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NESARA and RV Chats : Are these Real ?

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NESARA : Any Truth to it? Has it been passed yet?


/ RV / Dinarian Chat starts with post# 11 /



Dr. Harvey Barnard started his search for a root cause and the solutions to America’s social problems in the late 1960s when a professor at Louisiana State University casually remarked during a lecture that social and economic problems could be analyzed and solved with the same tools and techniques used to solve industrial problems. That single comment launched a lifetime pursuit of intellectual curiosity that later became a crusade, driven by nothing more than the challenge of doing the seemingly impossible.

After many years of personal study, Dr. Barnard developed a new theory of money. His NESARA legislative proposal began as a formal idea in the late 1980s. The current NESARA proposal saw first light in the early 1990s as a proposal for monetary policy reform. Later Dr. Barnard added his proposals for fiscal policy reform. / source


TODAY (9/9) is supposed to be a Day when big announcements will be made


There's been a Debate / Discussion about NESARA on Ron Van Dyke's You Tube channel.


It was long and detailed, and I thought it might be worth recording here




Main websites are:

http://www.Nesara.org - most reliable

http://www.Nesara.co -- channeled info, from "KOS": King-Of-Swords


Link to here : http://tinyurl.com/Acore-Nesara

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It will take a revolution to take this country back from the Cabal unless our military steps up and honors their constitutional obligations to protect the people and the constitution from foreign invaders..like who took over!! Or, (this is for Newborg.).NESARA LAW declared. Sending love and white light to you Ron so that you get through this challenge soon! Namaste.


"NESARA LAW declared." I think not. For those interested in Nesara, RCV and I have had a long an detailed discussion concerning the evidence, under this recent Video: 06-09-2014: WHAT IS MY PRIORITY OF CHANGES FOR THE WORLD? / Bottom line is that I have found 3 good sources saying that Nesara has never been put up for a Vote in Congress. RCV has one source saying that it is law, but that is based on channelings from the KOS (King Of Swords), and I personally do not trust channeled sources. It will be interesting to see what happens today, if anything.


Well, it is now Sept. 9, though I've been hoping for "The Announcement" for, I think, about 15 years. Promises, promises...though I too, can never seem to totally give up, though it seems to be hopeless at times, too.


Johnny, do you buy into the Channeled info? Or are you very cautious towards that source, as I am?


Johnny, It needs to be Sept 9 in all the US LOL lets hope it comes through this time! The Cabal has kept it delayed time after the time, they are supposed to "try" and announce it once a year! Of course an emergency war comes up every time or something else that "keeps" them from doing it.


Why is it so HARD for you to UNDERSTAND this came out long before the CHANNELED info did. You only want to hear what YOU think is the truth. Your so called reliable sources debunking it are known misinformation sources..anyone can edit and modify Wikipedia. let it go Newborg You are not right on this no matter how you reword or claim to have reliable sources..I know what I read years ago and what I saw years ago on it passing. It just so happens the GFL and other channeled messages keep saying the same things as well! There have been numerous websites pro and con. Tomorrow is the 9th lets hope it happens!!


CV, three credible websites say you are mistaken. Find me another source, and I will take a look at it, (I expect it will also prove to be channeled. As you know, their predictions have been repeatedly wrong, so all the evidence is in favor of my three site. Why do you disbelieve them? Especially when your sources have such a dismal trackrecord?)


Fr., what kind of logic is that, your so called websites are misinformation especially the Wikipedia one..i can go edit it and change anything on it I want..let it go. you cant prove anything with those sites. unfortunately I cant find the original news clip videos or articles originally written on Nesara either from several years ago, so until they announce it or lift the gag orders this discussion is a mute point and over! Wow you are thick..I told you 4 times now that the channeled messages are not the original source information..so stop saying my source are these channeled messages..can you comprehend this..do I need to repeat it a 5th time for you? They are not the original source!!


