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Posts posted by azazel

  1. Damn it! - Right in the middle of the olive picking rush. (It's this lousy quality of life we have in Portugal according to the latest country by country stats.)


    A thousand thxs for all the input guys.


    Who has a favourite live silver chart? - something easy like the BV gold charts please.


    I'm sure I could adjust to Kitcos given time, if I must.

    What about the Bullion Vault charts for silver? Go to the BV chart and click "metal" in the left hand corner and then select silver.



  2. I have a little experience to share with you all. Im a carpenter and I finished work on this 3 barn complex in Jan 2008. I had STR july 2007 and believed in a severe HPC. When we had finished the three barns the estate agents were called in to value them. The developer (who had sunk most of his ££ into the development) my m8 the builder and me sat in the kitchen and wrote down what we though they would be valued at. We all agreed arround £850,000, £750,000 and £575,000 for the three. He marketed them at those prices too. I said that he would be lucky to sell them for £450,000, £400,000 & £300,000. He laughed and said that he wouldnt make a bean if that was the case! He is now down to £339,000 for the smallest and the others are rented as far as I know.


    All through the Autumn and winter I was saying to him that there was going to be a massive HPC with bank failures, and that the banking system would collapse followed by a bailout that would cause hyperinflation, and that gold would do well. He just scoffed at me thinking, dumb carpenter, what does he know-Im a pwoperdee investor and a millyonair! I wonder what he thinks now.


    Im not being big headed about it, as the credit belongs to cgnao, goldfinger, financial planner, and others who I believed were right. Even Im shocked at how it all turned out. The only feature which is yet to happen is the massive inflation, but that is on the cards. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=aIGhSsRwtkoE

  3. Enough is enough!


    Ted Butler's latest -



    I think this bit is of interest


    He must know that the price of silver and gold would have been much higher than what they are now, if it were not for JPMorgan’s concentrated and excessive short-selling. In my estimation, if JPMorgan did not short sell more than 8,000 contracts, or 40 million ounces, silver would have been over $30 an ounce right now.



  4. I vote we scrap the gold trading thread and just pin goldfingers thread. It was his thread in the first place and was then messed about with. Just call it the gold thread. Its not rocket science is it? Im sure goldfinger wont mind people expressing thier views on trading it.

  5. I only buy commonly recognised bullion coins and bars. Eagles, maples, phillis, pandas, argor heraraus, credit suis, Johnson Matthey etc. They are more in demand so are easier to sell. I cant see this changing in the future.


    Old English silver coins often sell for below spot and this might change as they become more desireable.

  6. Someone added the "to da moon" part of the subtitle. But the "trading" remained. Why don't we keep it all neutral. Just something like:


    "The GOLD thread -- October 2009"

    "Facts, charts, and discussion on gold and related topics"

    I have a great idea.I propose that Goldfinger gets made a moderator and starts the new thread each month and the title. He can also moderate it. He effectively transfered the gold thread from HPC to GEI. He has also demonstated a gentlemanly manner so would make a good moderator. I suggest that a seperate thread could be started to discuss trading gold.



  7. FWIW I find all the photographs on this thread tedious and lower the level of debate. Just my view. I hope we don't get lots of personal arguments between posters contaminating what is otherwise a great forum.


    I'm back in the UK soon and will inspect my sovs from CID. Has anyone here ever got a dud one (fake) from CID? I did contemplate getting a FIsch coin checker but they are out of stok at moment it would appear. Any clues on how else to check a sov? Or are CID so reliable I don't need to worry?


    If you have gold and silver coins its a good idea to get some scales. Digital ones that measure 0.01 grams can be had on ebay for about £10. I check that they are the same thickness and diameter and about the same weight. A stack of victorians is taller (and more wobbley) than a stack of elizebeths though. The weight is 3.99 for a half and 7.98 for a full. This varies slightly depending on wear and the accuracy of the scales. 0.01grams is a tiny amount. I dont think you will have any trouble from CID. I have not had a fake yet from anyone. Not that I know of anyway!

