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Interviews with researcher Joseph P. Farrell

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Interviews with researcher Joseph P. Farrell

Babylon's Banksters, Nazi Bell, etc



Joseph Farrell is a former college professor, turned researcher


Starting with...'

Creating "high Beauty" is a form of rebellion-

I like this snippet from interview with Joseph Farrell


I have developed a respect for the research an opinions of Joseph Farrell

(If you are not familiar with his work, ask and I shall provide some examples.)

I enjoyed this section - with a Question from "Lolly" on the WebBotForum and his response


(about 3-- minutes in):



This is a "simple" activity that they are talking about (creating beauty), but it is am important one.

=== ===


Here's a more usual (thought-provoking) Farrell interview:



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I have developed a respect for the research an opinions of Joseph Farrell

(If you are not familiar with his work, ask and I shall provide some examples.)


Joseph Farrell's Five Books

+ Reich of the Black Sun

+ The SS Brotherhood of the Bell

+ Secrets of the Unified Field

+ The Philosophers' Stone

+ Nazi International


Here's a "Cliff Notes version" of the Five books




THIS IS EXCELLENT RESEARCH - a rather mind-blowing (if you listen to the whole thing)


Uploaded by MaximumTheorydotcom on Dec 3, 2010



"No discussion of secret Nazi bases in Antarctica" - which Farrell deems unlikely


Key Message : "Nazism survived the War."

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Yes, there's something to that. But I like to think of it terms of resistance not rebellion..... resistance against an increasingly dehumanized ["realistic"] world. The aim of art is to elicit an aesthetic response, and in doing so help humanize what would otherwise soon be a wasteland.


The paradox of art is that the realisation of humanity involves transcending it. Art signifies immutable qualities such as order, beauty and truth, with civilization being the pursuit of such in concrete institutions..... base and super-structure. Barbarism is the lack, or rejection, of the cultural base.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 9 months later...



About 40 minutes in. Dr Joseph P Farrell, and Dr Scott D. DeHart talk about transhumanism





Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas [Paperback]


Scott D de Hart (Author), Joseph P. Farrell (Author) / 4/5 stars



Book Description / Publication Date: October 30, 2012


The ultimate question is no longer "who am I" or "why am I here." These questions were answered in the earliest civilizations by philosophers and priests. Today we live in an age of such rapid advances in technology and science that the ultimate question must be rephrased: what shall we be? This book investigates what may become of human civilization, who is setting the agenda for a trans-humanistic civilization, and why .


The modern Victor Frankenstein holds a high political office, carries diplomatic immunity, and is most likely funded by the largest corporations worldwide. His method is ancient: alchemy. His fraternities are well known and their secrets are well kept, but his goal of times past and present is the same; he dares to become as god, genetically manipulating the seeds of the earth, the beasts on the fields, and to claim legal ownership over humanity by re-creating it in his own image. This is no fairy tale, science fiction, or conspiracy theory … it simply is!


Transhumanism, a Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas by Dr.'s. Joseph P. Farrell and Scott D. de Hart lifts the veil from the macabre transhumanistic monster being assembled and exposes the hidden history and agenda that has set humanity on a collision course for the Apocalypse.


Joseph P. Farrell, PhD, is the author of the best-selling Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda.

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Just checked my files and I have a number of podcasts with Joseph Farrell that I haven't listened to yet. 4 on Red Ice Radio, and one each on Inception Radio and Irish Side of the Moon.


Thanks for the links Dr B.

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this one is a long one, but it has some interesting ideas in it

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  • 1 month later...

JP Farrell, An intelligent Tour Guide for the Matrix?




Published on Oct 15, 2012

Topics discussed are: The corruption of the education, political, and financial systems; the current breaking down of the control system, false flags and assassinations, the world power elite agenda, occult nazi technology, the cosmic war - advanced physics and alchemy, astrology, religion, morality and spirituality, cultural cycles, 2012 age of revealing, and how we are currently sitting at possibly the most significant major turning point in human history.





This is an excellent and wide-ranging interview.


It starts with the short comings of the American and Canadian academies. And then moves into subjects like the origin of our present corrupted civilisation, with some segways into to possibility that Earth was once part of an inter-planetary civilisation, which has left traces and has also left certain elites in control.