Go and try to edit Wiki, and it will soon be fixed. The people who run it are rather careful in their sources, as am I, and would not allow anything (for long) which is based on channeled info. In addition to that, I have provided two other sources. Does a track record not matter to you? There's no evidence whatsoever of a gag order. And the concept of Nesara, while attractive in some ways, is illogical to anyone who has a decent knowledge and education of economics.. Sure, some here may not want to hear that. But I prefer logic, reason, and research, to just going with what I WANT to be true. And, as I have said, I listen to my Heart, but I know it needs help from the Head too. You can go on saying that channeling is not the source, but the site you sent me to did not say that. How about some EVIDENCE, my friend? (Calling me "thick" is childish btw. Let's try and have a respectful discussion here, especially when you are the one on thin ice.)

+++++ from :

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+++ from a previous exchange:


We all know the bankers in this country are crooks...criminals who have no law enforcement agency monitoring them. What you want is Nesara Law to be enacted..instant jubilee debt forgiveness worldwide, the constitution reinstated along with replacing every member of the corporation of the US, Senators, Congress, and the Executive branch. The justice system goes back to common law, all lawyers are no longer allowed to practice under the BAR, they will be considered non citizens. Prosperity funds released, New Technologies released and more. 9-9-14 is the date it is supposed to be announced. So it is, so it shall be! Namaste
Good Luck, RCV. I am sure you are sincere. But I don't buy the Nesara story.
lol Newborg...it is a LAW signed by Bill Clinton Feb 2000, G W Bush was supposed to announce it to the public 9-12-2001, instead we got 9-11-2001 the day before so he could stay in office and ruin the country. Obummer signed it into law 12-2012 but has not announced it yet either. The SUPREME COURT forced the congress to approve it in 2000. Whats not to understand here, it is supposed to be in effect NOW, it is not some fantasy made up by a group of visionaries, no offense to any visionaries. It is a reality that the ZIONIST BANKERS are keeping from the AMERICAN people because they will loose everything world wide mainly their control over every country.
Thanks. RCV. I have heard that before. I just have my doubts about the quality of the info. Especially after so many missed deadlines. I don't like the Zio bankers anymore than you do, and I saw some of them up close, many years ago in my career in the financial sector... Before I became a devoted Friar, oibviously (haha.)
The missed deadlines are from the Cabal in control of the worlds finances and most governments full of puppets. Just know there are people throughout this world who are working toward freeing humanity from this stranglehold. The Dragon family I believe are part of that fight for humanity. This situation with Ron was just a roadblock thrown in the way to move around or step over to continue the work. I am not confident that Nesara will happen on 9-9-14 but it is the first time since Obummer signed it into law that a date has been set and posted. If you are a spiritual man meditate or pray that it does manifest on 9-9-14 it will benefit everyone on the planet and finally free humanity.
"The missed deadlines are from the Cabal...", you say. I suppose you can believe that if you like, but as I say: I have doubts about the quality of the information. And I have read somewhere some strong posts debunking the idea it was ever set up at all.
9/9 is only two days away. Let's wait and see what happens. I hope you are right.
Makes you wonder which is misinformation..Its a law
Show me a genuine and reliable story, and I may be prepared to reconsider. When I researched it a year or more ago, the story fell apart like a house of cards in a storm. Remember, I am Open-minded, but also I have been trained to be thorough and geeky. Not much gets past me.
+++ continues +++
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+++ continued


