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By-the-Letters Tour of some PHL traded stocks

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By-the-Letters Tour & some PHL traded stocks in downtrends

ION broke free from the lockstep down -trend, and then...  Wow!

RCI-ION-etc . 2018: RCI-etc: 7/'22: 2022: 10d: 3.21.23/ RCI: 0.45. reit3, FLI: DOGs: MegSh:


TM-stock Picks... 2021: 2022: 7/22: Flip: YTD: 10d: rci, apx, fli, cdc




Starting with

"4x S-Stocks" ... charted Together... ALL: 10yr: 5yr: 1yr: 10d/


S-symbol-4cos : in 2020 : Dec.'22 Update follows


Old chart


It started with SMC - San Miguel Corp

I was asked by a friend: "Should I buy SMC, the blue chip now?" 

I said, I will look at the chart and some other data for you... That gave me the idea for this new thread


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Four "S" Stocks: Charts & Metrics

SMC / San Miguel Corp ... All-data: Last: 96.40 +0.40

Chart comment: Wait for 80, or maybe even 50... and should "make sense to look at the numbers too"


/ 2 /

SM / SM Corp. ... All-data / Last: 810 , holding company for SM Group

Ideal buy point might be near 500, if PHL stocks get hit again, & that level holds on a retest.


/ 3 /

SMPH / SM Prime Holdings ... All-data / Last: 29.50 , main entity of SM Group

SMPH is back into (the lower half of) its strong up-channel.
However, the fact it broke below this briefly in March suggests it may be broken eventually
I see support then in the region of 18-20, and think now that this would hold, if tested


/ 4 /

SHNG / Shang Properties. ... All-data / Last: 2.68 , property developer, with a Greater Manila focus

SHNG has traded basically sideways over almost 10 years.
It trades on its dividend yield as a proxy for a bond, since it is closely held.
At 2.68 it is not far from the bottom of a long term up-channel.


update - mid-July: 3.21



Four "S" Cos / + ALI (AyalaLand)
Company/Symbol: ----range--- : xPrice : Div.P : Yield%: PEratio: Earns: DvCov :
San Miguel- SMC- : 72.50-187.5 : P94.55: 1.400 : 1.48% : 13.96 : 6.773 : r4.84
SM Corp.    - SM. - : 506.5-1,100. : P808.5: 9.140 : 1.13% : 21.85 : 37.00 : r4.05
SM PrimeH- SMPH: 19.90-43.35 : P29.45: 0.350 : 1.19% : 22.31 : 1.320 : r3.77
ShangProp- SHNG: P2.45-P3.47 : P 2.68 : 0.183 : 6.81% : 3.468 : 0.773 : r4.22
AyalaLand -  ALI - : 19.44-53.85 : P32.05 : 0.529 : 1.65% : 15.64 : 2.050 : r3.88

Div Cover was high for these five stocks near 4X.  But dividend yields were very different.
I prefer to gain the High yield, and also i like to buy a stock with a Low PE Ratio.
This all points me to SHNG, which I have bought. It will help enhance my PHP income.

Stock: Year : Revs. : E.P.Sh : Divs: %Ern. CF/sh: shsOS/ LTD.OS: BkVal.: BV/sh: YrEnd %-NW
SMC- : 2018: 1,024.B P6.63: P1.40: 21.1% 31.0 /2.379B/ 801.6B: 337.7B: 142.0: 147.0: 103.%
SM. -  : 2019: 506.3B 37.00: P9.12: 24.6% 53.1 /1.205B/ 404.3B: 382.6B: 317.6: 1,043: 328.%
SMPH: 2019: 120.1B P1.32: 0.350: 26.5% 1.69 /28.87B/ 130.1B: 300.9B: 10.42: 42.10: 404.%
SHNG: 2018: 12.65B: P0.63: 0.196: 31.1% 0.51 /4.764B/ 10.19B: 32.78B: P6.88: P3.25: 47.2%
ALI -   : 2019: 168.8B: P2.25: 0.520: 23.1% 2.87 /14.72B/ 228.6B: 211.1B: 14.34: 45.50: 317.%
AC  -   : 2019: 330.9B: 102.9: P8.30: 8.07% 86.0 / 627.M/ 427.7B: 328.8B: 524.7: 785.5: 150.%
AGI -   : 2018: 156,8B P1.51 : 0.100: 6.62% 2.19 /10.04B/ 192.5B: 172.2B: 17.16: 11.90: 69.3%
GtCap : 2019: 226.8B 73.88: P3.00: 4.06% 106. / 215.M / 124.3B: 177.8B: 824.4: 847.0: 103%
Dum-: 2019: 00.00B 0.000: 0.000: 00.0% 0.00/0.000B/ 00.00B: 99.99B: P0.00: P0.00: 00.0% :
Stock: Year : Revs. : E.P.Sh : Divs: %Ern. CF/sh: shsOS/ LTD.OS: ShEqy: NW/sh: YrEnd %-NW

