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Wormholes & Warp Drives... etc.

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thnx for that, MM.


I will consider how to get in touch with CS.

One last question:

Have you heard of Mensa? If you are a member, it might be easier to arrange a meeting with Sir Clive, who is a former chairman

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Thanks for your kindness too. In the post #47, I requested of you to explain me about the Mensa member, but you didn\'t.

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Link: http://www.mensa.org


What is Mensa?


Mensa was founded in England in 1946 by Roland Berrill, a barrister, and Dr. Lance Ware, a scientist and lawyer. They had the idea of forming a society for bright people, the only qualification for membership of which was a high IQ. The original aims were, as they are today, to create a society that is non-political and free from all racial or religious distinctions. The society welcomes people from every walk of life whose IQ is in the top 2% of the population, with the objective of enjoying each other's company and participating in a wide range of social and cultural activities.



What are Mensa's goals?


Mensa has three stated purposes: to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, to encourage research in the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence, and to promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for its members.



How many members does Mensa have?


Today there are some 100,000 Mensans in 100 countries throughout the world. There are active Mensa organizations in over 40 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Membership numbers are also available for specific National Groups.



What kind of people are Members of Mensa?


There is simply no one prevailing characteristic of Mensa members other than high IQ. There are Mensans for whom Mensa provides a sense of family, and others for whom it is a casual social activity. There have been many marriages made in Mensa, but for many people, it is simply a stimulating opportunity for the mind. Most Mensans have a good sense of humor, and they like to talk. And, usually, they have a lot to say.


Mensans range in age from 4 to 94, but most are between 20 and 60. In education they range from preschoolers to high school dropouts to people with multiple doctorates. There are Mensans on welfare and Mensans who are millionaires. As far as occupations, the range is staggering. Mensa has professors and truck drivers, scientists and firefighters, computer programmers and farmers, artists, military people, musicians, laborers, police officers, glassblowers--the diverse list goes on and on. There are famous Mensans and prize-winning Mensans, but there are many whose names you wouldn't know.


= = =


Sir Clive now lives in London and, apart from electronics, includes mathematics, poetry and music among his interests. He is an active member of the British Mensa Society


link: http://www.sinclair-research.co.uk/about-srl.php


= = =


Sir Clive Marles Sinclair has been an iconic and often controversial figure in British industry for more than quarter of a century. He chalked up significant successes - the first pocket calculator, the first pocket television, the best-selling British computer of all time - but is at least as well known for his spectacular failures, most notably the C5 electric vehicle. He was lauded (and awarded a knighthood) by Margaret Thatcher's government for leading what was seen as a renaissance of British industry, but was seen in other quarters as offering only skin-deep solutions to Britain's industrial malaise. Now in his sixties, Sir Clive still continues to produce a variety of innovative products from his London headquarters


@: http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/sinclair/sinclair/sinclair.htm

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  • 1 month later...

I did, thank you


No time to contact Sir Clive before my move to Hk, unfortunately.


I hope to rejoin mensa here, so maybe i will have more luck while in HK

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I understand. Do it in your free time and whenever you'd find a pleasant feeling, but please keep in mind the role of time is too important in this case; and that's a so much serious thing to me; indeed, very very more serious than could ever be imagined. :(


Wish you best luck,


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You could try emailing Sir Clive directly


I will try to get an email...


Here's Clive's address :

Sinclair Research Ltd

1A Spring Gardens

Trafalgar Square




Maybe try:



(I am trying to recall the name of his female assistant??)


The EMAIL may not work so well as a regular letter.

According to a web link:


"Where is Sinclair Research now? Is Clive on email?

A recent interview in Wired revealed that not only does he not use the internet, he doesn't even have a computer. He keeps a collection of his old babies in his office (at Sinclair Research, which he is still chairman of), but even so he's not particularly interested in them; he could not remember what the machine that followed the Spectrum was called (it was the QL, Clive...). It's rather a shame for us lot I suppose, but Sir Clive was always more interested in inventing new bits and pieces than computers in particular. "



SOME YEARS AGO, when I had soem regular contacts with Clive,

I normally contacted him through his assistant

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  • 2 weeks later...

UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING, at an accelerating rate, research has shown.

can we dream about traveling around inside, finding moving targets??


heic0602a.jpg : pinwheel galaxy


Saul Perlmutter darts around his modest office at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a cluster of drab buildings nestled in the hills above the University of California campus. With his edgy movements, shaggy hair, and Woody Allen-ish gestures, he could be mistaken for a computer programmer. But it's soon clear that these institutional-lab white walls and gray steel bookshelves— even the rolling landscape outside— are only a minuscule part of who he is. Riffling through a stack of journal reprints and computer printouts, Perlmutter fishes out an article titled "Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae." During the past 10 years, working in step with a rival group of scientists centered at Harvard University, Perlmutter and his collaborators have peered to the far edge of what astronomer Edwin Hubble called "the dim boundary— the utmost limits of our telescopes." The results, summarized in this innocuous-sounding document, have rewritten the saga of the Big Bang. They offer both a new chronicle of how the universe has evolved and an unnerving prophecy of how it may end.


When he set out on his cosmic quest, Perlmutter was still in his twenties, full of improbable ambition. “It goes back to childhood,” he says. “I’ve always been interested in the most fundamental questions.” He began by studying subatomic particles, but by 1983 he was fed up with complicated physics experiments that took years to execute. He sought a different path to universal truth and found it in astrophysics.


= = =




There is a Type Ia supernova explosion, the kind useful for charting the cosmos, hidden somewhere among the myriad galaxies in this deep-space vista (above). To find it, Saul Perlmutter and his colleagues compared two digital images taken four weeks apart. One galaxy, located 3 billion light-years away, appeared dimmer at first than it did in the follow-up (bottom sequence). Subtracting the later image from the earlier one reveals the glow of a newly erupted supernova.


= = =


Ever since 1929, when Hubble presented evidence that galaxies are flying apart from the Big Bang, cosmologists had known that the fate of the universe lay in two numbers: the rate of its expansion and the rate at which that expansion is slowing down. The best way to determine those numbers was to measure the distances to extremely remote galaxies and how much their light had been stretched over time. But it was a notoriously difficult task—Hubble’s followers were still bitterly debating the answers six decades later. Perlmutter decided to gamble on a relatively untried technique: He would reckon the distances by the light of supernovas.


...MORE: http://www.discover.com/issues/sep-02/features/featrace/


note from DrBubb:

Saul Perlmutter was in Hong Kong accepting the Shaw price for is breakthrough discovery.

He spoke at a luncheon organised by HK's University of Berkeley Club, which I attended.

After lunch, i spoke with the professor. Later i had the pleasure of spending the afternoon

with him and his parents, who attended the awards ceremony.


He is a highly intelligent, and enthusiastic guy, who obviously is great at motivating his

colleagues in the long search for answers about the cosmos. He is a potential nobel prize

winner, and a sort-of Carl Sagan for our new millennium


I suppose if i can get him talking with MM, we have the beginnings of the sort of adventure

depicted in the film, Contact. (well, we can dream anyway)





// the following excerpt is from Centauri Dreams //


Creating a Traversable Wormhole

Can traversable wormholes be created, allowing us to achieve our wildest dreams of traveling between the stars? Mohammad Mansouryar says yes, and in a paper titled “On a macroscopic traversable spacewarp in practice,” the young Iranian theorist lays out his argument. Mansouryar bases his thinking on a needed prerequisite: the violation of the Averaged Null Energy Condition. He writes up its parameters in a 41 page document stuffed with conjectures, eight boxes of figures and 127 footnotes.


Mansouryar’s analysis is intractable to Centauri Dreams, demanding an examination from those far more competent in theoretical physics than myself. Especially given his startling conclusion: “In this paper, I have tried to review the literature, in the spirit of whether the TWs [traversable wormholes] in practice are far reaching or constructible by present knowledge & technology. The conclusion is they are quite possible to manufacture provided a sufficient determination of investment on improving computation tools & necessary materials.”


