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Posts posted by azazel

  1. I think he's spot on, the trading volume scam using bankrupt US institutions is pure fraud.


    Wouldn't it be lovely if the ordinary investor sold his stocks into this bank sponsored rally, and got some of his bailout money back...



    It would be lovely if the ordinary investor sold his stocks into this bank sponsored rally and got gold real money back Its interesting how gold is hovering arround the $1000 mark, drifting above durring asian trading. Soon it will be no big deal that gold is +$1000 as it has flirted arround that level so long.

  2. its deceiving


    do they have motorways in Devon

    what those big tarmacy things? Yer we have those too. :lol: :lol: Some areas are quite remote though and require 10 miles down narrow lanes.


    Budleigh Salterton, Sidmouth & Dawlish are quite nice. Id rather live by the sea though. Where I am is quite central in Devon with good access to the M5 and the north devon link road. I travel with my job around Devon and it is very beautiful. You going to rent or buy?

  3. yes, still in sh1tty wakey, but moving to Devon next year.


    I have no intention of selling ziknik (I just placed 2 orders within the last 2 days), I just like to know my exit options well in advance.



    thanks for the info.

    Ive moved to Devon recently, Tiverton area. Where abouts are you moving too? Oh, dont forget to bring your umberella! I doubt I will sell my silver like that. I will ebay it most of it.

  4. EDIT - SORRY FOR THE DOUBLE POST - overexcited I guess



    I suspect it might be all the caffine in the diet coke, my freind.... :rolleyes:


    I think the support for gold is steadily rising, and although it might get knocked back below $1000, the presure gets greater for it to go above - with time and season now. If golds going to $5000, then a move above $1000 to $1350 is no big deal in the big scheme of things.

  5. :o :o

    no chance.....


    won't they take delivery at London then ? well I assume not after your reply above.


    so I assume I would need to take it to one of the London based bullion dealers then by hand, via a telephone/email agreed pricing before hand ?


    edit - just spoke to ATS & nice & simple. Just pop in with said stash & get your spot money. No limit apparently.

    Thats what Im going to do. Sandra there said that if you call in the morning they will agree a price with you and as long as you get there that day they will honour it, regardless. I doubt they would do it again if you skanked them out though.

  6. I would just like to say I am very impressed with coininvestdirect service.


    I ordered some more silver bars today & forgot to check stock first, they managed to allocate my order anyway.


    very efficient, firendly & helpful. :)


    I came across them by asking for a trustworthy & reliable pm suppliers & got pointed to CID by a few posters here.


    has anyone traded any silver/gold back to them at all ? if so what was the process ?


    edited - I am not thinking of selling any btw. :rolleyes:


    You have to send your stash to germany at your risk and they will send you a cheque. They are very helpful. When they first luanched they were cheaper % above spot making them the cheapest. They are still reliabley the best value IMO.

  7. An update from Bullionvault on the inclusion of silver.




    hi. do you have a date yet for launching BV silver?

    Sonia Franchini:

    Hello Az

    Sonia Franchini:

    We have finished writing the new part of the software but we're still waiting for one last clarification.

    Sonia Franchini:

    There is no date as such, probably next month.

  8. Im in a bit of a quandary. I can buy some sterling silver medals that contain 2oz silver each and are hallmarked for 10% less than spot. Alternatively I could buy some more government minted coins e.g. philharmonics but these are 30% over spot.


    Which would you buy and why?


    Im tempted to go with the medals as silver is silver and they are hallmarked.



    Edit: I know I could go with brits and avoid capital gains tax and all that but the brits are just too much over spot for my tastes.


    My mate has some eagles, maples libertads he might consider selling. If he gets 10% less than CID prices he would still have done better than ebaying them. I would definatly consider them if I were you.


    I would not bother with medals as you might buy them cheaper but you will sell them cheaper too. I like bullion coins and bars.

  9. The madhouse HPC? Just look up the good old gold thread on HPC (maybe somewhere hidden in the investment section). Thousands of posts long. Many people from here (who left or got consecutively banned over at the madhouse [it's like a badge of honour]) posted on there.


    A gold badge of honour even, like a medal. Yer I have one of them for questioning the all seeing wisdom of the "Moderators". When you understand gold is money, its rediculous to discourage discussion of it in relation to houses. Interestingly, I find people think I am money minded as I often talk about gold, but I see it as key in world affairs.


    I agree with you wee Jinky, a great forum here because of the manners. Welcome to the forum. I wish I could contribute more but Im just a fool, so I just jibber jabber!


    Its a holiday in America today so I guess thats why its quiet in the gold market today. Tommorow is likely to see the start of september action IMO.

  10. None of my coins weigh exactly right. My scales are 0.01g, I think that they are not that accurate, but then 0.01 grams is very little and I doubt the coins are that accurate either. You might own a kilo bar of gold that weighs 1008 grams for example, but you will only be able to sell it based on its value as a kilo. The same goes with coins.

  11. As I have said before and will say again: There is only one gold, and that is stuff you can stash under the pillow, all else is bits of paper or pixels.


    It looks like Green light is also seeing the "light".


    We made a couple of modest changes to our macro hedges. First, after extensive investigation we switched our entire GLD exchange traded fund position into physical gold.




    My apologies if this has been posted here before as I have been away for a while.

    Glad you are back, I missed your posts. Good to see cgnao back and gold /silver going up. What more could you ask? Toffee Popcorn would be nice I suppose......