Here do some research on the law itself dont read someones opinion of it being fake, it is a LAW..look it up and read for yourself! Public law bill S. 2195, now known as Pub.L. 113-100.
??? S 2195 : denies admission to the United States to any representative to the United Nations who has engaged in espionage activities against the United States, poses a threat to United States national security interests :
NESARA is an acronym for the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which is a legislative proposal that merely reintroduces specie as alternative currencies to help combat anti-inflationary policies of the paper currency. The NESARA proposal is sponsored by the “NESARA Institute”, having offices at 7635 Jefferson Highway, No. 354, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809 (Ph: 864-886-0657). Although the NESARA proposal has been presented to many Congresspersons over the years, and some have expressed interest in the proposal, it hasn't yet built up sufficient support for even introduction to Committee, much less to a full vote by Congress. Maybe someday the NESARA proposal will find support in Congress and may be presented for a vote, but that really isn't the point of this webpage. (You can read all about NESARA at www.nesara.org). The point of this webpage is that when certain scam artists claim that NESARA has been "enacted into law" by "secret Acts of Congress" they are telling a great big lie and total fabrication because NESARA has never even been formally made into a Bill or presented for either a Committee vote or a full vote or Congress :
Those links (above) do not support your case, RCV : "others much less intelligent have allowed themselves to be drawn into this scam, as have some who have been mentioned as “White Knights” (whom the scammers claim are persons that protect the “True NESARA Law” and fight for it’s announcement"): same link as just above
Those are not links Newborg..that is the LAW that was passed..do the research yourself look up the public law see what it says it is PUBLIC RECORD..not going to argue with you..you are uninformed!
... on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was signed into Law on October 10, 2000 by Bill Clinton. It has been kept secret by members of Congress and the US Supreme Court who are working in collusion with the banks.
The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA including all those in government and the courts... (goes on) ... Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system... (goes on)
As I have said, I doubt the quality of your information. The credible sources that I can find - see links - say something different: "Although the NESARA proposal has been presented to many Congresspersons over the years, and some have expressed interest in the proposal, it hasn't yet built up sufficient support for even introduction to Committee, much less to a full vote by Congress." (Quatloos.com) You can believe what you like. When 9/9 comes and goes, and nothing happens (again), will you change your tune?
From Nesara.org : Status of the Proposed Bill: September 01, 2014: "The bill has not been enacted into law, has not been introduced into Congress, and has not yet been assigned a tracking number..." That's good enough for me. I have seen other sources, promoting predicted deadlines (always missed), and other misinformation. By why should I pay attention to them, when the most official source (Nesara.org) says it is NOT law.?
"not going to argue with you..you are uninformed!" - That's the usual response I get from people who believe because they WANT to believe, in the face of the evidence. I have provided links to three credible sites, and you have provided unsubstantiated opinions, misinformation, and No Links. Until you can provide some better evidence, there is nothing more to discuss. Let's wait, and wee what happens tomorrow, on the 9/9 deadline. I expect we will see no Nesara news.
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+++ continued


No you doubt anything that is posted by someone that you can not accept for some reason, just went through this with something I posted a week or so ago. you are a doubting Thomas. This is a law, a gag order has been placed to keep it from being announced..I could care less whether or not YOU believe it or hence I am done trying to inform you. Figure it out yourself..there have been numerous internet misinformation articles and such debunking it, calling it fake etc. ALL MISINFORMATION, why else would the WORLD TRADE CENTER be targeted when it was. What makes those sites credible, you think they are? You are right like I said I am not holding my breath for 9-9-2000 announcement but what the issue you are bringing up is it is not a real law. That is where you are uninformed, it is real and eventually will be enacted. Here is the official nasara website by the way and it does not say anything about it not being a law. :
There are many misinformation websites out there including wikipedia's!!.
Just give me a Link to a credible site (as I have requested), and I will look at it. I gave you three. Of course, I doubt and investigate claims all the time. That's a critical activity, if you want to get to the Truth. I have three good sources saying NO LAW was passed. That's usually enough for me, but as respect for you, I will take a link if you give me a credible source. The targeting of the WTC quite obviously need not have any link to Nesara. It is a huge leap of logic to even make such a claim, but it is rather typical of the flawed logic you can find on some bogus Nesara sites.
What makes you think they are "GOOD" sources? The connection to the World trade center is obvious the floors 1 and 2 of the tower is where all the world financial computers were located and ready to introduce the new currency that replaced the fed note. The cabal are masters of lies and deception. The truth will eventually shine through.
Like I said: I doubt the quality of your sources, and the far-fetched connections you are making. (I used to work in that building, so I know something about the WTC.) I still don't have any sources from you. Wiki, and Quatloos, are well known to me. And Nesara.org is the most highly regarded of the Nesara sites that I know of. The others I have seen are full of wild claims, and misinformation.
Fr.N., like I said ..I can care less what YOU think, your sources are misinformation sources..this is a law..i can care less that you cannot conceptualize that!!, when the truth comes out...i want to see the look on your face!! This is the official Nesara website: http://nesara.co/the-connection-between-911-and-n-e-s-a-r-a-law/
You are joking perhaps, RCV? It is a slick looking site, but if you look at the Top it says: "All information provided by The KOS." What's that? "King of Swords = The One we know as Sananda Kumara has had seven Earth incarnations: Sananda Kumara, Melchizedek, Zoroaster, King Tutankhamen, Shem, son of Noah, Jesus the Christ, and the King of Swords (KOS)." Okay. Well, you can rely on channeled info, if you like. I have found it to be completely unreliable. Good luck tomorrow. It might provide some sort of wake up call for this clinging to misinformation.
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+++ continued:


