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Everything posted by azazel

  1. I spoke wiith coin invest about this and they were agreeable to do a deal. So you could send them your gold coins for sale and they would send you sovereigns in return hopefully on more favourable terms than if you sold for cash and then bought.
  2. "My ultimate low for gold is $320" ......Errol will be pleased, although I think it is a rediculous suggestion and you have been wrong for years.
  3. What are the best bargains you have bought? Its just that there is an enormous feeling of smugness when you buy an unidentified gold or silver coin that turns out to be worth more than you paid for it. RecentlyI bought a set of 6 coins, one gold coloured and 5 silver coloured for £30 ish.. the gold one turns out to be a 10th of an ounce and three of the silver ones are 999 28g ounces and the other two are £5 legal coins now spent on beer at the local shop. I know, I know, but im kinda tickled by it....and the beer
  4. Someone got a bargain today, unfortunatly it wasnt me...... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/UK-Victorian-Coin-da...=item1e5bec4fb6
  5. Yes, I will second that. I can also admit that the buy and hold strategy is the least stressful, and the most profitable. I sold some gold at £24,150 hoping for a drop in prices so as to increase grams and so far it has failed badly! Fortunatly it was only a relatively small amount of my overal stash. Im still confident that gold will fall back over the summer but it hasnt finished going up yet.
  6. gold is at $1234.5 next time it will be $12345.6?
  7. Could it be that gold is facing resistance at 1000 euros like it did at $1000?
  8. They look nice in a stack IMO. Stacks of stacks look better still......
  9. Looks like their buisness has a shelf life on it then. As the price of silver rises, they will have to stay under the £18 limit although they could charge extra for postage.
  10. Silver really motoring in GBP here. CID are lagging behind spot prices IMO. CID sell £550....buy £428.... Latest from ATS as of 15:45 uk time...... silver 1 KG £605 inc VAT 1kg gold sell £27,890 - buy £26,030..(b,stards.....) £893 krugs £909 brits £23.50 silver brits
  11. He tried telling me that Bairds gold is rubbish and ATS only sell GDB. He suggested that Bairds cheque might bounce and his attitude was biggoted. Sandra is nice but dont know why she employed him though.
  12. Ive gone off ATS. They are too expensive to buy and offer a mean price for selling. Also, theres a guy who works there who is a total dick.
  13. Look at gold over the last 5 years and the sensible approach feels like buy and hold. I sold some when it looked toppy at euro 27,200 but now look at it!
  14. Interestingly, coin invest told me today that the largest item someone in Britain sold to them (sent to Germany) was a 12 ounce coin. Not one person in Britain has sent them a kilo bar, but they regularly recieve bars from other customers, particularly Germans. Surely not our friend G0ldfinger???? Clearly gold has yet to go mainstream, in Britain.
  15. Trouble is, although he said that he had been advised they were all pre 1920, there is at least one coin in there that looks newer and possibly some foreign ones too. The thing is I rushed into buying them. I might decline to buy them.... I had a bad day dooh!
  16. I won those coins on ebay. 180496346655 I think I may have bid too much as I calculated my bid based on the troy ounce price and I now suspect that he has weighed them on the kitchen scales at 44 ounces. What do you think, did I pay too much?
  17. Silver is on a run and clearly breached £12 an ounce now. CID have been charging £499.49 a KG for a while now regardles of variations at comex but they have increased the price now to £512.30. Anyone else bid on the 44 ounces of silver coins on ebay?
  18. Come on, own up, who out bid me on these? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...utorefresh=true BTW, do you recon that guy was getting irritated about the interviewer slamming his bars on the table? I might of thumped him.
  19. Is silver a better buy than gold? http://www.arabianmoney.net/gold-silver/20...-buy-than-gold/ Interviewer is a bit of a dick, but interesting all the same......
  20. Better to drop it on an estate agents foot when he ask for evidence that you can afford the house costing 2 million that you have requested to look round......
  21. Yes it does come in a plastic card with all the details printed on it. The card has a coin capsule moulded into it so you can pop the lid of to stroke it if you must. I think its worth having a bit of the purist gold you can get and I much prefer the design which is the same as the 100kg coin. Errol, I like the silver eagle (I have no gold eagles), nice coin, but I prefer the pandas.
  22. Have you got one of the 99999 maples? I think its my favorite 1 ounce coin. Im suprised you got red spot on 999 gold.
  23. I give up, whats your favourite oz coin chris?
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