  12. I feel your pain mate! I really have to hold off posting replies to him - what annoys me the most is that if you ask how he arrived at his conclusion/view point he just ignores you or posts another chart which has a diffferent 'conclusion'!


    I'm still waiting for $6.60 silver as 'wan' promised us ages ago; and $450 gold would be most welcome...


    I think he only comes here to wind us up. Its a great indication that gold is about to make a move upwards if anything.

  13. I know it's maybe stupid now but tonight I took delivery of some beautiful 30th anniversary Pandas. I bought them to celebrate the election here today, my first Pandas. And quite stunning they are too. Make Brittanias look like Maples-shiny and fake!

    when the price falls I intend to buy a whole few more.


    Bit off topic, too much wine tonight! And edging towards 100 posts. (sorry everyone). For me it is deflation and price of silver/gold/houses/stocks all down before gold then silver rallying to 1600 and 35 then falling. Houses (UK) just down. Stocks, wave 3 down below march then up again then down again. Just like now. Currencies? havent got a clue. Best I can do a few dollars, a bit of Yen ditto Pounds, few Euros, lots of silver and gold. Supplies all in, tins etc. Garden full. Rice 100kg's, Guns none, passport ok.


    Happy September everyone!

    Hi Jake. I like your predictions, they sound reasonable to me. Pandas are the nicest coins I have. How do they do the diagonal milled edge I wonder? I'd only buy them from a coin dealer such as CID as there has been some suspisious examples on feebay. I stocked up on diesel yesterday, before the 2p increase. Will diesel fall in price from here with a general commodity sell off? I have to fill up the heating oil tank too. I guess you stocked up the wine and then drank it all? :P

  14. I would be suprised if gold plummets here. As Goldfinger says, we had a correction to $700 in 2008. I remember it well, like the vasectomy operation. The charts look bullish to me as the long term trend still looks up and the QE continues as do the economic problems and the threat of war spreading, and there has been no massive peak in gold or silver yet. Even the pound looks set to go down against the dollar here. Gold has held $950 well, even in late summer so I would think now is a good time to buy if you havent already. Ive noticed that theres hardley anything offered for sale on ebay recently and what is offered goes for higher prices than CID, on both gold and silver. I guess that the sellers have sold. Does this reflect the whole market? Certainly I am not selling anything in either physical or paper unless im offered more sterling for it. bigtbigt and DrBubb did well to sell in the spring but I would be panicing about buying back in now if I hadnt already.

  15. I recieved this interesting email from "Daily Wealth",


    The Fight Between Inflation and Deflation is Over

    By Porter Stansberry


    There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit (debt) expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.


    – Ludwig von Mises


    For most of 2009, I've had a friendly disagreement with several colleagues who believe a big deflation will be the end result of the 2008 financial crisis.


    I knew they were wrong. I knew inflation would become a problem sooner, rather than later. And in the past several months, I've been proven right.


    The mortgage and banking collapse of 2007-2009 saw total collateral values collapse between $5 trillion and $10 trillion. The response from our politicians and central bankers was massive: the largest creation of new money in credit since the Civil War.




    The Federal Reserve created roughly $2 trillion in additional credit and loaned it against all kinds of dubious collateral, things like Bear Stearns' mortgage book. (There's a handy and simple guide to estimating the Fed's credit quality. The more acronyms in the lending programs, the worse it gets.)


    The Federal government responded with a record annual deficit of at least $1.8 trillion. In the second half of 2008, the outstanding federal debt grew by roughly a 40% annualized pace (24% for the entire year). Thus, in only a few months' time, the roots – the money and credit – underlying our economy expanded at a record pace.


    In the second half of last year and the first quarter of 2009, the main question in the world's financial markets was: Can the world's government print enough money, fast enough, to forestall a deflationary collapse?


    I knew it was no contest. There is no way for an economy to outrun a printing press. The Fed has the power to create an unlimited amount of money or credit and the power to inject that money into the economy in any way it sees fit.


    Let's look at the numbers. Let's assume the total collateral damage of the banking crisis turns out to be $5 trillion. Yes, that's a huge hit – roughly half the output of our economy each year. It's the equivalent of sending every American household a bill for $50,000 – due immediately. However, in less than a year, the Feds have already created nearly $4 trillion in new money and credit. The hole in the system has already been plugged. It only took a few months.


    The fight between inflation and deflation is over. Deflation was knocked out in the first round.


    The big risk is what happens next. Having turned on the presses to save the day, who will have the political clout and the desire to shut them off? Barack Obama's budget calls for annual deficits in excess of $1 trillion for the next eight years. Thus, by the end of this year, not only will all of the damage from the mortgage collapse ($5 trillion) be replaced by new money and credit, there will be significant inflationary pressures in the economy.


    The good news in our economy this year, so soon after such a major collapse, means we will certainly have a massive inflation during 2010 and 2011. There's no such thing as a free ride. Bailing out the banks will carry a heavy price for anyone who doesn't have the resources or the knowledge to escape the dollar.




    How can you "escape"? First off, make sure you own plenty of gold bullion. I also recommend owning assets that will run higher in an inflationary environment, like vital transportation and energy assets. Also, own some good farmland. Food and land prices will go higher.


    Yes, the news is grim... but if you own gold and strategic assets, you'll survive and prosper in the coming inflation.


    Good investing,


    Porter Stansberry

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