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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Cr@p, I have high expenses this month and the next one or two as well. Darn it, I think I will buy some anyway. The annoying thing is that I would have the cash to back up the truck big time IF I wouldn't need it soon for the stuff that is coming up. I am very tempted... No one tell my wife please.
  2. I don't really have the money right now, but maybe I am going to buy some anyway.
  3. Canada, Germany. In Germany, gold is not exactly treated like FX, but you can usually buy & sell some in banks.
  4. Don't we have some tolerance interval here?
  5. Got an email from Baird's today. £ 754.75 http://www.goldline.co.uk/investmentBars.j...mp;goldBarIdx=0 Also in silver for £ 15.41.
  6. Did you dig out the naughty stuff from your C64's 5 1/4'' floppies?
  7. Gold:silver has breached the red line recently. Is it meaningful?
  8. Paper gold won't do it. People want the real stuff. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=abFClrv2Oqq8
  9. BEST ROCK SONG EVER.* From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swzh0ngMNJo *NO, I will not discuss this. Not the best video, admittedly. Still fun.
  10. Reow? You should see our Kitty. For a while she even fetched Krugerrands!
  11. Cat is even better*, and you don't have to pick up the steamy doodoo. EDIT: *Than a dog, I mean.
  12. I had no idea that calling someone a troll was not pc anymore. Anyway, I guess the point here is that accusations of any kind should be specific and polite. I called someone specific a troll, and I stayed polite as well, I think. For instance, hypothetically if I thought that you were a government agent paid to create uncertainty about gold in investors minds, then I could directly and politely tell you so (using your name). Most likely you would say no anyway. Then I could politely respond that if I was the government and needed such an agent, I would possibly try to hire you from what I read on the forum. I would be astonished if that lead to banning.
  13. ... and useless, because on BV, and in contrast to GM, I can't make gold or silver payments to myself, so how would I get the gold from one account to the other? A quite recent poll has shown that people on GEI mostly buy & hold, so I don't think the majority on here is keen on holding anything 'soft' for too long. I find it a pain in the @$$ that I regularly have to fund BV or sell gold to pay for the account fees.
  14. I like GM because it's based on Jersey and I can transfer funds to any account on my name in the world, while with BV I can only transfer money back to the account where it came from, which is a pain in the @$$ for the people who are leaving Britain right now.
  15. CJ, let's not throw nasty suspicions around. We all have suspicions of some sort, but often it turns out to be better to keep them private. Also, I am a great believer in "$h1t happens", meaning that not everything that looks like a conspiracy actually is one.
  16. Yes, but what is the willingless of politicians to led GDP shrink rather than letting debt explode?
  17. Anyone else intrigued by this chart? It seems as if the DJIA:Silver ratio could be a precursor of the Debt:GDP ratio. This could mean that we're possibly going to see unprecedented debt levels from here.
  18. Yes. But then there are cups and pints and quarts and gallons and barrels. In the metric system there is just the meter - everything else follows naturally, at least from a mathematical perspective.
  19. Schaublin, I think your argument about an imposed system is interesting, and as a friend of organic growth, competing currencies, and gold as money, I see the point. However, I would argue that also the imperial system didn't develop in an entirely free way. Given that, wild growth with smaller restrictions can sometimes become very wild, or inefficient. I do believe that the metric system is superior. As an example, take a "cup". Yes, I know what a cup is, and it seems somewhat natural. But if I take just any cup in my kitchen, I might be double over the amount, or half short of it - it simply doesn't work, I will need a measure anyway. Then, why not metric, where everything is so easy to compare? Another good example for its superiority is the relationship of volume and weight in the metric system, with one liter (=[0.1m]^3=1000cm^3) of water (or milk) weighing 1kg=1000g.
  20. People don't prefer rational things here in the UK. Just take the metric system.
  21. Very difficult & all political. That's why I never gave much about nominal prices and prefer to look at ratios only. But my guess would be that we will see substantial further drops before RPI takes off for good. http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/UK_H...ces_in_Gold.htm
  22. The chart is possibly not very useful since not in log-format. Here a better version: http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  23. Has anyone else realized that Jim Sinclair doesn't mention the January 14 2011 date for gold at $1,650 so often anymore? EDIT: If Sinclair gets this one right in the end, it will have been an incredible call, especially given the price right now, less than a year to go.
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