  8. Blimey, hes really got under your skin. :rolleyes:


    Big T did well to sell out last spring, but we only know that now. Romans Holiday might do well to hold out for further dips, but we won't know that until later. I do not have the patience or the cool headedness so all in and sit tight is my plan. I sold 2kg once and crapped myself into panicing back in at a loss, even though I would have done Ok had I just waited a bit. We might be wrong though. No one here will tell a newbee to put all their money into gold as its a one way bet. (anyone dispute this?)

  9. Im sure Romans Holiday is capable of defending himself, but in support of him (as you unfairly have singled him out for a swampy attack (because you forgot the pills))......


    He has much of his wealth in PMs and still has some cash in currencies and is considering buying more if there is a further fall in price. We are of the same mind but you are looking at the tiny difference between us. Go and terrorize realist bear if you want a fight!


    Romans holiday is a smart guy and his views have shown a high level of wisdom in these times. The fact that he has not been offended by your extreme behaviour (which I find entertaining BTW) is a credit to him.


    You remind me of my father in law who is a religious bigot.(Except I do not like him) He is definatly right and everyone else is wrong. Only the future will prove you correct or wrong. If Romans Holiday does better out of his patience then he will have proved you wrong. If Gold tanks then he will have been less wrong than you.


    So there :P

  10. Dont forget to take your tablets Swampy, theres a good chap. :P


    Im all in and did so in one hit. Had I of averaged in, I would have had some cash to buy on the big dip in 2008 but I would only have been a bit up compared to when I did buy. Im up now mainly due to GBP falling. If you had no gold & silver would you go all in now?


    Yer, I think I still would actually!

  11. that is disgusting imo fitkid, please remove the picture, there are ladies viewing on this site ffs.


    Indeed. And gentlemen and children with a hamster.


    There are some very immature insecure annoying boorish posters here that are just a waste of bandwidth. Grow up.




    Checkmate! well said!!


    Have you guys seen what the vandals have done over at HPC? Please dont get any ideas DrBubb!

  12. I would not buy anything off them. ATS is a reliable supplier of 1kg gold bars and so is CID. ATS might haggle. ATS might be a few hundred quid more expensive but thats better than being ripped off £20,000!!! Also you will buy recognised bars from ATS, such as Credit Suise, Rothchilds & UBS that are easily recognised when it comes to resale and would not require assaying.

  13. 5kg of gold and 2.5kg of silver is "worth" about £104,000. That would buy you a little studio flat. I bet the guy who buried it 1300 years ago was a wealthy man but would be disapointed how his investment had done over the last 1300 years! It goes to show how cheap gold and silver are now.

  14. I agree completely.


    Many folks much wiser than us are issuing immediate and repeated warnings that we are in black swan territory *right now* - Faber, Sinclair, High, Stiglitz (Nobel prize winner - read his recent statements), Greenspan (read his CODED recent statements), the Mogambo!, the IMF EVEN (talking about the sustainability of the USD), CGNAO's latest (I entirely agree) about contango/USD - Jim Wille, Bill Murphy, Adrian Ash and PLENTY more. Ignore all these canaries at your financial peril! :o


    At what stage will you reduce your PM holdings? And then what?

  15. I would try to wait till after the G20 meeting on the 30th, there has got to be some major dollar issues being raised there. I unlike you don't have to worry about what to do with income at the moment, as my level of work is greatly reduced, currently am just in survival mode. What line of work are you in and where?


    My work as a carpenter/kitchen fitter has slowed right down. Im keeping busy with jobs at home though, like you, survival mode!


    I am not sold on this big crash in PMs, I think we will be on for a minor correction then off to the races. The Chinese should stop the price being taken down too far. I can't bring myself to trust any fiat at the moment, there are too many problems in the world.



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