Newborg, whether or not it gets announced tomorrow or not, you are still wrong!! It is a LAW, this slick looking site may be from someone channeling who knows what but the facts are there, Several years ago there where actually a site that has been taken down that included interviews with news media people etc. The Zio Banksters are hiding this information from the public..like it says in a comment I made about 5 up, they will be charged with treason and go to jail. I am finished here, no matter what misinformation site you find, just know..it is a LAW!!
RCV, You ARE a true believer, aren't you!
The only ones who say it is Law, secretly passed are the channelers, like this one (KOS.) I think there has been adequate proof that channeled info is very unreliable. If you choose to believe it, then you may be fooling yourself. I prefer not to do that. I want to rely on better quality evidence in what I bring into my thoughts. It's your life, but I think others who read this should know who is relying on what.
lol stop twisting this around..the channeled info is one thing, a news clip with interviews and complete information back when this was originally signed into law is another.. that information and videos have been removed from the internet ..this site just happens to be the Nesara site , this not where the date was posted there are a couple more as well and several for misinformation like Wikipedia. I am not a true fan of channeled messages at all. i like facts, this happens to present the same information i saw years ago on Nesara. keep trying Newborg..you like trying to discredit things you can cannot conceptualize!! 1 more day and we may see progress..i am not holding my breath, but, this is a law and will eventually be enforced sooner or later, that you can count on. Iam finished with this conversation. Time to move to the next.
Ron VD:
I have believed in NESARA for a long time, since 2001 when I first heard about it. Yes, I have read a lot of channeled info about it. I'm not sure I ever viewed newsclips though. Are they still viewable? Do you have links?
RCV, It says very clearly on the NESARA.co site, in large letters: "All of the information on this website has been provided by the KOS". So if you do not buy into channeled info - as I do not - then you should be careful with what you make of the info on the site. Anyway, today is 9/9, the day that some sites have said will bring some big Nesara news. I will not be holding my breath. You can tell me tomorrow what you make of the news or non-news. I am surprised that Ron says he believes, when I have provided links to three credible sites, which all say it is Not Law, and has never been put in front of Congress for a vote. I rarely get fooled because I am very careful, relying only on credible sources. Ron admits to having been disappointed before. I respectfully suggest he be more careful... at least with NESARA info.
Ron VD:
I believe in things because they seem right to me. I believe in God because I want life to make sense. On the other hand, I have been disappointed again and again by failure of good things to manifest, no matter what the source. I long for a world based on truth and justice for all.
Okay the "seems right" test is one of mine too. But if something seems right (emotionally) to me, and then looks unlikely from a legal and experiential standpoint, I will seek out hard evidence, exactly as I have done here. Please note that I have said nothing disrespectful, and retained an open mind through this investigation. But I am not satisfied with the quality of this evidence. Having said that, I really hope it happens. Since the Nesara law, if it was real, should make life easier for many suffering people and I want to see that too.
Fr.N., the whole problem with this Law the people who authored it have a gag order placed on them by the supreme court which is self serving. If the government discloses this law many politicians, bankers, attorneys, judges, police etc will go to jail. That is opposition and why it keeps getting delayed time after time.
Have you any proof of that? (from other than channeled sources)
Not the originals ones when this came out years ago several news videos etc and written material from different sources most of which have been removed from the internet or I just can't find them anymore. It seems the GFL has channeled information on this and the websites have written information which coincides with what I read years ago, also right after the 911 there was several things written on the connection that have disappeared as well. I'll keep searching the original posts had the bill and law numbers too.
+++ The above conversation took place before the one in Post-2 +++
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Typical Bogus Nesara website:


