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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Different people interpret things differently. I can not speak for Pixel8r, or anyone else. All I say is that I think that the top line in the Apx chart could be strong support if this downturn continues, as illustrated by this chart here: Whether it will turn out like this, or whether this is going to be a smaller correction and we will follow more Pixel8r's projection, who knows?
  2. RH, these lines have NEVER been updated or changed. At least not in the Apx charts. They have always lined out the highs during the consolidation phases. EDIT: Just to make my point clear: the three lines have always been the same. Pixel8r added two lines and three circles in his version, that's all.
  3. The 'original' Pixel8r lines are the 3 diagonal lines down to the right.
  4. Visually, from the chart below, the daily volatility in the LBM is still below early 1970s levels. Certainly a pure coincidence that cap at exactly 10%! :lol: http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_USD_AMAM.html
  5. Let me assure you, the lines in the Apx chart have been identical for many months. I also not remember Pixel having changed his lines - the ones in his chart look very identical to the ones in the Apx chart. There are additional lines in his chart, but even those have been the same for a while. NOTE: I am referring to the chart that has the Apx price chart as a basis.
  6. Yes, I think these were the charts that Pixel posted. So what? Has he changed his lines/forecast? As I said, the only thing that has changed in the Apx chart is the updated price data. I don't get your point. Anyway, maybe not that important and should be talked about with Pixel8r and not with me.
  7. I have no clue what you are talking about. The chart posted above has been posted like this for months. The lines are unchanged, only prices get updated. Pixel8r has his own version of it, but I don't think there was much change either.
  8. I guess you're having a good laugh here. But let's see how it will pan out. The chart above gets updated with the rest of the Apx charts.
  9. I moved the posts into this thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=9195 For BV/GM-related posts, please use the thread linked to above. Cheers.
  10. I hate to say it, but look at the most recent 5 dots (in red): we're filling gaps here.
  11. Pixel8r's line should be strong support.
  12. You gotta shake the weak hands out first. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...fYDcQ&pos=5
  13. See, that's why I asked the other day whether the break of the line in the Apx chart mattered.
  14. By any chance, you are not Silver Sammy, or are you? Because in that case, I would really have to load the boat.
  15. Please. I was banned on HPC myself if I might remind you of this. It's at a stage now where I had to do something. And the baiting comes from both sides. Yesterday I almost banned all present personell on the mud slinger thread. I can't comment on the PM, but if you think it's worth reporting, then you can do so. Swampy is like the ex that you simply have to live with (because you meet her regularly at Tesco's or whatever). You can only hope she doesn't know too many of your secrets. Seems to go the other direction as well. I have no time to try and figure out who starts every time. I guess he gets excited about market action every now and then. People have different styles. I have to be careful here not to be too kind to GOM, I haven't read all these 28 posts I must admit. Anyway, GOM usually doesn't swear and his baiting is more subtle than other people's. I'll suspend him too if I see the need. In fact, I would like to suspend DrBubb for a while because he never uses the quote tags.
  16. Also, please, anyone who survived the plunge of 2008 (remember, silver down from 21 to 9?) should be coping well here.
  17. It's not a matter of what you want, it's a matter of what I think is appropriate. Wottwotril has been naughty over the past couple of days. Others have been naughty too, especially on the naughty thread, but I have to make a start somewhere. Catflap better also keeps it a little bit down for the rest of tonight, and you GOM please also behave and don't try to summon the ghost of Swampy. And let's not hope fitkid comes in and posts 5 images that carry secret or not so secret messages. OK, so now back to gold. I sense that some people hurt today? I couldn't care less about this move. I am only annoyed that I cannot buy as I would like to right now. People who have invested larger sums in gold have to get used to the fact that their 'investment' can go up or down multiples of their monthly income within a few hours. If you have done your research you know this. The fundamentals are unchanged. Nothing of any relevance happened today in my opinion. Yes, the pressure on Greece increased, but so what? We know that the Euro has its problems, but that does not mean that those of the USD will go away. These currencies are all swirling in a bowl, waiting to get flushed down to the next level. Gold is your lifeboat.
  18. I think 'Gumbo' is something to eat, but I sense it is used derogatory/in a provocative way. I have disabled your posting ability for one day.
  19. The naughty thread is open again. Please do your mud slinging on here. http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showforum=37
  20. I sense something bad, but I don't have time for this cr@p at the moment. I just try to do some reading here to relax a little before I put in another 2h for my work.
  21. If it was viable, people would do it. Guess what.
  22. If you want the bullion, go for the cheapest option. If you want to play with them as well every now and then, then you might also want some pretty ones. I have some pretty ones.
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