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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. A few updates: http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Gold..._LOG_GUESS.html http://gold.approximity.com/since2004/Gold_USD_Pixel8r.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1985/Gold...atio_GUESS.html http://gold.approximity.com/since2001/Gold..._LOG_GUESS.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1930/UK_H..._LOG_GUESS.html
  2. Silver is still very cheap in historic terms. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  3. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  4. This is a good point in general, but can be tricky if no one else is around.
  5. Bloomberg changing tunes, or what? http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...vlsEk&pos=7
  6. Thanks for the info. Good stuff. I've just sold my car, so ...
  7. That story back then was a typical paper bug attempt to scare off gold investors. It has miserably failed. Soros is a gold bug!
  8. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_EUR.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_EUR_LOG.html
  9. Hmm, never thought about that. Anyway, silver getting cheap again. Shorter term gold is in it's 40% (=100%-60%) most expensive days when compared with silver. Longer term, it's 17% (=100%-83%)!!
  10. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...x_gAo&pos=3 Oops, and all of a sudden it would be 5% cheaper for 1 billion Chinese to buy gold, oil, copper, silver, whatever. Darn it! OK, now imagine they do 50%. And then 100%. And then 200%.
  11. The paper nutters and fiat bugs are responsible for this correlation. But they will be blown out of the water sometime soon.
  12. I think that this is the greatest of all complacencies out there, the belief that no harm can happen to a major currency. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
  13. A statement proven wrong in almost 100% of all fiat currencies end games.
  14. Trader Dan (Norcini): http://jsmineset.com/2010/02/09/hourly-act...trader-dan-214/
  15. Shorter term, it is a possibility, but there is no way of assessing its probability IMHO. It could go just the other way, for very good reasons.
  16. You can't exactly claim that gold has been flat in Euros. Or are you referring to the ultra-short term? http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Gold_EUR.html
  17. Can't believe I have to do this over and over again. OK, show me the bubble (and don't point to 1980, I know that there was a bubble there). http://gold.approximity.com/since1959/Gold...rium_Price.html
  18. You must be joking. If you are a contra-contrarion, then you're not a contrarion at all.
  19. Maybe this is of interest to some, I have mentioned some of this before. Not only on the line price charts, but also on the scatter plots gaps sometimes get filled. However, as also in the other case, not at all in all cases. Still the following is possibly interesting - I point out a few major gaps in gold related scatter plots. Gap-filling, with gold having made all-time highs not long ago, would of course be short-term bearish for gold. The more bearish gaps could mean price couples like: Dow:gold = 10,000:750 gold:silver = 750:12 gold:EUR = 750:1.2 NOTE: I am not saying that any of this will happen, neither will I sell anything, nor will I attempt to trade at all. I am just pointing out these gaps. They could get filled, but they very well couldn't. If they got filled, I would consider them as excellent buying points.
  20. The house could of course have been a mistake anyway from an investment perspective - at least if you ask Bubb or me. But house purchases depend on more than just investment thoughts, and the leverage banks allow you in property is of course insanely higher than anywhere else, so if inflation is strong enough, one might still make more money there than unlevered in, say, precious metals.
  21. ISWT: A one-day break to think about how you can post more politely in the future is appropriate.
  22. Some truth in that. No, I never implied that I'd speak on behalf of Pixel8r. Hmm, I consider Pixel8r's lines as the 3 'original' lines, and I would like to continue to use that term even if Pixel has meanwhile added more lines to it.
  23. I think the problem that you have is to see that I am not Pixel8r. For me "Pixel8r's lines" are the three lines we talked about earlier, because he was one of the first to talk about them. I am not disputing what you, or he, or anyone said about future price moves. All I say is that in the current situation the top line of the 3 Pixel8r lines as drawn in the Apx chart could be strong resistance. If you have pointed towards this since gold at $1,200, then credit should be given to you in all fairness. I do not follow individuals posters' predicitions too closely, so excuse me if I didn't pay enough respect. And this was unnecessary.
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