same crap as numerous times before - and they even add a bogus RV announcement











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WHAT HAPPENED with Nesara on 9/9? Nothing !!


(I just posted this on Ron Van Dyke's channel, under this video):




Nesara-FAIL : I know its Off-Topic with respect to this Video, but there have been many postings about Nesara's planned 9/9 announcement on this channel. It is now 9/10 (wed) where I am, and I can find no Nesara or Gesara news. So it looks like another Fail for Nesara. The question I have now, is:

WHY do people keep making these bogus New stories about Nesara?

I think it is to attract traffic into the bogus websites, where they ask for Donations. The other question I have is: How many times do people need to be wrong, before they accept that they need use a more thorough Fact checking procedure. I think this latest fail shows that simply going with what "resonates" is not good enough. True discernment requires more actual research than that. I want to point people once again to Mark Passio's videos.


(2) Under Preston K's comment, I posted:

No News, Preston. Looks like: Another Fail for Nesara. And maybe another Failure for those who fail do do proper research and instead rely on bogus sources, which are really only there to solicit Donations, and suggest people buy Dinars. My advice: Ignore Channeled information: It is highly unreliable, and check the Track record of the sources you are reading.



(... he's not giving up !)



NESARA is for the US only the rest of the remaining Countries will get GESARA. Its still 9-9 here that day is not over yet!



Good luck with that. My question now is: What changes do you plan to make in your fact-checking methodology, when you see another failure? I found Videos making these Nesara predictions for about 5-6 different dates: All failures now.



Hey and I bet they were all channeled messages right? Like I said, when this was first signed by Bill Clinton in 2000 there were news clips and articles I read about it then, and after 911 some news person posted an article on the coincidence. All those original posts and news clips are no longer on the internet...wonder why? Now what we have a channeled messages websites and no real official one. My fact checking methodology will remain the same I like facts not fiction. Whether you believe me or not about the original news clips/articles I could care less! I told you I was not holding my breath for the announcement today as the Cabal has delayed announcing it every year. So like I asked you before..do you believe in God? If so, prove he is real! 


If it is real, then why have all those predictions been wrong? And why can you not find links to legitimate vintage News reports about Nesara? R., looking at the Track Record, reliability, and news grounding of your sources is a vital part of fact checking. I have treated your comments with respect, through these last few days, but don't you see that you DESTROY your personal credibility when to link to "news" and "sources" that are unreliable, and chronically mistaken? Nesara.Org and Wiki have never joined in these silly predictions, and no sit there, looking like Rocks of Reliability in contrast to the misinformation of Nesara.Co, and the many bogus websites. As I asked elsewhere: What's their game? I reckon it is making the predictions so they can attract traffic, and gain donations. It is all very shady, very disheartening for those who want to feed on the (false) Hopes for positive change.



Can you not put the pieces together, what about that makes any sense to you, Why can't I find those news clip on the internet anymore..I'll give you one guess. I don't care at all whether or not YOU think I am credible. You still have not answered my question about God yet...you keep avoiding it..wonder why? If you need help understanding and need everything spelled out for you as to WHY it keeps getting delayed. I feel sorry for you! like I said answer my question about God Friar!!



That's a total different subject. If Nesara is a matter of faith, rather than evidence for you, I feel very sorry for you. You have "lost touch" with reality.


Don't make Religion out of a simple question: Is this a credible story:

Nesara is not credible, and I think that should be very obvious to anyone who does some basic research. You claim you did research sometime in the past. But from your whole approach, I reckon you mistook some bogus news stories for actual ones, as the folks running this scam intended. If you cannot find real news stories to back up the Nesara claims, I suggest you drop this, and move on. There are better places to invest your energy, than fake Prosperity schemes.