The goal, of course, is all but magical. A workable wormhole using Mansouryar’s methods would allow a spacecraft to take a cosmic bypass, riding a subluminal warp drive through the wormhole shortcut so that distances through space are radically altered while maintaining spacetime stability for passengers. The result is a hybrid of warp drive thinking a la Alcubierre and the classic wormhole as, more or less, conceived by science fiction.


On a Web site devoted to his work, the author notes that while increasing velocity in space is a desirable goal, the final goal is not the speed of light. For one thing, even c is too limiting when compared to cosmic distances, and the technical problems of accelerating closer and closer to c still stand. Mansouryar is also well aware of control problems at superluminal speeds, impacts from interstellar dust at high velocity, and the intractable issue of propulsion systems. His goal is to create a system in which local movement is much less than c but, as he says on his Web site “…the considered distance changes so that consequently would be less devoted time, finally in compared to a situation if a light pulse would be supposed to pass the same distance.”


...MORE: http://www.centauri-dreams.org/?p=561



= = =

in reality, establishing a Traversible Wormhole, is a huge challenge, as these words for MM's site confirm:


"One of the most important problems of TWs & WDs is an entity called exotic matter (EM) or negative energy (NE). I mean that in some part of them we need NE but it has been yet produced infinitesimally in a phenomenon called Casimir effect. "


Infinitesible amounts, to commercially usable & stable amounts may prove impossible, in our age, at least

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Just my luck! I’ve emailed to CS, after I googled him, with no result:


Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 05:13:44 -0700 (PDT)

From: "tom tum" <mmwormhole AT yahoo.com>

Subject: Please be sent to Sir Clive Marles Sinclair

To: roy@mayhemuk.com, jo@mayhemuk.com, sales@daka-europe.com


Dear Sir Clive Marles Sinclair,


I'm an independent researcher on the spacetime shortcuts and I guess we could work on this subject as an investing project; therefore I'd like to draw your attention to the subject of this forum:




As you see, the result was a suggestion from one of the members on the possible collaboration with you. I'd be thankful if you'd inform me your opinion about it.



M. Mansouryar


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Dear Sir Clive Marles Sinclair,


I'm an independent researcher on the spacetime shortcuts and I

guess we could work on this subject as an investing project; therefore

I'd like to draw your attention to the subject of this forum:




As you see, the result was a suggestion from one of the members

on the possible collaboration with you. I'd be thankful if you'd inform

me your opinion about it.



M. Mansouryar




Do you Yahoo!?

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.


Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


<FONT size=2> <div>Dear Sir Clive Marles Sinclair,</div>

<div> </div> <div>    I'm an independent researcher on the

spacetime shortcuts and I guess we could work on this subject as an

investing project; therefore I'd like to draw your attention to the subject

of this forum:</div> <div> </div> <div><A


<div> </div> <div>    As you see, the result was a

suggestion from one of the members on the possible collaboration with

you. I'd be thankful if you'd inform me your opinion about it.</div>

<div> </div> <div>Regards,</div> <div>M. Mansouryar


<hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br> Everyone is raving about the <a


all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.</a>



A recent interview in Wired revealed that not only does he not use the internet, he doesn't even have a computer. He keeps a collection of his old babies in his office (at Sinclair Research, which he is still chairman of), but even so he's not particularly interested in them; he could not remember what the machine that followed the Spectrum was called (it was the QL, Clive...). It's rather a shame for us lot I suppose, but Sir Clive was always more interested in inventing new bits and pieces than computers in particular. "
I normally contacted him through his assistant


Regarding these matters and since all about me is still on internet, I guess only a personal meeting might be effective to this person. An old conservative British, hmmm, convincing him seems so hard. :rolleyes:


we have the beginnings of the sort of adventure depicted in the film, Contact. (well, we can dream anyway)
You’re absolutely right and I deeply love such an idea. All know every (realized) thing initially is a dream, then it comes true. It’s a question for me why it’s hard to gather the required capital for futuristic ideas, while producing many movies in that genre is done by tens of millions dollars expenses? My Canadian friend who has seen this thread is right: “The real problem we both face at present is to make this realization public. The way to go would be to present the information in such an obvious, public, manner in which it could not possibly be ignored nor discredited.”