This may be an intelligent and accessible way, for those who are unfamiliar or unconvince by Fringer researchers to look into these "strange" topics with an intelligent tour guide, who has thoroughly researched many fields and bases his ideas on that detailed research.

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  • 1 month later...



Joseph comments on the Russian meteor and the papal resignation, and the following articles:








TWO BIG STORIES this week:


Like me, he thinks it possible that the Russian meteor may be a piece broken off from the bigger one that "flew by." He laughs at the idea proposed by a Russian source that "the US was testing a weapon." But he does think that there are already secret weapons in space. Maybe it is true that "10,000 Russian policemen are busy trying to retrieve fragments."


The POPE: The resignation may be related to the banking system, or to sex scandals.


A new bank "wants to take over international finance." Peter Cardinal Turkson, the black cardinal, wants to see a global bank and a global currency. The idea of a global government has been part of Vatican thought for centuries. And the Vatican has had strong power in the past (which it abused or over-used.)


The prophecy of the line of Popes ending may be used in a manipulation.


Farrell has some pre-recorded blogs coming out.

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  • 2 months later...

(time to merge this with other Farrell threads?)

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  • 8 months later...

Joseph P Farrell, Cultural Transitions 8, The Byte Show


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  • 3 weeks later...

High octane speculation:


"A deliberate murder of those who had discovered something secret... about the system of secret finance."

It may involve : "laundered drug money... and whistleblowers about to expose it."





Published on 12 Feb 2014


Joseph Farrell comments on the bankster "suicides" and the "suicide" by nail gun of a financial men involved in the TITLE end of mortages... the links to the articles are provided at the end of Part Two (THANK you tube!)


Youtube comment / Bankster Slayer

Joseph: after the first JPM "suicide," Steve Quayle posted a Q-Alert from his friend V. He stated that his Wall Street source said there definitely is a Hit List out with 43 other names on it. So your speculation is in good company. Also both JPM guys' jobs connected. 




Published on 12 Feb 2014

Banksters, "suicides by nail gun" and some fishy business in the mortgage and derivatives sectors ... AGAIN. Here's the articles Joseph is commenting on:





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  • 4 months later...
Joseph P. Farrell Physics of the Babylon Bankers




Published on Jun 21, 2014

In this latest installment of his remarkable series of books of alternative science and history, Joseph P. Farrell outlines the consistent pattern and strategy of bankers in ancient and modern times, and their desire to suppress the public development of alternative physics and energy technologies, usurp the money creating and issuing power of the state, and substitute a facsimile of money-as-debt. Here, Farrell peels back the layers of deception to reveal the possible deep physics that the "banksters" have used to aid them in their financial policies."


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  • 2 months later...

Game changer on Cold Fusion and Free Energy ?





What!? The Rockefeller network of foundations is beginning to divest from petroleum in its portfolios? Is it just a political gesture, as RT suggests? Or might there be a deeper story? Joseph points out that the topic of fusion was a topic at Bilderberg meetings in recent years.


"The first signal that the elite families see that Cold Fusion is feasible?"

That's Dr Farrell's high-octane speculation

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Joseph P Farrell On Transhumanism And Secret Technology



Published on 21 Oct 2014
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  • 4 months later...

CAVRADIO : interview with Dr. JP Farrell




Why the UFO Cover-up?

Dr Farrell gives a highly plausible explanation at about 16-17 mins. in.

(Thanks, guys, for an interesting interview)

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Joseph P Farrell on Structures Beneath the Surface !!


Published on 25 Mar 2015

Thrice-Great Hermitica and the Janus Age. What can that mean? How does it relate to the way power works in our world? Joseph Farrell goes deep into the underworlds of power in this explosive interview. He starts by explaining to us what the Janus Age means, then goes on to describe the all-important structures beneath the surface of our world that make it what it is. Why are we always off balance while a wealthy few seem to get richer and richer on the shoulders of the rest of us?


Do you know what the Zeno Manuscript is and what it means? No? You'd better listen carefully.

