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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Shorterz - watch out! (We'll catch you with your pants down!)
  2. DOUBLE POST (from 'my' thread): A great example of an intelligent person making a silly mistake. As someone else said: it's not that it has to be proven that gold is money. Anyone who claims anything else has to prove it (against over 6,000 years of human history). Such an endeavour therefore seems rather in vain to me. Secondly, to say that gold as money doesn't work citing certain historical references is as if one would say that eating healthy doesn't improve health, while not mentioning that the considered group of people are heavy smokers. The point is, even during the "gold standard" times, banks were always running fractional reserve banking. Of course, this doesn't work and it has to collapse periodically. So, the "historical" reference to a gold standard quoted by Halcyon is possibly pretty useless. EDIT: During war times politicians were also always happy to abandon the "gold standard" for a while. Politics and "gold standard" never really like each other. Printing limitless is what politicians really want.
  3. Longer term charts of the price and the ratio: http://gold.approximity.com/since1885/Silver_USD_LOG.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1885/Gold-Silver-Ratio.html
  4. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...mp;postcount=17 Skeptic, here is the answer for the period since Jan 1, 1968, so almost 42 years. The data used is the daily Silver Fixing of the LMBA. Inflation is U.S. government CPI. Average Price: $ 6.40224 / oz Average CPI-adj. Price: $ 12.95461 / oz
  5. "In a generation, we might ask what an earth were we doing." Good insight!
  6. I feel the need to say something: I am not at all against the threads, after all, I was the founder of them as far as I can see! I only do not like the trading spin put on them by the titles/subtitles. I also do not see the advantage of monthly threads. It makes searching for posts much more difficult. That's all really!
  7. Thanks. Right now I am still too lazy to start a new thread - would need a reasonable OP etc. Mission statement kind of thing. Darn it. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=30346
  8. Someone added the "to da moon" part of the subtitle. But the "trading" remained. Why don't we keep it all neutral. Just something like: "The GOLD thread -- October 2009" "Facts, charts, and discussion on gold and related topics"
  9. BTW, I think I will refrain from posting on this threat until the word "trading" is removed. I generally don't like the spin the thread gets every month by subtitles etc. that seem to encourage to trade the metal. An acceptable solution for everyone should be to keep the title neutral from now. But I am not sure how the moderators/DrBubb see this. If it stays like this, I might start talking to myself in a separate thread. There obviously also is the one by Steve N. now.
  10. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_USD_CPI-adj.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_GBP_RPI-adj.html
  11. But not with Over-The-Counter derivatives, please. Maybe you mean diversify.
  12. Wise words. The major differences between the opinions people on here have might come from the anticipation of political decisions. E.g. WiseBear thinks THEY won't let IT happen. While I think, they will screw up big time (as so often). Halcyon for instance tries to look for proofs why hyperinflation could happen, or not. But the problem is, that you can't prove what politics will do. You can only guess.
  13. ... and forever. As Jim Sinclair always writes, the main influence on the USD price of gold is obviously the Dollar. Since all other currencies are children of the Dollar, gold prices in other currencies will reflect the Dollar price to varying degrees.
  14. He is like a little flag moving in the wind, isn't he?
  15. I had that situation some 4,000 posts & and a year or so ago.
  16. You mean because he will have to move his price target from $200 to $250?
  17. I don't think we're even close to a real mania yet. All this is going to be quite dragged out.
  18. Usually at least once a week. Otherwise, whenever they feel like it.
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