Therefore, I ask everyone who reads these words, to make more and more number of people about the subject of this forum. The dream that came true to heroine of the movie “Contact” has a big difference with my plan. That occurred only ONCE for ONE person, but I believe a quite similar case is able to happen for ALL the people FOREVER; be honest please, isn’t that fascinating enough to draw effective attentions?


Mansouryar bases his thinking on a needed prerequisite: the violation of the Averaged Null Energy Condition


I have a good news and bad news about it. Look at the newest effort to show ANEC violation is impossible and we have a boring physics:




But the good news is my reply to them (*) is going to be uploaded soon.


Infinitesible amounts, to commercially usable & stable amounts may prove impossible, in our age, at least


Don’t be disappointed please. Technical reasons do not exactly say so. Trust me dude ;)



Mammad B)


(*) Note, one of the authors works for the US Army! Wow! What a dangerous deal! :D

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I have been thinking about your project recently, and finally got round to reading through most of the paper.


I understsnd you will need large amounts of "negative energy" to create a wormhole. Do you really think this is feasible in usable quantities? Wouldn't that require huge amounts of energy, and also create problems of stability wherever the negative energy was created and stored?


It seems to me that a practical wormhole, will require quite a number of breakthroughs, and huge capital research and resources over decades

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Do you really think this is feasible in usable quantities?
Yes. :rolleyes:


Wouldn't that require huge amounts of energy, and also create problems of stability wherever the negative energy was created and stored?


More negative energy gives more stability, however the related geometrical configuration is vital too. The equations are sensitive to varying the parameters and by some topological gymnastics and mathematical tricks, we could reach to desired results.


It seems to me that a practical wormhole, will require quite a number of breakthroughs, and huge capital research and resources over decades


Although, my evaluation is, that can be generated during one year or some, so ignoring this important factor could cause extremely bad issues for the west ...

BTW, if we'd agree the "distance reduction" is the only mechanism that could take us to the far regions of the universe, appropriating ANY time and funding to my project (& similar ones) sounds completely reasonable.

Maybe someday the UNO states it as a "final cure" ... :D




P.S.: If I'd not lose my physical or mental health, I'd present my paper in a forthcoming conference (http://www.unm.edu/~isnps/staif/2007/main.html) which contains six ways of producing GROSS AMOUNTS OF NEGATIVE ENERGY DENSITIES ... ;)

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Shortly after learning of the fMRI research, I was contacted by a young scientist from Iran, Mohammad Mansouryar, trained in nuclear physics. He was excited to alert me to his theoretical work in generating what physicists call exotic negative energy, a prerequisite for the generation of spacetime wormholes, similar to the fictional depiction in the film "Contact." The vision that guides this young man is the ever-shrinking material world, where distance looses all meaning, leading to the conversion of what was once impossible into reality. He is confident that someday the human race will access wormholes through spacetime to touch distant worlds.


good mention there

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  • 2 weeks later...

Flight of the soul, by Kathleen Raine


The faint stars said,

‘Our distances of night,

These wastes of space,

Sight can in an instant cross,


But who has passed

On soul’s dark flight

Journeys beyond

The flash of our light.’


I said, whence he is traveling

Let no heart ‘s grief on mine

Draw back a thought

To these dim skies,


Nor human tears

Drench hose wings that pass,

Freed from earth1’s weight

And the wheel of stars.’







The world is changing and I want to be good and do good works. Also, I do not plan to give up the physics. What scenarios are the best? Help me by your comments.




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The world needs alternative energy sources.