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  • 2 months later...
Jay w Dr. Joseph Farrell - Hidden Metaphysics, History & Philosophy

Published on Jun 18, 2015

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell joined me to discuss all things hidden, from the topological metaphor of Hermes, the mathematical principles behind the gods, the analogues and lattices, frequency and energy, Eastern metaphysics, plasma and the ancient Greeks, Star Wars and the weaponization of space, covert spy and space programs, Heisenberg and Dirac, and the history of Venice and Templarism. Dr. Farrell's works can be found at his Giza Death Star site.

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  • 3 months later...

Sean Stone recently did two:


Pyramid Wars & Alien Human Hybrids with Joseph P. Farrell (½)

Published on Sep 25, 2015

Aliens, the pyramids, and evidence of a great war that caused ancient cataclysm and rebirth on Earth is discussed with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, author of The Giza Death Star. Are human beings genetically modified worker drones for an elite superior intelligence? Were the anunnaki and sky gods real architects of religion and science? Face the possibility of consciousness overlords and reveal the violent extraterrestrial truth of humanity’s roots in the first part of a two-part Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.

Published on Sep 27, 2015

The great schism between East and West, and how Alien and occult influence on the Nazis reshaped the 20th century is discussed with Joseph P. Farrell in the second part in the two part uncensored interview. From the connections of bloodlines and business that aligned the Germans with the US, and how the Russians and Americans split the spoils of war from WWII, plus the theory of an Antarctica Nazi alien base are all explored in this Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.

00:01 Welcoming Joseph P. Farrell back to Buzzsaw.
00:56 From the ancient cosmic war to the nazi struggle.
04:13 Vril and Thule society in Nazi engineering and physics.
08:00 Nazi mythology about flying machines--the bell.
11:27 Antarctica’s “Nazi” base: Operation High Jump.
17:07 A breakaway civilization--the Grays.
19:09 The ongoing interest of the nazis as a cult, and technological cabal.
26:00 Moon landings and clues from Wernher von Braun.
30:38 Does the European Union continue Hitler’s One Europe philosophy?
34:39 American business connections to the Nazis--John J. McCloy.
39:30 An ancient battle of bloodlines?
43:54 The Russian battle with the West.
48:33 Sacrifice, atonement, and a giant difference in orthodox thought.
51:42 Thanks and Goodbye!

Born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza Death Star was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science". Following a paradigm of researching the relationship between alternative history and science, Farrell has followed with a stunning series of books.

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Joseph P Farrell Giza Pyramid is an Ancient Weapon 2015


Published on 7 Sep 2015

Physicist Joseph Farrell talks on 'The Giza Death Star' which takes us from the Great Pyramid of Giza to the asteroid belt and the so-called Pyramids of Mars. Farrell expands on his thesis that the Great Pyramid was a chemical maser, designed as a weapon and eventually deployed with disastrous results to the solar system. The Great Pyramid as a weapon! Evidence of the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Ancient Times! The Astonishing Technology used in the Giza Death Star! Evidence of a similar Death Star-Pyramid built on Mars! The mystery of the Asteroid Belt solved! Topics in his amazing book include: Exploding Planets: The Movie, the Mirro, and the Model; Dating the Catastrophe and the Compound; A Brief History of the Exoteric and Esoteric Investigations of the Great Pyramid; No Machines, Please!; The Stargate Conspiracy; The Scalar Weapons; Message or Machine?;A Tesla Analysis of the Putative Physics and Engineering of the Giza Death Star; Cohering the Zero Point, Vacuum Energy, Flux: Synopsis of Scalar Physics and Paleophysics; Configuring the Scalar Pulse Wave; Inferred Applications in the Great Pyramid; Quantum Numerology, Feedback Loops and Tetrahedral Physics and more.


Thanks to Ryan Gable and the Secret Teachings https://thedshow.wordpress.com/


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  • 4 months later...
The Spider in Roswell - A conversation with Joseph Farrell


Published on Dec 22, 2015

What happened to the missing Bell scientists? Did the Bell-project lead to flying disks such as what crashed in Roswell (rather than an E.T. spacecraft)? What's the evidence for a connection to Bormanns exile-Nazi Network? When did the Military-Intelligence-Industrial complex definitely attain A-G tech?

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