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more:: http://www.freemarketnews.com/financialtools.asp

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
GEI currently has no score with McAfee. A no test rating may deter some opening any links to GEI.


Good thinking.


Looks like it's in the queue for testing now...







We've tested millions of websites, but we haven't tested this one yet. Be the first one to submit feedback on it!


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Automated Web Safety Testing Results for greenenergyinvestors.com


This site has been queued for testing. Please come back soon for automated results.


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I assume that McAfee must re-assess sites after a while as GEI did have a safe rating until a few days ago. I occasionally use IE and use TrendProtect and that rated GEI safe as did McAfee Siteadvisor. For some reason the site now has no rating. Must be something to do with McAfee and the way they do things.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I assume that McAfee must re-assess sites after a while as GEI did have a safe rating until a few days ago. I occasionally use IE and use TrendProtect and that rated GEI safe as did McAfee Siteadvisor. For some reason the site now has no rating. Must be something to do with McAfee and the way they do things.

Seems to be fine now:





We tested this site and didn't find any significant problems.

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