. Debido a que los niños son considerados económicamente más útiles en las áreas rurales, existe un alto índice de abortos femeninos en busca de asegurar que el segundo niño sea varón. Esto da como resultado una proporción entre sexos de 119 niños nacidos por 100 niñas. Esto ha llevado a las autoridades a enfatizar la importancia de la mujer, y ha llegado a prohibir la utilización de métodos médicos para predecir el sexo del feto y penar severamente el aborto selectivo de niñas. Además, el Estado ha emprendido recientemente reformas en su política de planificación familiar suavizando el control de la natalidad e incentivando económicamente a las familias que tengan dos niñas.


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