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Posts posted by azazel

  1. Weren't BV supposed to start selling silver on their site? Anyone hear any update on that?

    BullionVault told me that they hope to start trading silver in september. You will be able to do it from your existing account and there will be charts like the gold one. I dont know if you will be able to swap gold to silver like you can on goldmoney

  2. Has ATS had issues getting Krugs over the past few months ??? Anyone been in there in the last month and asked ????


    They do not have anything like the range CID has. It seems they only have what the last few sellers through the door sold to them.



  3. Yeh - there could be idiots around like that I suppose.


    Personally, since I work in GBP, I'm glad I sold a while back as the Sterling price is still way down and not rising. For me its not about looking for a way back in, its about being relieved I am not suffering the current downtrend in the GBP PoG ;)


    Yer, Im suffering.... Its weird to look at the charts and see Gold USD up and then gold GBP down. I dont know weather to feel happy or sad. But then Id be worried about being in GBP when I'm not ready to buy a pwoperdee yet.

  4. A real pessimist might even argue that we've just had an ominous double top, and we're now on our way down - with that fall simply hesitating just now due to the current weakenning of the USD and the impact this has on the USD PoG. ...but who would dare suggest such a thing :)


    Someone who sold his gold and was hoping for a low to get back in? That would make him more of an optimist :)

  5. In 2008 average earnings were £29,864/year


    In 2008 the average gold price was £593.08oz


    That means in 2008 you got around 50oz of gold for a years average earnings in the UK - incredible!



    So gold does not look as expensive as it did in 1974 and 1975 - it's worth about the same in relation to peoples earnings as it was in 1976 when it had already had a significant correction. This might make me more bullish on gold going forward from here - I have to do a bit of gold bug bashing to see if the arguments stand up and we won't see a big correction (I consider myself a gold bug as well!). This is obviously a different era to the highly inflationary 70's, so maybe gold will just grind sideways and upwards to an eventual peak gradually getting more expensive but without a severe correction.




    Nice post catflap, thankyou.


  6. Thanks, I'll take your pity home with me, plus the 100k profit I have already locked in, plus the 20k I'd have lost if I'd stayed in gold these last 3 months, - and feel quite content :-)


    Then, when the time is right, I'll buy back in and ride the big run up from a far lower price than today. If not, then I'll tip my hat to you and wave as we sail past each other on our yachts :-)

    I think you did the right thing selling in Feb, but I would have bought back in below £19,000. What price are you hoping to get back in at?

  7. Need to tarnish some silver? Hard boil an egg, and put the item in the egg white whilst hot. You can reheat in the microwave and repeat.


    I got a silver crown on ebay that was polished, but in very nice condition for the price. I tarnished it with the egg and it looks how it should.


    Compleatly trivial, like all my posts but I thought Id share it all the same :)




    Also, some interesting images of a Chineese counterfeit silver coin operation.



  8. The thing that concerns me, is that he always leaves a scapegoat






    Dear Arlen,


    Absolutely not. We are in major #3 according to Alf.


    The overrun price could be as high as $3500.


    The low in June could be from higher levels than today.


    Who cares about a few dollars when you might be looking at thousands of dollars of appreciation.


    If you are a trader I can’t help you. Ask God, maybe he can shed some light.


    Respectfully yours,


  9. I thought he predicted $1200 by December then delayed it by 3 months till March, but equally I might be wrong.

    Why? You downed a bottle too? :P :P :P :P :P


    Come on, any offers for my book??? Id rather sell it to one of you guys who will appreciate it than on ebay to some stranger.

  10. He was also quite specific last year with his $1200 by March, which came and went without much fuss. Oh well hopefully he is right this time, it does seemed backed in the chart this time.

    I might be wrong about this (likely considering I just downed a bottle of wine, but WTF) but,.....I think he said $1200 by March, but delayed by 3 months due to something or other. Collapse of world economy and delevereaging or something trivial like that. Anyones memory less anhebriated than mine? :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

  11. Haha funny....... :lol: check out the projected parabolic curves on that inverted head and sholders.


    Jim has really been specific here. I hope he is right else his credability will be on the line, oh, and I will up big time :) I wonder how much influence he has on the market with these predictions?


    I have a copy of Gold Wars, by Ferdinand Lips for sale if anyones interested. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gold-Wars-Ferdinan...8642&sr=1-1

  12. I don't believe this. Germany, like many others, will be defaulted on in terms of their gold kept in custody by the US.

    As cgnao says, "dont panic, panic first". It would be best to be first in the que to get your gold off the Americans, if they still have some and get shot of dollars too.

  13. I read somewhere that the next time gold hits 999, then the world is going to change...


    Something to do with the mark of the beast and the 3rd time of hitting it...oh and it it may happen in June...


    Don't really beleive it myself, but something could happen!


    06/09, 3x999 inverted head and shoulders 999 , 666 ahhhhhhhhhh!! Maybe we are reading too much into this.

  14. So if I'm understanding you correctly, Steve and Catflap, the best time to buy a house is when they bottom out and the best time to sell gold is at the blow off top and a mortgage would be required between the two. I have been considering doing this myself.


    The best time to buy gold would have been around 2000 but the best time to sell a house and buy gold was 2005. A big loan to buy gold in 2000 paid off in 2005 with the sale of a house.


    The trouble now is trying to predict the bottom of houses and not leave selling the gold too late.

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