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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. I can't properly download the latest FSN shows. They always stop downloading after a few MB. Anyone the same problem?
  2. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-20/kinross-in-play-after-paying-too-much-in-african-gold-real-m-a.html Time to buy?
  3. http://www.bloomberg.com/image/itOemcZG3r8E.jpg
  4. Ah. In this case, you could let gold decide when it has to be...
  5. Ignoring the tax question, averaging out, so to speak, spreads the risk, downside and upside, over the period up to September. It's really just like the other way round, if you wanted to buy. My gut feeling tells me that prices should be much higher by September (I wouldn't even be shocked if prices doubled), but betting your farm on it (literally) is short term speculation and something I generally wouldn't do. EDIT: Some of the trader types on here might give you more specific advice, e.g. based on GLD volume (where's my Lohan pic for that one...). Maybe they would encourage you to spend a fortune on puts (mind the counterparty risk, though!!!).
  6. Looking at GLD for gold volume is as if you asked someone like Lindsay Lohan about the state of general business affairs in Hollywood, and then you based your whole investment strategy on it. Oh gee...
  7. Sounds like a nice retirement job is what I thought. I am not sure how well you can insure the bridge against floods and similar. I assume the owner is obliged to maintain the bridge open, so it could be quite a financial risk if something goes wrong.
  8. That's what happens if you do some stats without using the brain. His newest software even enables you to make up your own crudo. One would hope so. But somehow I fear there will always be people who believe in it, just like the Lizzard Men or similar. People want and tend to be irrational. It's the animal in us. It's hard to overcome.
  9. Thanks for mentioning Medusa. I have never had a closer look at them, but I will. I guess I should move some of this into a new thread?
  10. Oops. I messed up. Anyway, I think it is bullish.
  11. Agreed. My mistake. Yes, what Puplava said sounded a little like a "Milchmädchenrechnung" to me.
  12. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-11/china-s-gold-imports-from-hong-kong-climb-to-record-on-investment-demand.html
  13. Waahh, people will now have to prove that they can actually pay back their mortgages!!! Can you believe that???!!!?? I think the U.K. housing market is doomed. One can only hope that they use ridiculously and unrealistically low interest rates when they do these kind of checks. Oh, I am sure they will. Thanks Merv. http://www.citywire.co.uk/money/homeowners-trapped-as-lenders-claw-back-cheap-loans/a556129?re=17356&ea=271779&utm_source=BulkEmail_Money_Daily&utm_medium=BulkEmail_Money_Daily&utm_campaign=BulkEmail_Money_Daily So, according to this, you can clearly afford your mortgage even if you only haven't defaulted because you're on a tracker during ZIRP. "Pay back? What do you mean by `pay back'?"
  14. Hmm, I thought he had said $100M market cap, while Keegan have $300M at the moment. But I have no better guess myself really. BTW, I wanted to start a thread on completely unhedged, debt-free, but dividend paying producers/developers. Are there any pure gold or silver plays anyhow that tick all these boxes? I don't mean royalties/streamers, because they have counterparty risk too. Anyway, just an idea.
  15. Hey guys, which one is the 5 million oz gold, $200 million cash late-stage developer at $100 million market cap that Jim Puplava recently referred to in his interview with John Ing?
  16. 10/10 for this plunge, and it continues. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-09/abu-dhabi-may-reach-for-checkbook-again-after-aldar-s-9-8-billion-bailout.html
  17. Ho-ho-ho! Busy, busy! http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/LBM_Silver_Turnover.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Silver_USD_LOG.html
  18. I think Maples 25 a tube, Eagles 20 a tube. Forgot how it is with Phillies.
  19. That's whay I usually buy the newest coins from dealers and when you buy them in the right quantities you get them in the original mint tubes.
  20. My thoughts are that they have really moved the goal posts by printing shed loads of money. Just look at how the Fed's balance sheet has changed since then, e.g. take the $1,200 and multiply with the factor the balance sheet of the Fed has increased since then (where would we be, $3,000?). Then try to figure how it WILL change from here... I also paid less attention to money supply and velocity at the time. Had I done so, I'd most likely not called $1,200 an equilibrium (I was a little too much influenced by van Eeden's model back then). Also note that I used government CPI in that statement. I am still on a learning curve, and was all that time, like hopefully everyone. That possibly explains why I was more happy to write about much higher potential gold prices over time, when I moved my focus more to the monetary models for the gold price. As for the overshooting part, yes, I think this will happen again. It's most likely going to be maniac, so we haven't seen any of this yet.
  21. Gold in Chinese Yuan. CNY 10,000 seems to be "support". http://gold.approximity.com/since2006/Gold_CNY.html
  22. EUR-gold. Holding up pretty well. €1,200 seems to be strong "support". http://gold.approximity.com/since2006/Gold_EUR.html
  23. Houses in gold have had a little dead cat bounce. I expect them to drop substantially again in 2012. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
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