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Posts posted by azazel

  1. It seems the reason you cant understand me is something to do with your bias, and habit of being pedantic over things which are irrelevant


    Even Jim rogers will tell you that gold is prone to bubbles because there is low fundamental demand for gold as something useful compared to the all ready mined supply of gold. But you want to come up with 'the world is not awash with surplus gold; it is being quietly accumulated in physical form whilst vast amounts of paper gold are played with on margin.' as if you have some great knowledge that nobody else has. :lol:


    I note from wiki that Barrick mined 7,700,000 oz gold in 2008 at a cash cost of 443 US dollars an ounze, and i wonder why people know that India bought 200 tonnes of gold at about 1045? Oh the IMF told you about it. It must be true i suppose.


    And i see the Chinese say they prefer US debt


    But hey you are the expert researcher

    Wheres goldfinger when you need some culling........?

  2. Thank you for your reply.


    So of your liquid assets you are totally committed to PM.?


    If so what % of your gross yearly income is in PM?


    I think that is an important factor to gauge your commitment?






    Im all in with my savings at the moment, all my income gets spent on cost of living so I doubt I will be buying any more PMs.

  3. Chris -CT


    "About 70% Gold, 30% Silver. Missed the palladium boat! This amounts to >1.5 years' gross salary for me

    Go to the top of the pageReport Post"





    This is a really helpfull post for people who are a little late for the start of the party, and encourages me to join in.


    Cheers Chris,


    Would anybody else like to add the current position.


    Mine of liquid assets is :- 10% gold 2% silver 88% sterling.


    My liquid savings are 3.5 times my income stream.








    80% gold, 20% silver.


  4. Did anyone notice that gold had broken out of it's falling wedge pattern last week?.... the next move up is underway.


    RH - there is a dollar thread and it needs repinning as we are already at the beginning of a major trend change in equities/gold/dollar.


    Its what we have been expecting (pix lines). Where do you think it will peak in dollars on this move up?

  5. What a complete and utter fool that man is - jumping from one declining currency to another - and even then managing to get it wrong. I remember him years ago on HPC telling all and any that gold was overbought at 600 USD - I pity anyone who listened to his advice.


    Because he sounds so smart, his dopey advice sounds smart too. Im just a fool and sound like one too but my advice and decisions have proved very profitable thanks too those who said gold was the place to be in this crisis.

  6. Maybe he thinks it's a potential bubble. Investors have bubble vision these days. Bubbles are everywhere. Many are investing in China while consciously aware it is becoming a bubble. The idea is to speculate and ride the bubble up, not to invest. This has to make for one incredibly unstable and easily spooked market... unless of course they all suddenly decide it's not a bubble, but good solid growth after all. Ship of fools. :lol:


    ftr, I don't think gold can get in a bubble today, not when currencies are coming unstuck, and money is remonetizing gold. Only assets can become bubbles... and you got to ask yourself; is gold just an asset today.... or morphing into a currency which itself prices assets.


    Perhaps he sees gold as the ultimate asset in much the same way as John Exeter did with the inverse pyramid.

  7. What I find interested about those prices is that the buy price for Maples and Nuggets is the same as for Kruggrands. However the fineness for Maples and Nuggets is 999.9 but 916.6 for Krugerrands. In Hong Kong, the prices are not the same with the Kruggerand selling/buying for around US$50 less.


    Why would someone buy Kruggers (with less gold content) than maples/nuggets if they are selling at the same price or conversely why would someone sell them at the same price?


    They all have the same gold content, 1 troy ounce or 31.1grams. Its just that the krugerrand has some copper in it as well which makes it larger and slightly heavier than 31.1g.

  8. I might not be smart enough to add much to the purpose of this website but I would like to think my posts do not have a damaging effect. Its a shame some others do not feel the same way. Its a good job Im not a moderator as id ban them all. If you dont like it the **** ***


    Thanks to those who add some great content to this site.

  9. I find it a pain in the @$$ that I regularly have to fund BV or sell gold to pay for the account fees.


    ? I have held gold in BV for two years and sold gold, withdrawn cash without paying any fees yet, although I owe them some money. They dont seem to be bothered about it.

  10. Also, In Apr'09, the World Gold Council released this plot:


    (from Page 5 here: http://www.gold.org/assets/file/rs_archive...April_2009.pdf)

    showing that even in Jan09, including all Registered AND Eligible stocks, they only had 30% of the total long contract available in their warehouses.


    Conveniently, they seem to have stopped producing that chart....But in any case the green band will be at about 8M Oz, and the eggshell one at about 1.7M Oz. Total long contracts anyone? - In any case, the Registered/Eligible proportions have reached historic lows.


    In answer to CJ, I think 'eligible' means either segregated for clients / themselves or simply not yet proved good for delivery. Whatever, 'eligible' seems to be growing and 'registered' shrinking.


    Its just a matter of time before a parabolic rise IMO but it could be a few years yet though. Thanks for the encouraging charts Chris. Silver is still very cheap if it is really a precious metal.

  11. I find the whole concept of "grassing-up" reprehensible, and when the government offers money to those prepared to inform on their neighbours, I am reminded of the GDR and other totalitarian states.


    Surely, the better thing to do is to approach the man who is cheating and confront him - is it not?


    I am always irked by those who park in disabled parking bays without any need. I know they are located nice and close to the shop entrance but it is not that which makes them essential to me when I take my disabled daughter shopping. It is the extra width which allows one to manipulate a non-standing, non-walking person from car seat to wheel-chair that I need - and in a normal-sized parking bay, this is simply not available. Therefore, when I see the underserving parking in disabled bays, I am very vocal in my questioning of them!! What I refuse to do is "grass them up". That way lies an informer society where the only winner is the state and no-one is able to trust his neighbour - divide and conquer - we all become slaves of the state rather than the state serving us.


    If there was five empty disabled bays, and you only needed one but someone undeserving had parked in a disabled bay as it was conveinient, as it was raining or late at night, would you still be vocal in questioning them or think of the bigger picture?

  12. Does anyone want to buy some silver? My mate has eagles, maples, mexican libertads, (all new from CID in tubes) a few kilo argor bars (nicest bars imo), an old 20 ounce coin and other bits and bobs if I remember correctly. He has 300 ounces total. I would buy it all but Im busy with a building project at the moment so spending more than im saving.

  13. I must admit my new two year plan isn't much different than my old two year plan. I do plan to ditch much of my sterling as I feel inflation will start to pick up after Q2.


    I know this has been done to death but how are other people diversifying? Anyone doing anything different this year?

    Much like wren, im planning to sell some gold late winter early spring but I will wait till summer and buy back in hopefully increasing the ounces. I will still hold my core position and silver.

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