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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Let's face it: - Russians stay in Georgia - Iran threatens to block Gulf - US provokes Russia with missile shield - Russia threatens to nuke Poland We could see +$200 oil much sooner than I would hope.
  2. Cheers. Most bullish thing i have read in months!
  3. Are they so shocked they simply don't want to publish them??
  4. The gold market is very obscure. No one knows the real numbers. For instance, take China. Do you really think the Chinese central bank only holds 600 tonnes of gold (as they claim)? Even I don't think they're THAT stupid.
  5. Dream on. People who really know what they're doing ONLY buy physical. $1,040,000,000,000,000 nominal value in OTC derivatives. Almost $100,000,000,000,000 in unfunded US liabilities. Gold at $800. Hello?
  6. Wrongmove, I think you're wrong on all accounts here. Of course physical was selling at $1,000 - how, otherwise, would you have a London Fixing at this price?? Second, thinking that jewelery demand is the only fundamental in gold is a little like thinking that raisins are the only fundamental for grapes (whilst totally neglecting the much bigger wine market).
  7. The fundamentals are stronger than ever. The USD is doomed with what is going on in Fannie/Freddie at the moment. Oil will also soon be back over $130 because supply is falling off the cliff and Russia/Georgia/Iran/Pakistan is not particularly helpful either. The flight from the Dollar and othe fiat like EUR/Sterling will be the main driver. And on dips, when everyone has doubt, the jewelery brigade helps out.
  8. This extremely interesting piece was posted by UKGeorge on Axstone's thread on GIM. I improved formatting a little. Bold has been added by me. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=16610
  9. Read again. He doesn't. He somewhere states on his webpage he can't even live off it. And living is cheap in the US.
  10. It's a good start. Had only Silver Sammy confirmed the bottom. But he hasn't quite yet. On the other hand, he is not always spot on. So, maybe, the first SSS was the one for the whole trough here. EDIT: Once upon a time, an almost $30 intraday move was quite a thing. Nowadays, it's just peanuts. EDIT2: EUR and gold basically parallel in this last movement. Gold exaggerating as usual.
  11. Again, not quite sure about what Sinclair writes here. Surely, Northern Rock won't stay the only bankruptcy/nationalization in the UK/Europe. And the Eurozone doesn't even have the kind of lender of last resort facility like the Fed.
  12. kivi_envoy's assessment (makes some sense to me): http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread....66&page=414
  13. This HPC will be much, much worse than 1990. According to this, we are witnessing a once-in-several-lifetimes event. Frontrow seat. http://www.wolseysec...news.php?id=566 QUOTE Activity levels down over 60% from last housing market crash Monday 18th August 2008 Wolsey calls for Government action or face the consequences. While the Government continues to flounder on the sidelines, activity in the housing market has sunk to an unprecedented low level. Wolsey Securities is calling on the Government to take urgent action, as activity falls to a low level that even surpasses the slump during the last housing market crash. With the Bank of England figures showing that only 36,000* mortgage approvals were made in June, the number of housing transactions is currently set to total just over 400,000 this year. This low level represents over a 60% drop in activity on the worst year of the 1990s housing market crash, when transactions ran at around one million. Mike Ratcliffe, chief executive of Wolsey Securities, comments: "Transaction levels have now dropped to dangerously low levels that have not been seen in several lifetimes. The housing industry cannot sustain this level of trade. Housebuilders are on their knees. If there isn't an improvement soon many will fold, as their cashflows will not be able to meet overheads and interest costs. ==== ==== UPDATED - by DrBubb:
  14. No. It's retail silver that causes the most problems. But the US Mint has now stopped selling Gold Eagles as well.
  15. People seem to be mostly worried about WHERE to get the stuff when the want to buy some.
  16. Maybe Trichet, Bernanke and Paulson would know.
  17. There are places where even the price of silver has gone up a lot recently. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/BUSINESS/08/19...tion/index.html
  18. I think it is not a proper one because he has not said that he would sell. So, it could go further down...
  19. Maybe the US-Dollar really is the biggest turd out there. Even bigger than the British Pound. Although, the nationalization of HBoS, RBS and Barclays would increase British national debt quite a bit.
  20. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/pro...icle4559063.ece How can someone be so clueless??
  21. Sorta. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=195370
  22. Rhodium and the whole Platinum metals group are special cases IMO. I think it will be a good idea to buy some of these metals when they show weakness over depression/oil crisis related problems. They'e industrial key metals and will IMO do very well once the bottom of the depression has been reached. Depending on inflation pressures, they might do well before that, but maybe not as well as gold & silver.
  23. There is also a St Louis Fed research paper on demography and house prices, and why Japan is doing so badly. I know why my prediction for house prices is so bearish (see chart below ).
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