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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Yes, that was the one, thanks. It needs an update.
  2. The recent strong moves in gold and oil, they feel like something is up. What about Iran. Do the insiders know exact dates already? Can someone post an image with current location of all US battle groups?
  3. Maybe it's just that Merv more blatantly hyper-inflated and monetized bad mortgages. While in Europe that happened to a lesser degree? So again, no housing shortage, but rather too much money. EDIT: Merv's number crunchers from the basement in Threadneedle Street certainly told him that the only real economic activity in the UK is selling ever more expensive houses to each other. His number one goal is therefore to keep this Ponzi going. And to achieve this, he has openly admitted to (hyper-)inflating the system ('you poor savers, I am so sorry for you, but we have to do this... you know... the banksters want bonus...').
  4. Not anymore with the Bernank and Super-Mario printing as if there was no tomorrow.
  5. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/constructionandproperty/9099117/UK-housing-market-heading-for-lost-decade-warns-Collins-Stewart.html Oohh.
  6. I am going to have crispy baked duck. The monetary base has been hyper-inflated over the past few years because the hyper-inflated debt was threatening to hyper-deflate. With velocity going into hyper-drive again sooner or later, the hyper-inflated money supply will turn into hyper-inflated prices. My duck will be hyper-crispy and it will be eaten at hyper-velocity.
  7. I might trade in some gold if a bargain like that came along.
  8. Beep, beep, beep, beep. (Already backing up the truck, just in case. )
  9. The Bernank has already hyper-inflated and it is only invisible to the sheeple since velocity has dropped all this time. Once it reverses, the game is up, no matter whether the Bernank is in charge at the time. This is politically irreversible. Baked in the cake.
  10. How can I know? IMO, you sometimes act like an agent of the paper pushers and "asset" printers. The assertion that you do that for some evil purpose might be ridiculous, and the same is most likely true for Sinclair IMHO. * I think we carefully have to watch these charts. * Prices over- and undershoot. * We have not overshot in any meaningful way yet. * This is the biggest financial crisis ever. So my guess would be that gold prices will overshoot many estimates, even the bullish ones on here, will look like figures out of a long gone world once we're there.
  11. Why not? But it all depends on our politicos and banksters, and how much they will pump.
  12. Sorry, but to me it looks much more as if you wanted to talk me into an illuminati trap! EDIT: I always get the feeling that you want to push people into paper assets (or the trading of them) that THEY can create at will and at essentially zero cost. Or do I misunderstand something here?
  13. Sorry Bubb, that's complete nonsense, and you know it. Below are three examples proving that you got this bass-ackwards. I mean, come on, we have been talking about this for years and you get the easiest things still wrong. EDIT: We are NOT at the best purchasing power of gold in history and on top of this we are in the WORST financial crisis ever. Some people would add one and one here... http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/UK_House_Prices_in_Gold_LOG.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/DJIA-Gold-Ratio_LOG.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Oil-Gold-Ratio_LOG.html
  14. Maybe JS is more similar to you than you would like. - You have sometimes (jokingly) referred to the foristas on here as your 'children' (Sinclair: 'extended family') -- What's creepier? - What is YOUR motivation for running this web page and trying to make people stay off gold or make them gamble in it (and the global casino)? -- Sinclair's clear mission statement: wants to protect people and wants them to buy gold as insurance. - Why do you focus on the dark side of the force? I am fed up with all this conspiracy stuff, especially when the openly visible conspiracies are ignored by the same people (the Euro, the leaning against gold, the government Ponzi scheme). [bTW, I am not directing this at you in particular, because I have conspiracy nutbags in the family, too.] - Why do you find a widower with two(?) daughters who runs a gold mine and made a lot of money in the 1980s gold bull so suspicious? Maybe he really just has convictions and wants to help people. He is a little weird, okay, believes in the Sai Baba and maybe has fantasies of almightiness (a disorder many achieved business men may share with him), but so what? Take him with a grain of salt.
  15. Silver could rally on all kind of reasons. If gold becomes a more political issue because all value has been nuked out of paper money, silver might stay unpolitical and hence easier to deal in. Silver is sort of an insurance against politicos devoting too much of their attention to gold.
  16. It is all relative, isn't it? We gold bugs all know that the central banks will benefit the most from the rise of gold (those who have some, that is). And that is exactly gold's role: recapitalizing the central turds. So, nothing new or even conspiratory here. So, you think Jim Sinclair is an agent for Bernanke? Hmmmm.....
  17. How many ounces for one of (Hank or John) Paulson's or Gross' suits?
  18. Also, why are the paper bugs always losing all their marbles at once and expect total Armageddon?
  19. Most retarded thing I read in a long time. Especially if you subscribe to the thought that gold will be worthless and food will be all that counts (so the bad guys will try and get it from you).
  20. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/borrowing/mortgages/9084492/Interest-only-mortgages-Lloyds-and-Halifax-tighten-lending-criteria.html WHAT? What are these turds thinking they're doing? House prices will crash & burn! I hope these banksters will pay themselves a nice bonus for this.
  21. +1. As for SIPPs or similar, I am not so sure what they will come up with to make life difficult.
  22. Maybe he also wants mortgage fraud being looked at more closely?
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