SMC has "heroic" or "reckless" amounts of debt, depending on your point of view


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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

YOU CANNOT SNEAK UP on a point like this, without leaving a signature on the Charts.

RCI-ION-etc. Cluster ... from 2018: 2019: 2021: RCI-etc-Ytd: update: 9.12.22 / RCI: 0.63 +0.03 vol. 8.7M




/ RCI-etc: 0.63 +0.03


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D is for DOGS,  haha

A DOG is barking : ION up +17% ... updated 12.07.2022


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From Feb.2020: +FB+Gsmi: 5yr: 2yr: 1yr: 10d


Stock:  Price : BkVal.  Pr/BV: PER : Yield : L-Range-H :
SMC : P95.00: 137.3 : 69.2%: N/A : 1.47%: 92.10- 112.5
TFHI : P95.25: 484.7: 19.7 %: N/A : 0.00%: 92.00-125.9
FB.   : P47.00:  15.81 : 297.%: 13.4: 3.96%: 34.10- 70.20
GSMI: 115.00:  41.03: 280.%: 7.49: 4.78%: 96.00- 119.0

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Time to buy RCI? (at 0.45), based solely on this chart...

RCI-ION-etc . 2018: RCI-etc: 7/'22: 2022: 10d: 3.21.23/ RCI: 0.45 (prev.059). reit. FLI: DOGs


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  • 3 weeks later...

SMC / San Miguel Corp3yr: Ytd: 10d.  Last:  P 109.


SMC Bal.Sheet: Quick & Dirty look -
=====: 2022 : 2021 : 2020 : 2019 :
Revs.   : 1,516.: 946.0: 741.7: 1038.1
T/R’s.   : 172.4:   99.1: 74.66: 88.79:
A/R;s.  : 238.8: 161.8: 124.4: 136.5:
Both.   : 411.2 : 260.9: 199.0: 225.3:
Days.  ;  99.0d 100.7d  97.9d  79.2d
A/P’s.   :  108.0: 88.97: 65.80: 100.4:
Ds Rev.:  -26.0: -34.3:  -32.4: -35.3:
NetDays 82.0d  66.4d  65.5d 43.9d

ST Debt. 458.8: 303.1: 240.3: 238.3:
LT Debt.  972.6: 796.7: 672.4: 641.1:
Total.   :  1,431. : 1,100.: 1,025: 994.5:
Net dbt.  1.113. : 799.7:  677.3: 708.1:
Net ?/?:   -303.: -172.:   -133.: -125.:
NN dbt:     810..:  608.:   544.:  583.:
Earns.  :  -12.97: 13.93:   2.97:  21.33:
Deprec:    70.10: 46.47: 27.72: 35.24:
E+depr.:   57.87: 60.40: 30.69: 53.54:
Yrs”CF”:  11.6yr  10.1yr  17.7yr  10.9yr

San Miguel Balance sheet shows... 

SMC is trying to GROW out of its debt bind.  But the big jump in new revenues / news business is not highly profitable.  Higher leverage and losses, suggest that RISKS are increased.  SMC needs to start showing some decent profits, or it may be forced to shrink, to meet its obligations.  It does not show in the numbers above, but increased dividend obligations on preferred shares also adds to the risks.

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