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Thanks for all that, Friar.


It shows the persistence of "true believers", who need no real evidence...

Only their strong FAITH.

I am afraid this is all-too-typical of New Agers, as Mark Passio speaks about on his videos

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A BLAST from three years past

- Ron Van Dyke was a true believer in NESARA once too !



= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMFPQvYy6ko =


Uploaded on Oct 2, 2011

I've known about the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (N.E.S.A.R.A) for over ten years now. I believed it to be true from my first in depth study of it as several of us in our Wednesday and Friday groups explored and discussed it back in 2001. Yes, it was around the same time as 9-11 occurred. In fact, the "authorities" were supposed to announce it that very day. It did not happen then, obviously.

Will it happen at the end of the 9th Wave?



(Ron must have been listening to channelers):

@TheQuantumParadox Some of the few I trust 2 actually be bringing knowledge from an off world source are Mike Quinsey, Sheldan Nidle, Suzy Ward, Karen Bishop and Lauren Gorgo. All have talked about financial, spiritual & other changes building and 2 occur btw now & 2012. As do a lot of others like Native Americans.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah Gads - Dinars are now invading RVD's website !

21-09-2014 Video: SAVING MY HOME

Ron, the only thing I can tell you is that you need to save yourself because no one else will. You won't be able to get justice through the courts because the whole system is corrupt. Writing letters or sending e-mails are futile. Try to scrape up two thousand dollars. Purchase one million iraqi dinar and use the rest to buy vietnamese dong. Ask the ambassador if he thinks this will be of benefit to you. Don't willingly leave your house. If they drag you out, make sure someone is there to film it. In the meantime use your UCC1 for whatever it's worth. Don't get attached to the house itself, you can always get another house.
Fr N:
Whatever you do, DO NOT WASTE your money buying Dong or Dinars. It is an obvious scam. Do your homework, and you will discover that. I spent some hours on Skype trying to help a poorly sighted woman in her 70's sort out the mess she had got herself into, spending her scarce cash on Dinar investments. The people who are running this scam are hurting the innocent, and it needs to be fully exposed.
RF :
You can't prove it's a scam.this is merely your opinion and nothing more.
Fr N:
hahaha... The burden is not on me to prove it is a scam. After so many years of lies, the burden of proof falls on those making the crazy claims that the Dinar will be revalued. (If you know anything about currency markets, finance, and banking - it will be pretty obvious what is going on. Do you really think that small speculators will be invited in like this, to make big profits? When did that EVER happen?)
RF :
*Yawn* typical 'burden of proof' deflection from those with no real answers to give.In many of the sheeples eyes;there is also no 'proof' that the NWO or God himself exists either.Yet it is still so.Try again....
RF, Yes,as was my advice only my opinion but he already spent many thousands of dollars on attorneys and where did it get him?
As for Friar Newborg, I think he does not have a full understanding of what's happening. The small speculators were never even supposed to know about this. Less than 5 percent of population is involved with this. I didn't even know about this until this past January and the fact is most people don't act on things because they don't have faith and they are afraid to take a chance. Time will tell.
Fr N:
GLG, Well. Let's leave it to people to ponder my questions, and many comments here. They can decide for themselves if they have any merit. If they want to discuss further, they can take the chat offline from here to: http://tinyurl.com/Acore-Forums - Meantime. I suggest people look at the long, long history of missed deadline predictions from Dinarians.
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Old RCV still goes on... blathering his old nonsense / under RVD's 24-09-2014 Video



Guido Fox why not read the article I posted to you a few weeks ago dated Dec 2002 that explained it there! I don't need to explain anything..I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. Dont need to summarize any of it.


Fr N:

No need to summarize... Because you cannot? That's the usual reason I find in the web. People make a claim like yours, and then post a link to an article that is a load of rubbish, and say that it explains something. I generally do not follow such links, unless there is a brief summary, suggesting the article is understandable. The process is called: making a comprehensible argument.