And soon, before we kill each other fighting over fossil fuels

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So, what are you waiting for, Michael? Can’t you understand the publishing of that story and interview has been such a risk for me? Can you see what a dangerous position I have? Or what would be my fate if Iranian agents would be aware of it?

BTW, how have you thought about me dude? Do you “really” think that I do not know the psychotic addiction to petroleum is killing our planet? (and consider how much the wormhole technology could change (indeed, improve!) the situation)

I understand such stuffs and I think you are a wise man too. Therefore, I ask you to adjust an appointment with CS or any investor you know, right now please.

Once you asked me about moving to the West. Why do I have to abandon my parents, my relatives, the girl I love, and my friends, and come to the West to become wandered? The only reason that I would move is a tight invitation with respect, for a clear investing project; otherwise I should wait to be arrested and be obligated to collaborate. This is the only approach I know, before changing the regime.




P.S. 1: Add the sweet water to the things the world needs and would need more in future.


P.S. 2: Which one do you think is better? Realizing the wormhole technology as a military device for Neo-conservatives of Pentagon, Iranian Mullahs; OR a peaceful, civil, and trade project by the private sector?


P.S. 3: There is another low-probable scenario that is: Regarding the importance of my plans for all of us, maybe the UNO could launch a global program about it. Something like the “War on AIDS”.

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I think you should consider seeking some academic grants, through universities, etc.


When i spoke with Prof. Perlmutter, his opinion was that this work is still highly theoretical,

way too soon for practical business applications and investors


You may find top Universities, even those in China- which are beginning to get some good funding,

more responsive than investors and venture capitalists. It is very hard to find investors with more

than a 2-3 year time span


Prof.Perlmutter spent years struggling to get access to telescopes. Now that he has started winning

prizes and renown, he is pushing for big projects, like a new tlescope to replace Hubble.

But this is slow work, and takes good politicing, and loads of patience.


If you started with something smaller, it may be easier to make some near-term progress


= =



and the contacts and conversations that it is fostering represents a very real way that i have found

to advance my own agenda of alternative-energy-as-a-pathway-towards-peace-and-prosperity.

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P.S. 2: Which one do you think is better? Realizing the wormhole technology as a military device for Neo-conservatives of Pentagon, Iranian Mullahs; OR a peaceful, civil, and trade project by the private sector?


I wish I could share the optimism here of the better choice, but I fear that if wormhole technology was developed or looked likely to be achieved, the military will get their hands on it, whether that is the US, China, Russia, etc. In private hands, the must protect the public card will be played by government, even more so now with the so-called "war on terror". Certain powerful vested interests will not allow this to florish in the private sector I'm afraid, other than as part of the military industrial complex, it's too dangerous. Of course that doesn't make it any safer if the military get hold of it, so perhaps it is best that it remains a theory until we as human beings evolve enough to not see such things as a means to fight and kill each other, but as something that we can all benefit from.

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Much sadly, you’re right. I think the governments of the world have become too rude and allow themselves to do any bullshit in the name of security. I wish all of them were like the Swiss, New Zealand, or Sweden governments!

Unfortunately, up to a big change, we cannot observe a great advancement. For example, why no human has gone to the Moon for many years, or why there are only three governments that can send the human to the space? Why some idiots have become effective leaders and why we can’t develop more?

I think the private sector must have more braveness.

Anyway, I’ve heard there is a cult (in North America?), that its members believe the human race originates from the aliens of distant galaxies. They also believe a celebrated group will someday leave the earth by a UFO.

Maybe, they could help to realize this technology, (without interfering the military which certainly will give a dramatic power to the having country.) I guess doing the experiments in somewhere like the free seas (territory) would be good. Something like the announcing the first cloned baby on the international seas in 2001.

What’s your idea?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tell ya what, write last months date on a piece of paper ( so you dont forget) then make a vow with yourself that you will visit that date and yourself if you should ever be able to time travel.. if right at this minute you've not been visited by yourself.. guess what.. you f*cked it, that was my system when i was 15, never did vist myself so i guess i didnt master it.


