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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. The BBC will like a round number like £1,000 much better.
  2. Having had my lunch, gold still under $995.
  3. I hate to say it, but proper lunch is more important than gold (especially if you know that $1,000 gold is a joke/far too cheap anyway).
  4. To all people who want to sell gold in the greatest financial crisis ever: Please do so at the lowest possible price, because the lower you sell, the more I can afford. Thank you! :lol: (Nickels, steamroller, etc. )
  5. I wanted to add, isn't trader Dan pointing out all the time how low open interest in gold is recently? Sounds as if we could go much higher from here. But what do I know really?
  6. Sterling doesn't matter on a global scale. If gold goes through $1,000, it will also go up in Sterling since it will go through it with some momentum. I think I am with Azazel. We might see something like $1,200, and then a correction down to the new support at $1,000.* The bullion banks might give in since some of them have covered their @sses (Goldman on the TOCOM). *NOTE: This is only a guts feeling, no TA etc. I am neither buying nor selling any at the moment. The point is, it might happen when people don't expect it. Even Frizzers doesn't expect it.
  7. That is pretty optimistic! I don't say it is impossible, but my guess would be that it will take a little longer. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold-Silver-Ratio.html http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  8. That's what the Cartel wants you to think. One day there will be a meltdown, and gold does what it did if it hadn't been manipulated for all those years: go up and up and up. I understand where Frizzers is coming from, and I am not buying gold at the moment either. But I also wouldn't sell any (as long as it is physical anyway).
  9. $30, no big deal, or is it? Bl00dy Cartel.
  10. Maybe, but not before next year is my guess (he wants to speculate short term, apparently).
  11. This guy cracks me up. http://www.bloomberg.com/index_eu.html Gartman Sees Gold as World's `Second Reserve Currency'
  12. This spike is there to teach us not to buy in such a position (given the economy is functioning OK and not Zimbabwe-like). We're far from it (in terms of price). Also I believe that inflation is (1) understated and (2) prone to come back massively in some time.
  13. One of the problems is that Shadow Stats time series are proprietary. John Williams should possibly make some of his stats publicly available to get more publicity.
  14. This is how the gold spike in January 1980 looked like in todays (RPI-adjusted) pounds: http://gold.approximity.com/1979-1980/RPI-adj_Gold_GBP.html
  15. You guys decide if silver is expensive at this point in time. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/RPI-...Silver_GBP.html
  16. We've been in the lowest of the low branches recently. I don't think this will go on forever. 41 years gold-silver: http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold...er_Scatter.html
  17. Gold in Euro since 1968. Just getting started? http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_EUR_LOG.html
  18. Gold-silver ratio since 1968. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold-Silver-Ratio.html Silver since 1968: http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Silver_USD.html Logarithmic:
  19. I have been buying Pd and Ag recently.
  20. Errh, excuse me? Basically ALL the big banks in the US, Europe and the UK are insolvent. This is UNPRECEDENTED. IMO, only a fool would give gold away at the moment. Catflap, some of your arguments sound reasonable every now and then. But don't delude yourself into thinking that we have been here before. Because one thing is for sure: we haven't.
  21. I don't have anything against timing. But if I would anticipate a sell-off of some kind at a certain probability, I would possibly wait with further purchases, but I would not sell any physical bullion.
  22. You should team up with Ker. $200 just around the corner. Yes, in the mother of all financial crises, let's sell all our gold because it could be cheaper in a couple of months. Sound advice.
  23. Just do the exact opposite of what the UK government and the IMF do, and you will be fine.
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