Friar Newborg Oh shut up Newborg..I just don't want to argue with you or anyone else about it. believe what you want I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. You have already shown your ignorance in our previous argument over this!. I just don't want to waste my energy on you or your friends. Geo8 is a total schill reads one article on banking and becomes an instant expert on how credit is created then makes a video on it bad mouthing Ron and using some of my script from the conversation. I called him out on his arrogance and ignorance. He was trying to sell a load of BULLSHIT. I am not trying to sell anything here. I know what I have experienced, read, have watched since early 2000's on this. Like I said I have nothing to prove to you or anyone..when it happens it will be explained to the thick ones who did not believe it had been signed into law and was being kept from us. Ever notice the Ambassador has not singled out NESARA once.


Fr N:

Anyone who reads your rants, and sees you cannot make a decent argument for anything, will see right through your nonsense, R. I make arguments, and you call me thick. Over time it should be clear whom is unintelligent. Do you have any sort of education at all? When someone asks you to summarize an argument, it is a great opportunity to do so, and maybe win people over. Instead, you use it as an opportunity to sling mud. The only people who will like that , are those already in full agreement with you. Not those who are undecided.


RCV : 1:

I have put you in your ignorant place a few times..go troll somewhere else. No I did not sling anything until you opened your trap again spouting off I cant do it..provoking it..go fuck yourself asshole..stop fucking bothering me same goes for your schill friends that are as thick as you are!! Get it I don't want to talk to you I don't give a rats ass what you think just stop fucking bothering me. Can you get that through your thick head???? FYI I have 8 years of college education what about you? dip shit!

2 /

restating the same thing over and over again is not making an argument it is annoying, especially after someone had given you responses each time and asked you to let it go! Hence you either do not comprehend English very well or you are thick!


Fr N :

You are the one who has failed to provide: a decent argument and evidence to back up your case. This is embarrassing (for you!), especially after the most recent epic failure for Nesara to meet the recent 9/9 deadline on its release. My arguments are rock-solid, based on links to sites like Wiki and Nesara.org - your arguments are "backed up" by links to channeled info, and articles that no longer exist. Readers here should be able to discern the truth from that is wantonly delusional.


G. F.:

R., don't you know that the guy who resorts to name-calling, is almost always the guy who is losing the argument? I would have preferred you do what the Friar suggested, and summarize your argument, and provide a link. Through out the discussion Newborg remained logical and fact based, and even civil to you, even after you lost it.



Guido Fox I think I found it here..http://members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/science.htm

NESARA : http://members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/nesara.htm

this gives a nice overview of the why, how, and when. the original so called argument was he did not believe it was signed into law, then he morphed the argument to prove it exists.. I am finished arguing something that all evidence has been suppressed and put under a Supreme Court gag order. Scroll down and look for NESARA on the left hand side it is a link to the article.


G. F.:

R., That link works. Skimming through it, I found this:

"Contrary to what cubicle-thinking people assume, whether there is such a thing as a NESARA law sitting at the US Supreme Court is secondary. Whether it was secretly passed by Congress, as Dove claims, is secondary. Those are not the criteria by which we judge whether it is authentic. Anyone who says it is a fraud or a hoax based on those arguments is working for the dark agenda, either intentionally or unintentionally - - but either way it is incredibly stupid.
The real criterion for judging the merits of Dove's version of NESARA is the matured intelligence of higher consciousness, with which one can plainly see the beauty and innocence of its goals..."

The source seems to be the Dove of Oneness, a channel. So we are back to the same sort of issue of how reliable is the source?. The fact that this info is years old, does not get us any closer to the Truth. Being called "incredibly stupid" for doubting it, makes me doubt it all the more.

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EXCERPT / from http://members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/nesara.htm


Because the process of using Accords to implement the reformations did not work, the Justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a law named the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA) which was passed secretly on March 9, 2000. Again, secrecy was maintained by revising the official records; details of the bill number for NESARA were revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently.