I do think you would be looking at more like a "sliders" theory of multiple dimensions rather than our own timeline otherwise it just gets messy.

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Anyway, I’ve heard there is a cult (in North America?), that its members believe the human race originates from the aliens of distant galaxies. They also believe a celebrated group will someday leave the earth by a UFO.

Maybe, they could help to realize this technology, (without interfering the military which certainly will give a dramatic power to the having country.) I guess doing the experiments in somewhere like the free seas (territory) would be good. Something like the announcing the first cloned baby on the international seas in 2001.

What’s your idea?


This assumes that that there was a cloned baby as it was believed to be a hoax or not proved. It does seem to have gone quite on that story though.




I do not believe you could get far enough away from the military or secret services (of many powers) if anyone came close to perfecting wormhole technology. They would find out. That's why it might be better for the person who gets close be in the public eye, maybe working in a University or one with close links to business and that way he/she is less likely to suddenly disappear. Even better if you can become a "media" scientist, a Stephen Hawking type, one that appears regularly in the press and TV. However, theory is one thing, the practical side of producing results is another and if it needs money, unfortunately it is government's and military with plenty of it. Some of course, may choose to disappear if the money is right.


I don't think working with a group like the Raelians is a credible choice though.

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I'm tired, so tired ... My life has contained plenty torture, surely not as much as many Africans who have the worst possible lives in this planet, but just increase your info on my location and consider my wild aspirations, in addition.


Once upon a time, there was a boy who didn't like to lose his dreams ...

The end of that story is going to be tragedy or ... ?


Time passes and we get older; and this "time" - which you've thought I'm going to harness it by creating the possibility of traveling through it -, would specify many things.


Let us see what would happen in the future. I've presented sufficient theory in the energy part; dealing with the geometry and topology is the next project. The opinion of one Russian expert is vital to me that has asked me to give more details ...






Well, I pray the West is capitalist enough, not militarized more-than-enough! Simply consider Bill Gates; I think the position he has, is so pleasant, for himself personally, for the Army of his country regarding the special services his company gives, for improving the economy of his country and global economy regarding the importance of e-commerce, for the reputation of America regarding the Microsoft as one of its symbols, for the development of the PC industry regarding the role of Microsoft, and for the many people who are helped by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (i.e., to remove the poverty, etc). Then, imagine if he had selected (or had been obligated to select!) becoming merely a computer technician in the military sector. You see the differences?

The best scenario for me is passing a similar way, so the services you mentioned have to help me, not vice versa. However let's forget they have the least access to this region of the earth (plus N. Korea!!). Since we don't talk about a James Bond movie, I'm not afraid of being "disappeared", simply because I guess the mankind hasn't reached to a situation that psychotic security considerations have made us too blind.

Being a "media scientist" isn't a cool idea to me. What I want are the definite results. But since this technology is extremely awesome, I like to bring the steps of its formation in front of the public eye, the ingredients like the characters of its author!!, the theoretical principles which are available on internet for all, the attempts to find financial supporters and the experimental events. Although, all know many present innovations have previously been used in a military and/or espionage device ...

We don't have much time and being late could ruin many of us (watch the movie produced by Mr. Al Gore). This technology could change many orders like macro-scale effects on the environment (e.g., weakening the hurricanes or adjusting the Gulf Stream) and bringing a vital news for the humans which is: we are able to establish sites on the distant planets and live on some grounds, different from the earth, MUCH sooner than is generally being assumed already.

Altogether, all I said depend on activating in an open society, in a closed rotten system the destiny of a guy like me would not be better than Dr. Abdolghadir Khan. Of course he's got his heaven, but what about the others? (Read the below forum):




For completeness, let me say the only remaining choice for me is forgetting the physics and science at all and start a different life (surely if not death!).

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Hi, MM


If you dont mind me asking, how do you support yourself now?

Are you in the academic world, or do you have another livelihood?


if you prefer not to say, that is fine too

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