Members of Congress have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to "deny" the existence of NESARA or face charges of Treason punishable by death; some members of Congress have been charged with "obstruction" and threatened with Treason charges. Therefore, all members of Congress pretend that NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justices' gag order.

The "National Economic Security And Reformation Act" - NESARA - provides major benefits to Americans including:

(1) Forgiveness of credit card and mortgage debt as remedy for bank frauds;

(2) Creates U.S. Treasury Bank system which absorbs the Federal Reserve and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;

(3) Restores Constitutional Law;

(4) Requires resignations of Bush and Cheney to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections;

(5) Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" and ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately;

(6) Abolishes IRS; flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government, and many more improvements.

Many bank presidents and senior stockbrokers have privately confirmed to close personal friends that they have been briefed about the U.S. Treasury bank system.

In June 2000, news of the secret NESARA law passage came from U.S. naval intelligence contacts, who are some of the White Knights who have assisted the Justices in activities involving NESARA. Many powerful groups have tried to stop the announcement and implementation of the NESARA law which provides major financial improvements for Americans. After 18 months of clearing interference, the Justices had the current Congress pass resolutions "approving" NESARA on September 9, 2001. NESARA was to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on September 11, 2001. Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced. The current Bush regime has caused continuous interference with the NESARA announcement and implementation process on many fronts.

. . .

All people who wish to experience the benefits of NESARA can send a "postcard" to the U.S. Supreme Court Justices and request the true NESARA law be announced immediately. (A "postcard" is better than a letter because due to the anthrax letters mailings, letters in envelopes are slow getting delivered in D.C.) Since a postcard does not have any place to hide anthrax powder, postcards have a good chance of being delivered fairly quickly. Send postcards supporting NESARA to the following address:

U.S. Supreme Court
One First Street
Washington, D.C. 20543

Supporting NESARA is one way everyone can contribute to making their own
lives and the lives of their friends and families better.

More information about NESARA can be found at http://www.nesara.us

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MORE Background on NESARA


NESARA-The Great Lie, and its Purveyors

The NESARA scam is alive and well, thanks to the Internet and gullible people.

Time to put this hoax to rest, once and for all. Inside, you will see what it originally was, what it has become, and the real deal behind this hoax, and the exposure of those who continue to perpetuate it. You will also find we so affectionaltely refer to our beloved brainless banterers of this hoax as “The 3Bs”.Presently, 2 of the 3 are finally now defunct because their fools wised up and walked away.

. . .

...the Original began from a man in Louisiana, with a good faith effort to come up with a plan for fiscal sanity in government. Although the plan won’t work in precticality, his efforts were admirable. The Original plan of his can be seen at the links on the right bar http://www.nesara.com and at http://www.nesara.org Inside his links, you will also find that a few years ago, he totally discredited the lunatic kook-fringe groups now touting a plan by the same name, claiming the most outrageous, and hilarious, conspiracies ever devised by humans, as some bizarre reason that it has not been implemented.

. . .

Unable to face the reality of their impending dollar deficits because they were ignorant, and let their greed overcome their common sense, some of the most faithful followers then began to spin <pun> a web of the most elaborate hoax imaginable. That delusion can be seen at http://www.nesara.us hosted by Dove of Oneness. It is also a spinoff from where they used to hang out at, http://www.fourwinds10.com , hosted by Patrick Bellringer. When their egos got in the way, common to all thieves and criminal bands, they parted company. The third player/link, originally the birdie’s lap dog, is http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com later its subsite http://www.sunriseofthesolardisk.com which is now defunct (1 more commie bites the dust) claimed to be hosted by Jennifer Lee, but now controlled by the mysterious A&A, who sound more like mouthpieces for Al-Qaeda & CAIR than some benevolent organization.

According to these militant kooks, everything from UFOs to President George W. Bush were responsible for ripping them off, preventing their “blessings” from the “gifting” they were destined to receive, and thus, rule the world as some benevolent beings of some higher order.


> continues: http://www.highstrangeness.tv/0-9759-nesarathe-great-lie-and-its-purveyors.html

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